
Naruto secret world

Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, rarely going by her title, is the main antagonist of the Naruto as a whole. She is the source of all the conflict of the entire Naruto, and by far the biggest threat faced by the protagonists. But no one knows that Princess Kaguya is sealed inside my body. After thousands of years of sleeping princess Kaguya finally woke up. My name is Finn Anderson, who was reincarnated into Naruto World or that's what it looks from the surface. Because this world is really complicated. ...... The mc is op and I will not just follow the original naruto story, rather a different one taking place inside naruto. After 40 to 50 chapters, I have merged other anime worlds with Naruto which will be connected with Universal war between Bibal Faction, Devil Faction, Otsutsuki clan, The great Monarchs and many other races. ________________ .......

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 121 - Awakening [ I ]

After Sirzechs left, Grayfia sat on the chair beside the bed and looked at Finn's face with a guilty look. Grayfia was blaming herself even though Sirzechs or anyone said nothing to her. Grayfia guilty look was caught by Rias, Mio and Sona. The three girls looked at each other and nodded. They walked out of the room and closed the door.


"I am going to training. I have to rating match so I need to prepare as much as I can." Rias didn't like training but currently she wanted to train. Rias after being trained by Finn for 3 days, already had thought Finn someone close to her life. Seeing Finn's current condition, Rias felt her heart ache. Rias couldn't understand her feelings. Rias wanted to train and exhaust herself so that she could rid of this pain which she thought of as sadness from her heart.


"I am going to the library." Sona was very sad. Sona had played chess with Finn. Sona and Finn openly talked about themselves which made her feel comfortable around Finn. Sona began to consider Finn as her friend. Sona was even looking forward to playing chess with Finn today and talk with him.


"I am going to take a bath." Mio was the least affected among the trio. Mio had known Finn only for few days and had no connection to Finn. To her, Finn was like a stranger who had would disappear after a short period of time. Also, Mio's heart has grown cold after what she went through. By instinct she cannot bring herself to trust stranger whom she met few days ago even if that very stranger had let her reunite with her best friends. The last time Mio trusted a stranger, she was betrayed by him and almost had lost her life.


Grayfia ordered for some water, a towel and new set of clothes for Finn. Grayfia personally wiped the blood off from Finn's body. Grayfia didn't had the mood to appreciate how good Finn's body was. After cleaning Finn, Grayfia put new pajamas on Finn and changed the bedsheet which was stained with blood.

Grayfia didn't leave Finn's side, she stayed with him for hours. She only left when Sirzechs ordered her to do something.


Kaguya, Tsunade, Rin, Tio and Konan all the girls was in distress. It has been hours yet there was no news from Finn. Tsunade and Rin was constantly sending emergency signals to Finn's teleportation marking hoping that Finn would respond and return. But Finn never came and as time passed everyone was getting more and more restless.


Somewhere in the forest...

A women with elongated ears and green hair, just finished killing a group of wolves. The woman was Echidna. Another women wearing armors and carrying a spear walked towards Echidna while holding a red flower in her hand. This woman was Nagahide. After separating with Finn, both master and student had set out to do some missions and polish their fighting abilities.


"Nagahide for some reason I have this bad feeling in my heart. Like something very bad has happened to that pervert." By pervert Echidna was referring to Finn.

"Master, I also something bad has happened. Maybe this is because we have separated from Finn and already missing his presence." Echidna also agreed with Nagahide. There is no way Finn could be in trouble.


After another 5 hours, it was finally dinner time. Everyone was quiet in the dining table. The atmosphere was heavy. Rias parents was very sad to learn what has happened to Finn. Sirzechs also has found the traitor in his house and has killed that maid with his own hands. Sirzechs also has made some changes to prevent this type of situations from occuring in the future.


Rias, Sona had no mood of eating. To them food which was delicious everyday, now had lost their deliciousness. Rias was most affected as she couldn't even bring herself to eat anything.

"I am not hungry. I am going back to my room. Goodnight." Venelana looked at Rias and understood what was going on with her daughter. She just hoped that Rias would find peace in her heart. She too was very sad about Finn's news but what can she do. There is no known method to remove the blood cursing array from Finn's body.


'Grayfia mood is even worse. The poor girl is blaming herself for what has happened to Finn. She has been sitting with Finn and is refusing to come out to have dinner.' Venelana also lost her appetite just thinking about the whole thing.


After Rias, Sona also left with some excuse. Before Sona, Rias and Mio all three slept together in one room. But today Sona and Rias was not in the mood of sleeping together. So Sona went back to her own room.

Tsubaki, Koneko, Akeno and other peerage members of Rias and Sona sighed. Although they did not know Finn as closely as Rias and Sona, they still felt sad for what has happened to Finn.


Mio was the one who ate most today. Mio was the least affected. She knew the value of food. Only someone who has starved for 5 days would know that value of food and appreciate the food. Mio after the death of her parents and during one year, she had gone through numerous changes. She is no longer picky about food. She eats whatever she gets, Mio learned this in a hard way.


Rias didn't went back to her room instead she came to Finn's room and checked on his condition. This was the 7th time Rias had came to check on Finn. She was really hoping that Finn would wake up and say that all this is nothing but a prank. She still can't believe that a powerful man like Finn has ended up in this condition.


Like this 1 day passed and Finn showed no sign of waking up. Grayfia invited many healers and doctors. They all said that even they are not sure when Finn will open his eyes. According to the doctor, Finn's body condition is perfect but something is constantly changing inside his body which is also keeping him unconscious. The doctors and healers assumed that the change had something to do with the blood cursing array.


2nd day passed.

Finn still did not woke up. Rias, Sona came multiple times to check on Finn. Sirzechs, Venelana, Zeoticus, Mio, Kiba, Koneko, Akeno, Tsubaki also came to check on Finn. Grayfia never left Finn's side and she hasn't eaten anything for 2 straight days. The same thing was happening with Kaguya, Tsunade, Rin, Tio and Konan.

In the end Konan made some simple dishes and forced the girls to eat at least something that would keep them alive.

Venelana, Rias, Sona and Mio had urged Grayfia to eat something but she refused saying that she is not hungry.


3rd day passed.

Rias and Sona was still feeling sad. No matter what Mio did to cheer them up, the Rias mood always stayed the same while Sona's mood improved a lot. These three days no matter what Rias did, whether it was eating her favorite food or playing or training everything felt tasteless to Rias. Even masturbating was not working. Rias just couldn't bring herself to change her mood, rather her inner self didn't wanted to change.


Grayfia for 3 days, she was always sitting beside Finn and looking at his face. Everytime she looked at his face, Grayfia felt that guilt was eating her out. Grayfia felt suffocated. Grayfia felt she was responsible for all this and she had to take the responsibility of looking at Finn. At least this way she was hoping to reduce the guilt she felt. But in reality, Grayfia was wrong. The more time she spent looking at his face the more she blamed herself. Grayfia personality also began to change even without her realizing. Grayfia was taking less and less, her face had no expression other than the guilty look, she didn't even care what was going on in the Gremory Household.


4th day

Tonight was full moon. The moonlight fall on Finn's face and Grayfia was blankly watching at Finn's handsome face. These four days Grayfia personally had cleaned Finn and changed his pajamas. Now for 4 days Grayfia hadn't eaten anything. Grayfia didn't felt least hungry when she saw Finn's face. Whenever she would close her eyes she would only see the pained expression on Finn's face and his entire body covered in blood.


[Transformation is completed. Congratulation Master your race has been changed to Superior Vampire.] Finn heard these words in a black space. Finn felt that he was floating in this black space for a long time, Finn cannot tell how much time since this space is always black. In this black space Finn didn't had any emotions, memories and nothing but a consciousness. But after hearing the words which sounded very familiar to him, the black space slowly began came to light. Light rays fall on Finn's body and he seems to regain his emotions and memories.


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