
Naruto: Root Ninja

A young man is killed at the age of 20 and is reincarnated into the world of Naruto. But unlike other reincarnators, he didn't meet anyone, nor did he get any wishes or powers. He wakes up in the body of a 3 year old kid. He looks around and finds a man with bandages covering one side. He said to the three year old kid "From now on, you are Hakuto. Meet Kaze, he will be your brother from now on and the Root foundation, your home." For the first time after writing 4 books, I have decided to go for NO HAREM!!! I am going to try something new and the whole fan-fic is going to be in MC's POV. I know that I am bad at POV and that's why I would like to get some advices after you read a few chapters so that I can improve them in the future Although I plan on making the MC go from weak to strong, I still don't know the power balance and that's what happened in the last fan-fics. I sometimes end up giving him some power that makes him way stronger than others. I did say I wasn't going to write anymore, but I decided to write anyways. For those who already read something I wrote, would know that till date, I haven't completed even a single story. I am. not going to promise that I would finish this, but I will try to finish it. I don't own the cover and got this from an episode. I also don't own anything other than my OC characters.

komega · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 45

It was useless discussing amongst ourselves, so I followed then to the forest where we had our first test after becoming genin, and the place where we were regularly thrashed by Yugito in the name of training.

Yugito was waiting below a tree, leaning against the trunk and when we arrived, she stood straight. Her face was serious, so we understood that it was important.

We prepared ourselves and stood before her. Yugito opened her mouth and said "This is going to be an important announcement for you guys, so listen carefully."

We nodded our heads and she continued "We jonin teachers were summoned by the Raikage and he handed out A-rank missions to all the genin ninja.

You know about the tradition of having the chunin exams in different villages together every year, right?

Here, usually the villages display their strength to other villages. So, it is a means to know the strength of the future ninja of a village.

Our Kumogakure has a record where no genin has been able to qualify to the final round of the chunin exams till now. Do you know why we still have a people become chunin?" she asked in the end.

T raised her hand and said "It is still a mystery that everyone in the academy want to know. I have a feeling that our Raikage has something planned."

"Almost there. It is actually a plan made by the Village elders. The genin of Kumogakure have a different chunin exam in our village and I called you here to explain this exam." Yugito said in a serious tone.

We also listened with full concentration. She continued "Since killing genin from other village is allowed, the test is basically like a competition where the two genin who kill the most number of genin are promoted to chunin."

T and G gasped, but weren't too surprised. The ninja world is where the strong decide the fate of the weak. You either kill or be killed.

This was also a good moment for me. I had grown soft living in the Land of Lightning that I almost died in the hands of two side characters. I was planning to play with the main characters of the story, who are monsters.

I needed to be strong and need more knowledge and what better place than chunin exam to get knowledge. With genin from other villages at one place, I can get anything I want.

"Don't think killing other genin is easy. Any living creature when cornered and threatened, will bite back. That's why this whole week we will be training here.

I gave you kids around a whole month to train and that's enough for personal training. You will now train as a team and I will even teach you how to move like me." Yugito said with a smile.

T and G weren't happy with the last part. There are reasons for that. One, we already tried this before and she just isn't a human. The two tails inside her has boosted her strength and her chakra, so keeping up was difficult.

Two, they wanted more time alone. So, they didn't like the idea of team training.

Yugito clapped her hands and said "Ok, you can be disappointed after our training. Now move your ass."

She jumped onto a branch and I jumped onto another one closer to her. T and G just sighed and did the same.

Yugito said "It is easy when you get it once. Try it out. It's just like the body flicker jutsu."

She said this many times, but it is easier said than done. The body flicker jutsu is a technique where we use chakra in our legs and move at high speeds for a short distance.

It is the same concept as using nitro boost in cars. It gives a boost for a short distance.

The main thing here is that, Yugito wants is to move in those speeds. This was close to impossible for us, as we couldn't immediately change directions in that speed. It is something only some people could do, like Shusui, Yugito, etc.

we started our training and it ended exactly like before. All three of us were bleeding through our noses and our face red.

It happened because we couldn't control the body flicker jutsu and crashed into many trees. I was still on a branch while T and G were sitting under the tree.

All three of us used a lot of chakra and were breathing heavily. Yugito landed beside me and said "Why are you struggling this much just to learn a technique? I heard that you three were the top three of your class."

"I don't think any genin can learn this." I replied.

She just looked at me and said "I thought you would figure it out by now. I can't teach you everything. You have to figure somethings out yourself."

"Try the technique out now. You might just figure it out." Yugito said and jumped down to scold T and G, who again were all lovely.

I wondered why now. I didn't have enough chakra to use the jutsu even once, but I still did what she said.

I moved towards the tree in high speeds, but the speed wasn't too much. That's why, this time when I was about to crash into a tree, I could avoid it.

"Yeahh!!!" I yelled, forgetting that although I didn't crash into a tree, I was in the air.

"Aaahhhh" I screamed as I fell and in mid air, I saw a figure approach me. It was Yugito, who caught me by the back of the shirt and brought me down safely.

I said to her "I would prefer polite treatment please." and she immediately dropped me.

T and G came running towards me and G asked "What was that shouting? What happened to you?"

"You could say that this is the second technique I learnt on my own." I replied and they were confused as I knew a lot of techniques, but what they didn't know that after the rasengan, this was the second useful technique I learnt without using the Mind Touch techniques.

Yugito looked at T and G and said "You both have to start working hard or else, Hakuto will leave you both behind and will just become a burden to him."

This managed to motivate both of them, as they had a new fire in their eyes. They got to work and they didn't even ask me for any tips.

It was due to their pride. G considered himself my rival, and T is famous for having mastered the basic techniques to a level that can rival C-rank jutsu.

(Sorry for not uploading till now. I will write another one today to make up for it.)

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