
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 2: Calm before the storm

(Naruto's room next morning)

Naruto awoke slightly to the sound of his door slowly opening. He looked toward the door to see a very cute looking Kurotsuchi looking at him with only a very large pink t-shirt that matched her eyes and some barely visible white panties on. Naruto blushed a bit looking at her adorable form in his doorway.

"~Ohhhh Whisker-kun it's time to wake up. I'm gonna make some breakfast" Kurotsuchi said in sing song voice that sounded like sounded like music to his ears.

'Does seem like she's trying a bit hard I guess you were right huh dad. . .not that mind' Naruto thought to his demon of a father. "It seems so just try not to get to attached to her unless you know who she's truly going to be loyal to" Said Kurama.

"well I guess its time to get up." Naruto got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Coming out he smelled the delicious aroma that was bacon and eggs. He slowly trekked towards the kitchen, he soon came in to see Kurotsuchi had changed her clothes to her ninja outfit.

"Smells delicious Kuro-chan." Naruto said with a grin as she set his plate down gently in front of him.

"Well make sure you hurry up Whisker-kun. Jiji said he just got a mission and is sending a couple teams, ours included and that it would be a good opportunity for you to show your stuff." Naruto smiled and began shoveling the scrumptious food down with vigor.

"Alright let me go throw on my clothes and I'll be ready." Naruto ran up stars after washing his plate. He soon came downstairs with all of his gear on ready to go.

Naruto looked at Kurotsuchi who was standing by the door waiting for him. "Alright lets go." Kurotsuchi nodded and smiled as they began to hop the rooftops going to the Tsuchikage tower.

(Tsuchikage tower)

Kurotsuchi knocked before hearing her grandfather to tell her to come in. As Naruto followed in her looked around to see multiple jounin in the room some with surprised look's on their face some with looks of hate.

"Now that everyone is here I'm going to inform you all, we are going to launch an attack on Kiri to assist the rebels. They have promised us 2 of their bloodlines and trade agreements to the land of frost's canal. (AN: Made that up) So we will be assisting in the rebels against the Mizukage's forces. Everyone who is being sent has received their orders through the scrolls you should have picked up, Kitsuchi will be leading the Company of soldiers to the Rebels Camp for immediate assistance. You all have your orders, move out."

Soon the room was cleared out with all but four people, Naruto, Onoki, Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi. "Well boy looks like you get to prove yourself a little earlier than expected. How much control do you have over the kyuubi?" Onoki asked with a smile.

"Full control. If you want me to take down Yagura using my bijuu's power it wont be necessary. I'm positive, I'll be able to take him down without using the kyuubi's chakra ." Naruto said with a calm look on his face.

Onoki stared at him wide eyed. If what he said was true it would easily put him at kage level and even if it wasn't, If he had full control of the Kyuubi then that made him kage level easily also. So if both things he said were true then. . . . well he better make sure this kid is on his side.

"Alright kid I'll give you, your shot at that Admiral rank you want. Just remember your going to have to do something extreme to get such a rank boy." Onoki grinned as he saw Naruto do the same. He then tossed the boy a Iwa head band with dark red cloth.

Naruto caught the headband and tide it loosely around his neck and smiled. "No one will ever forget what I do on that battlefield I can promise you that."

Onoki nodded. "Good, good. Now get to the gate I need to talk to these two for moment." Naruto nodded and disappeared in flash. "Now Kurotsuchi how are things going with him."

Kurotsuchi gain a tick mark. "Gramps its been a day these things take time I cant just jump him and make him fall for me. On top of that if I move to fast he'll know without a doubt that we are trying to make get him fall for me."

Onoki huffed. "Gees you kid's make things so complicated these days." Kurotsuchi just shook her head as did her father but for different reason entirely. I mean who would want there daughter to have mission to seduce anyone right?

"Well at any rate try to pick up the pace if what he said about his skills were true

(At the main gate)

Naruto was getting many mixed stares from just about everyone until one guy with long blond hair and blue eyes like his own was in front of him. Wearing black pants, a long sleeved red shirt and normal black shinobi sandals. He had his headband around his head though you could only see it cause of one large bang in front of his face.

"Hey there you must be my new teammate huh? The names Deidara yeah" he said with a laugh following. Naruto stared for a second then nodded his head towards him. "Yea I am and I'm Naruto Namikaze look's like we'll be working together for a little while I guess."

Deidara nodded and looked to the front of the company seeing his sensei about to say something. "Alright you all have your orders. We're going to stop the Mizukage from killing anymore innocent people and show why Iwagakura is the strongest hidden village there is, Now it's time to move out!" Naruto and Deidara Joined Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi in the front and began their journey to the Kiri rebel base which was located on one of their many islands. They would need to take a boat from the coast which would take a couple days.

(A couple days later on the ship that Naruto and his team was on)

Kurotsuchi was walking onto the deck to see Naruto looking off into the distance. She decided to spend some quality time with him, since her grandfather was being so damn impatient.

Naruto herd some one behind he looked and saw Kurotsuchi which brought a slight grin to his face. "hello there Kuro-chan what brings you out on this nice misty evening before war." Naruto said sarcastically. "Well I figured you'd want some wonderful company before you have to put on a show for the entire shinobi nation to take notice." She said with cute smile as she leaned in close to him.

"Hmmm that is ideal" 'hmm wonder if I should call her out on it already or just play along like I don't know. What you think dad.' Naruto thought. "Hmm why not just to see her reaction since she very well may die in this war" Kurama said back. Naruto didn't like that thought at all, true he didn't know her all that well but he knew he didn't want her to die.

He leaned in close to her ear and grinned like a mad man "Except I'd like it if you weren't assigned a mission to get in my pants." Kurotsuchi's eyes widened and was ready to jump back away until she felt his arm slide around her waste. She looked up to see him looking at her with predatory look like she was a piece filet mignon, which sent a tingle down her spine.

"Now, now no need to get all jumpy. I just want you to know that I know." He then leaned down again. With his mouth at her eat so much so she could feel his breath against her skin and whispered In lust filled words. "And I don't care. One. Bit." Ending with nibble on her earlobe. He leaned back up to see her eyes in dream land.

'Oh yea I definitely got it' He smiled to himself, until their moment was interrupted by the sound of Kitsuchi yelling out orders, to be ready to move out in a hour or so.

"Damn that sucks hu-" he was silenced by Kurotsuchi slamming her lips against his in a hungry kiss. She wrapped both arms around his pulling him deeper into the kiss sliding her tongue into his mouth. He pulled her in closer with the arm around her waste as they battled for dominance with the kiss. After what felt like seconds she pulled away with a string of saliva connecting them and then dropping.

She looked into his deep blue orbs called eyes and grabbed him by his collar with both hands and brought his face nose to nose with hers. "I swear if you die I'll bring you back and melt your nuts off with a lava justu so make sure you survive this got it!" Naruto's hand subconsciously went to his testicles, even though he could turn into magma himself the thought was still scary as hell. With that he nodded quickly like a little boy who had been scolded.

With that she gave him a Cheshire grin and walked off to get ready. 'd-damn. . . that was awwwwesome' Naruto thought to himself with a grin of his own. "HEY! GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME ITS TIME FOR WAR!" 'Gees I can see your really excited for this huh?'

Naruto then went and grabbed his things from his room and began following his team off the ship into the camps. He saw they were heading towards the camp central everyone so often he would steal a glance at Kurotsuchi, that she would return with a grin.

After traveling into the camp, It wasn't that impressive seeing as they were the resistance. The tents looked a bit worn out, as did all of the men who had been fighting in the war since the begging. The Team found themselves in the presence of the rebel leader Mei Terumi. "I thank you for assistance Iwa shinobi I don't think we would be able to finish this war out ourselves. Since Yagura is a Jinchuriki" She said addressing the higher ups. Naruto grinned hearing they were so frightened by Yagure simply because he was Jinchuriki.

"Since we have more power with Iwa aiding us, we will be sending squads to the prisoner camps so that we can gain as much strength back as possible. Once that is complete and we have gained enough power, we will attack Yagura's main force. This all must be done with in a weeks time, since we have been able to cut off most off his supplies. Yagura's forces are as weak as their going to get which means we need to strike fast and hard. We believe once enough his forces are gone Yagura will show himself and use his Bijuu on our forces. Once this happens we will need to bombard him with continuous collaboration jutsu, this will force him back into his human form once he looses enough power. Then this war will end with us being the victor's." Mei finished looking around to many unsure faces on the last part of her plan.

"I'll handle Yagura myself." Naruto stated. everyone in attendance stared wide eyed, even Kurotsuchi and Kitsuchi were surprised. They both knew he had to do something big but this wasn't what they had in mind going one v one with the Mizukage.

"And what makes you so confident that you can defeat him boy Jinchuriki are on a whole other level, their monsters and Yagura is the most ruthless one." A man with an eye patch said to Naruto almost sneering at him.

Mei was going to scold Ao for talking to an ally like that but she was also interested what this boy had up his sleeve. Naruto smirked, then a horrible feeling covered the room. It was like the air became saturated with evil. The gravity in the room felt like it had doubled for most. Everyone looked at Naruto to see an almost red aura coming off of him.

"Well that's because your wrong my friend, I am the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko and the title of most ruthless Jinchuriki belongs to me. Not that I will need the Kyuubi's help to take on that oversized sea turtle. Hahahaha" Naruto began a somewhat maniacal laugh. The feeling in the room had disappeared completely as Naruto began to walk out until he stopped at the tent entrance, and looked back. "Just get their army to gather in one large force and I'll take care of them all."

He then turned and walked out going to his tent. "Well that's quite the shinobi you have there" Mei said as everyone nodded as if agreeing with her. "Yea he is, I just hope he knows what he's doing" Kitsuchi answered back

(Naruto's tent a week later)

Naruto was laying down relaxing before he went into battle. He was extremely antsy to get out and do some fighting since the leaders wanted him to be at one hundred percent for the final a battle. Though the week wasn't a total waste he and Kurotsuchi got to spend quality time together even going as far as to open up to each other about some of their past. Kurotsuchi told Naruto about her losing her mother to a leaf shinobi their Haruno clan and vowed to get revenge any way she could. (AN: kukukuku can you tell where I'm going with this.) Naruto told her about the abuse he endured at the hands of the village, needless to say they had grown closer.

Right now he was thinking of the various ways he could dismember an army. His ice would with out a doubt come in handy since most likely, the enemy would be using water type attack's. His thoughts were interrupted when he herd his tent open up.

He looked to see Kurotsuchi walking in with most of her battle gear off. She slowly made her way towards him and sat on top of his lap looking down at him. She had somewhat of a serous expression on her face. "Are you sure you can do what you say?"

Naruto was a bit surprised at her question. "absolutely especially sense most of the people in this village use water jutsu it gives me a distinct advantage that I didn't need in the first place." Kurotsuchi raised her eyebrows. 'why would that give him an advantage? Is he a strong lighting type?' Her musing was brought to an abrupt end when she felt her hand grabbed by his, as he brought his up to his face and began to gently place kisses over the top of it.

"Hmm Kurotsuchi-hime are you really that worried about me? We haven't even started dating yet." He said with a grin as he saw her blush. "Idiot of course I care your the first person to see me as me." Naruto then stopped grinning and looked at her somewhat confused, until it finally clicked about what she was talking about. Being the granddaughter of the Tsuchikage cant be easy living in his shadow, I mean the dudes been around since the hidden villages were even made.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Naruto said and continued with a sincere voice, as he leaned up face to face. "I don't know what it's like to live in someone's shadow like that, but I do know how it feels to be alone and completely shunned by an entire village. . .well what I'm trying to say is I'm no stranger to hurt Kurotsuchi."

She nodded and said "I know Naruto-kun" as she and leaned down to capture his lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss. She could feel herself getting goose bumps as she began to deepen the kiss sliding her tongue into his mouth and putting all her weight onto his chest causing him to fall onto his back as they kept making out.

Naruto was surprised at the incentive she was taking although he wasn't complaining he loved the attention he was getting. Naruto began to move his hands around her body as he smiled and pulled away from her displeasure.

"We should get some rest especially if I want to be one hundred percent for this fight coming. They said a week so the deadline is tomorrow, you'll finally get to see me in action Kuro-chan " Kurotsuchi nodded and smiled at his cockiness but it was part of his charm.

She then thought back to the meeting after Naruto had left. "They said the battle is going to be a bloody mess since this where the final battle will be. . . please make it back to me, your the first person in a long time I've really been able to feel a connection with." She said as she laid her head on his chest snuggling into him as he wrapped the covers around them.

"I promise you no weapon in Yagura's arsenal has enough power to completely kill me." He assured her with a gentle kiss on her head. Both of the two began to drift off into sleep, unknown that a fox was watching with a gentle smile on his face. 'Enjoy this Naruto you deserve to be happy more than anyone I know my boy'.