
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 016

"The fewer enemies we have that knows what our abilities are the better," Naruto replied, "Plus I don't use people, just their arrogance."

"If I were to follow this plan of yours," Hinata asked, "When would we be allowed to show our true power and abilities?"

"When it truly calls for it," Naruto answered, "But we would have to be careful when discerning how much we want to reveal about our true selves. Remember the fewer that's known about us the better we can catch our enemies off guard when or should they try to attack or ambush us."

Hinata took a moment to contemplate on Naruto's words. After giving his words careful consideration, she saw that he made a lot of sense.

"You really are sly fox," Hinata smiled.

"And you're the ever gentle spring rabbit that knows when to hide and show her sharp teeth," Naruto replied, "So how about it Hinata-chan? Are you willing to go along with my plan for us?"

Hinata nodded.

"Great," Naruto said before opening the ink bottle and putting the ink brush into the bottle, "Now Hinata-chan, I need for you lift and took off your shirt and-"

"Ta-Tak-Take off m-my shi-shirt," Hinata stuttered with shocked and a huge blush on her face, "Yo-You can't be ser-serious!"

"…I won't lie to you Hinata," Naruto sighed, "In order to give you these two seals, I must write them between your breasts and activate them."

"Co-Couldn't there be another way to do this," Hinata asked, feeling embarrassed that she would have to take off her shirt in front of Naruto.

"Unless we know of a master class seal mistress, then no," Naruto remarked, "And even if we did, it would raise too questions about how I acquired these seals and why we're employing her to place them on you."

"But why between my breasts," Hinata asked with the blush never leaving her face.

"Because that's where the source of the Inryoku Fūjin and Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin were designed to originate, near the heart. Your heart is what will be used to empower the two seals. So long your heart beats, the Inryoku Fūjin and Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin will always work and your increase of chakra will add to its strength, but you can control how much chakra you want to put into the seals or take out. That was where I place the two seals on my own body.

"But I won't force this on you if you feel too embarrassed to go through with this. It's ultimately up to you."

Hinata thought about what Naruto was saying. It wasn't like he was telling her to take off all of her clothes and stand naked in front of him.

"It's OK if you don't feel comfortable about what placing the seal on you entails," Naruto assured, "In fact, we can forget about-"

"N-No," Hinata interjected, "I'll…I'll do it!"

"Do you really want to," Naruto asked sincerely, "Like I said, you don't have to do this if you don't want to."

Gulping, Hinata nervously reached for the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulled it up off her leaving her barefooted in her pants. Hinata looked to see Naruto gawking at her and holding his bleeding nose with a napkin while fighting the perverted smile and giggles that were begging to come out.

Naruto-kun is staring at me with those eyes of his, Hinata thought, though part of her felt some measures of feminine satisfaction and excitement that she was developing into someone desirous.

Hinata-chan's father would seek my immediate execution if he were to see or learn of this, Naruto thought, Though seeing Hinata-chan like this will fuel my wet dreams and fantasies for weeks.

Pushing those thoughts deep behind his mind, Naruto returned his mind back to his objective.

"Now Hinata-chan," Naruto instructed, "I'll need you to lie on your back on your shirt like a mat so I can first write the seal outlines between your breasts."

"I do wonder why we can't do this back in your place Naruto-kun," Hinata said.

"Ever since that incident when I knocked out all of those would-be ninjas and all of the other ninjas and the Hokage simultaneously with my Oiroke No Jutsu during our Academy Field Day," Naruto explained, "I've been put under a magnifying glass with the Hokage and several others keeping an eye on me and watching my movements. I know that they're suspicious of me and my true potential. And if one of them were to see you undressed halfway in my apartment…(looked at himself) and with me still being shirtless, and while not fully knowing what we were discussing, we would have a most difficult time explaining to the Hokage and your father what we were doing and what we were NOT about to engage in."

Hinata's face burned a sanguine red when the implications of Naruto's words came at full force. She almost passed out from realization where Naruto was going with what he was saying and if she was honest with herself, the idea of getting caught in the forest as they were right now kind of excited her.

"I se-ee your point, Naruto-kun," Hinata agreed before she lied on her front on her shirt. Naruto went over to her and prepared to place the seals on her as he knelt down next to her at her right.

"Bear with me on this," Naruto requested, "This process will take a while, but not all day."

Taking the ink brush, Naruto started writing the outlying of the seals around the designated area on her body. Hinata giggled, "That tickles Naruto-kun."

"Glad to see no expression of discomfort on your face," Naruto grinned back at her. It took another thirty-three minutes until Naruto was done with the intricate outlining of the Inryoku Fūjin. When that was done, he carefully began filling in the outlining of the seal with ink and made sure not to miss a spot or drop ink in the wrong region of the seal. After another fifteen minutes, Naruto was done with that task.

"Alright Hinata-chan," Naruto said as he cleaned and put the ink brush and bottle away, "Now for the Chakra Sokubaku Fūjin."

It wasn't until forty-five minutes when Naruto was done writing and drawing the second seal around the first one.

"Now," Naruto said, "I'm going to finalize and activate the seals simultaneously."

Naruto gave the ink several minutes to dry first. After seals dried, he gathered the required amount of chakra before performing a set of complex hand signs and then placing his right hand on spot where the seals were. Hinata's face burned dark red upon seeing where Naruto's hand was.

Naruto-kun is touching my breasts!, Hinata screamed in both shock and excitement.

"Fūin Jutsu: Seigō Fūjin," Naruto said as he sent chakra from his hand and into the seals to activate them. Hinata cringed when she sudden felt pain traveling all around her body as seal writings start appearing and spreading all around her body and head.

"Wh-What i…is this," Hinata managed to say, "Why does thi-this hurts so much?"

"It's part of the integration process," Naruto said, "The two seals are spread all around your body and chakra coils as your body is being forced to adjust and adapt to the new seals."

"You never said it would hurt this much," Hinata retorted.

"I know," Naruto admitted, "Sorry for keeping that bit of information from you. But I figured that the idea of immense pain would shy you away from accepting having these seals placed on you."

"That's no-not fair," Hinata remarked as she winced and cringed from the pain.

"No, it wasn't," Naruto admitted, "But you'll thank me later for this."

Two minutes later, the seal disappeared from sight into Hinata's body. When that was done, the immense pain Hinata felt was completely gone, although she felt some heaviness and restraint with her body and chakra coils now.

"I feel better now," Hinata said, "But it's difficult to even move right."

"That's your body responding to the adaptation of the force now placed around your body," Naruto said, "The seals are now activated. You're currently on level 1 on both seals."

Naruto stood back up and helped Hinata stand back on her feet.

"What level are you currently on," Hinata asked.

"Level 2.5," Naruto replied, "Level 1 was too light for me. But it's still difficult moving in my current level but I try not to show it too much."

Naruto reached down and retrieved Hinata's shirt.

"I think you better put this back on Hinata-chan," Naruto said, "You flashed me enough for the day."

Hinata face turned red again at what Naruto was implying after giving her back her shirt.

"I'm not the kind of girl Naruto-kun," Hinata chided Naruto.

"But I'm sure you enjoyed it," Naruto teased, "I know I-"

"You're no-not planning on telling…are you," Hinata asked worriedly.

"Hell no!," Naruto replied, "No one else needs to know. This was our private and sacred bonding moment."

"Our private and sacred bonding moment," Hinata repeated.






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