
Naruto: Shining Beacon

A reincarnated scientist angry with his life and social status in Konohagakure attempts to change it with the reinvention of a kekkei genkai. Arc 1: Journey To Iwagakure Arc 2: Stealing From Sunagakure Arc 3: Reinventing Lava Release

Rachel_Sanchez_6658 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The sound of a pen pressing down on paper is the only audible noise in the well organized room. All around there are documents full of very detailed experiments of various things, jutsu, chakra natures, and chakra control.

Filled cabinets line the walls, each labeled many different things, genjutsu, taijutsu, ninjutsu, kenjutsu and even the now forgotten ninshu.

Scribbling away at the paper on a large metal desk is a young man, no more than 20, with his light brown eyes focused on the chakra diagram next to his arm.

The chakra diagram shows an extremely complex mixture of two chakra natures merging together, earth and fire release.

The paper reads, "Project R.L.K.G has failed again, after the thirteen combinations I've decided to temporarily pause the project until I can see for myself how a person with lava release molds their chakra to form the change from fire and earth to the far superior lava chakra nature. Any other projects will also be paused as this one is the most important for the time being. In order to reinvent the lava kekkei genkai I'm missing crucial information and data. As far as I'm aware the only example of anyone reinventing a kekkei genkai is Sunagakure but they managed to achieve that through researching a bijuu. Whether magnet release is a combination of the basic chakra natures or just an ability of Shukaku doesn't matter, I need that research."

The man sitting at the desk temporarily pauses when he hears a knock at the door.

"Somisu, the Sandaime has asked if your study of new fire release jutsu has shown any results."

The voice outside of the door is one Somisu recognizes as it belongs to one of lackeys of a certain hokage.

'Hiruzen has come to bother me for more jutsu? Or is it Danzo? Regardless its really annoying I don't have much time to work on my personal projects and they expect me to turn out jutsu after jutsu? If I didn't need their help to fund my lab than I wouldn't even bother making new jutsu.'

Somisu abandons the paperwork on the desk and rises from his seat to grab a very large scroll labeled fire release jutsu that has a flame pattern on the seal.

He walks up to the heavy metal door and presses the inside of his palm against it while flowing his chakra through one of the hollow spaces in the door.

A soft click is heard as the door slides open and the pale white mask of an anbu appears behind it. The man in the mask seems to be familiar with Somisu as he nonchalantly smacks him on the back with a snort.

"Still working on your advanced fire jutsu?," he says with a light voice.

"No, I was just organizing my documents into the correct cabinets. It seems an annoying white toad managed to get into my office."

Somisu stares directly into the eye hole in the anbu mask as his voice deepens with anger, clearing bubbling furiously inside him, "You wouldn't have anything to do with that would you Jirayia?"

"Oh course not Somisu, why would I ever do such a thing?" Jirayia says after awkwardly laughing.

'This bastard is more of a snake than Orochimaru, at least he has the integrity not to steal from another fellow researcher. Hiruzen must have ordered Jirayia to search my office, thankfully he can't since all of the cabinets have my blood seals on them.'

Concealing his thoughts Somisu just pushes up his glasses with a gentle smile on his delicate, almost feminine face. The teardrop shaped mole under his right eye and his clear pale skin contrasting to form a pleasant image.

"You don't have to hide anything from me Jirayia, I'm a proud member of Konohagakure. I'd be more than happy to share my results with the shinobi of our country."

The awkward expression on Jirayia slightly melts as he stares at the extremely genuine face.

"You know I don't like Hiruzen don't you?" Somisu's voice slowly turns quieter as he walks out of the office within his house.

"Hiruzen and Danzo are the two ring leaders of Konohagakure and the land of fire. Together they completely control every little thing, from the education system to the trade treaties between the other 4 great shinobi villages from which we get most of our goods from. The daimyo is just a figure head, in a world like ours strength dictates all, not money."

"Just because he's the leader of a nation doesn't mean that you should despise him Somisu, Hiruzen is my sensei, I know him best. He would never abuse his power for his own benefi-."

Jirayia freezes mid sentence at the change in Somisu's expression, now cold and dissatisfied.

"What do you mean I shouldn't despise him? Even now I'm forced to improve and invent new jutsu every month. You know what will happen to me if I don't met the quota every month. What have I received since I've graduated from the academy and joined the research department? I'll tell you what, a million ryo and a laboratory that's constantly under surveillance."

"You wouldn't have been able to do any experiments without that laboratory Somisu, besides we owe our lives to the village we should be happy that we can contribute all we can to improve the lives of our comrades. Its our duty to sacrifice our lives for the betterment of those we love."

The atmosphere suddenly becomes very light compared to the previously heavy tone as Somisu stares at Jirayia in disbelief for a few moments before bursting out in laughter.

'Damn, this piece of brainwashed garbage really is the sensei of a shonen protagonist. Such a self sacrificing ideology, no wonder he died to Pain. I'm here working like a slave and this man tells me to I should be ecstatic that my death will make the rich richer and Hiruzen's control stronger?'

After almost an entire minute of laughing Somisu finally stops and turns away from Jirayia's embarrassed face.

"Jirayia don't mock me with your ridiculous banter, I'm barely getting paid above minimum wage. If not for being too high profile I'm sure Danzo would without any doubt force me to join that little chunni group he's making. Hiruzen doesn't even bother paying attention to anything happening within the village, at this point he might as well just retire and let the entire village collapse head first rather than have it slowly wither away into mediocrity."

Jirayia closes and opens his mouth many times like a fish out of water but mutters nothing before Somisu leaves his house with a single body flicker.

'Time to go see the monkey in a red hat.'

First of all I'd like to address that this an A.U and that all of the canon characters will act differently from canon. I can't bother to rewatch Naruto for this so I'm going off memory and other fanfics. Secondly the power system will also be slightly altered so that kekkei genkai that need a specific bloodline in canon can be used with a specific combination of chakra natures, there will be limits. Third of all ryo is going to be worth the same as 10 yen.

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