
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

This blonde kunoichi can't be this cute

In the middle of the night, when everybody was preparing to go to sleep, two shadows were moving slowly in between the cracks of the houses. 

Their pace was slow and carefully planned. They had all the information they needed and just had to act according to that.

Of course, they know that there are always variables, so Mianto left his kunai in some places to escape if necessary.

As for who would take the blame, well, there was a robbery some time ago in Konoha exactly for this occasion.

The time was perfect, exactly when they changed guards. Little by little they were penetrating the defenses, however, the stress was also extremely high. 

The reason? They needed manpower for their own village and, although they do many things that border villainous with their prisoners, they were all scum who do not deserve pity, that's their bottom line.

That's why this list was so important for them. 

They took 4 minutes to reach the designated place, the building was well-guarded and full of seals. In this era when there was no more Uzumaki clan nor Mito or Kushina, the rest of the nations finally could sleep in peace, knowing their secrets were secure. Sadly, they had no way of knowing that all of their fears still existed in this world.

So, the part where most spies would be stepped is the easiest for this pair.

There was not much suspense, they took the information and then left without a trace. What? They casually were passing by an office that seemed to be unimportant but there was a secret meeting that they could take advantage of? Sadly, this is not that kind of fanfic, no one is so lucky.

Moving fast to avoid persecution in case they left some clue, they reached the place where they were supposed to meet Maki. 

It was not necessary to mention in the note, it was the training place they both used together. It was at the same time, the least suspicious for anyone who followed her. 

Unfortunately, things can't go always perfect. Maybe Maki didn't notice them, but there was a group of people behind her. It seems that although she tried, she was still a little inexperienced.

— It seems we won't be able to come back. (Minato)

At this moment, they still had their disguise on them. When the group noticed that Maki indeed was going to meet with suspicious people, they immediately abandoned their caution and proceeded to arrest the spies.

But who were Minato and Kushina? If they wanted to keep them here, they at least had to call their Kage and their jinchuuriki.

When the pair noticed the group consisted of only two jonin and 5 chuunin, they immediately abandoned the idea of fleeing using the flying thunder god technique and proceeded to knock them all up. After all, that jutsu was just too eye-catching.

— Now! Take my hand! (Minato)

Like that, making sure there was no one else around, the trio disappeared.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

Not long after the Minato and the other two left, another group of ambu arrived at the place. 

At first, they thought that their comrades were killed, but were pleasantly surprised when they noticed that they were just put to sleep.

— Let's take them to the hospital now! We have to figure out where that little bitch went!




— So you're telling me that that little twerp escaped and none of you could do anything to prevent it? Is this a joke? (Rasa)

In the Kazekage's office, Rasa was listening to the reports of his subordinates. 

He didn't care about the little student of that bitch, but now he was in serious trouble. At first, he thought the matter of Pakura was over. She died and no one could threaten his rule, but at some point all went wrong.


Rasa could not comprehend how she managed to kill all the ninjas that Kumo sent. 

Was she alive? Where? Did someone help her? 

He asked himself all the time. Worst of all, Kumo was blaming everything on him, after all, the war ended not so long ago and every jounin ninja was a powerful and valuable resource for any village. Now that they lost a couple of them and their target was nowhere to be found, it was difficult not to suspect.

Now, Rasa had to do anything in his power to keep that matter a secret. If Kumo, in a fit of rage, suddenly tells the world that they collaborated to kill Pakura, then his future would be truly over.

Another solution would be to pay compensation, but his village was so poor that if he decided to give away money without a clear reason, then he's finished all the same.

His only remaining choice is to give his jutsus, this hurt him a lot, his pride is all around the floor, but there was nothing he could do.

Now, a girl he thought represented no trouble for him disappeared and a lot of his ninjas were knocked out. Obviously, she had help, but who? Even if Pakura was still alive, it's impossible to be uninjured after a fight against so many enemies.

— Kazekage-sama!

Just when Rasa was immersing himself in his thoughts, an ambu appeared in front of him, his voice betrayed a sense of urgency and his breath was erratic. Obviously, whatever he wanted to say was not good news.

— Shut up! What happened? 

— Kazekage-sama, it's bad. The archives! The criminal archives were robed!


At that moment, the mind of Rasa entered a state of blankness. 





The vengeance of Pakura was just starting.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

— Ano… Can you tell me who you are, please?

Maki was running with two strange people, both of them had their faces covered, their identities a mystery.

Right now they were at the outskirts of the village, this was the maximum distance Minato could teleport with his jutsu.

— We will tell you later, now just run. (Minato)

They were still in the area controlled by the sand, and staying still was extremely dangerous. There were obviously ninjas tasked to look for them.

Maki was feeling really scared right now, at first she just thought they were contacting her because they wanted to talk to her, never did she imagine that she would suddenly escape the place she grew up, moreover, in such a way that surely they would think that she was a traitor.

They continued to run and run for hours, they could not stop because the desert didn't offer any kind of cover. When they crossed the boundary and reached the forest, they finally stopped. 

Maki was tired and almost dead, she had to keep the pace of two of the strongest ninja of the era. But the fact that she could persist so much was a testament of her talent. Maybe she would have been much more powerful in the original timeline had she been born in Kumo or Konoha.

— Ha… ha… ha… Please… Let me rest for a bit. 

— Uh… sure, sorry? (Kushina)

At first, seeing how she was so persistent, they thought about proving her for a bit, but now it seems they went a little too far.

A couple of minutes later, Maki finally calmed down. 

— Now… ha… can you please tell me who you are? (Maki)

— Well… 

Now that there was no one else around, they just took their mask off.

When little Maki saw their faces, she just took a breathe and shut her mind. It was not worth thinking about anything right now.

— So… my sensei… (Maki)

— She is alive, we'll take you to her now. (Minato)

— Oh… ok. (Maki)

Forgetting about the two terrifying existences in front of her, Maki just clenched her fists and let herself be taken by the joy she was feeling.

Minato and Kushina were a little worried about her, but seeing her state, they just proceeded to walk in the direction of their base.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

While Minato and Kushina were away, Tsunade was thinking hard about what to do with her technique. She was a Kage level kunoichi right now, but even so, she could she the possibilities, how her strength would grow if she could complete it.

At her level, basic movement jutsus like the Body Flicker Technique were no longer effective enough unless she could improve it and create her own version like Shisui.

And so, she spent the last seven days in closed cultivation. 

*tok* *tok* *tok*

Just when she was about to lose patience for the n° time, someone knocked the door.

— Tsunade! Lunch is ready! 


She just calmed down and opened the door, food was important and she, as the best doctor, knew better than to skip it.

— Okay, thanks. 

Just when she was about to close the door, a little foot got her way.

— Can you tell me what it is that you are doing here? It's been days and Mito is worried. you know? (Lite)

Tsunade, seeing that he would get in her way one way or another, just sighed and let him pass.

'Maybe it's time for a little rest.'

— So, will you tell me? (Lite)

Then, Tsunade just proceeded to explain in simple terms what her problem was. She did not expect any kind of idea. Lite was smart, but his knowledge about jutsu was lacking.

— Tsunade, let me ask you something.

— What?

— Are you perhaps dumb? 

The problem of perception, although rare, was not only exclusive to her. Some ninjas suffered from it and every one of them found their own way to solve it. Some just train until their senses catch up, and Kakashi was more special, he directly exchanged his eye.

Lite knew that someday he would face the same problem since he did not know what kind of mutation his sharingan suffered. That's why he has been thinking about it all along and he came to an answer.

What he did not understand is why Tsunade did not ask him anything, That's when it came to him. Why would the best medic ninja in the world ask something to a child? 

Truly, arrogance was the worst enemy for anyone.

— Kid, it seems your butt has been too comfortable lately. 

— No, uh… Sorry. You could have asked me. 

— Do you have a solution?

— Well, I do, but Mito is the one who can help you.

— A seal? No seal helps to enhance perception.

— Uh, no. Tell me, what does the seal in your forehead do?

— What kind of question? It saves chakra so I can use it whenever I want to.

— Right, it saves something to use it later. So, can't you just not make a seal to save concentration or perception and then use it when you need it?

Lite's idea sounds a little too far-fetched, but seals in this world can do almost anything. You can seal space, time, memories, etc. So although the concept of saving concentration or perception sounds rare, theoretically it's not impossible.

'A dumb Tsunade is cute too! This gap moe is too dangerous!' 

— I was thinking of talking to Mito about it, I did not know you had thin problem, otherwise, I would have already told her.

— You… 

Tsunade found it difficult to deny her stupidity. The answer was in her all along.

'Am I really becoming stupid? No, it's this kid! Yes! I would have reached the same conclusion even if he had not come! Hump! Let's see if you still have that condescending look later!'

— Hmp! I'll look for grandma!

Although there would be some problems with this, such as her mind would have to be more active at normal times, it was not something she had to worry about. Massages with chakra and meditation would do wonders for her.

'Raikage? Haha! Let's see how I send you to the pure land with one punch!'

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

Kumogakure, office of the Raikage

A was sleeping on his desk, tired of all the paperwork. He was dreaming about what to extort the sand.

Suddenly, his senses became alert and he felt a terrible premonition all over his body.

— Mabui!

A silhouette entered by the door. She was a beautiful woman, really beautiful. 

— What happened, Raikage-sama?

— Cancel all my appointments! I have to train!

A was really scared.

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

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