
Naruto: The Best Naruto Neglect/Dark/Banishment Stories

These will be the best Naruto neglect/dark/hate/banishment stories by several different authors. All authors will get credited. Most of the stories will be abandoned stories. Enjoy

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs

Chapter 1: Starting up!

(Halfway from Konoha to land of Earth's border 5 years after the Kyuubi attack)

Running that's exactly what Naruto was doing. Running for his life the hidden leaf village was miles in the opposite direction he was running. Yesterday had been the last day he would be mistreated, yesterday the village lost their 'demon brat' their punching bag.

'One day I'm going watch that village burn to the ground dad' Naruto thought.

"Yes kit and burn it shall but all good things come to those who wait my son. Look out!" Kurama shouted as Naruto fell down a very large hill. Naruto was eventually stopped by something very hard and very cold.

"Ugghh it feels like I hit a steel door!" Naruto said in a groan as he then moved his hands to get his bearing's as he felt something cold and hard through some dirt, leaves and vines.

Naruto began to move some things around and found a lever and pulled it open to see a staircase going down. 'Dad do you think I should go in there?' "You don't have much of a choice kid I feel several chakra signatures coming towards you location and fast hurry up cover your tracks. Get in there and lock the door." Kurama said with a sense of urgency.

Naruto quickly did as he was told and went into the door locking it behind him. 'Great dad I cant see now.' "Shut up and channel some chakra into your eyes" Doing as his father said Naruto channeled chakra then began to see everything much clearer. He began walking down the steps then came to hallway. After walking down the hallway for some time he came to an odd door with a weird smiley face and diagonal line going through it.

Naruto proceeded to open the door he could see it was a rather large room with some shelves filled with books and a couple racks of swords. He also saw multiple chests around the place. He closed the door behind him and as he did that the lights cut on scaring him a bit. There was a giant screen on the wall to the left, soon it cut on to show a man with weird red tinted sun glasses and blond hair.

"Hello my lucky friend. You have just hit the jackpot because in this base of mine I hold multiple treasures that you have now inherited. That's right YOU!. hahahaha Well unfortunately due to that bastard Law selling me out I'm fairly certain Kaido will be coming for me. So I thought I would just seal my best treasures away for the luckiest man or woman to find. There are books in the drawer below this screen it will tell you all of the treasures and resources in this base. SO GOOD LUCK ON WHATEVER YOUR DOING AND HAVE A BLAST! HAHAHA. oh before I forget the fruit in the chest right there." He points to one of the smaller chests in the room. "Has a devil fruit with the power of Glint Glint, Magma Magma, and Ice Ice devil fruit. So it would definitely be in your best interest to eat that thing before anyone else gets there hands on it. There is book that will explain about it in better detail in the chest with it . Well then this is goodbye HAHAHAHA."

"Was it just me or was that guy a little crazy?" "Doesn't matter go check out that chest and see what's so special about this fruit he mentioned." Kurama said. Naruto did as he was told and looked in the chest to see a book and under that a giant strawberry looking fruit. The bottom was blue the middle was golden and the top was red. He looked into the book to see a picture of the fruit and an entry next to the picture.

Name: the thermo thermo furit

Appearance: a giant strawberry blue on the bottom, gold in the middle and red on the top.

Type : Lugia

Description of abilities: Allows the user to turn to a gas similar to the smoke smoke fruit. Also allows the user to control the temperature to such a degree where the user can make Ice out of the air or turn the temperature up to such a degree that can turn earth to magma and give user control of said magma or create controlled flames by the user.

This fruit also has the ability to change the user into a beam of light and move at the speed of light. Attacks can be made of the light that is used in various ways suited to the user of this fruit.

Drawbacks: If the fruit is eaten the user of this fruit will lose the ability to swim and will sink like a hammer in water also sea water will substantially weaken the user of this fruit.

"What do you think dad I think this fruit is well worth not being able to swim." Naruto asked his father. "I couldn't agree more my boy the pros far out weigh the cons" Kurama stated

With that Naruto ate the fruit and began to explore different parts of the base finding a bathroom with multiple shower supplies and many different showers. A kitchen stocked with goods that were almost all non edible due to the time they had been sitting there. And finally Naruto found a giant fucking arena.

"Wow think this guy was loaded or what dad?" Naruto asked his father rhetorically. "It is quite the impressive sight to see my boy to think something like this was hiding in the land of fire all this time. Well enough lollygagging we don't have forever and you have more then enough to keep you busy so get to work!" Kurama commanded, and got to work they did.

During the first year Naruto worked completely on chakra control. Getting to the point where he could walk on water on his fingers for hours on end. His father constantly beat it into his head that he would not have his son drowned due to lack of chakra control. While it was true Naruto could simply freeze the water his father said you should never rely on one tool to much otherwise it would be your downfall.

After that Naruto began working on his devil fruit powers which took the longest seeing how he had so many different powers and abilities at his disposal he wanted to be able to fully utilize them all to their maximum potential. Mastering his devil fruit took the better part of 5 years not that he hadn't worked on his knowledge of things and his psychical abilities.

Naruto had already began plotting what his next move would be after his training he deemed it best to head to Iwa as they also held a great hate for Konoha and despite his father they would have more to gain by letting him help destroy the leaf village then simply killing him off. Not they could, I mean if he wanted he could simply use his light powers and be out of there in a flash ironic really seeing as that was his biological fathers nickname.

Speaking of which during this time Naruto saw fit to open the cage and in doing so his father had showed up in his conscious. He had seen everything and even though he wished Naruto would let things go he told his son that no matter what path he chose even if it was the destruction of the hidden leaf he would always be proud of him.

Naruto was also able to meet his mother and after telling her everything that had happened to him. She told him she wished she could be right there with him when he burned the village down. Which caused him to laugh a bit but also happy to know his mother very much approved of what he was planning. After telling him he would always be her baby and that she always loved him she gave him a hug and kiss on the forehead and disappeared.

This caused his drive to destroy Konoha that more potent that he knew his mother was behind him. In the next 3 years Naruto had almost mastered his Armament Haki and slightly perfected his observation Haki. Although he couldn't get very far seeing as he had nothing to dodge.

He had also picked up on his Rokushiki learning Soru and Shigan. Naruto was eating up the two techniques like they were ramen. He had also become slightly interested in sword play and pick up on style called Ittoryu.

Once the final year came Naruto began to refine all of his skills making sure everything was as sharp as possible. He began going over some of the other treasures that Dolfamingo had again since he knew what they all where he just wanted to see if they might be of some use to him. He found some clothes and also a Nice sword that could be used.

The handle was black with dark crimson katana wrapping around it making the normal diamond pattern the guard was sharp squared box with the sides slightly going in. The blade itself was White with dark red waves like the blood that would soon be covering the blade. The sheath was simple black wooden sheath with dark crimson rope wrapping around the top.

Naruto had grown a lot since the begging of his training. He now stood a whopping 5'11 and 225lbs. He was easily on the muscular side while not to bulky you could definitely tell the dude lifted.

Naruto's Final Outfit was a black short sleeve form fitting shirt with black and grey camo cargo pants with many pockets that where tucked in to the black boots with grey fur on the top of them. Over all of this he had on a dark crimson red jacket that he left open, with black fur on the collar, along the bottom and around the wrists, and on the back was big black Kanji for Admiral. (AN: think of smokers jacket but with my color scheme and with out the cigar holsters.)

Naruto looked at himself in the mirror and laughed. "ohhh yea I look bad ass." "Shut up already! Get all of your shit Naruto it's time to get out of here your training is done. Its time to head to Iwa."

"Yea your right." Naruto said as he sealed everything up into a couple scrolls and put them into his ninja pouch on his back. Naruto then began walking out of the place giving it one last look and then finally shutting the lights off and walking out.

Naruto walked outside sealing up the door. and began to walk towards Earth country eventually getting to the Land of waterfalls (AN: Made that up) Naruto had heard of Taki and was debating going there and seeing some sights but decided against it, just in case some one spotted him.

Naruto was getting near the towards the Earth Country boarder, until he herd sounds of battle. Natural curiosity took over and he began going to the sounds of battle. "You know curiosity killed the cat my boy" Kurama stated joking a bit. "Except I'm a Fox not a cat and a very powerful one I might add." Naruto stopped to see a large man in Iwa uniform with a red bandana around his head he also had a very large nose and pointed beard going up.

Behind him was a girl to which Naruto thought her eyes alone where simply beautiful. Pupil-less pink eyes, short black hair. She wore the standard Iwa uniform only with the left sleeve missing and a black Katana on her back hip.

Surrounding them were what looked to anbu with no marks on their mask's their were around nine of them not counting the two in the tree's observing. With quick stealth like precision Naruto used two light beams. and killed the men hiding with out anyone noticing. He couldn't have them reporting back to whoever it is they were working for.

"You go tell your master in Konoha I said to fuck off, I'll die before I let you take my daughter for her kekkei genkai." The tall man said as his fists turned to earth.

"So be it kitsuchi-san we tried to be civil." The nine ROOT operatives all grabbed their tanto's and unsheathed them getting ready to attack.

"So is this what Konoha has been up to for the past ten year I've been gone?" Everyone looked up to a branch above and behind the ROOT operatives, just then two bodies fell from the tree. They were two dead ROOT soldiers "'tch' No wonder why I'm so set on watching Konoha burn to the ground."

The leader of the ROOT group herd what he said and then it clicked. "You boy are you Naruto Uzumaki?"

Naruto grabbed his chin in a thinking pose then pointed at the man that spoke and said with a sarcastic tone. "I'm almost positive there should be a Namikaze somewhere in there"

Now that got gasp's from the girl Iwa shinobi and caused the man to go wide eyed.

"Team this mission has been changed the main objective is to bring Uzumaki-san back to the village" The ROOT leader stated.

"Now I wonder is that perhaps because I'm the son of the fourth Hokage or" Naruto then looked at the group with a serous expression "because I'm the Kyuubi's Jinchuriki?"

Just then the ROOT moved in only to see a flash of yellow go above them and then beams of light rain down on them killing all of them before they knew what happened.

Naruto then appeared in front of the Kitsuchi and his daughter with a serous expression. This in turn put both Kitsuchi and his daughter on guard.

"Listen I have a request I would like to ask of you sir." Kitsuchi slowly nodded seeing as there was no harm in seeing what this boy had to say.

"I wish for you to take me to Iwa so I can join your village" Now Kitsuchi was seasoned shinobi and with that he always expected the unexpected but this, this was just insane.

"W-why would you want to join my village kid. Your from the leaf after all" Kitsuchi stated with a rock hard gaze seeing if the boy would lie.

"The only attachment I have to the leaf is that want to burn it down to its very foundation!" Naruto said letting out some killer intent on accident. He then regained his composure and looked at Kitsuchi for an answer.

"I cant promise you that you'll be welcomed in fact you'll probably be down right hated." Kitsuchi stated.

Naruto nodded. "All I ask his a meeting with your Tsuchikage if after that you can do whatever you want" Naruto put his hands in front up him. "If you would like I'll agree to where chakra cuffs."

Kitsuchi nodded at this and took out a pair and cuffed Naruto's hands in front of him. "Come one We're gonna have to start walking since your chakra is sealed away. This is my daughter " He introduced.

Kurotsuchi gave him a skeptical look and nodded her head towards him obviously not trusting him. "I'm Kurotsuchi Granddaughter of the Tsuchikage and one the only yoton users in my village." She said with proud smile.

Naruto let one of his fox like smiles go at her. " A pleasure I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Son of Konoha's Red death Kushina Uzumaki and Yellow Flash Minato Namikaze and the third Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko strongest of all nine tailed beast's." Naruto said with equal pride.

As they began walking towards Iwagakura Naruto would every so often steel a glance at Kurotsuchi much to her annoyance and curiosity "What are you looking at?" Naruto flashed another smile." I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you I've just never seen eyes as beautiful as yours. I was wondering are they some sort of Kekkei Genkai?" Naruto asked. "Hmm I don't know they could be" Kurotsuchi said in a sly voice. "Get ready were here." She said as she grabbed his right arm holding him like a prisoner.

"Yo Kurai were reporting in with a prisoner." Kurai the gate keeper nodded with wide eyes looking at the prisoner.

"Yo kid put get ready just case cause some people might flip when they see you." Naruto nodded and looked at Kurotsuchi. "Think I should be worried?"

Kurotsuchi would have replied if she didn't have jump up and kick a ninja back just Kitsuchi stopped two ninja in front. But no one except well Naruto saw the last man coming from behind.

"DIE YELLOW FLASH!" The gain man yelled as he brought his ax down on Naruto, but then something happened that no one expected. The ax broke into pieces as almost half of Naruto's head and face were pitch black.

"Maa Maa my apologies big man that looked like a nice ax I'll pay for It later." Naruto said as he kept walking nonchalantly towards the kage tower.

(Tsuchikage tower)

Onoki was sitting facing something worse the yellow flash could ever be. . .Paperwork. He prayed for anyone to come in and interrupt his pain, and he got his wish when a knock came. "Come in."

Then walked in his Granddaughter followed by his son in law and then. . . . The clone of Minato Namikaze?

"Tsuchikage we're here to report the mission was a success. We were however ambushed by a group of ROOT agents." This caught Onoki's attention and got his stare away from Naruto. "What?! That damn Danzo keeps getting more and more bold. Soon were going to have no choice but to declare war on The hidden leaf, Not that I wouldn't mind killing them but going to war with the leaf would be simply foolish."

"I think I can help with that." Came Naruto's voice as he and Onoki looked each other in the eyes. "and who are you brat" Naruto smiled. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze , Holder of the Nine tailed demon fox and the man who is going to be the single greatest weapon this village has ever had at it's disposal." Naruto said with massive fox like grin as he watched Onoki's eyes widen.

"So Minato had a son. No doubt your mother is Kushina I assume." Naruto nodded. "Hmm with blood like that I have no doubt your going to be some kind a of monster when it comes to killing especially if your the Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi. Hmmm Why would you want to be a weapon of this village boy. Why not follow your fathers legacy."

" 'Tch' The only legacy I have is to watch the leaf village burn before my feet I've endured too much torture from that village while the hokage knew damn well who my father was and did nothing." Naruto looked into Okoni's eyes daring him to say he was lying.

"Hmm I believe you my boy. I've only ever seen that look in some one's eye who has truly been wronged before." Naruto grinned at hearing this.

"But you must understand we cant just let some one especially leaf in because I trust them therefore. Kurotsuchi you will be escorting Naruto around for the next 3 months. Help him get acquainted with everyone I'll give you complex that should be able to fit around 6 comfortably. Does that sound ok?"

Naruto nodded. "Although there's one other thing I want before you send me off."

Onoki's brow raised" Ohh what's that?"

"I want a special rank similar to the Sannin except with the name Admiral. I wont just leave whenever I please but I only answer to you. Also If I'm attacked I will defend myself I wont kill anyone unless a preciouses person of mine is in danger. Which I don't have any at the moment but I'm hoping to make a few." Naruto said with slight look toward Kurotsuchi.

"Hmmm fine but you will only get that rank after you show me your capabilities, which you can do in a couple of days and you must compete in the chunin exam's I'll put you on Kitsuchi's team with Kurotsuchi and Deidara since you seem to trust the two of them." Naruto nodded and began to walk out until he stopped halfway out and turned his head slightly back to look at Onoki.

"Just wondering where are the chunin exam's being held this year?" Naruto asked as Onoki laughed. "Why Konoha of course my boy!" Naruto had the biggest most devil like grin that was ever possible. "That's perfect" He said as he walked out.

Once he began walking out of the office he began to walk out he saw Kurotsuchi waiting for him.

"Hello there Kuro-Hime are you here to escort me around?" He asked with a sly smile.

She cutely nodded back as he then smiled and began walking with her. "So where should we go first?"

"Oh I know how about you show me how strong you are huh big man" She said as she slapped him on the back. "I'm fine with that. As long as your ok with getting embarrassed." He replied and laughed as they started walking toward training ground 33.

"Alright Whiskers you ready?!" Naruto slightly twitched at being called whiskers. "I'm going to make you pay for that little girl" Kurotsuchi also twitched at this.

"Soru" Naruto disappeared surprising Kurotsuchi with her speed as Naruto appeared to her side with kick to the side of her body that sent her rolling. "Come on Kuro-chan you gotta do better than that if you wana keep up with me" Naruto taunted a bit as he smiled jumping up and down.

'W-what the hell I couldn't even follow his movements what kind of technique is that.' She was cut off as she barely dodged another kick as he jumped back and saw him charging not as fast just a normal run. She went through some hand signs.

"Earth style-Earth wall" As large wall of earth rose up she jumped back and heard the word. "Harden" Just then the wall came crumbling down as she could see Naruto had just. . .PUNCHED IT!? 'W-what the hell?!'.

She then noticed his arms were black all the way up to his forearm. "Kuro-chan just a little warning don't let me connect with when my hands and feet are like this or you'll be in a world of hurt" Naruto said with a wicked grin, that made Kurotsuchi gulp a bit.

Naruto then charged at her and began throwing combo's it got to the point where one punch landed on Kurotsuchi's forearm when she blocked and she could feel the bones in her arm begin to crack. "aghh" She jumped back as Naruto stopped and looked at her with a bit of concern.

"Hey you alright?" He began to walk up to her. "Yea I think we should call it a day it feels like my arm just broke." She said holding her right arm as it was begging to swell.

Naruto then gentle to his hand and rubbed it over the wound making her blush a bit. "Don't be alarmed but this will help with the swelling." He said as he touched where it was starting to swell and a thing lair of ice started forming over it. "W-whoa how did you do that?" Naruto smiled.

"How about we discuss that another time. I promise I'll tell you soon." She laughed at the Irony of the situation. "Well lets go home haha." Naruto stopped for a second. "W-what?" She started walking. "Oh didn't gramps say we're gonna be housemates hahaha he wants me to keep an eye on you at all times."

"Well I approve of her as mate she's got a lot of potential" Commented Kurama 'Hmmm I think I agree with you on that among other things' Naruto thought watching her hips sway back and forth. "OI wait up!"

As they got to the house it a was pretty decent size Naruto didn't mind sense he live underground most of his life. "You can take the room across from my mine I'm going to the hot spring in the back if you want care to join me" As she started to walk of with some extra sway in her hips. 'd-damn'

He shook his head and began to unpack his stuff putting a couple pictures up of him growing up and a picture of his parents he found in a shop once. He started filling his closet with clothes.

After he was done he took a quick shower and got out with some red basketball shorts on and black tank top as he laid down on his bed. He herd Kurotsuchi come into the house and across the room from her before she called out. "Goodnight Whisker-kun" "Goodnight my Hime" Naruto laughed a bit as he herd her door slam. He then proceeded to go to sleep.