
Naruto: Soaring Above the Desert

Normally, you will find the usual grammatically incorrect synopsis, about your average Otaku scumbag who dies through Truck-kun or some equally stupid reason, and then he meets this 'One True God' who for reasons as stupid as "Being Chosen Randomly" or "The Person You Saved is a Genius who saved the World" or "Your incredibly mundane, normal, non-remarkable life that doesn't differ that much from other people, made you suffer too much" you get to be reincarnated into an anime world (in this case Naruto)! And guess what ? You get 3 wishes that you don't get to spend on anything "OP" (wink wink), so -again- for some reason you choose to be an Uchiha, or a Senju, or an Uzumaki or even an Uchiha Senju Uzumaki with tanned skin, a Rinnegan and red hair (which is stupid by the way), and for some Godforsaken reason, you choose a Goddamn stupid, boring system. So you spend your time following Cultivation tropes in an Un-Cultivation based world, where there are young masters where there shouldn't be, when you make a harem where it's illegal, and get that, where you become King, or Emperor, or God-Emperor, when you could just be powerful and chill. Now, you might be wondering, why have the Long Exquisite Fourth Breaking Wall Monologue that showcases how this story is not cliché ? Scratch that, what even is this story about ? Well, for your information, this story is about -Dun Dun Duuuuun-, you guessed it! ME! Go along in this beautiful ride pertaining to the story of the amazing, the Great, the Awesome, the One and Only, Fuji of the Desert!! No Dojutsu, No Kekkei Genkai, No AmazinglyHugeChakraReservesBecauseIWasAnAdultBeforeIReincarnated, and absolutely No OPness through Giant Furry Death Flags. This story is an Original (Not really), sophisticated (I'm really a first time writer), and surprising (more like Chocking) rendition of the cliché reincarnation story. Warning: Side effects may include Cringing, Dying, Cancer, pulling one's hair, gouging one's eyes, and all around addiction, if any of these side effects show, please call 911 because this is completely unrelated to the story, with this being a boring joke. Serious Disclaimer: The Wallpaper is not mine, if you want it removed message me or comment on a chapter or something, if you want to make me a Wallpaper, do the same. And please, please, take all of my jokes with a LOT of salt.

PrinceOfNilfheim · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

I can do this and that, what about you ?

*The day after Gaara's Tattoo"

"Mhm~ Mhm~ Mhm~" Hums Fuji over a sizzling pan, with Gaara sitting on the table, waiting for breakfast.

"Urgh, my head is killing me."

"Oh ! Yashamaru-san, you're awake ! Sit, sit, I'm making bacon and omelette for breakfast."

"Oh, good morning Fuji-kun, thank you... ?" He darts off as he sees Gaara's forehead.

He looks at Fuji with an uncharacteristic frown, a dark aura emanating from his back.

"Fuji-kun ? What is up with Gaara's forehead ?"

"We-Well y-you see... I had to give it to him ?"

"You Had To gIvE tO hIM ?"

"Yes ?"

"wHy ?!"

"Because I kiiiinda had to ?"

"yOu hAd tO ?! I Will ç&(àçè yOu, yOu B*StArD ! I Will rIp yOuR eNtRaIls aNd hAnG yOu oVeR a TREE !"

"Hey ! That was rude ! I'm actually a b*sta- Wait, don't come near me ! I have a pan ! Wai- Kyaaaa !"

Gaara just started giggling at the scene of Yashamaru chasing Fuji around the house.


"That was quite delicious, Fuji-kun." Says Yashamaru while elegantly dabbing a napkin on Gaara's face.

"Un ! That was really tasty !"

"*Grumble**Grumble**Grumble*" Responds a comically battered Fuji.


"I'll get it." Says Yashamaru.

He opens the door to see Pakura in her Shinobi outfit.

"Ah, Hello Yashamaru-san, is Fuji here ? I want to talk to him about something."

"Yes, he's here. Come in, come in, there are still some leftovers from Fuji's breakfast, he's really amazing at cooking, that kid."

"Some of Fuji's, huh? Well then don't mind if I do."

"Hi, Pakura-sama !" Says Gaara as Pakura enters the room.

"Hello, Gaara-kun, did you have fun yesterday ?"

"Hai !"

"H'llo, Pakura-sensei"

"Hello Fuji, what happened to you ?" She responds, eyebrow raised.

"Gaara's forehead happened."



Pakura sat down and started filling an empty plate with bacon while Gaara's giggling at the interaction.

"So, I came at the request of Councilman Baki, we are to meet in an hour at the Training Grounds along with the remaining escort team, for a demonstration of our abilities and some training/brainstorming on our teamwork, this is quite an important mission, so it can't be helped."

"Well, I'm already in shinobi gear, so we'll get going after you're finished gobbling up the bacon."

"*Huff*, I'm a lady, I don't gobble stuff, I elegantly eat it."


She then proceeded to "gobble stuff up".


".... The dude just called himself Evensky, I mean who names themselves Evensky ? That's just a stupid name, it doesn't mean anything, doesn't even sound good."

"You should have told him that."

"I did ! And then he started making suggestive comments about me, and I was 10 for god's sake ! So I beat the pretentious pr*ck to the ground and shoved his own kunai up his a$$, and that's how I got my first A-Rank bounty."

"Heh, that's an interesting experience."


They walk up to a tall shinobi with turban-like headgear instructing a team of masked ninjas wearing brown special forces attire.

"Hello, Councilman Baki."

"Ah, Hello, Pakura-san, and you must be our resident genius ? Fuji the Jade, you're high A-Rank in Kiri's and Iwa's bingo books, you know that right ?"

"I do, I would have preferred to be nicknamed by Kiri or Kumo though, Iwa's obsession with naming people after their hair is very unsettling, I mean the Yellow Flash ? The White Fang ? This time they just abandoned all pretenses and just stuck with the color."

"Haha, I guess you're right. Anyway, I have been instructing these guys on protocol, but their instructions will change depending on the accompanying jonin's abilities, so I think we should start by describing our abilities, then making demonstrations of most of them.

I should start, I am a jonin specializing in basic taijutsu and Fuuton Ninjutsu, I can use most common Fuuton ninjutsu available in the village, ranging from D to A rank, but my specialty is using a sealless wind blade with my fingers, like so." He says, proceeding to point his index and middle fingers up, creating a circular wind blade.

"Oh, I can just barely sense it ! It's not a direct application of chakra, the only thing I can feel is you using very thin two surfaces of wind attuned chakra to compress the air into a very thin line, that's some decent chakra control."

"Hearing you describe my hard-earned chakra control capabilities as "decent" is very demoralizing." Replies Baki while scratching the back of his head.

"That's actually very good praise from Fuji, when I first met him, he described my chakra control as 'above average', and my other students were 'Horrid' and 'Needing a lot of work', he probably already broke some historical record in terms of chakra control or sensing by this time."

"Well, I guess that's comforting, who's next then ?"

"Well, I'll go. I am a close-to-middle ranged ninjutsu specialist, so good Taijutsu with a focus on my Scorch release. My Kekkei Genkai is very specific in its application, which are basically making/combining heat orbs that have very high temperature that can explode on command, they are also capable of either synergizing or absorbing Katon or Fuuton jutsu to augment their capabilities, Fire makes them hotter, and wind makes them bigger. Currently, I can make five orbs of the minimum size, like this."

She waves her hand, making five orbs of her usual orbs materialize out of it. Close people's skin just seems to get itchy from the heat.

"This is my minimum temperature, I can make it so that it can dehydrate people in seconds at proximity if I add enough Fire attuned chakra, or if it absorbs enough Katon jutsu." She continues, to other peoples dismay.

(AN : Pakura is stronger than in Canon currently, right now she had more years of training due to her un-deathness, ergo the five orbs instead of three and the higher temperature.)

"That's... Impressive."

"Yeah, you really improved, sensei."

"Well, I had to make sure that my students couldn't catch up. Although that seems more futile as time goes on..."

"*Cough*, I guess this is my turn ? Do I get to brag now ?"

"Haha, well, go break a leg, kid." Says Baki.

"Alright, can I get some space, please ? Thank you. Well, I guess right now I'm mid-Jounin in terms of Taijutsu, the chakra weights that I'm wearing really helped."

"Chakra weights ?"

"Yeah, I've been wearing them outside of missions ever since I was 10, I'm at 400 kg on each leg, with 200 on my arms, they're seal made so they don't affect movement, they really help with training physical strength and speed without actually doing the training, saves me some time for other ventures."

"That could be useful, I could add them to my routine too, please continue."

"Alright, I don't like using handseals so I don't know any actual jutsu, I can just copy their effects through attuning what I call Chakra Constructs with the related element."

"Chakra Constructs ?"

"Yeah, it's an advanced and very specialized application of chakra shaping that I developed, the Fourth Hokage's famous Rasengan is the first step that I took in coming up with it." He says while creating an average sized rasengan on top of his palm.

"To get into more detail, the Rasengan is part of something I call Chaotic Chakra Constructs, which are basically a sh*t ton of chakra strings going wild inside a chakra 'film' or 'box' if you will, GREAT for drilling, slashing, and piercing damage, however I have to put a lot of concentration into keeping it from exploding at contact, so not really great for shields, blunt weapons, or anything that isn't life-threatening." Fuji proceeds to use a chaotic chakra drill, sword, and spear at the ground to showcase their capabilities, while throwing a kunai at a distant chaotic chakra disk to showcase its fragility.

"The other side of it that I came up with, are the Stable Chakra constructs, those are shapes made of roughly the same amount of chakra strings as the chaotic ones, but instead of them going wild they're put in order -I had to learn to tailor for that-, to create solid, stable chakra constructs that don't break/explode so easily, they harder to make than Chaotic Constructs, but much easier to maintain." He demonstrates a solid shield of chakra over his forearm, and instead of the swirling chakra, it looks more like a blue, very symmetrical round, light blue shield.

"Now, while the Chakra Constructs are very powerful and versatile, they take up a lot of chakra, so my mid-Jounin levels of chakra capacity can only allow for so much of them, so I usually just change their shape when I need to or absorb them after I'm done instead of making new ones or letting them dissipate, like so." He changes the shield into a sword, then absorbs it back on its hand. Pakura notices that even when manipulating chakra constructs outside his body, he no longer needed to attach them to chakra strings.

Despite everyones bafflement sans Pakura, Fuji just continues.

"The Elemental attuning side of things is simple all things considered. Right now I think I already mastered Wind and Earth attuning, Wind can be used two ways, either you attune the chakra 'film' for the chaotic constructs, which just attracts wind like a cyclone (Like the Rasenshuriken.), or you can just attune all of it which will make it sharper and a bit faster. Earth attuning basically works with gravity, it forces earth to clump around the construct, but it is less sturdy but highly destructive due to the spinning when using chaotic constructs, and makes for highly defensive constructs when using stable ones. I also started on Lightning, it's quite slow currently but it adds a very great deal of speed and piercing damage for chaotic constructs, and for invisible electrocuting barriers with stable ones, which is quite useful, I don't tend to use elemental manipulation because I lose more chakra when I reabsorb the constructs. Lastly, I'm a very good natural sensor, and I can spam minor genjutsus."

He then makes a green chaotic chakra sword, a spiraling earth spike and earth wall, and slowly turns his wind chakra sword into humming lightning sword that kinda looks like a lightsaber.

Everyone starts looking at him like a gaping fish, they knew that Fuji was good, but not THIS good.

"O-oh, that's certainly impressive, A new application of chakra manipulation at your age ? No wonder they call you a prodigy..."

"Yep, I'm great !"

Baki then turns towards the masked shinobi.

"You saw it people ! You really have to pull your sh*t together from now on to not be overshadowed by a 12 year old... too much at least ! So for this week I'm drilling you into escorting scenarios with the help of the two Jonins next to me !"

He then turns towards Fuji.

"We're going to test your chakra sensing after which we're going to train these guys into shape, special forces my a$$, just a bunch of spoiled children who got "promoted" due to their families. We're going to have to be on guard while we're escorting Ebizo-sama, who knows what could happen with these guys going along..."

"Hai Hai" Comforts him Pakura.

It seems nepotism affects everything in this village.


*A week later, at the gates."

"Good morning Ebizo-sama ! You look glowing today !"

"Heh heh, thank you Young Fuji, you don't look so bad yourself." Replies Ebizo with an uncharacteristic smile.

While they were training the special forces this week, there was a lot of interaction between the escorting team and Ebizo, allowing Fuji to worm himself into the old mans heart.

"Ebizo-sama, since it is inefficient to use a carriage in the desert we will head to Kannö city before aquiring one. After which we will head straight to Konohakagure. The journey will take a week, so I had Fuji-kun bring some of his cooking utensils and supplies to cook for you during our stops." Says Ebizo.

"These old bones can still take some running, and how can I refuse Young Fuji's cooking ? That would be blasphemous."

"Hah hah, I appreciate the compliment, Ebizo-sama."

"Alright, let's get going !"

"Hai !"


*At the road, Land of Fire*

As the group was setting camp and Fuji cooking some delicious pasta, he suddenly senses a couple of chakra signatures heading their way.

"We have incoming ! Two Earth, Three Lightning, all jonin level chakra !"

"And so it starts." Murmurs Ebizo.

"Alright ! Me and the special forces will guard Ebizo-sama ! Fuji-san and Pakura-san will focus on the offensive ! On your positions !"

As the special forces surround Ebizo, with Baki at the front, Five shinobi dressed in Iwa attire burst out from the surrounding trees. One of them simply gets impaled on the heart by a Raiton chakra spear prepared by Fuji beforehand, while another narrowly dodges an earth spike bursting from the ground, straight into a heat orb that evaporates his body in a burst of heat.

Fuji reabsorbs the chakra from the spike, turning it into a green sword while intercepting one of the Iwa shinobi heading for Ebizo, he goes for a sideways slash, which the shinobi foolishly tries to block with his kunai. He unceremonisly gets cut in half.

Pakura basically evaporates another shinobi who tried to escape after seeing his teammates demise. While Baki cuts apart the last one while he evades on of his kunai stabs.

"Urgh, I should learn some way to quickly get rid of blood." Quips a completely clean Fuji.

"Those weren't Iwa-nin." Interjects Baki.

"Yeah, Iwa-nin don't flee, they succeed, die, or retreat due to orders. These guys were wearing disguises." Continues Pakura.

"There's also the lack of coordinated ninjutsu, their team tactics are more sophisticated than whatever this was. These guys were disorganized, and each one of them just went blindly for Ebizo-sama" Finishes Fuji.

"This should be a tactic by Konoha, they hired disguised Nuke'nin to try to assassinate me. They knew it would fail, but the nuke'nin must have been either too weak or they attacked too early. An ANBU team must have been sent to dispose of them to 'assist' us. They're trying to gain advantages at negotiations even before we get to their village, typical Konohakagure."

"Well, speak of the devil." Interjects Fuji.

We turn just to see a team of four ANBU burst out of the bushes, A white haired dog, a spiky black haired bird, a brown haired cat, and a pint sized weasel.

The white haired ANBU steps up, glances at the dead bodies, and speaks.

"It seems that you've already dealt with the threats. We were sent here to assist as soon as we became aware of their existence, with additional orders to accompany you to the village, Ebizo-sama."

"It is unneeded, but appreciated, thank you for your consideration."

"Hai ! Weasel, take point, diamond formation."

"Hai !"

"Young Fuji, why don't you accompany him ? I think you would get along very well. At least as much as prodigies do."

"Hai Hai, Ebizo-sama."

Fuji finally meets some Konoha Canon characters ! I hope you enjoyed your chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, there's also quite a big info dump that should show where Fuji's at right now.

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