
Naruto Shadow Mage

Transmigrated into the Naruto world, I unexpectedly arrived at the end of the Third Great Ninja War. Other people who transmigrate either get the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan or the Rinnegan, so why did I end up in the Nara clan, and in a branch family no less? What's this? First, there's the end of the war, and then the Nine-Tails' attack? And I have to compete with Itachi and Kakashi for the title of genius? Fortunately, I also have a cheat ability! Watch as Nara Koshino grows step by step, ascends to the pinnacle of the shinobi world, and earns the title of Shadow Mage! During the Fourth Great Ninja War, facing bosses like Madara and Kaguya, he smiles slightly and says, "Three seconds is enough to deal with them!"

nyawdao4 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

The Clan's Plan

"Medicine? What medicine?"

"Why are you wasting time? It's that secret medicine you prepared! Never mind, let's use the one I prepared for Shikasen!"

Hurriedly untying the bag at his waist, under Shikaku's surprised gaze, Elder Shikayuu, who had always disapproved of Koshino, urgently beckoned him over.

When Koshino walked up, Shikaku watched in disbelief as Elder Shikayuu, with a pleasant expression, instructed Koshino, "Koshino, this is the secret medicine I had prepared for Shikasen. I'm giving it to you now. Remember to take it while training your chakra, and only one at a time. If you experience any adverse reactions, report immediately to Shikaku!"

"Thank you, Elder Shikayuu, I understand."

"Hmm? Koshino, there's no need to be so formal! From now on, call me grandpa, just like Shikasen does!"

"Uh, okay... Grandpa!"

Unquestionably, Elder Shikayuu's sudden change in attitude stunned Shikaku.

On the other hand, Koshino had anticipated the elders' shift in behavior when he decided to use the Shadow Sewing Technique to teach the new generation of the Nara clan a lesson.

What is the advantage of being a branch family member in the Nara clan?

It's that as long as you show potential, you can gain recognition from all clan members!

In the original story, what did being a branch member in the Hyuga clan mean for someone like Hyuga Neji, no matter how talented he was?

He still faced discrimination from the main family, and they controlled his fate.

But Koshino?

Just by demonstrating his potential in front of the clan leader, elders, and young members of the Nara clan, he had already caused a 180-degree change in Elder Shikayuu's attitude, who had always disliked him, not to mention the young members he defeated!

At this point, Shikasen, Koshime, and the other young Nara clan members who had always looked down on Koshino now idolized him, their eyes filled with admiration.

Even though Koshino took a secret medicine from Elder Shikayuu, these young members felt no resentment. Instead of being jealous, they thought rewarding Koshino with a secret medicine was too little!

After all, Koshino was a genius who could skillfully use the Shadow Sewing Technique at the age of four!

Because of the internal unity of the Nara clan and especially seeing that his peers like Shikasen harbored no jealousy, Koshino felt an even stronger sense of belonging to the Nara clan.

Then, as Shikaku regained his composure, he cast a deep look at the two clan elders before focusing on Koshino.

Confirming from the chakra traces that Koshino had indeed used the Shadow Sewing Technique, Shikaku lightly coughed and said, "Elder Shikayuu, Elder Shikaheiji, I'll leave the rest of the testing to you. I have some matters to discuss with Koshino, so we'll be leaving first."

"Go ahead! I'll handle things here."

"Koshino, continue to train hard! If you encounter any difficulties, come find us!"

"Yes! Okay!"

Nodding, Koshino followed Shikaku out, bidding farewell to the clan elders and the young members with humility, showing no arrogance despite his talent. This made Shikaku nod in approval.

As they walked to Shikaku's house, he affectionately ruffled Koshino's hair and said, "Koshino, you've gotten the hang of the Shadow Sewing Technique in just one day, impressive!"

"Hehe, it's all thanks to your great teaching, Uncle Shikaku!"

"Flattery, huh? You little rascal!"

Giving Koshino a light smack on the head, Shikaku's expression turned serious as he asked, "Koshino, do you know the purpose of this clan test?"

"Is it about reallocating resources?"

Discussing sensitive topics openly wasn't necessary in front of Shikaku, his uncle.

Moreover, people in the Nara clan had high intelligence and emotional quotient, so Koshino spoke freely, though he still got it wrong.

"Partly about resources, but also about the plan."

Stopping, Shikaku gazed into the distance and said, "Our Nara clan, along with the Akimichi and Yamanaka clans, are as close as family, with each generation bearing the name 'Ino-Shika-Cho.' Unfortunately, the current situation in the village is tense, and we're facing a shortage of successors. So, pre-selecting the next 'Ino-Shika-Cho' is our top priority."

"In other words, Koshino, you now have the qualification to inherit the name 'Shika.' Understand?"


Koshino's eyes widened at Shikaku's words.

This was beyond his expectations.

But bearing the name 'Ino-Shika-Cho' was an honor, and Koshino welcomed it. Besides, having allies was crucial for survival on the battlefield and even for participating in the Chunin Exams. With the support of elite members from the Akimichi and Yamanaka clans, Koshino was actually looking forward to it.

"Uncle Shikaku, who are the selected members from the Akimichi and Yamanaka clans?"

"That's the problem; they haven't been chosen yet. Otherwise, your Uncle Choza wouldn't be so worried."

Smiling, Shikaku patted Koshino's head again, proud and happy that the Nara clan had Koshino.

Walking through the courtyard, they chatted about the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans. As Koshino gathered more information, he deduced that the three clans were about to face a significant challenge due to the Fourth Hokage.

Unfortunately, Shikaku remained cryptic, leaving Koshino guessing what trouble the Fourth Hokage had stirred.

Just as Koshino was about to get Shikaku to reveal more, they were interrupted by none other than Choza Akimichi!

"Shikaku, I've been looking for you! Oh? Koshino is here too!"

"Hello, Uncle Choza!"

At that moment, Koshino felt the urge to strangle Choza, but Choza paid no mind and directly addressed Shikaku, "Shikaku, did you forget what today is? Hizashi is anxious and sent me to hurry you up. I find you here chatting with Koshino, seriously... I don't know what to say!"

"Sorry, sorry! I've been swamped and nearly forgot."

Apologizing to Choza, Shikaku looked at Koshino and said, "Koshino, come with me. We're going to the Hyuga clan today."

"Uncle Shikaku, what's the occasion?"

Hearing the mention of the Hyuga clan, Koshino got excited, eager to meet the legendary figures of the Hyuga.

However, Koshino had no idea that he would meet not just one but two legendary figures this time!

"It's nothing big; Hizashi's family just had a baby boy, and we're going to celebrate his one-month-old birthday."

"By the way!"

"I think the little guy's name is Neji, right?"

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