
Naruto Shadow Mage

Transmigrated into the Naruto world, I unexpectedly arrived at the end of the Third Great Ninja War. Other people who transmigrate either get the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan or the Rinnegan, so why did I end up in the Nara clan, and in a branch family no less? What's this? First, there's the end of the war, and then the Nine-Tails' attack? And I have to compete with Itachi and Kakashi for the title of genius? Fortunately, I also have a cheat ability! Watch as Nara Koshino grows step by step, ascends to the pinnacle of the shinobi world, and earns the title of Shadow Mage! During the Fourth Great Ninja War, facing bosses like Madara and Kaguya, he smiles slightly and says, "Three seconds is enough to deal with them!"

nyawdao4 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Hyuga Family Banquet

Neji Hyuga?

He was definitely an extraordinary figure!

Despite the Hyuga clan being known as the elite clan of Konoha in the original series, Koshino concluded that, besides the "Heavenly Shinobi" during the Warring States period, the Hyuga clan didn't quite deserve the same elite status as the Uchiha clan. The elite status was mainly a result of the Second Hokage's efforts to suppress the Uchiha.

Look at the Uchiha clan: first, there was Madara Uchiha, then Shisui of the Body Flicker, followed by Itachi Uchiha, who carried the torch. Even after the clan was wiped out, Sasuke Uchiha still stood strong with his powerful Mangekyo Sharingan and, later, the Rinnegan, ready to take on anyone who opposed him.

On the other hand, the Hyuga clan?

Apart from Hizashi Hyuga, only his son Neji was truly impressive. In the original series, he was the first among the Konoha 12 to become a Jounin, and he was poised to break through to the Kage level, joining the ranks of the world's top shinobi.

Unfortunately, Neji's fate was tragic.

Being part of the branch family of the Hyuga clan, he lost his father at the tender age of four for the sake of the main family's interests and was marked with the Caged Bird Seal, effectively making him a slave.

Living in a world filled with hatred and resentment, Neji's potential was clearly restricted. So, despite being hailed as a genius early on, he only truly flourished after resolving his hatred.

However, during the Fourth Great Ninja War, fate still did not favor Neji. He was the only one among the Konoha 12 to sacrifice his life, turning him into a source of tears for countless fans and a source of regret for Koshino.

Some say that knowing the plot of the original series allows one to be foresighted and better control one's life.

But to Koshino, if you cannot change the things you want to change and continue to follow the gears of history, filled with regret and sorrow, what's the point of being reincarnated?

So, as he follows Shikaku and Choza to Hizashi's residence, Koshino is excited to meet characters like Hizashi and Neji. He also makes a secret vow to change their tragic fate. Even if he cannot free them from the control of the Hyuga main family, he at least wants to ensure they live happily and fully express their talents.

If Hizashi didn't die and could personally train Neji, wouldn't Neji become even stronger than in the original series?

Wouldn't he become a Jounin earlier and possibly break through to the Kage level?

Just thinking about these possible future changes made Koshino clench his fists and analyze, "Hizashi's death was because of the Raikage's ambitions, right? In the original series, it was briefly mentioned that after the Konoha and Cloud Village signed a peace treaty, the Cloud delegation, still harboring ambitions, attempted to kidnap Hinata, leading Hiashi Hyuga to kill the leader of the delegation, which in turn led to the Cloud Village demanding Hiashi's head to get their hands on the Byakugan."

"Hiashi, being a coward, couldn't handle the situation and, under the elders' persuasion, handed over Hizashi, causing Neji to lose his father."

"So, the key to Hizashi's death is tied to the conflict between Konoha and the Cloud Village during the Third Great Ninja War."

"I need to understand how far the Third Great Ninja War has progressed!"

Analyzing the situation, Koshino turned to Shikaku and curiously asked, "Uncle Shikaku, is the war still ongoing?"

"Oh? Koshino, why are you asking about this?" Choza asked curiously.

Shikaku, who had long intended to train Koshino, stopped Choza from asking further and first scolded Koshino, "Koshino, you should focus less on these matters and more on your training, understand?"


Seeing Koshino nod, Shikaku paused and then slowly explained, "The Third Great Ninja War has been going on for a long time. After the Battle of Kikyo Pass, the Sand Village surrendered, leaving the Rock Village as our main enemy. However, under the wise leadership of the Fourth Hokage, we achieved a great victory in the Battle of Kannabi Bridge, and recently signed a peace treaty with the Rock Village. Now, our only remaining enemy is the Mist Village. If the Third Hokage's plan succeeds, the war should be over soon."

As he spoke, they arrived at Hizashi's residence. Shikaku quickly instructed, "Koshino, remember to speak less and only speak when I signal you to, understood?"

"Understood, Uncle Shikaku."

Following Shikaku and Choza into Hizashi's residence, Koshino looked around and couldn't help but snicker.

It wasn't that Koshino had a low sense of humor; the main and branch family system of the Hyuga clan was just too ridiculous.

This was supposed to be Neji's one-month celebration, yet none of the main family members, led by Hiashi, were present. Only a few branch family members came and left after briefly speaking with Hizashi as if they feared staying too long would invite punishment from the main family.

In contrast, representatives from other clans, like Shikaku from the Nara clan and Choza from the Akimichi clan, congratulated Hizashi, presented gifts, and then took their seats at the banquet.

As Koshino sat in a corner, unable to see Neji, who was being celebrated, he quietly observed Hizashi and analyzed the current state of the Third Great Ninja War.

Shikaku hadn't said much about the war, but that didn't mean Koshino didn't understand it.

As a reincarnated person familiar with the original series, Koshino probably understood the Third Great Ninja War better than Shikaku.

In the original series, the Third Great Ninja War was depicted as a heroic tale of a lone warrior defeating numerous villains!

The war started because Sasori assassinated the Third Kazekage, causing chaos in the Sand Village. To compensate for their losses from the Second Great Ninja War and cover up the Third Kazekage's disappearance, the Sand Village went to war with Konoha.

As Shikaku mentioned, after the Battle of Kikyo Pass, the Sand Village surrendered and signed a "peace" treaty with Konoha. In reality, this treaty was a humiliating one for the Sand Village, forcing them to pay Konoha half of their resources annually and limiting their number of shinobi, leading them to adopt an "elite" training route in the future.

But after the Sand Village's surrender, Konoha faced an unprecedented crisis!

With the departure of the three Sannins, Konoha's visible strength declined, giving the Rock Village an opportunity.

A new wave of conflict ensued until the famous Battle of Kannabi Bridge ended, the Fourth Hokage ascended, and a peace treaty was signed with the Rock Village, bringing the Third Great Ninja War to a close.

Three months ago, when Koshino had just reincarnated, it was around that time.

The Fourth Hokage had just taken office, and the Battle of Kannabi Bridge had just ended, with Kakashi receiving his Sharingan.

But while many in Konoha, including the intelligent Shikaku, believed the war was nearing its end, Koshino quietly scoffed, knowing the war was far from over!

Soon, under the control of the hidden boss Madara, Kakashi's comrade Rin embarks on a tragic path, becoming the Jinchuriki of the Three-Tails Isobu in Madara's plan and sparking new conflict between the Mist and Konoha, leading to a new wave of war.

Moreover, Madara's scheme was just the beginning. After the Mist Village further weakened Konoha, the Raikage's ambitions would come to light. So, with the threats from both the Mist and Cloud Villages, the notion that the war was ending was laughable. While Koshino didn't laugh at Shikaku, he silently shook his head, feeling sympathy for the troubles Konoha would face.

"The Sand and Rock Villages have barely ceased fighting, and now the Mist and Cloud Villages are about to start."

"Ah, Konoha really is plagued with troubles! If the Third Hokage had foresight like me, knowing that 'Masked' Obito would return for revenge next year, starting the Nine-Tails attack that would lead to the Fourth Hokage's death, he might just want to bash his head in with a tofu block!"

As Koshino silently lamented, thinking no one would notice his sighs at the banquet, Choza suddenly spotted his actions and laughed:

"Koshino, what's wrong? Did you also notice that the Uchiha clan members are up to no good?"

"The Uchiha clan?!"

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