
Naruto: Six Realms of the Mist

What would happen if someone reincarnates in the world of Naruto, with an ability that doesn't belong to this world, discover how will the Sage of the Six Realms climbs the ladder of this world. I don't own Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor the picture used on the cover (the creator can ask me to remove it) I only own my OC and nothing more.

Duskstar · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

The First Gate

The training was relatively simple at least for Neji, he went to the river, and released as much Chakra as he could to displace the water, the more Chakra he used the more water was displaced by his Palm Rotation, and since water is harder to move than air, his Chakra reserves would deplete faster, eventually his Chakra reserves will increase and the amount of Chakra used will be decreased by his proficiency, a win-win situation, one of the most basic training methods and still super effective.

On the other hand, Lee and I had to deal with Guy-Sensei weirdness, our attacks need to be powered by YOUTH! What he meant by that is a mystery to me, I was unable to understand the things he meant using only words and charades, unlike Lee that seemed to be absorbing everything like a sponge and figuring out the mysteries of the YOUTH! Maybe is something wrong with me, It can't be that, I refuse to believe I'm the weird one next to these two.

At the end of the explanation, Guy-Sensei did a demonstration of what he just explained, thanks to the Six Realms, I thought I was going to be unable to learn anything from him, the Leaf Whirlwind is the first and probably the most important movement of this style, this is the base for everything else, a quick back spinning kick, that can be delivered as a low or high kick, is then followed by a kick to the chin or the body, the only downside to this is that it requires a strong and quick body, something that so far I'm unable to achieve on my own.

Rock Lee didn't have the same issues as I do, since his young age he focused only in developing his body, while I focused in developing my Illusions and Genjutsu, while I was above the strength of average Genins, it was still lacking to meet the minimum requisites to do it, with just my attributes alone, so I had to rely on the Asura Realm to barely do it, after thirty minutes of practice Guy-Sensei was looking me weird, he signaled me to approach him.

"Kenji, I noticed something strange, fifteen minutes ago, you couldn't reach the speed nor the strength for the move to work without leaving openings, which is the main weakness of the Leaf Whirlwind, but now you are matching Lee's speed and strength that are superior to yours, tell me, how are you doing that?" He asked, as soon as I was near enough for us to have a talk without yelling.

To explain that I needed to look at my attributes, even if my ability to learn is boosted, my status should still be the same, even if I master a movement I can't use it properly without the minimum requisites, I gave the mental command to open the attribute window and faked to be in deep thoughts before giving my answer.

{Yūhi Kenji


Strength - C- (+)*

Dexterity - C (+)*

Constitution - C (+)*

Wisdom - C+

Intelligence - C

Charisma - C

*Physical attributes boosted with Asura Realm Active}

"The day you tested us, was the first time I felt like something being unleashed in my interior, I don't know how to explain it properly, but it feels like my Chakra pushed my body beyond its limits" I started to explain trying to avoid being suspicious.

"Do you get headaches when doing so?" I moved my head side to side, to say no, "What about your body, do you get exhausted after that?" He kept asking, I wouldn't say that the Asura realm was exhausting, does it drain my stamina quickly? Yes, it does, but not to the point I would be unable to walk.

"I get tired, but it is not like I can't move afterwards, maybe I could keep my Chakra flowing like this for half an hour, maybe even one full hour if I use all my energy reserves" I replied as honest as I could.

"There is a something called the Eight Inner Gates, normally our body can only use about twenty percent of its power, to protect us, but there is a technique that forces Gates to open, allowing us to not only access all of our power, but increased, it seems that you can access the Gate of Opening, the one that get rids of the limit by instinct, some people train their whole lives to be able to open just one, and here you are opening it without trying" He said giving me his characteristic thumbs up.

The only way to explain it, is that the Asura Realm is actually just a bypass for me to open the First Gate, even their description is similar, Guy-Sensei looked at Lee and Neji at the distance before continuing.

"I was planing to teach the three of you, how to open, at least the First Gate, Lee, and specially you have a natural talent to this technique, so I will train you to open the other Gates, but you can't use them unless I say it's okay, or is your last resort, you already noticed the effect of the First Gate, and the side effects only get worse the more Gates you open" Guy-Sensei said.

{System Alert}

{Hidden Potential found, the system will stimulate the power sleeping in your body}

{Eight Inner Gates: Release Skill created}

{Due to the synergy of Eight Inner Gates: Release and Real of Asura, the Skills will Merge}

{Eight Gates of Asura Skill created}

{Eight Gates of Asura: Release 1/8 (The Eight Inner Gates exist to regulate the Chakra of an individual to avoid harming himself, you learned the secret to go beyond your current life limits, each Gate that is unlocked will allow you to access the power you once wielded as The Great Liberator}

Gate of Opening: Located in the brain's left hemisphere, this Gate removes the mental inhibitions, allowing you to unleash your latent power.}

"But first, you need to develop our body until you can do the Leaf Whirlwind without opening Gates, now give me two hundred push-ups with the training rock on your back" Guy-Sensei added, killing all my dreams and hopes in a second.

I already know what changes I will be inroducing to the Eight Gates, he won't be capable of learning the Eight Gates in just a year, hope you enjoyed it.

And as always with love, the author.

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