
Naruto: son of Morning Star

GodofDeathDragons · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

chapter 20

The odd trip stalked though the forest that lead to Gato's little not so little hide out. Trixie always her chipper self-grinned. "Shall I go up a head?" She looked up to Maze and Sakumo.

Maze looked down to her. "Yeah. We'll wait here about 20 minutes and that should give you enough time to get the guards and the troll pig time to see you." She said with a dark look in her eyes.

Trixie nodded her eyes as she looks at Sakumo. "Really your having Ruby and the others shadow me?" She said with a giggle.

He nods his head as he didn't want her to go in there alone. For he didn't trust those bastards with the girl and if anything happen to her Angel or not. Lucifer would have his demon head.

Trixie walked up to the main gates of Gato's little strong hold. She had been crying playing the part of a lost and helpless little child. "Mommy…." She cried.

This made the guards to walk over to the gates. To see what the noise they hear is. "What is going on?" One of the thugs asked.

"I don't know. I think I hear a brat crying." Said the other.

"Go and find out." Said Gato from his open window. "If there is a brat out there bring the brat here to my office." He ordered the two thugs.

"Yes. Sir." Said the two thugs as they ran to the gates to find a little girl about the age of 10 with raven locks and her hair pulled up in pigtails and ripped up white dress. "Hey kid come here." Said the first thug.

Off in the shadows Sakumo growled. "I will kill them all." He said in growls licking his chops as his hell hounds steps out of the shadows slowly growling at the men that didn't see them and didn't hear them just yet.

"Calm yourself Sakumo." Said Maze as she wrapped her hands around her blades tightly.

"Can it Maze." Growled out Sakumo.

Trixie took the thugs hand and followed them into Gato's stronghold and already knowing what the man within these walls have plan for her. 'Oh these fools didn't they hear the growls surrounding them. Didn't they feel the bloodlust coming towards them from one the demon's surround them?' Wondered Trixie.

As they vanish Sakumo and Maze slid over the wall followed by the hell hounds. "Time to play." Said Maze as she licks her blades.

Before the thugs that surround the stronghold can screams of bloody horror of the beast that stand before them. Within a blink of an eye they had killed all the men sitting outside and drinking.

Inside the stronghold Trixie stands before a gray hair man wearing sunglasses at night inside of his office. He is also wearing a blue tailor suit as he only stands about 4'7. Even at the tender age of 10 that Trixie is pretending to be she towering over the man. "Mr. Can you help me find my mommy." She said between tears and hiccups.

A dark and creepy smirk gracing his lips. "Why yes my dear. I shall aid you in finding your mommy." He said grinning even more. "Why don't you come over here around my desk and sit on my lap and tell me where you last saw your mommy and I can send my men to find her." He said chuckling darkly.

Trixie slowly nodded her head hiccupping with tears in the corners of her eyes. 'Fool do you not see death standing right next to you?' A mental smirk came to play.

As Trixie rounded the large oak desk a knife appeared in her hand as her as well, she slowly began to age. By the time she stood before Gato. She was now an 18 year old young woman. Gato's eyes widen. "Who….or what are you?" He asked with fear in his voice.

Trixie grin as the double doors to his office exploded open behind her as the two thugs that had brought her in had flown passed her and crashed into the wall behind the man looked up at the young woman before him. "Lucifer has a message for you Gato. Swine like yourself do not go unjudged by the King of Hell. We have been sent to pass Judgement upon your soul as Death stands besides you to take you back to Lucifer for a few words before you meet your final fate." She said as the Demon wolf pushed off the ground and began walking on his hind legs and there was the woman licking the blood off one of her blades.

Before Gato could beg for his life. The knife in Trixie's hand plunged into his skull. Death stepped out of the shadows with a smile on his face. Trixie smiled at the man with gray hair. "Please come and visit sometime. I have the recipe of the pizza pie you enjoyed in Chicago oh so long ago." She told him.

"I shall keep you to your word young lady." Said Death with a grin on his face.

"I always do Death. I always do." Said Trixie with a wink of her eye as he takes the soul of the little bastard before her.

Death stops for a moment and holds out a piece of paper. "I believe this will help with getting to all his accounts." He said as he vanished with a crying pig in his boney fingers.

Trixie grin looking at the two before her. "Sorry I didn't allow you two your fun. But Death had other things to do." She said grinning even more.

"Death is always busy. But most of his time is spent finding places he enjoys eating. As for War is looking to make a little trouble here soon." Said Sakumo looking at the two in the office with him.

"I figured much. When I was last in Hell. I did not see him around. As well he is hunting for an Uchiha that should had been his prize once he died. But like how Lucifer said there are a few bastards missing." Said Maze looking a little annoyed as she walked over to the couch and picked up a towel that was on the couch there.

"So shall we clean him out and have a little fun with him." Question Trixie holding up the piece of paper.

The two in the office grinned as they got to work. The villagers wouldn't know what happen until morning and but for now the three got to work as demons and hell hounds appears in the office and cleaned the bastard out and went to locations the others couldn't go to at the moment.

Michael stood outside of Tazuna's house. He wasn't in the most pleasant of moods and the others kept away from him. They didn't want to cross the man…no archangel when he was in one of his moods. For the last time he was upset. Lucifer fell from Heaven leaving his twin brother to fill a role he wasn't ready for.

Tsunami came out side hold a cup of coffee. It was dawn and she had woken up and made herself some coffee and to just have a few moments of peace before the others rose and the chaos would begin. She stepped out of the back door and down the steps and took a seat taking a sip of her morning coffee.

"Good Morning Tsunami." Said Michael stepping out of the shadows looking at her.

"Good morning Michael." Said Tsunami as she didn't allow herself to show that the man before her had frighten her. She kept herself calm as she took another drink of her coffee. Wrapping both hands around her coffee mug to stop the shake she felt when he had surprised her.