
Naruto: Six Realms of the Mist

What would happen if someone reincarnates in the world of Naruto, with an ability that doesn't belong to this world, discover how will the Sage of the Six Realms climbs the ladder of this world. I don't own Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor the picture used on the cover (the creator can ask me to remove it) I only own my OC and nothing more.

Duskstar · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

C-Rank Mission IV

We gathered the bodies of the missing-nin, Guy-Sensei wanted to verify their identities with the bingo book, like he suspected they were there, listed as former Kumo ninjas, wanted for killing a wealthy merchant during an escorting mission, we gathered all the useful things from their corpses, scrolls, tools, and their Shinobi plaques, as proof of subjugation, we made a small pit, and buried the corpses.

Rock Lee and Guy-Sensei slept for one hour, waking up with the sunrise, they were tired, but we needed to return to the Village as soon as possible to report about the bandits and the encounter, we traveled at a slow pace, allowing Guy-Sensei to recover from the fight and the exhaustion from the lack of sleep, we were getting close to the bandit's camp, we needed to take a detour or risk fighting them, Guy-Sensei sprinted to the front of the group and signaled us to stop.

"Last night you were just another team of graduates, and if it was up to me, you would have remained as such, but we had a fight we weren't ready for, I'm proud of Kenji's leadership, I'm proud of Lee's bravery, I'm proud of Neji's temperance, what I'm trying to say is that you proved me that not only have the youth, but you were ready to become true ninjas of Konoha, and above all, I'm proud of being part of Team three, to be capable of having the chance to teach and learn from individuals like you, not many ninjas can do what you did, and it fills me with joy to be able to call you my pupils, my friends, my fellow Shinobi" Tears coming out of his eyes, Rock Lee didn't take long to join him, while Neji and me were just awkwardly smiling.

"With that said, we still have one mission to complete, are you ready to get rid of some bandits?" Guy-Sensei asked.

"YES, SENSEI!" we answered in unison, and conviction.


{One day later}

"Team three, reporting the mission was a success" Guy-Sensei said to Mizuki with a thumbs up and a big smile, I'm surprised she didn't react to his antics, she is a professional, no wonder why she was promoted.

"Please, hand over the written report, feel free to tell me your findings" She replied, stretching her hand for the scroll, that Guy-Sensei was handing over.

"We found the bandits camp, none of them were ninjas, but we were attacked by missing-nin that had been hunting those guys under the orders of a crime syndicate" I said showing one of the plaques that belonged to the missing-nin, "after we dealt with them, we returned to the bandit's camp, they didn't put much resistance" I continued with my explanation.

"Interesting, hand over the plaques, we need to corroborate the identities on our end, when that is done, you will receive a bonus pay, independently of that, you made a good job, you just earned a week free, enjoy it" Mizuki say smiling, we bowed a bit and took our leave.

"Take the rest of the day to recover, we'll meet tomorrow at the Village gate, just because we have a week before a new mission, doesn't mean we can slack off, while all of you proved me you are capable of fighting, you are still too green, you made a few mistakes, and we will be working on them" Guy-Sensei told us, we each nodded at him, and split from the Team at different directions, heading to our respective homes.


{Training ground, next morning}

"I will start with Lee, you didn't hesitate when the time to fight came, you ended winning your fight, but you relay too much in your speed and strength, you lack a proper combat style, and we need to fix that, if you find someone faster than you, it will put you in disadvantage, this week I will teach you the basic of my combat style" Guy-Sensei explained, he decided that instead of having us doing physical training or sparring against each other, he will be trying to get rid of our weakness and correct some of the mistakes we made.

"Neji, your agility, precision and Chakra control are excellent, but you lack confidence on your abilities, limiting yourself, the other thing I noticed is that you can't expel big quantities of Chakra, in rapid succession, that is why your Palm Rotation failed" Neji nodded at Guy-Sensei's words "You will be focusing on that" Guy-Sensei added.

"Kenji, you are a natural-born leader, you are smart, charismatic, and have a strategic mind, you prioritize objectives, and provide the proper assistance or instructions according to the situation, your Chakra control is almost at the level of Neji, your speed is not that far from Lee, but your strength is a bit lacking, your Genjutsu is something I have never seen before, I can say you are close to surpass Kurenai if you haven't already, but your Taijutsu is unreliable, sometimes you fight like a demon and others it seems you can barely throw a punch, you trust too much on your Genjutsu, you'll be training with Lee" He said.

He was right, I depend on my Illusions and Genjutsu, and I'm wasting the full potential of my abilities, I have the strongest Taijutsu Master as my Sensei, and I'm not learning from him, making the bonus from the Seasoned Warrior Title go to waste, half the time to learn styles and techniques, I should be able to learn how to open the Eight Inner Gates, Rock Lee was able to open four with just one year of training, if I have half the talent he has for Taijutsu I can replicate the same feat, but if my talent is equal, maybe I can even learn how to open all of them in the same amount of time, assuming each Gate takes the same amount of training to learn, I need to prove Guy-Sensei I'm ready and worthy of learning his secret technique no matter what.

This is the end of the first "real" mission, hope you enjoyed it.

And like always with love, the author.

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