
Naruto: Talent exchange system

Yato is an outcast orphan who grow up in Konoha toxic environment. Despise and bullied by the villagers, Yato longing for Naruto world had long since died down, especially after discovering that he had no ninjutsu talent. Knowing the future events and the great ninja war that would change the whole world, Yato almost surrendered to despair. Just as the thoughts of leaving the village and hide in some corner filled his mind, a sudden ding rang in his mind. [Talent exchange system bound to the host] _________________ 1. The MC won't be op immediately. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years. 2. There will be a lot of killing (not at the start, but once the MC get stronger.) 3. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Ninja. 4. MC is a careful person, he won't show his full strength or put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. What to expect : 1. Smart MC 2. MC manipulating the plot and characters to his advantage 3. Movies arcs and few original ones. if you want to read advance Chapters, please support me on Patreon: patreon.com/Floki_Star Mass release for every 7 Patreon Subscribers. Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or its characters (except the original characters I create).

Floki_Star_1199 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

the masked man


Upon hearing the mysterious intruder's words, Shisui looked at Danzo with disbelief. The bandage on Danzo's right eye had fallen off, revealing a grayed Sharingan. What frightened Shisui even more was that Danzo knew how to perform the ultimate forbidden technique of the Uchiha clan, Izanagi. This was a ninjutsu known by only three people in the Uchiha clan and thought to be nearly lost.

"Who are you?" Danzo ignored Shisui and shouted again. He had never seen this person before, but the stranger seemed to know him well. Danzo wanted to gather information and find the enemy's weakness.

Yato's shadow clone didn't give Danzo the chance. With a personality similar to the original, he spoke little and cautiously turned his head in a certain direction. Seeing this, the other shadow clone nodded, transformed into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared to deliver a message.

"No matter who you are, you won't leave Konoha alive today!" Danzo declared. Several Root ninjas immediately rushed towards Yato, intending to eliminate the enemy.

At the same time, Shisui took action. He swiftly performed hand seals and channeled chakra into his mouth. After a breath, a huge fireball erupted towards the Root position. This was the Uchiha clan's Great Fireball Technique, a technique that most Uchiha were skilled in.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Though it was a C-level ninjutsu, its destructive power was unquestionable. The Root ninjas didn't dare to underestimate it and quickly formed seals.

"Water Style: Water Array Wall!"

"Water Style: Water Array Wall!"

"Water Style: Water Array Wall!"

This defensive water-style ninjutsu had a restraining effect on fire-style ninjutsu. As water and fire combined, steam and fog enveloped the area, making it difficult to see clearly.

After failing to hit his target, Shisui didn't hesitate any longer and quickly ran away. His priority was to prevent the Uchiha clan from initiating a coup. He didn't want to waste time in this dangerous place. Whether it was Root or the mysterious man who suddenly appeared, neither was easy to deal with. So it's better to leave now!

"It's the Body Flicker Technique!"


Determined not to let Shisui escape, Danzo immediately gave the order to pursue him with full force.

As for Yato, he wouldn't help Shisui delay Root because his goal was the Mangekyō Sharingan as well. After quickly glancing in the direction Shisui escaped, the shadow clone dispelled the technique, causing Danzo to frown in confusion. He couldn't comprehend the other party's intentions. He was sure that the enemy wouldn't just give up after attacking them, so he remained on high alert.


Meanwhile, after leaving Might Guy's house, Yato headed straight to the scene of the incident. On the way, the shadow clone's memories were transmitted back to him, causing him to pick up the pace.

"It's a bit far to the west from where I predicted the ambush to happen, but it doesn't matter much!" Realizing that his speed was a bit slow, he took out the [Potential Explosion] card and tore it immediately.

Suddenly, a golden light surrounded him, bringing an unimaginable feeling of absolute strength. His chakra volume increased fivefold, as did his physical abilities, making him an absolute monster for the next two hours!

Planting his feet on the ground, he suddenly disappeared and reappeared ten meters away, leaving a footprint crater on the ground. He repeated the same movement, appearing and disappearing as he headed toward the ambush location.

This method of travel was a drain on his chakra, but he had no other choice. Shisui was known as "Shisui of the Body Flicker" for possessing a unique and unparalleled Body Flicker technique.

If Shisui managed to successfully escape or break free from the encirclement before Yato arrived, it would greatly jeopardize the success of Yato's well-prepared plan.

Currently, the other two shadow clones hiding in the shadows hadn't provided any feedback. So, Yato was unaware of the current situation and could only dash as fast as he could.



In the forest, continuous explosions echoed, causing countless wild animals to flee and make way for the rapidly moving black shadow.


Back in the forest.

Without Yato's help, the Root ninjas quickly managed to catch up to Shisui, who was exhausted from using his special Body Flicker Technique several times in a row without resting. His chakra was rapidly draining, and his physical strength wasn't as good as Guy's. He couldn't sustain high-speed movement over a long period without rest. His body simply couldn't handle it.

Seeing the enemies behind him, Shisui cursed the masked intruder in his mind for being so useless.

He had thought the other party was Danzo's enemy as he attacked him as soon as he appeared, yet he couldn't even stop a single Root ninja.

Seeing that he was about to be caught, he felt bitter resentment in his heart. These were Root's Jonin, the elite troops of Konoha, known for their assassination skills. Once surrounded, escaping alive was nearly impossible.

Danger bells rang in Shisui's mind as another round of shuriken came his way, forcing him to turn and defend himself.

He successfully blocked the torrent of shuriken, but after a quick look, he found himself surrounded by enemies with nowhere to run. The only remaining option was to fight his way out using his full strength.

Just as Shisui was analyzing his situation, a ninja suddenly performed a seal in his direction. Shisui's instincts told him something was wrong, and he felt a chill down his spine.

He recognized this ninja; he was one of Danzo's trusted confidants, skilled in mind control ninjutsu from the Yamanaka clan.

He couldn't afford to let this technique hit him; the consequences would be disastrous. Even a momentary loss of consciousness could cost him his life.

Just as he was about to use Genjutsu to interrupt the enemy, Danzo, the cunning old fox, suddenly appeared, his eyes filled with a twisted greed.

Without wasting time, Danzo dashed toward Shisui, but before arriving, he heard the sound of a kunai cutting through the air.


Danzo could only curse the masked intruder as he dodged the attack. That rat kept sabotaging his plans over and over again. If not for his interruption, he should have already taken Shisui's Sharingan.

"What's your intention in helping Shisui? Are you an Uchiha?" Danzo asked as he fixed his gaze on the masked man, but unfortunately, he didn't get any response.

Yato first looked at Danzo before moving his gaze toward the Root ninjas, finally stopping at Shisui. But he was careful and didn't look him in the eye.

"It looks like I made it in time," Yato sighed in relief. After using the Potential Explosion card and boosting his abilities, he finally managed to arrive before everything was over.

Everyone on the battlefield was looking at him, studying his every move, wariness apparent on their tense bodies.

"Now, who wants to dance?" Yato said with a smile behind his mask.

Just as everyone was confused, he formed a seal, and four shadow clones appeared with a puff before scattering around the battlefield.

"I have limited time, so I can't waste any minute."

The Potential Explosion card effects would wear off in less than two hours. During this time, he had to take Shisui's Sharingan at all costs, or all his preparation would be for naught.


Shout-out to my patreons subscribers: Ghost, Bruno Oliveira, Chance C, Mohammed Alshamsi, PathSeeker, CATHERINE YANOVSKY, Dio098, Orion Chung, Insomniologist, HE, Ryan biggins, Bigbowser, terrence L mccall, and Drowz.

Thank you so much for your support!!

Today Patreon subscriber: terrence L mccall and Drowz!! Thank you for your support!!

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