
Time Skip


TPP(Third person perspective)


Kumo year 29(Konoha year 31)

Kumogakure, the village hidden in clouds

Shrouded with clouds on top of mountains, making look like the village was floating in the sky

Because the village was located in the mountains the population wasn't very high

Even so, that didn't take away from the lively atmosphere that surrounded the village all year round

Shops bustling with customers, street performers entertaining passing villagers, children and their parents enjoying the day together

The village was lively as ever

But since last year there was an air of tension that could be felt in the village


"K!, K!, where are you"

"*sigh* I hate when he does this"

On the tallest mountain in Kumo

One could see a boy about 3 years old, looking for someone

He had dark skin and black eyes, he was quite tall for his age with short blonde(white) hair that sat firmly on his head

The boy continued to walk up the mountain with a straight face but there was a hint of nervousness in his eyes

'Damn K, where are you, you know I don't like coming here'

The boy complained as he quickens his pace

He was a little scared of the mountain since it had a number of rumors and stories circling around it, some were even said to be true

"A, what are doing up here I told you not to bother me when I'm up the mountain "

In a flash, the boy turned around and went into a self-defense position with a scared look on his face

After seeing who it was he calmed down

"Stop sneaking up on me, I almost had a heart attack"

Said A while his body went back to normal as he walked toward the boy who seems to be the same age

The boy was also dark skin albeit it was a shade lighter than A, he had blue eyes and blonde(white) with a height that didn't match his age and a calm look that made him feel mature compared to kids his age

This boy is our protagonist, Kazuto Narukami

Its been 2 and a half years since that meeting with his uncle A, who is the future raikage

(If you wondering where the last name came from I gave it to the mc I'm going to make the family the mc live in a ninja clan and the clan name in the Narukami clan which also means lighting God)

"I'm training your reaction skills, looks like your getting better"

Said Kazuto with a proud look while rubbing his chin like a master being proud of his student

"Don't give that crap, why do you even come here this place gives me the creeps"

Said A who was complaining to Kazuto with vigilance on his face

'Well my dear cousin its quite simple this place is the most relaxing and quiet place in the village, no one can disturb me here'

"so why did you come up here"

hearing this question A remembered what he came looking for Kazuto

"I almost forgot, I wanted to see if you were ready for today"

Said A with an excited expression on his face completely forgetting about his fears about the mountain

Well you can't blame him today was a very important day for them

"Of course, I am after today we can start our journey to become powerful shinobi"

Kazuto also had a bit of excitement on his face he was waiting for this day for years but kept it in

"Oh and also aunty Akira said that lunch will be ready in 20 minutes"

After getting this message Kazuto nodded to A and they both made their way down the mountain

He walked with a poker face which he was trying to master keeping up but he was doing his usual monologuing in his head

'How do I reduce the chance of dad and uncle dying'

After the unexpected day, he was thinking about how he may be able to save his family

He didn't have to worry about his mom since after she gave birth she retired from being a ninja and used her medical-nin skills to open up a clinic

His uncle the Third raikage would obviously survive the war

So the only person he should be worrying about is his dad

Or that's what he originally thought

A's birth was something that gave him another shock after one month


Because he shouldn't be born yet

A should have been born around the time the first shinobi war starts which is about 2 years from now

A was born 5 years before the time his actual birth should be

This pushed him into some deep think

Is this really the original naruto?

Or an alternate universe

Or maybe his existence causes some butterfly effect that changes the timeline

He was more inclined to believe the last one

The reason why his parents spoil him so much is that his mother couldn't successfully give birth

They tried once before and it resulted in a miscarriage

The doctors said the chance of his mother Akira delivering a baby successfully was so low that it should be impossible

But they still had faith and gave it another go

from what his mother said to him while they were having family time together, the medical-nin group that was supposed to deliver him

Thought that he was a stillborn baby as they felt his life force disappear but seconds after It reappeared and the operation was continued without troubles

This made him think, that maybe his birth caused changes in the world

The smallest change can have the biggest effect

And A's birth was a sign of that

After this discovery, he not only has to look out for his dad but also his uncle

Scratching his head in frustration Kazuto took his mind off the situation as he and A split and headed to his house

But time was slowly running out for him

Last year the death of the God of shinobi, Konoha's First Hokage, Hashirama Senju sent the shinobi into chaos

They were all shocked by the news

Hashirama and his partner turned enemy Madara Uchiha had the other villages on leashes over the past decades

They didn't dare to make any big moves under the two powerhouse eyes

They could only watch as Konoha enjoy all the best resources

But now that they are dead what stoping them, Konoha, ha don't make me laugh

Konoha was still strong but without Hashirama and Madara their strength has undoubtedly fallen

In actuality, Hashirama wasn't bad to them he even gave out the tailed beast for cooperation as opposed to domination

But that wasn't enough some villages are desperate for resources like Suna that's located in the desert, they suffer a lot because of the environment and they need resources fast

Tension was rising in all the villages as they prepared to go to war

Without noticing Kazuto was already home



FPP(First-person perspective)


I made my way inside my very compy house

It was very different from the ones in the village

Houses in the village were mostly imbedded in the numerous mountains, but mines sat directly on a flat surface on the peak of a mountain that was chopped off

I went into my room and put down the book I was reading

I read a lot about this espesally about chakra

I had a lot of ideas from my past life and my future knowledge which is kinda useless at this point gave me some advantages

I couldn't remember everything from my past life and my memories of things were slowly slipping so I wrote them on a notepad in the native language of my past life

And disguise it as a scribbling book where I just write a lot of nonsense

Can't let my secret get out now

I anyone would bother trying to understand what a 3-year-old writes in his free time

"Kazu lunch is ready"

Guess lunch is ready

"Coming mom"

I made my way downstairs and around the table to enjoy my mom's god-sent lunch sandwiches

How does she do it I must know

"So how was play time with the kids"

My mom sat in front of me and started up a conversation

Damn why did she ask this

"*Ahm* it was quite fun...I really like hanging around with them"

I replied while showing an awkward smile

"that's good, you know having more friends is nice"

I sigh in annoyance as my mind thought about the other kids my current age

I'm not some edgy kid and I wouldn't reject the idea of hanging around a bunch of 3-year-olds, But it was very hard, especially around the kids that had civilian parents it was difficult

But it didn't mean I had no one to talk to, there were some children from clans and A , they are the only ones I can tolerate

Although most of the time just go up the scary mountain the villagers talk about and relax

"K!, let's go we're gonna be late"

I hear A calling me from outside

"*Chuckles* It looks like A is more excited than you about today"

Well mother for your information I'm actually excited as well but I'm training my poker face

I wasn't doing this to be cool but I thought it should be something any qualified ninja should learn

If your enemies can't read your expression then you will be unpredictable to them, it gives a slight edge over your opponent

after taking the last bite of the sandwich I head outside to meet A

"Hurry up K, we're gonna be late!"

"I heard you the first time A and stop shouting"

I said calmly as I watched him trying to calm down

Yare Yare, I shook my head at him

this kid really can't control his self totally different from A in future

I guess being raikage changed him

I can't blame him tho today also got me hyped as today is the day we unlock our chakra


How was this chapter?


I hope yall saw the AU warning events will occur earlier than they should and some characters will be born earlier as well

Well I guess I should explain myself

the thing is most evens in this period don't happen until a long time for example the second shinobi was started when the sannins were in their late teens or early twenties by the time that you happen the mc would be like 18 or somewhere are that age

What would I do during that period and doing a lot of time skips kinda kills the vibe so yeah that's my reason

if you have a problem well I'm sorry G but I appreciate you reading this far


leave some advice

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