
Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Waking up in the body of a standard Genin, a village invasion on the horizon and a count down until to a full out apocalypse only a few years away, what's a lad to do? There was only one thing he could do, cheat. Thankfully, this game system that instigated all of this in the first place, was quite helpful in that regard. Gamer Insert. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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204 Chs

The Chunin Exams - 25

Daiki was already well aware of why Anko came searching him out for a little talk.

That didn't mean he couldn't be a little shit about it for a laugh though.

"Talking is pretty low on the list of what I want to get up to with you." he grinned at the purple haired woman.

Anko rolled her eyes and bodily pushed past him into the room. Daiki shrugged, pushing off the door frame and closing the door behind him.

She looked around the room almost suspiciously, as if searching for something out of place.

Daiki had to resist the urge to snort. What, did she think he had her old teacher stuffed beneath one of the beds or in one of the tiny closets? Maybe Orochimaru was in the bathroom soaping up and having a rub a dub dub in the tub with a nice warm and relaxing bubble bath?

"So, you wanted to talk?" Daiki prompted, crossing his arms, "Or we could skip it and get right to the naked part, I'm good with that."

"Hilarious," Anko scoffed and turned back around to look at him, "You should be dead." she dropped on him, right to the point and ever so bluntly.

"Pretty sure I shouldn't be." he shrugged back. There was no need to be so dramatic about it. While it was true the Curse Seal had a massive fatality rate, with only a ten percent survival chance, that didn't just come down to the body.

A lot of it came down to willpower and toughing out the pain of the seal itself like Sasuke dude, the guy went through a bunch of hallucinations and crap in the original timeline and was probably going through them right this very moment actually. It was excruciatingly painful for sure, Daiki could attest to that, but not exactly something Daiki would roll over, give up and die from.

That was quitter talk. A complete anti-thesis to the mentality needed for throwing ones self into the great grind. Pain was just weakness leaving the body.

"Stop being contrary brat," Anko rolled her eyes, "I know you have the Curse Seal, my old teacher was happy to brag about it. That Uchiha kid is probably writhing in agony right about now and a step from croaking, but what I don't understand is why you're not, it's mighty suspicious."

He could see where she was coming from, after all, him gaining the Curse Seal, yet not going through the same agonizing hours on end of hanging to life by a thread, fighting and clawing tooth and nail mentally for survival, would imply that he was given something different, or maybe even had it all along and Orochimaru bringing it up was all just a ruse to allow him to use it freely.

Too bad for her, he was above little things like that.

"Orochimaru did give me his little hickey seal," Daiki shrugged, coming right out with it, "It's just too bad for him, he's a complete hack with seals and I'm utterly immune to his little body jacking stunt."

"Tough talk for an itty bitty genin," Anko raised an eyebrow at him, but he noticed she stilled a bit at the mention of the body jacking, "You have to admit though kid, you're suspicious as hell right now. You finished the exam with a clone of all things, while your real self was still out in the forest, and not long later, less than half an hour even by our estimates, you faced off against Orochimaru?"

"What's your point?" Daiki crossed his arms, "In case you haven't realised yet, I literally put my life on the line and fought one of the three legendary Sannin to protect my comrades, you see that big fuck off black tornado? All me, I took his little seal, amped myself with it and blew him the fuck away."

"And if it was just that, it would have been fine, except for that one little bit at the end," Anko narrowed her eyes at him, "It's the fact you're completely fine right now when anyone else recorded that has been given the Curse Seal, writhed in agony for at least ten hours, few ever have survived it."

He wondered idly how she would react to the fact that Orochimaru actually had bases full of kidnapped people that had survived it? And had literal hundreds of people that could access the Curse Seal Level Two.

"Have you taken into account the fact I'm not a little bitch like everyone else?" Daiki retorted, raising an eyebrow challengingly at her, "Maybe everyone else was just too mentally weak to control it like me."

One of the woman's hands curled into a fist so tight he heard her knuckles pop, "You've got too big of a mouth on you kid," she growled, "Good shinobi and kunoichi alike from this village have died in agony from that seal, I barely survived a weaker version of it myself and it's been a curse to me for a decade."

"That doesn't change my point, sucks for them and you I guess and I sympathise, but when it comes to me, you're not dealing with the average ninja warrior anymore," Daiki retorted, "I told you already, he's a complete hack when it comes to seals and I'm completely immune to the real purpose of the Curse Seal."

"And am I supposed to just take your word for it?" Anko bared her teeth, "You've done a whole lot of boasting, but, like it or not, my teacher is one of the greatest geniuses to ever come from this village, an S-class legend that only the Hokage could defeat in a fight now, and you, some random genin, if a talented one, claim you're completely immune to the Curse Seal that has felled even experienced and powerful Jonin? Where's the proof?"

"You know, I get this is kind of an important topic for you and has been like a curse for you, no pun intended, but, you're not as hot when you're this pushy," Daiki rolled his eyes, "You've already told the old man about this right? What did he say?" he changed the subject lightly.

"Nothing, he was tight lipped and told me not to worry about it, just got this thoughtful look on his face, said something about 'is that how it is', and dismissed me," Anko replied, eyes narrowing even thinner at the mention of the Hokage, "Told me to speak with you about it, said I'd get my answers."


Did that mean that old man third had caught on to exactly how he was able to make the Curse Seal his own? Thanks to Isobu?

'It's really not that big of a logic jump if one understands your status as a Jinchuuriki,' Isobu chimed in, 'In fact, I do believe in the other time line, this Orochimaru fellow used that Yukimaru boy who's chakra could suppress mine, in the hopes of making him my Jinchuuriki and then taking over his body with me unable to do anything due to being suppressed.'

Huh, that made sense. He'd always wondered what Orochimaru's whole deal was during that point, and why he bothered with it. But then, one of his biggest problems later revealed was having too weak of a body to use Senjutsu.

As a perfect jinchuuriki, that would more or less be a non issue for him. Still, he had to wonder, where the ever loving fuck that Yukimaru kid came from and how his chakra had an effect on Isobu.

'He's the son of Yagura, it is a mutation derived from being exposed to my own chakra upon being conceived,' Isobu explained, 'Odd though, the Yukimaru of your memories was clearly a teenager of around your current age, the one I know of should barely be over his toddler years right now.'

…That was indeed weird. And it explained a lot actually. Neat.

Well, not that it mattered anymore, since he was Isobu's Jinchuuriki now and he didn't plan on ever stopping being so.

He was the great lord Sanbi Jinchuurik-sama!

Anyway, it seemed that the Sandaime was leaving the big reveal up to him here. He could tell Anko about his status as a Jinchuuriki and reveal how he bodied the Curse Seal and made it his own and put an end to this nonsense here and now.

It would be a slight problem of someone else knowing of his status as a jinchuuriki, but then, Anko wasn't exactly the type to give that information out freely, and would even most likely take it to her grave even under torture.

And no doubt the old man had at least told his advisors, since he trusted them. And those two old clowns probably told Danzo.

Annoying, and they'd have their eyes on him, but easy to deal with, and he already planned on dealing with Danzo at some point.

Fuck it.

If you want to check my stuff out in advance, feel free to check my Pa--treon. Links are in any of my story descriptions and my profile. I'm much further ahead there on this story and some other stuff that I've not posted here.

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