
Naruto stat leveling system

Tatsumi Uzumaki was tranmigrated as a member of the Uzumaki clan.How will he survive his clans impending doom will he run away and abandon his clan or will he he lead his clan to overcome all its adversaries.

nexusstar21 · Action
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51 Chs

chapter 12

Tatsumi was floating in the air as he stared at the people who would become the parents of several important characters.

A blond boy wearing a grey jacket with a white shirt underneath, he also had deep blue eyes stepped in front of Tatsumi.

"Hello, my name is Minato namikaze. This is nara shikaku along with akamichi choza and inoichi yamanaka it's nice to meet all of you."said Minato, pointing to the people behind him.

"It's nice to meet you all, but couldn't you all have introduced yourself without spying on us?" asked tatsumi.

Minato rubbed the back of his head with a small smile on his face."What a drag."said shikaku, yawning.

"Being a ninja is all about gathering information, so they were probably looking at the competition."said Takashi.

"We didn't mean to be rude." said Minato, bowing his head."It is okay. We don't really mind it bot like we were showing off any important techniques."said toji.

"You three are way too nonchalant about this spying on random people, is not okay."shouted kushina."While stuff like this would not go unpunished in uzushio spying, we are in their village, after all."said mitsumi, as the five of them stared into the bushes.

In his office, horuzen was looking at his crystal orb in shock."How that's impossible even the highest sensory ninja couldn't detect the perception of my crystal orb."said hiruzen in shock.

"Wait, shouldn't their be six of you? How will all of you compete in the exam as a team?"asked choza.

"It's not against the rules to have more than three players on a team bit it's not an optional choice as teams with extra people are given certain penalties."said inoichi.

"Shikaku, what do you think about all five of them participating on one team?"asked choza."Well, it would be quite a drag a team with more than three people would get so many penalties that the advantages wouldn't be worth it."Replied shikaku.

"Well, we didn't become a team because of the advantages of having five people, and I'm sure these penalties can't be as hard as you say they are."said mitsumi.

"Minato, there you are. I've been looking all over for you."said jiriah as he approached Minato."It's the pervert man."said toji.

"Who are you brats calling a pervert I will have you know it's super pervert."shouted jiriah."Yeah, and how did peeping on the women of the Uzumaki clan work out for you?"asked Takashi sarcastically.

Jiriah froze, remembering if it had not been for a Uzumaki jonin, he would have been impaled by the chains all those women sent towards him.

"Anyway, we need to get going Minato let's go. I've got a new jutsu for you."said jiriah."He's your student that explains his terrible peeping skills."said toji.

"What do you mean? I'm terrible at peeping. I am the greatest pervert the world has ever seen."said jiriah."Then how did you get caught? I mean, how can you spy on a clan of sensor ninja and are known for their hot temper it was basically suicide."said toji.

Jiriah huffed before grabbing Minato and walking away as the Ina shika cho trio followed behind them.

"People from konoha sure are strange."said kushina."Anyway, don't we have a fight to get too." said toji, as he attacked Tatsumi.


"Minato, I want to be cautious around those kids, especially the one named Tatsumi."said jiriah, a serious look on his face."Why sure they look strong and are strong sensor ninja, but they don't seem like much of a threat."said Minato.

"That's where you're wrong."said jiriah as he then went on to explain the events of his mission to Minato, including the information he got on tatsumi'sbloodline.

Minato was in shock and couldn't process the information jiriah had just given.Boom.A large explosion sounded in the forest, causing Minato and jiriah to rush towards the direction.