
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Action
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51 Chs

chapter 13

Toji sent a nen enhanced kick towards tatsumi, but his foot was grabbed and laughed into a tree. "Water breathing water wheel."shouted mitsumi, sending a powerful slash towards tatsumi.

Tatsumi unsheated his sword, blocking mitsumi's sword as the ground beneath him cracked mitsumi, then jumped away as all four of them surrounded tatsumi.

Tatsumi clapped his hand together as a large purplr cube formed, surrounding them and the whole area.

"This is just some insurance that we don't destroy too much of the surrounding area."said Tatsumi.The others nodded at each other and rushed towards him.

They all shouted their attacks.Thunder breathing first from thunder clap and flash.Water breathing tenth form constant Flux.Wind breathing first form dust world wind cutter.Fire breathing six form unknowing fire.

Attacks came at tatsumi from all directions as he grabbed his katana sun, breathing thirteen form.Boom A huge explosion sounded as a giant crater was formed in the middle of the cube as tatsumi was panting heavily.

Tatsumi then raised his sword as he cut all the incoming chakra chains to pieces.Toji then ran through hand signs as scorching firedragon went flying towards tatsumi.

He countered it with water breathing tenth form constant flux, causing a huge amount of steam to surround the area from the resulting clash.

Bright red flames surrounded kushina as she activated her nen ability blaze.The fire then enveloped her and toji along with mitsumi and Takashi.

Her nen ability can enhance the strength and speed of her and her comrades, even being able to heal the, but when this flame comes in contact with her enemies, it will burn and destroy every cell in their body reducing them to dust.

Toji's nen ability makes every aspect of him stronger. The more damage he inflicts on his aponent or is inflicted on him, whether it be ninjutsu,taijutstu fuinjustu, or genjutustu

Mitsumi's ability allows her to manipulate the structure of any object or her own body, a very powerful ability.

Takashi's nen ability allows him to create and manipulate liquid and solid mercury, which is a very deadly substance.

They reason they were able to become so strong is that due to tatsumi figuring out, he can enhance their stats as well he only did this because of the systems party function. Of course, they don't know this.

But as the clash was about to get heated, the barrier was surrounded by dozens of ninja.The group stopped as ashina stepped up.

"What are the five of you doing?"asked ashina as he stood on the outside of the perfect cube.The five immediately stopped what they were doing as the perfect cube disappeared.

The five knelt down in front of ashina as hiruzen,danzo,homura, and koharu stood their perplexed.

"Have you five not learned anything you could have destroyed half this forest if you were not careful."Scolded ashina.

"Grandpa was sorry, and it was all tatsumi's idea."said kushina."Yes, uzukage sama, it was all his idea to have this sparing match."said Takashi,toji,and mitsumi in unicen.

"What are you four just gonna throw me under he bus like that? You're the ones who agreed to it so you could all get out of training."shouted Tatsumi.

"We have no idea what you're talking about."said toji."Yeah, after all, we would never skip training."said Takashi.