
Naruto: Tanaka Hatake

Tanaka Hatake, the cousin of Kakashi Hatake and the one who is expected to the strongest of his generation. Follow me as we see how his life in the world of Naruto goes. ------------------------ Gonna be an AU. Expect 2 or 3 chapters weekly.

Fire_Boy_5319 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs




"It's the eye of the tiger

It's the thrill of the fight

Rising up to the challenge of our rival

And the last known survivor

Stalks his prey in the night

And he's watching us all with the eye of the tig.." A happy Tanaka could be seen walking down the streets of Konoha, singing happily.

He's this happy because he is almost as strong as a Kage now with all the power-up he got with his already good chakra control. He can use all the elemental jutsus and is very adept in Earth and Lightning style. But with the help of Sharingan he can almost use any jutsu he knows with photographic memory. Not to mention the wood style H-cell gave him.

It is nothing like the og hokage's but it is not weak either. If given a surprise blow most shinobis would suffer under his hands.

Today Tanaka took a day off as he wanted to just enjoy life for a bit without any stress. 

'Now that I've fuck up cannon fully, should I be concerned?' Tanaka thought his actions already made Kabuto have H-cells and Sasuke lost his eye. He probably earned the wrath of Itachi and potentially Obito so he has to become a bit more stronger.

'Naruto should leave anytime now and in the next 2 years Konoha will remain safe cannononically…. But trusting cannon is just stupidity.'

'I am confident that I can kill a Kage if I take them by surprise but guys like Pain, Obito, B-zetsu and Madara are not that easy… hmm… I should buy something like a bow, it should complement my Mangekyo ability too.'

He then turned around and started walking towards a famous weapon store where he usually buys weapons. He did attract quite an attention from the public as he was quite attractive and ash grey hair like his was rare.

"That kid's gonna be a heart throb when he grows up."

"Lucky brat…"

But tanaka didn't mind their words and just kept walking, his dress didn't help with the situation too as his casual clothes had become tight, revealing his muscles more than he prefers to.

'I should buy new sets of clothes after this.' He made a mental note and entered the weapon store.

"Welcome! Oh it's you Tanaka-san!" He was greeted by Tenten who was taking care of her family's store. She was accompanied by another girl, Ino Yamanaka who was there to buy her essential stuff.

Tanaka just nodded and proceeded to look around for what he came for.

"Hey Tenten, who's he?" Ino asked, a little dazed by Tanaka's appearance and allure.

"Oh, he's Kakashi-sensei's cousin brother. He was in the same year as me but he attended the chunin exam before us and became a chunin." Tenten then motioned Ino to come a little closer as she whispered to her ear.

"Don't say this out but I heard he joined the Anbu corps."

"Really?" Ino asked back in shock as it was impressive for someone so young to be accepted into the Anbu.


"How do you know him?" Ino asked, wanting to get as much info as she can get.

"Besides seeing him in the shop, he trains with Gai-sensei sometimes." Tenten said. Tanaka does train with Gai sometimes to push his body further than his power can.

"He trains with that guy??" Ino tried imagining her 'ideal crush' wearing a green jumpsuit and training with Gai and shuddered.

"Haha, yeah but don't worry. He is hot even when he's all sweat-" Tenten shut her own mouth recognizing her slip up.

Ino looked at the blushing Tenten and grinned, "Ohh~ looks like someone has a crush~" 

"Stop it, you aren't better either." Tenten retaliated.

"Um. I'll be taking this Tenten-san" Their conversation was interrupted by Tanaka who placed a metre long roll of some flexible fibre and a metal bow which was a metre tall. He maintained a straight face like he didn't just hear their conversation.

"Bow? Are you switching weapons Tanaka-san?" Tenten asked him.

"No, I'll still be using my swords but I want to extend my arsenal." Tanaka answered. He just wants to snipe someone from a long distance.

"I see. That'll be 200,000 Ryo"

"Ehh!" Ino couldn't control herself at the prize.

Tanaka just looked at her while Tenten awkwardly smiled looking at Ino.

Ino just blushed when Tanaka looked at her and looked down the floor to hide her face.

"Chakra conductive metals are expensive Ino." Tenten said.

"Here Tenten-san. Thank you for your service." Tanaka paid and left the store with his goods.

"Damn Ino, why did you have to embarrass us like that?" Tenten asked Ino who was still hiding her face with her hands.

"Sorry, I was just surprised at the prize. Is he that rich?" Ino asked while fiddling with her fingers.

"I don't know how rich he is but he is rich enough to spend an average of 200,000 Ryo each month on equipment alone." Tenten said and placed the money Tanaka gave in the counter after counting it properly.

"Damn… do Anbus get paid that much?" 

"Well, it looks like it. So how's Sakura holding up?" Tenten asked and Ino's mood immediately dropped.

"*Sigh~* she's in denial that Sasuke left her and almost killed Naruto if someone hadn't rescued him" Ino said sadly. She too had a crush on Sasuke but his actions just made him look like an asshole in her eyes.

"She should distract herself with something else… now that Naruto too is going out she'll just blame herself for being useless." Tenten said.

"Well… in that way so am I…" Ino said as she looked down sadly, she too felt useless as both her friends were sent on a dangerous mission while she just stayed at the village happily.

"Well, that's our fate. Both of our Senseis don't excel in the field we want to excel in so it'll be hard for us."

"Don't stop me from feeling like crap." Ino sighed at her situation.

"Trust me, I've been there."

"Anyway, take care Tenten, I'll go look for Sakura and check if she's alright." Saying that Ino left the store.



"Mangekyo's accuracy and arrow at 200 mph are a deadly combo indeed." Tanaka commented while looking at his wooden arrow which he just made and used to fire a tree trunk with the help of his Mangekyo and its ability.

"But the arrow is not strong enough…. It can kill. But anything can kill when it moves at 200mph" His arrows couldn't stay strong for more than a few seconds at that speed due to his chakra enhancement wearing off after that few seconds.

So he either has to use a custom made metal arrow for long distance shots or reduce his speed.

"Or I can change the arrow's design."

Now Tanaka made another arrow which looked nothing like a traditional arrow and had a swirling surface which was meant to twist at a high speed and not bready due to the speed.

Tanaka loaded the arrow in his bow and pulled back the string while fueling the bow and arrow with chakra to enhance it and using his Mangekyo ability, Sokudo to push about 20 percent of his chakra, meaning the arrow will move at 340 mph the moment he releases it to the ground.


Even for his Mangekyou the arrow was fast to the point where he could only visually see it and guard against it. The arrow buried itself into the ground very deep but it didn't break.

"Never expected my Kunai skills would be used for something other than that.." Tanaka commented as he just buried the arrow there and took all his stuff to leave the training ground. He is confident to use his skills here because it is an Anbu training ground surrounded by a barrier and he put a genjutsu on the guards on the entrance. His paranoia wouldn't let him train anywhere else.

'Gotta get some clothes too… my budget's gonna take a heavy hit this month.' Tanaka left the training ground and entered back to the village.

He walked towards the shopping district where stuff is a lot cheaper and started looking for some dresses. But he saw something that he didn't expect to see.

"You used to be such a bitch during school but look at you now, just alone with nobody with you." A boy who looked to be of Tanaka's age was roasting a girl in front of him.

The girl was none other than Sakura Haruno. She was here because Ino dragged her out of her house.


" 'I-I-I' what bitch? Cat got your tongue?" The boy seemed to have a grudge against her as he continued to verbally trash her.

Sakura started crying in embarrassment and the boy seemed to like it a lot as he smiled.

"Now you know how it feels when you embarrass someone in front of everyone?" He laughed.

"Hey dickhead! If you're done just go away!" Ino who just arrived there instantly recognised the boy as one of their classmates said.

"So her little girlfriend is still with her. What are you gonna do if I don't go away lil brat?" The boy walked closer to the girls, trying to intimidate them with his height.

It worked on Sakura but Ino wasn't backing out. Seeing her not moving, The boy tried to push her away, but someone held his collar to stop him.

"You're done right? Just go before it gets nasty." Tanaka who saw all that intervene when it seemed to get physical for both the safety of the boy and the girls. As the boy'll probably feel the wrath of Inochi and the girls will get hurt.

The boy turned back to look at Tanaka and immediately knew he'd lose. So he just looked at Sakura for a last time and spat on the ground in front of her and left.

"Oi! If you spit like that again when I'm near I'll cut that tongue off. Got that?" Tanaka lifted the boy up easily with his hand and looked straight at his eyes without blinking and flaring his chakra slightly.



The boy ran while Tanaka made a small fire in his hand and incinerated the spit on the ground.

'To create such a small and precise flame with the same consistency… his control is superb.' Ino praised his feat.

"I'll just go home!" Sakura, who was crying, just ran to her home.

"Hey stop." Ino tried to stop her but Sakura just vanished amongst the crowd.

"Should I go search for her?" Tanaka offered Ino.

"No. She probably needs some time alone." Ino shook her head and said.

"I am Ino Yamanaka by the way. I saw you in Tenten's shop." Ino offered her hand for a handshake as she introduced herself.

"Yeah. I am Tanaka Hatake. Nice to meet you." Tanaka shook her hands.

"So from how you handled Daiki, I take it that you're a Shinobi, a strong one at that too." 

"You mean that kid just now. Yeah I'm a Chunin from the previous year's badge." Tanaka said.

"You became a chunin in a year? That's impressive!" Ino praised him as she started to walk. "Come let's talk somewhere else where it's not crowded."

Tanaka thought for a while and decided that it would be rude if he refused and went with her.

Shw brought him to a park nearby and sat on a bench, "Come sit!" She patted the space next to her and offered him to sit.

"Don't mind if I do." He excused himself and sat.

Not knowing how to start a conversation with her Tanaka asked, "So who was that Daiki?" 

" *Sigh~* Daiki was our classmate. One day he spilled water on Sakura, the girl with me. Sakura immediately got angry and slapped him in front of everybody. From that day he held a grudge on her. Honestly both of them are childish." Ino sighed as she relayed the story.

"That is indeed childish."

"I want to know, what does it feel like to be a Chunin? I am a Gennin and I didn't pass in my Chunin exam so I am curious."

Tanaka thought for a while and said, "Chunin can choose whether to go on a solo mission or lead a squad of gennin under them. But solo missions are only given for those who are qualified. The pay is a lot higher and we can pick A-rank missions if we want. The monthly Quota for us is either 30 C-rank missions, 14 B-rank missions or 8 A-Rank missions. We have access to many jutsu scrolls and can apply to learn separate fields like sealing, medicine and poison."

"Woah~ I only thought the pay was high. So what kind of missions do you usually go to?" Ino asked, trying to keep the conversation not boring for both of them.

"..." Tanaka hesitated for a second as he is not allowed to reveal his status as an Anbu to others and said, "I just go on missions assigned to me. Most of them are solo missions like info gathering or Retrieving something but I do get assigned on team missions or rescue missions sometimes."

"Cool. All I do as a mission is pluck grass and water plants. If you are going on solo missions you are probably very strong right?" 

"... I guess?" Tanaka didn't know how to reply to that while not looking like an asshole.

"Do you have any suggestions which can help me be more useful to my team? I honestly feel pretty useless." Ino got a little emotional while saying that but she didn't show it.

"Hmm…" Tanaka thought for a while.

'I can't tell her to get some H-cells or pluck out a Sharingan. Let's suggest genjutsu and medical routes.'

"Since you're a Yamanaka you're probably already good with mind arts so try learning Genjutsu and Medical arts. It will help you support your team well." Tanaka genuinely suggested.

Ino smiled brightly at his suggestion. Her expression made Tanaka dazed for a second but he soon collected his composure.

"Thanks! I'm honestly stupid for not thinking of that! I always thought I should get stronger, I never thought about this that way! Thanks Hatake-kun!!" Ino thanked him wholeheartedly.

Seeing her genuinely happy at his suggestion Tanaka was a bit overwhelmed but he didn't lose his composure.

"You're welcome," he said.

"It's getting late so I have to go. Please visit our shop someday so I can give something in return for your help!" Saying that Ino walked away quickly.

Seeing her disappear, Tanaka released a quick breadth, "Introverted girls are really overwhelming."

Meanwhile Ino was walking a few metres away from the park leaned back to the wall with her face flustered red as she was breathing heavily as her heart beat like crazy.

"I didn't embarrass myself back with him right?"


-2 months later-

"I've summoned you all here for a single reason!" Tsunade could be seen in her room, addressing all the shinobis in front of her.

There were 4 shinobis in front of her. Tanaka Hatake, Kakashi Hatake, Tenzo and Inochi Yamanaka. While Tenzo and Tanaka were wearing their Anbu uniform Kakashi and Inoichi were clad in their usual wear.

"Though Jiraiya said that he'll investigate Orochimaru, I know that deep down in his heart he still considers Orochimaru as his true friend. Jiraiya is too soft that way. So I told him to just focus on Akatsuki, that time I want you four to investigate everything about Orochimaru and if you could, assassinate him." Tsunade said while handing them each a scroll.

"This is an important S-class mission so I don't want any failure. But retreat as quickly as possible when facing immense danger." 

She looked at Tanaka, who was the shortest and the youngest in the group with confused eyes. She doesn't want to send a 13 year old into such danger, but his feats speak for themselves. The only reason he is still a Chinin is because of stupid politics as all the elders of the village don't want him to become a Jonin publicly because of the publicity and fame he'll gain.

"I know you are young for a S-class mission, Tanaka, but you are too much of an asset to not send off this mission."

"You needn't worry about such stuff my lady." Tanaka said while he read the contents of the scroll carefully.

The time limit assigned for this mission of theirs was a year. Meaning they'd at least stay out of the village for 4 or 7 months.

'Orochimaru is bound to have some unique Kekkei Genkai subjects, especially Jugo's ability. Though I can't literally copy a Kekkei Genkai, I can get inspiration from it on sage mode. Currently I just want to master all basic elements and wood style, but learning sage mode will be phenomenal. Kira did say that mother spider was a sage so I'll get her help too.'

"You can depart tomorrow morning. Dismissed!"

*whooshh*x4 All of them disappeared from the room leaving behind a contemplating Tsunade and a worried Shizune.

"Am I doing the right thing Shizune?" She asked her.

"I don't know my lady. But we should trust Tanaka-kun, he seems to be a mature and talented kid."

"I hope so, talent doesn't mean shit if it never gets to bloom…"

"All we can do is trust them that they'll succeed. Knowing Kakashi, he'll drop the mission and retreat if there is danger."

"Let's hope it doesn't go that far. Orochimaru is not physically strong, but he's probably the most versatile shinobi in the world."

'Orochimaru won't die until everyone with his seal is dead or the seal is destroyed. Meaning Anko, Sasuke and whomever else he put that seal on should be caught.'

"Why isn't Anko with us Kakashi? She was his student right?" Tanaka asked Kakashi who was standing before the grave of his friends like usual.

Tenzo was standing behind them and Inoichi left saying that he had to prepare. 

"In the chunin exams she sensed Orochimaru somehow, which was very weird. Potentially she could be tracked by him with the seal he placed in her though he calls it a 'failure', we don't know in which field it failed." 

"I see… what's gonna be the plan for this mission, leader?" Tanaka asked, putting Kakashi as the team leader.

"I agree." Tenzo chimed from the back.

Kakashi looked at both of them, he still felt that they were snickering at him behind that mask of theirs and sighed, "*Sigh~* all of us will have to infiltrate the sound village and stay there for a month searching for non-distinct shinobis. After that each one of us will infiltrate one of each different departments, impersonating someone from that field. The next step is to collect data and send to Konoha with Inoichi-san's help and after 4 more months we'll corner Orochimaru and kill him.``

"Pretty nice plan. If it all went like you expect it to go." Tanaka said while Tenzo remained quiet.

"Well, we should expect every step of the plan to go wrong from the start. Sound village shinobis are known for 2 things, having a variety of techniques and being savages. So we'll be able to get in easily unlike the rain village."

"I'll go get the essentials. Kakashi will take the medicine, Tenzo'll take the food and I'll take the equipment beside our own stash right." Tanaka asked for confirmation before leaving.


"Right" Tenzo spoke for the first time.

"See ya tomorrow morning six at the front gates." *Swoosh* 




"Is it just me or did he get more happy?" Tenzo asked Kakasi, a little confused as the Tanaka he knew was a non-expressive guy.

"It's a girl." Kakashi replied.

"Ahhh~ that explains it." Tenzo nodded, "Do you know who it is?"

"Inoichi-san's daughter, Ino Yamanaka."

"..... good thing he isn't here."


"What!? You'll be going on a super long mission for months?" A surprised Ino could be seen asking Tanaka who just said that to her. They were sitting on top of the grassy river bank slope.

"Yeah.. What can I do? It's an unavoidable mission." Tanaka could only scratch his head helplessly.

"On the bright side though, I'll be promoted to a Jonin after this mission." He tried joking about the subject to make the thing seem less serious.

But it didn't work as Ino started getting worried.

"Will you be safe? Is this dangerous? Can you really not even tell a single thing about the mission?" 

Seeing her start to ramble, Tanaka sighed. He held her hand tightly and turned her head to face his direction.

"Don't worry Ino, I won't die."

But it didn't work. It did the exact opposite as tears started pooling on her eyes,

"That's exactly what someone who'd die says! Wahh!" She couldn't hold it in and started crying.


"Hey! I promise I won't die!" In panic Tanaka just hugged her, but due to the slope's position he slipped and laid flat down with Ino on top of him.

The sudden movement stopped Ino from crying as she looked up to Tanaka with teary red eyes, "You promise you'll come back safely?"

The sight of her teary eyes just seemed funny to Tanaka at the moment as he started to burst out laughing, "Hahahaha!"

This ticked off Ino.

"You think this is funny you bastard!?" She headbutted his chest with not much power.

"Hahaha,... haaa I'm sorry! Haha" But it just made him laugh more.

After a few minutes he finally stopped laughing and noticed Ino just laying above him quietly.

"If you come back safely I'll tell you something." Ino whispered into his chest.

"What?" Though he clearly heard it, Tanaka acted like he didn't hear it.

"Nothing you bastard! Just shut up!"

"Ok ok.." 




"The thing that's poking my belly is not what I think it is right?" Ino asked unsurely.

"It's probably what you're thinking about." Tanaka agreed, he could have controlled his boner but he wanted to show his attraction towards her.

"You pervert!" Ino pushed herself off him.

"Hey, It's natural. You talk like your chest wasn't poking me too."

His comment made her red like a tomato as she shuttered, "Um- ah- that-"

"It's ok. It just shows that you're attracted to me right?" Tanaka said as he caressed her hand as he held it tightly.

"S- So what are we?" Ino finally managed to ask a question she wanted to ask for a few days.

"You really want to know?" Tanaka asked her as he held her cheek with his hand.

" *Gulp* yeah." She nodded.

Tanaka went near her and gently placed his lips above her lips, feeling its softness as he kissed her. Making it both of their first kiss.


Ino was shell shocked as her brain stopped braining for a few seconds. Tanaka just smiled at how cute she was while being shocked and smiling at the same time.

"Was that enough for an answer?" He smiled at her.

Ino finally managed to get out of her daze as she immediately said, "No!" And pulled him closer and kissed him hard this time.


"Haa… haa…" She breathed heavily looking at him with a loud beating heart, slowly starting to get embarrassed at her actions.

"Woah~, I didn't know you were aggressive~" He teased her while licking his lips.

"Ahhh" She hid her face on his chest while hugging him tightly.

"Haha, get up Ino, I'll take you somewhere to eat."
