
Naruto secret world

Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, rarely going by her title, is the main antagonist of the Naruto as a whole. She is the source of all the conflict of the entire Naruto, and by far the biggest threat faced by the protagonists. But no one knows that Princess Kaguya is sealed inside my body. After thousands of years of sleeping princess Kaguya finally woke up. My name is Finn Anderson, who was reincarnated into Naruto World or that's what it looks from the surface. Because this world is really complicated. ...... The mc is op and I will not just follow the original naruto story, rather a different one taking place inside naruto. After 40 to 50 chapters, I have merged other anime worlds with Naruto which will be connected with Universal war between Bibal Faction, Devil Faction, Otsutsuki clan, The great Monarchs and many other races. ________________ .......

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 31 - Finn vs A, returning to the village

"Let's fight 1v1." Finn didn't give A any time to answer as he suddenly appeared in front of him. Before he could react Finn already had landed a punch on his chest.

Future Raikage was sent flying, crushing with the tents.

'He is fast. Extremely fast.' Blue chakra cloak enveloped around his body. Finn can hear lighting sparks sounds.

"So this is the famous Lighting Chakra mode. I always wanted to learn it."

A appeared in front of Finn and was about to punch Finn's chest. But to his shock Finn also managed to react in time and counter his punch with another punch.

Finn took few steps back while A had to take several steps back.

A felt pain in his left arm and knew that his left arm was damaged from Finn's punch. 'His raw strength is monstrous. Even Tsunade would fail to compare with him. Looks like, earlier he was holding back his speed when he punched me'

'He is a tough opponent. Maybe the toughest one I have ever faced. But' a smile appeared on A's face. 'I have black lighting technique.'

Finn saw that A's hands suddenly release black lighting.

"So this the famous iron fist of future 4th Raikage. Interesting" Finn rushed towards A with wild smile.

Once again both their fist collided. This time Finn was pushed back by 3 to 4 meters. Finn felt a sharp pain in his right arm. He looked at A and smiled like. "A, I admit you are strong but you are too confident in your abilities. Arrogance has stopped you from improving."

Finn closed his eyes for a moment and opened them. Suddenly cyan color chakra cloak enveloped around Finn. It was like Finn's whole body was in cyan color fire.

A and every Shinobi was extremely shocked. They didn't what power Finn was using.

A and the cloud ninjas in the whole camp felt a strong pressure. A felt a sense of danger from Finn, his instincts was telling him to run away.

Finn's power had increased by 3 times in this form. Finn could feel immense amount of power inside his body.

Finn suddenly arrived in front A. Before A could react, Finn punched his throat with his full strength. Finn already had enormous strength, his strength was again multiplied 3 times after entering the sage mode.

That punch instantly sent A flying 10 meters back. His throat was destroyed; blood was coming out from mouth, nose, eyes and ears. A's blood flow was disturbed. Blood didn't reach his brain anymore. A looked at Finn one last time with his eyes filled regret, fear and hatred.

After A died, Finn took out a large sword almost 1.5 meters big from thin air. Finn teleported outside the camp and channeled his chakra into the Zangetsu. The Zangetsu glowed in dark aura. The aura was filled with endless killing intent.

Finn raised the Zangetsu high in the air.

"Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer (Getsuga Tenshou)"

Huge violent dark blade chakra formed like a ray or arc and went towards the cloud ninja camp.


A loud explosion can be heard. Every leaf Shinobi immediately came forward to see what happened. A mushroom like cloud rose in the air. The entire camp was destroyed.

All the leaf Shinobi saw Finn. Seeing Finn's cyan colored chakra cloak everyone was extremely shocked. The killing intent coming from Finn made everyone shiver in fright. They dare not approach Finn. Kurenai and Guy looked at each other and wondered what other secrets Finn was keeping from them.

"Just a single strike completely drained my chakra. I can only perform this technique when I am in sage mode."

The cyan cloak disappeared; Finn kneeled on the ground and breathed heavily.

"Huff! Huff!"

Finn was extremely exhausted after releasing this technique.

[~Defeat the cloud ninjas


-Rewards: - Chakra 1000+, speed 100+, SP points 10+]

Finn smiled in satisfaction when he received the reward. Finn felt that one fourth of his chakra had returned.

[~Kill more than ten thousand people.- (10,234/15,000)

- Reward: - 50 SP points, Special skill Ruler's Authority, Chakra 1000.]

'Looks like every cloud ninja died that attack.'

Finn turned to look at the former enemy camp which had became a huge crater. Finn then looked back at his subordinates who were looking at Finn like they have seen monster.

"Everyone it's over. We have won."

Finn stood up and was about to step forward when he suddenly felt his consciousness fading. Finn was mouth to fall on the ground when Kurenai caught Finn and hugged him.

She had tears in her eyes. "You didn't have to do everything on your own. You idiot"

"To able to wipe out an army of 6,000 with just a single attack. Finn is definitely the nest monster after Madara and lord first." Hiashi sighed. Many Shinobi was having hard time believing. They never expected their commander to be so powerful.

From that day a new legend was born. A new page of the history opened. History was written by Finn. His single attack would be remembered for generations.

Hiashi lead everyone back to the village. Guy carried Finn during the whole journey. Hiashi, medical group head and sensory group head reported everything to Hiruzen.

Tsunade panicked when she saw Finn. After checking his body Tsunade found that Finn fainted because he over used his Chakra himself. Rin broke down in tears after seeing Finn in this unconscious state.

"It's a miracle that he is even alive. It would take at least few weeks before wakes up. Other than that Finn has some minor injuries on his arm." Tsunade said to Hiruzen and Rin. Hiruzen was very happy with Finn achievements; he didn't want anything to happen to Finn.

Kaguya maintained her calmness after seeing Finn unconscious. She and Rin decided take care of Finn. Kaguya spent her 24 hours with Finn, she even stayed in the hospital to look after Finn.

3 days later, Finn opened his eyes. Finn found himself lying on hospital bed. It was morning time, 4th morning in this hospital.

"Looks like I can only use Moon Fang Heaven-Piercer technique only once with my current power. My power is still far away from Lord 1st or Madara. Not to mention the gods clan, Otsutsuki. I am still lacking in experience."

"Good thing is I managed to create my own sword technique. Although it's a copy from another anime, but who cares. No one will no. My new invention perfectly worked with Chakra, Making this technique my only S rank Jutsu."

Tsunade, Rin and Kaguya entered the room. Kaguya and Rin immediately rushed and hugged Finn tightly.

"Finn you are finally awake. We were so worried."

"Sorry, for making you all worry."

Tsunade felt little sour. "Devil Asura of the leaf was summoned by the Hokage. He wanted to see you as soon as you woke up." Tsunade coldly said and left. Finn wondered why Tsunade called him the Devil Asura.

"Whatever. Kaguya and Rin, I am sorry but duty calls." Kaguya and Rin nodded their head in understanding.


"Finn, thank god you woke up. I was very worried." Finn smiled and continued to listen.

"Finn I heard what you did. I am extremely pleased by your performance. Tell you the truth; I was thinking of letting Sakumo and his group joins you after defeating sand."

Finn guessed that Sakumo must have defeated the sand already and was on their way to support Finn. But after hearing that Finn had defeated cloud village Shinobi alone, Sakumo lead his army to assist Minato.

"Now the situation has changed. 3rd Raikage and Onoki are fighting. I heard that Onoki using more than 10,000 of his Shinobi just to kill the 3rd Raikage. The hidden cloud village now is at its weakest point." Hiruzen showed a beautiful smile when talking about the hidden cloud village.

"Sakumo was able to make the sand Shinobi retreat by killing their Kage rank Shinobi. The real problem is hidden mist village. They have been quiet for such a long time. Bloody mist isn't the type to keep quiet during a great war. I suspect they are plotting something against Konoha. So, Finn I want you to investigate."

Finn nodded and left the Hokage office. After informing Kaguya, Rin and Tsunade, Finn once again head out for another adventure or mission. Finn teleported outside the village and flew away in Hidden mist village direction.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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