
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

chapter 21

Ace and Naruto come walking out of the house. "Well Naruto if you ever get tried of being a shinobi, I'm sure we can some how find away back to my old world and raise hell as Pirates." Said Ace as she has a large D grin on her face.

"Well let me at lease make it to Jonin and then we can ask Maze or Michael about getting back to your world to have some fun." Said Naruto with a chuckle.

"Sounds like a plan." Said Ace as she ran down the steps of the porch and onto the docks. "Time to train on the water." She told her brother.

"Brats." Said Michael as he spots the two teens. "What are you two doing up so early?" He questions them as they both freeze on the dock.

They turn to face the annoyed Archangel standing before them. "Early morning training." Answers Ace looking at him as if it were the most obvious answer to them being up so early.

"Good." Said Michael turning his back to them to face the forest. "Where are those three. They have been gone for way too long." He grumbles to himself watching for any movement in tree line.

"They will be back soon." Said Naruto as he jumped on to the lake next to his sister.

"Stop being such a mother hen Michael." Said Ace as she rolls her eyes at the Arch Angel now standing on the dock watching the two teens spar.

Michael narrows his eyes at his adopted niece. "Watch it Ace. I wouldn't think twice in sending you to hell in seeing your father." He growls out at her.

"Ooh scary." Said Ace dryly at Michael as Maze walked up behind him.

"What was that Michael?" Question Maze in a sickly sweet voice.

Michael turns around his blue eyes meeting with her brown eyes. He grins looking at her. "I told her if she doesn't knock it off. I'll be sending her to see her father." He told her with a cheeky grin on his face.

Maze spun her blades into her hands. "Well I can also send you to see your father and your brother." She told him with a wicked grin on her face as she licked the blade in her right hand.

Michael's blue eyes sparkles at this. "Well it appears you and the others didn't have enough fun last night." He told her taking a step closer.

Sakumo appeared next to them. "No. The thugs the little bastard hired where worthless." He said as his eyes flash amber.

"I see." Said Michael looking over at Sakumo as a sword appears at his hip.

"Now…now…now boy we have to play nice." Said Trixie as she appeared out of nowhere as she held a large bag in her hands.

Sakumo and Michael shared one more glare before turning away from each other. "Now I have all the deeds for all the companies he had in the Land of Waves that we can give to all the kind people he has made their lives a living hell. As well as all his bank accounts in the Land of Wave." Said Trixie with a large grin on her face.

"Hey, did you get me some booty too Auntie Trixie?" Question Ace with large puppy dog eyes. As she jumped over a leg sweep from Naruto. As her hands turn to flames and she places her flaming right hand on the blonde's head and pushes off. "To slow." She told him with a large D grin on her face.

"HEY!" Yelled Naruto as flames surround him as well to fight off his sister's flames. "I hate it when you use your flames on me Ace." He growls out at her.

Ace sticks her tongue out at her little brother. "You have been slacking off little brother." She tells him as she jumps back onto the dock as the other Genin come out of the house to see why there is yelling going on outside.

Trixie grins looking at Ace. "Yes, my little Ace I got you some Booty." She said with a cheesy grin on her face. "But that is in another scroll and will be given to you later." She said in a low tone voice but not in a whisper. Ace just grins even more nodding her head at this.

Tazuna comes out of his house to see what is going on. "What is going on here?" He questions them.

Maze and Sakumo look at him. "We killed Gato." Said Sakumo as he takes a drink of the sake bottle that appeared in his hands as Kakashi walks out behind the bridge builder.

"Y-You…K-Killed…G-Gato?" Stutter Tazuna as his eyes grew wider.

"Yes." Said Maze as she throw a scroll to the elderly man's feet. "His head is in the scroll." She told him with a devilish smirk on her face.

"We also have all the land, company, and bank deeds and accounts he has in the Land of Waves to give to you and the people of this country to regain your wealth you have lost to the little bastard. As well do not worry about paying for a higher ranking mission. We have already taken care of that." Said Trixie with a grin on her face.

Tazuna fell to his knees crying. For once in his life he was crying tears of pure joy knowing that his home is free of all the hell that Gato had held them to for the past several years. "Thank you…Thank you…You have saved us all…" He cried out. Looking at them.

"But we will still stick around until you finish the bridge for there might still be some of Gato's men that we didn't kill around." Said Maze with a wicked grin on her face. "So I hope you don't mind putting up with us for a little while longer." She told him.

"Not at all." Said Tazuna bowing to the raven hair woman standing before him.

Ace jumps on Sakumo's back hugging his neck looking over at Kakashi with a grin on her face. "So Kakashi are we going to have fun training together?" She question the silver hair Jonin.

Kakashi just pales looking at the raven hair girl before him. "Umm…sure." He tells her not knowing how to answer her.