
Naruto: String String Fruit

Inexplicably traverse through Naruto, became Sasori the Red Sand, without a system, but got the line fruit in One Piece. Not Mine, it belongs to the Original Owner. I'm just putting it up on here, so everyone can read about it or know about it. Please don't give me Power Stones, I don't deserve it. Translation Original Author: Super God Flying Knife Original Link: https://mtlnation.com/novel/naruto-puppet-manipulator IG: joyboy_2023

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 7

Sasori suddenly appeared in such a close place and everyone was stunned! If it hadn't been for the leader to discover this hidden teenager first, they haven't found it yet!

Although the red-haired boy looked about the same age as Hidan, everyone didn't mean to despise it in the slightest! Hidden so close, they hadn't noticed that if he had launched a sneak attack just now, he might not have been able to dodge it!

"Hey! I have brought them here! I'm going to rely on you next! This person is the Cults's hall master Munda! You said that i must bring the leader!"

Hidan was actually very scared. He just used the short-distance esoteric clone Clone Technique, which can create a clone unconsciously, and then exchange the body with the substitute not far away to achieve the effect of confusing the enemy. After the substitute came over, he didn't notice that there was anyone around him!

However, Hidan's reaction was quick, and he hid behind Sasori for the first time!

"I said why you suddenly betrayed the Cult! It turned out that someone was backing you up! Okay! Don't let any of them go!"

When the Cult's hall master Munda heard this, his eyes were fierce, and his eyes fixed on Sasori, and he was not talking nonsense. He waved at the people behind him, and all five of them shot together! Dozens of kunai and shurikens flew over from all directions!

Sasori's face is extremely ugly, and he has the heart to kill Hidan. Hidan plays well with this hand! The focus of the attack of Munda and others was immediately focused on him!

"Parasite String!"

In the face of numerous attacks, Sasori did not hesitate to use his own assassin for the first time, and the Parasite String with both hands popped up at the same time! For the first time, I used both hands to operate at the same time!

"Eh eh eh!"

However, Sasori's left hand operation is very simple. It just pulls Hidan, who has been looking around to find a breakthrough, and while Hidan is completely confused about the situation, he spins around him, blocking a lot of shurikens and suffering. none!

The right hand is the focus of Sasori's operation. The ninja on Sasori's left was obviously affected. His right foot was still bandaged, and the blood donation was already stained with red bandages. Sasori immediately controlled a ninja on his right and attacked him. The wound of the leg! And with one hit, he almost cut off his right leg with a single blow!

Suddenly two panicked ninjas created space for Sasori to escape, and Sasori dragged Hidan back for the first time! Hidan was dragged not to save him, but because Sasori needed a shield! Hidan's body is already filled with shurikens and kunai, so I don't mind inserting a few more! There is a price to pay if you want to pit Sasori!

"Monochrome line!"

As Sasori flew back and retreated, his right hand suddenly waved at the ninja under his control. Suddenly, the ninja who hadn't recovered what was going on, his pupils were struggling, and his hands covered his neck and fell down! The blood kept flowing from his fingers!

This is the new String-String Fruit ability that Sasori has learned over the past month! The simplified version of Five Color Strings changes from swaying five silk threads to kill people to only swaying one thread, achieving the effect of hurting people!

Of course, with the simplified version of Isshiki, both power and distance are correspondingly weakened. The only advantage is that it consumes less physical energy! Sasori is still able to use Five Color Strings, but in his heyday, it can only be used about 10 times, but with a single color line, Sasori can use it dozens of times! This is the most cost-effective for Sasori now!

Although the power of the monochromatic line is weakened, if you attack on a fragile part like the neck, you can still complete a one-shot kill!

The feat of one kill and one serious injury was almost completed in an instant, everyone was stunned for a while! It wasn't until Sasori dragged Hidan out of the encirclement that Munda recovered and used the secret technique developed by Cult with a angry face!

"Blood escape. Flying blood technique!"

Munda quickly formed seals with both hands, and suddenly disappeared from Sasori's sight, and suddenly appeared beside Hidan in the next moment!

This is one of the secret arts of the Cult! It is possible to achieve an effect similar to ninjutsu through specially processed blood, but the distance is not long! Hidan, as one of Munda's experimental subjects, had all blood in his body treated specially. Before, Hidan was very careful to stop the blood from all the wounds, so that he could not find a chance to launch this trick, but Now his body is full of wounds, blood is splashing everywhere, just give him the opportunity to start the operation!

"Stupid boy! Just go and die! Fire Style. Big flame bomb!"

After getting close, Munda roared without hesitation and activated the strongest Fire Style! Sasori and Hidan are both enveloped in flames!

Hidan's eyes were full of trepidation, but Sasori's eyes were full of coldness. With a pull on the Parasite String in his left hand, Hidan pulled him down! Sasori shrank behind Hidan! Sasori has been dragging Hidan without being too burdensome, but Hidan is not trying to save him!

"Parasite String!"

While completing the human defense shield, Sasori's right finger hooked! Parasite String is launched again! But this time the Parasite String is not connected to Munda and Hidan!


An explosion suddenly came from behind everyone! *