
Naruto: Story of a Kumo ninja

Getting reincarnated in naruto was not on my bucket list but why am I in Kumo + Mc gets reincarnated in Kumo 2 years after the birth of the Sannins This will mostly focus on Kumo's side NO HAREM!!!! + Hey guys it's me MUDA_MUDA you can call me jeff(jk) This is my first time writing fanfic so expect some problems here and there this won't be perfect fanfic but I"ll try to make it decent + also, this is my OC story, not naruto or anyone else it's his story so with that said don't expect my mc to act friendly with the original characters he will even kill some if necessary + English is somewhat of a sub-language in my country although I can speak and write it I'm not very proficient so there may be some grammar problems but don't fear Grammarly can fix that leave a review below if you have anything to say and enjoy + DISCLAIMERS: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO ONLY MY OC Also, I don't own the cover page I stole it off goggle so I can't give credit this also goes for any pictures I use in the novel AU warning the timeline will be a bit different so events will occur earlier than they should I will try to reduce the number of plot holes that may occur because of this + Donate at https://ko-fi.com/muda_muda or https://www.paypal.me/mudaXmuda

Kylino · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chakra and Challenge from A




Kumo year 29

Training ground 6

One of the 10 training areas used by new genins and professional ninjas to train and honed their skills

Because of the village location, the training areas were located on mountains that were specially modified and reconstructed for training use


"Sit and pay attention, this will be your first lesson on chakra"

Z had a serious face as he watch kazuto and A sit-down and fold their legs with a focused look on their face

Seeing that the boys were totally serious about this, Z nodded in approval

The first obstacle was passed without any issue, get the undivided attention of two 3-year-olds would have been a pain

Luckily they seem determined

"Ok, now that we are ready let us start the lecture"

Before Z could continue he heard A complain

"lecture! shouldn't we be unblocking our chakra nodes"

As a member of a family full of muscle heads, A didn't like reading much less sitting through a lecture

" A, you need to learn what chakra is and how it works before you use it otherwise it would be dangerous, using something you don't even know the basics of is a recipe for disaster"

Said Kazuto that explained to A the importance of this lecture

"K is right A, I know you don't like it but its something you need to learn at least the basics about, chakra shouldn't be taken lightly it can cause some serious damage even death"

Z nodded his head in agreement with Kazuto he didn't like the lecture when he first experienced it but he knew the importance

"Ok fine, I'll do my best to stay focused"

Said A with a bit of reluctance on his face

Kazuto sat there with his usual expressionless face, He already had enough information about chakra because of the books he read

But A wasn't the same as him so this lesson was mostly aimed at him

Seeing that there will be no more problems, Z started the lesson

"I'll just give a simple summary of everything you need to know"

"Now what is chakra?, Chakra is a form of life energy that resides in every person, animal and even in some plants, yes even the villagers, they too have chakra"

"Chakra is a representation of our lifeforce and without chakra, we would die"

"Wait if the villagers have chakra, why can't they become ninjas or be able to perform Jutsus"

Said A who was confused by what Z just said

Kazuto also looked at Z wanting to hear his explanation, He also thought of this before, he wanted to see if his own conclusion was the same as what Z was going to tell them

Seeing how the two boys were curious, especially his son who always reading books he of course would miss this moment

"Yes but also no, everyone has chakra but not everyone is able to manipulate It"

"For someone to be able to become a ninja they need to circulate the chakra in their body through their pathways and unblock all their chakra nodes so the chakra can run freely throughout the body"

"The reason why a normal person cant become a ninja is because of their innate chakra"

"The average person's innate chakra is very low and isn't enough for it to fully circular through the pathways and doesn't carry enough force to unblock the nodes"

"This is what separates ordinary people and members of a ninja clan, you might not know this but even though you two are just 3 years old the chakra in your body is substantially larger than a fully grown adult and children born from civilian parents your age are even worse"

"To put it simply they have too little innate chakra to be able to use it"

"That's not to say that all civilians and children from civilian parents, innate chakra is so low to the point they can't become ninjas, there are a number of them that have enough to become a ninja, and let's not forget children that had shinobi parents, they have a huge gap compared to normal people"

"Some children born from normal parents are lucky enough to be born with chakra compared to children from clans but they are very rare"

Z stopped and allowed them to think about what he just said

Although he was doing this so they can have a better understanding of chakra he was also doing it to let them know the importance of ninja clans and the responsibility they carry on their shoulders

Kazuto was in deep thought after hearing this

He already thought about this before and came up with a similar answer

'If that's the case then the difference in chakra between ranks must be very big and what about the innate chakra of clans like the Uzumaki's

'The Narukami clan are not known for their large innate chakra pool and from what dad just said our innate chakra at the age of 3 is larger than an average person'

'Then how big is the innate chakra of someone from the Uzumaki clan'

As he was raking his brain, Z reassured them

"You don't have to worry about the gap in chakra, right now you both are just 3 years old and you haven't reached your limit in how much chakra you can hold"

"This also a benefit of being born in a ninja clan, the chakra limit the far larger than the average person"

Kazuto took his mind about the difference in chakra between others

He can increase his chakra in the future so no need to think too hard about things

Instead, he was quite grateful to who or what reincarnated him

He got a second chance at life, a caring family, and a lot of useful benefits from being born into a ninja clan

He didn't know how he would manage if he was born into a civilian family and he didn't have faith in his luck to be one of those lucky individuals that were born with a lot of innate chakra like Minato, he died by a freaking meteor

How unlucky do you have to be for that to happen

"Ok let us continue"

Z clapped his hands to get back their attention

"Now that you know a bit about chakra let's move on to ninjutsu"

"Chakra is in your body as you know, that chakra is extracted from your cells and is mixed with your spiritual energy"

"When doing this one is able to amplify their chakra and use it to perform Jutsus"

"Now let's talk about hand seals, Hand seals are..."

The lesson continued for an hour

"Ok let's end our lecture on going on to the real business"

Z decided to stop as he could see A slowly dozing off

"Yes finally"

As if he heard official news on the GTA 6 release, A jumped up with excite meant

"Ok I already explain things, you only need to push your chakra through your pathways and break through the nodes, I'll inject a little of my chakra to help you"

Kazuto and A close their eyes and concentrate while Z sat behind them with his hands on their back

Even without the lecture by Z, kazuto didn't have any problems if he did then all his readings and studying would have been for nothing

Although the actual doing was a bit difficult it was manageable

After a couple of hours Kazuto opened his eyes, he was sweating a lot but he didn't care about that

He could feel the chakra running through his body

If he was in his old world he won't ever experienced this feeling

'Maybe the naruto world wasn't so bad after all'

He looked at A who was still in a meditation state and waited for him while he and his father had some father-son talk

After another Hour, A opened his eyes and looked at Kazuto beside him

"You took so long we were getting bored over here"

Kazuto yawned while looking at A with a jokingly look

"Oh shut up, even if you did it before me that doesn't make you better"

"Ok you guys stop the quarreling, get used to the feeling I have an important matter to attend to, Kazuto tell your mother I might be late for dinner"

Kazuto nodded while looking at his dad who left disappeared only leaving smoke

'Seems that the situation was urgent'

'My time is running out'

Kazuto had an idea about what this important matter was about

While he was having his usual monologuing, his body suddenly froze

Out of instinct, he duck and performed a sweep kick which he felt hit someone

Getting up quickly he entered a fighting stance and look at the person in front of him

The person also got up after getting hit with a sweep kick and look at Kazuto

"A, are you crazy, why did you attack me out of nowhere"

Kazuto looked at A who also got into a fighting stands

They stared down at each other with a serious face

"Kazuto Narukami"

Hearing A shout his full name was surprising to Kazuto since it was the first

But what A said next confused him

"I challenge you to a duel"


How was this chapter


I seem to be doing good so far if I say so myself

Things about chakra were just in formation I got on the internet and my own thoughts

After writing this chapter i seem to discover a problem in my writing

I seem to always mention some unnecessary stuff while barely progressing with the plot

This is gonna be a problem luckily i found out soon and I'm going to change that


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