
Naruto secret world

Princess Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, rarely going by her title, is the main antagonist of the Naruto as a whole. She is the source of all the conflict of the entire Naruto, and by far the biggest threat faced by the protagonists. But no one knows that Princess Kaguya is sealed inside my body. After thousands of years of sleeping princess Kaguya finally woke up. My name is Finn Anderson, who was reincarnated into Naruto World or that's what it looks from the surface. Because this world is really complicated. ...... The mc is op and I will not just follow the original naruto story, rather a different one taking place inside naruto. After 40 to 50 chapters, I have merged other anime worlds with Naruto which will be connected with Universal war between Bibal Faction, Devil Faction, Otsutsuki clan, The great Monarchs and many other races. ________________ .......

Azure_warrior · Anime & Comics
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185 Chs

Chapter 107 - Shukaku kidnapped from Sand village

Shukaku opened his eyes and looked at the human in front of him. After entering, Finn had transformed to his original appearance. Shukaku, after seeing the blue pupils and irides which contain a white, floral pattern, he recognized those eyes.

"The Tenseigan. Never thought someone would get the same eyes as uncle Hamura had. Tell me human why did you disturb my sleeping time?" Shukaku voice sounded little arrogant.


Finn looked at Shukaku for a moment. "So this is the famous Shukaku, the one tail." Finn murmur. Shukaku body size was huge. Finn could feel the amount of chakra it had. "The amount of chakra Shukaku has is less than what I expected. Then again considering the fact my chakra reserved had increased after gaining half of Ashborn's powers so I shouldn't compare myself with a tail beast especially not with the weakest tailed beast."


Finn looked at Shukaku and said. "Shukaku, I want a portion of your chakra." Finn directly went straight to the point.

Hearing a human wanting his chakra made Shukaku really angry. "Your despicable humans, to you we are only a mass of chakra. Can't you see that we also have feelings. You humans locked me here for hundreds of years and now you even want my chakra. How dare you?" Shukaku roared loudly.


Finn's expression didn't change. Finn currently didn't had the power to release all the tailed beasts. If does something like that then the Akatsuki will easily capture the tailed beasts. Even if we forget about the akatsuki, the other nations won't simply stand still, they will definitely try to take the tailed beasts for themselves. In this situation, Finn really didn't had much of a choice.


'But I can take them to my Rising Dragon Island and let them live there. Since the Island is still unexplored by the elemental nations and no shinobi other than my mansion residents lives there. The tailed beast should able to live there in peace.' Finn secretly made up his mind to let the tailed beast live in his island. After all the Island is already huge, half the size of land of fire.


"I have to proposal for your. I can give you freedom, peace and ensure that you won't be captured or harmed as long as you follow my rules." If possible Finn didn't wanted to fight with Shukaku and complete his task as fast as he could.

Shukaku narrowed his eyes and calmed himself. "What are you talking about?" Shukaku felt Finn was lying. There is no way this young man can give Shukaku freedom, not in this age.


"I have found a undiscovered Island far away from elemental nations. The entire Island is half the size of the land of fire. You can live there comfortably and on one will attack your or disturb you." Hearing Finn's words, Shukaku's eyes saw some hope. But he quickly realized that he was about to fall for other lie of humans. Over the thousands of years, Shukaku has learned that humans are cunning and cannot be trusted.

"Stop bullsh*ting and get lost."


"How about I take you there?" Finn approached Shakuka and jumped on his head. Shukaku was very confused and thought what was happening.

Finn teleported Shukaku to Rising Dragon Island, behind his Mansion. Shukaku opened his eyes and found himself in a different place. Seeing green forest, fresh air, Shukaku almost had tears on his eyes. How many years it had been since the last time he had seen the forest and inhaled such fresh air.


"Where are we?" Shukaku excitedly asked.

"We are in the Rising Dragon Island. This Island was founded by me." Shukaku looked around and saw a mansion.

"This is my home. After the Mansion is a small village which was built by the villagers I rescued during the 3rd great ninja war. You can go anywhere in this Island but don't cover the entire Island with your Sand. Just cover a small part of the Island with your Sand, the part where you want to build your home. Also don't attack the people here, they are just normal humans with no chakra in them."


Hearing Finn's words Shukaku felt so excited. Finn noticed that Shukaku was excitedly moving his tail, right and left.

"Now give me a portion of your chakra." Finn took out a chakra sealing scroll and looked at Shukaku. Shukaku without any hesitation passed half of his chakra to chakra sealing scroll.

"Thank you. Now you can go anywhere you want, just try not to destroy the trees." Shukaku nodded and then bowed his head in gratitude.

"Thank you ....."Shukaku didn't know what Finn's name was.


"My name is Finn Anderson."

"My name is Shukaku. I thank you Finn. If you ever need my help then just let me know." With saying that Shukaku went to explore the new place he is going to live in.

Seeing Shukaku walk away, Finn finally thought about the hidden Sand's reaction. "Whatever, I don't care. Even if Rasa tells the world that I stole a tailed beast, nothing will happen to me. At most I will have to answer few questions to Minato." Currently in the elemental nations, Finn feared no one. Finn also didn't care what other people talked about him.


Meanwhile in the Sand,

All the guards felt it when the seal on Shukaku disappeared. At first the guards thought the one who entered has removed the seal. They all looked at Rasa and waited for his commands.

1 minutes passed...

5 minutes passed...

10 minutes passed...

30 minutes....


Even after waiting for 30 minutes, Finn showed no sign of coming out. Over the passing minute, Rasa became even more anxious. He tried to sense if everything was alright. But when he sensed that Shukaku and Finn was gone, his face turned pale. Rasa became very angry.

"Make some space for me enter." After entering, Rasa saw what he feared. Shukaku was gone with Finn.


"That bastard stole our village greatest treasure right under my nose."

"Finn you bastard." Rasa loudly roared in rage. Even if Rasa feared Finn, he would never hand his village biggest treasure to an outside. Rasa never thought Finn would cheat him this way. The guards also wanted to blame their Kazekage for letting an outsider enter but they didn't because they feared their Kazekage very much.


Moments later Rasa calmed down and looked at the guards. "Everyone listen, no matter what happens this news cannot be leaked. No one, even your family shouldn't be aware that Shukaku has disappeared. If anyone of opens their mouth, then I will kill everyone of you here including your family." After saying that Rasa angrily left.

"Finn, I swear I will take revenge for this."


Scene change to Rias Gremory

Huff! huff!

"Finn, let me rest." Rias sat on the ground. Her whole body was covered in sweat. It was already lunch time yet Finn didn't let Rias let rest.

"If you stop now then you can never break your limits. You will always remain the same and this training will lose it's meaning. Now stand up."


Huff! Huff!

"Easy for you say. I bet you never trained like me." Rias asked to which Finn just smiled thinking. 'Girl I had the help of system, otherwise it would have taken years for me to get this strong.' Of course, Finn is not going to tell her about his system so Finn lied.

"Then how do you think I became this strong? A hard worker can beat a person with talent. It would be useless to have talent if you don't work hard." Finn was trying to motivate Rias.


"Finn, do you know that you are the most annoying person in the world. I really hate you." Rias stood as she cursed Finn. Finn didn't reply since this wasn't the first time Rias had said something like this.

"If you want to have lunch then hurry up and complete 5 laps around the training ground."


During today's training, Finn first let Rias do some physical training which target her speed. Finn then trained Rias on her magic control which was terrible and she didn't even realized it. When Rias had emptied her Mana reserve, Finn forced her to do more physical training which was to increase her stamina and strength.

'By the end of this week, Rias would become very powerful.'


What Rias didn't know was, whenever she exhausted her mana reserve, her mana reserve capacity was slightly increased. Also Finn wanted Rias to use her magic to enhance her strength and speed but she cannot do it since her magic control is terrible. The time she takes to shot a destruction blast, would be more than enough to let her enemies kill her.


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