
Naruto: Revised Prophecy

In the aftermath of the First Great Ninja War, a new era emerges in the Hidden Leaf Village. Amidst the shattered remnants of conflict, a child named Kajirama Uchiha is born, destined to bear the weight of his ancestry as the reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki, the legendary rival of Ashura Senju. Raised in a village struggling to rebuild and redefine its future, Kajirama must navigate the complexities of his heritage and come to terms with his fate. As the heir to the powerful Uchiha clan, he possesses extraordinary potential, and had expectations bore upon him and the others even before they were born. Unbeknownst to Kajirama, he is not alone in this new era. Unfolding events reveal that a rival reincarnate is also born, a Senju descendant bearing the soul of Ashura. As their destinies intertwine, the echoes of ancient enmity threaten to ignite once more, putting the fragile peace of the Hidden Leaf Village at risk. As Kajirama and his friends grow and train together, they must confront not only their own personal ambitions and emotions but also the legacy of their clans. With each decision they make, they find themselves shaping the future of the village, for better or worse. Amidst political intrigue, rogue shinobi, and ancient secrets resurfacing, Kajirama is faced with a daunting path to decide - to break the cycle of hatred and forge a new path of unity and understanding. or continue on the legacy of his ancestors before him, the Curse of Hatred With guidance from his mentors and the support of his friends, he strives to uphold the true meaning of the Will of Fire, along with the will of his clan. ... Author's words: Apologize in advance, but this don't have harem, it does have romance and R-18 contents though it wouldn't be one of the main focuses of the fanfic. This fanfiction focuses more on what would happen if Kajirama Uchiha, the succeeding reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki would be born with variables and other changes added/omitted to balance the world setting in the universe of the Naruto series. This idea came to me when it was mentioned that Nawaki Senju apparently was Ashura Otsutsuki's reincarnation that died prematurely by enemy-nin. This is one of the main reasons why I started on this timeline since Nawaki's existence itself is tantamount on taking advantage of loopholes for entertainment purposes. For readers, expect the word count of: four-to-ten, or more, thousands of words. English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse grammatical errors you may found written in, but be a sport and do me a favor by commenting on it so my attention would be alerted to fix the mistake I made. For now, the release of chapters would be: one chapters per week. (I like to cook with a peace of mind and not be rushed cause of schedule. I may sometimes deliver more than one, but it depends since I take serious scrutiny on the context of each chapter.) It might be slow compared to other fanfiction you see out here in the site, but it pays back with quality and quantity in each chapter release, either in context for entertainment or the plot and other original elements that I came up with to add-in within the fanfiction. Discord: Patreon:

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Under the gentle embrace of Konoha's dappled sunlight, Kajirama Uchiha, Amagi Izuno, and Choshin Akimichi strolled side by side along the bustling streets. Laughter and animated chatter filled the air as villagers went about their daily routines, their footsteps echoing the lively rhythm of the village they called home. The trio's hearts were light, their young spirits uplifted by the shared joy of having just left Amaguriama, their favorite food haven.

"Did you see Choshin? You practically devoured that dango in record time!" Kajirama teased, a playful glint in his onyx eyes as he nudged his friend's shoulder.

Choshin's response was a hearty laugh, his robust form shaking with mirth. "Hey, it's not my fault they make such delicious treats! Besides, I've got an appetite that's hard to match."

Amagi, her azure eyes dancing with amusement, chimed in, "Well, I think we all enjoyed those treats a bit too much. But who can blame us? Amaguriama's pastries are simply irresistible."

A chorus of agreements followed, punctuated by warm smiles exchanged between the friends. Their camaraderie was a comforting constant in their lives, a bond that seemed to grow stronger with each shared moment.

As they walked, the trio's conversation meandered through various topics. From their excitement about their impending Shinobi Academy journey to their hopes and aspirations, their chatter flowed seamlessly like a gentle stream winding its way through a lush forest.

"I can't wait to learn some cool jutsu at the Academy," Kajirama mused, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Imagine being able to perform powerful techniques like the ones we've seen the older shinobi do."

Amagi's imagination sparked to life, her eyes sparkling like stars, and clasped her hands together as she envisioned herself mastering incredible jutsu. "I've always wanted to create beautiful water jutsu, like those that manipulate streams and create cascading waterfalls."

Choshin's expression grew thoughtful as he rubbed his chin. "And me? Well, I'm aiming to master techniques that match my strength. Can you imagine the impact of a jutsu that's as powerful as my appetite?"

Laughter erupted once again, a harmonious blend of youthful enthusiasm and genuine camaraderie. The streets of Konoha seemed to echo their mirth as if the village itself was sharing in their joy.

As they continued their leisurely stroll, the trio's conversation turned to their families, their dreams, and even the quirky rumors that occasionally circulated around the village.

"Have you guys heard the story about Amaguriama being founded by Hashirama Senju himself?" Kajirama asked, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

Amagi's eyes widened in fascination. "Really? That sounds like something out of a legend!"

Choshin's laughter rumbled once more. "Well, whether it's true or not, I wouldn't be surprised. These pastries are definitely something worth immortalizing in history!"

Amid the cheerful banter, the trio's steps carried them deeper into the heart of Konoha, passing by quaint shops and familiar faces. The village seemed to come alive around them, its vibrant energy intertwining with their own youthful exuberance.

As the sun began its gentle descent over the village of Konoha, casting a warm and golden glow upon the bustling streets, Kajirama Uchiha, Amagi Izuno, and Choshin Akimichi found themselves standing at a familiar crossroads.

As the sun began its gentle descent over the village of Konoha, casting a warm and golden glow upon the bustling streets, Kajirama Uchiha, Amagi Izuno, and Choshin Akimichi found themselves standing at a familiar crossroads. The air was filled with the lingering echoes of laughter and camaraderie, a testament to the joyful time they had spent together.

Chojin's boisterous voice broke through the animated chatter. "Hey, Kajirama, you sure you don't wanna join us for dinner? My mom's making her famous dumplings with Barbeque!"

Kajirama smiled appreciatively at the offer but shook his head, his onyx eyes gleaming with gratitude. "Thanks, Choshin, but I promised my family that I'd have dinner with them tonight. Another time, maybe."

Choshin grinned, undeterred by Kajirama's polite refusal. "Alright, suit yourself! You're missing out on some serious feasting, though."

Amagi, her azure eyes sparkling with curiosity, chimed in, "I'll be joining Choshin for dinner tonight. My parents said it's okay, and I'm excited to try those famous dumplings the Akimichi clan made!"

Choshin beamed at Amagi, clearly delighted by her decision. "It'll be a feast you won't forget, Amagi."

Amagi's smile was infectious, and she turned to Kajirama with a playful glint in her eyes. "Don't worry, Kajirama, I'll make sure to save you a taste of whatever's left!"

Kajirama laughed, his gaze shifting between his friends. "Thanks, Amagi. I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it."

With final waves and promises to catch up soon, the trio began to part ways. Amagi and Choshin walked off together, their voices filling the air with a mix of chatter and laughter as they headed in the direction of the Akimichi clan's home.

Kajirama watched his friends' retreating forms for a moment, a sense of warmth and gratitude settling in his heart. He might not fully understand it, but the bonds he shared with Amagi and Choshin are special.

"Let's meet again tomorrow guys!" Kajirama shouted at them.

Amagi and Choshin shouted back in confirmation while waiving their hands goodbye for today.

Turning on his heel, Kajirama began to make his way back home to his clan compound, the village around him beginning to transition into the gentle embrace of twilight. As he walked, he carried with him the memories of the day and the anticipation of more experiences to come with his dear friends.

When he got home, he played with her baby sister Aomi who was alone in her crib for half an hour to keep her entertained with Kasumi, who was busy complaining about how her cheeks being squished by the other mothers in the marketplace and pestering her brother about what he had been doing with his friends.

After a while though, Kajirama left to help his mother in the kitchen prep their meal for dinner. He asked when he saw his father not around where he usually was in this time of day.

"Where's father, mother?"

"He's still having a meeting, he'll be back before dinner though so make sure the plates are ready, Kajirama."



[Hokage Tower]

Gathered in a dimly lit chamber within the assembly room of Konoha's Hokage Tower, a council of esteemed figures from various clans and backgrounds sat around a large, circular table. The atmosphere was tense, with a palpable air of concern and anticipation hanging in the air. This assembly of influential individuals had been convened to discuss a matter of utmost importance – the recent and unsettling reports from their spies within Kumogakure.

At the head of the table sat the Second Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, his wise eyes scanning the faces before him. Flanking him were his trusted advisers, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane, their expressions a mix of seriousness and readiness. To Hiruzen's right, Kagami Uchiha, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and head of Konoha's police force, held a stoic demeanor that belied his sharp analytical mind. On his left, Danzō Shimura, the enigmatic Jōnin Commander, exuded an aura of calculated resolve.

The assembly continued to expand, with each clan leader taking their place. Hachirō Hyūga, Shikazu Nara, Torifu Akimichi, Inokei Yamanaka, Sugetsu Ōtomo, Shichō Aburame, Akio Inuzuka, and representatives from various other shinobi clans sat side by side, their faces a mosaic of intrigue and vigilance. Among them were also a few esteemed civilian family leaders, recognized for their contributions to Konoha's wellbeing.

The room fell into silence as Hiruzen rose from his seat, his presence commanding the attention of all those gathered. "Thank you all for being here. We have received concerning reports from our spies planted within Kumogakure," He began, his voice carrying a weight that demanded full focus which he immediately got when 'Kumo' was mentioned. "The reason I've summoned all of you here is because our sources indicate unusual movements and activities within the village."

Homura leaned forward, his fingers steepled in front of him. "Indeed. The reports suggest that Kumogakure's shinobi have been taking on far more missions than usual, and their purchasing of shinobi equipment has seen a significant spike."

Koharu interjected, her gaze steady. "Our sources have also reported that these changes followed a meeting with their Daimyō. The implications are troubling, to say the least."

Hiruzen nodded to confirm what his advisors said. "I want to hear your thoughts about this matter. I ask each of you to contribute your knowledge to decipher Kumogakure's intentions."

When their kage and his advisors finished what they were planning to say, the patriarch/matriarch of each clan in the room began to buzz with chatter, slowly getting rowdier by the minute.

It was no secret that Kumogakure has been dealt a heavier blow compared to it's other fellow villages when the First Shinobi World War ended with a primary treaty produced by Konohagakure and Uzushiogakure's joint efforts in the war. The conditions in the agreement was so severe for Kumo, however they don't have any other choice since their allied Iwagakure already severed any association with them when the latter found out about the truth behing their negative gesture towards Konoha, more than inclined to not waste and include themselves in the war any longer since there was no significant point to continuing their alliance.

Konohagakure and Uzushiogakure recognize that the resources of Kumogakure are not adequate, after taking into account permanent diminutions of such resources which will result from other provisions of the present Treaty, to make complete reparation for all such loss and damage. In layman's terms - Kaminari no Kuni's central figures - Kaminari no Kuni no Daimyō and Raikage were forced to accept full responsibility for starting the war, with no regard to its wellbeing. Resulting in Kumo signing the treaty under protest.

Literally locking the bird in a tightly sealed cage.

To give a few of the conditions, territories were given to neighboring countries, and placed other Kumo territories under international supervision. In addition, its military capabilities were severely restricted by stripping them off 40% of its commercial mission commissions, and it was required to annually pay war reparations to the allied Uzushi and Konoha, including even Iwa.

This is why the intel of the spies they planted within Kumo was held in such regard because Kumo might be planning something inside the cage they put it in.

The room buzzed with a flurry of hushed conversations and whispered speculations as each clan leader and representative absorbed the gravity of the situation. Eyes met, exchanged glances conveying unspoken concerns, and the weight of their responsibilities hung heavy in the air. The tension was palpable, a testament to the delicate balance that existed between the Hidden Villages in the wake of the First Shinobi World War.

Hiruzen Sarutobi's gaze swept across the assembly, his expression calm and steady as he observed the reactions of those gathered. The discussions and deliberations were an integral part of this council's purpose – to pool their collective wisdom and insights in order to unravel the mystery surrounding Kumogakure's unusual activities.

Amidst the murmurs of the council members, Shikazu Nara, known for his strategic mind, leaned forward, his fingers steepled in contemplation. "We must consider the implications for our village and its inhabitants. These unusual movements could be the harbinger of unforeseen challenges." He pointed out the obvious which made the others who were listening nod but waited since it seems that the Nara patriarch has more to say. Shikazu Nara thought for a few brief seconds then spoke:

"It is imperative that we remain vigilant and think of this thoroughly. We must not underestimate the lengths Kumogakure may go to achieve whatever their goals are or is, we explore every avenue and consider all possible scenarios. Kumogakure's recent activities may be cloaked in mystery, but we must not ignore the shadow of history that looms over their actions. The burden they bear from the aftermath of the First Shinobi World War cannot be underestimated. They have been locked in a cage, as it were, their resources depleted and their authority as a hidden village challenged."

Danzō Shimura's cold voice resounded, as his eyes narrowed at the Nara patriarch. "Shikazu Nara, your insights are appreciated, but we must also consider the practical aspect of this situation. It is evident that Kumogakure is aware of our surveillance within their borders, that's glaringly obvious. Their actions, while potentially reckless, could be an intentional display to divert our attention, you should know that."

Shikazu's lips curved into a faint, knowing smile. "Oh, I know about that, I already considered it." Danzō, who heard of this crunched the bridge between his brows to a deep frown.

"Then, what are you tryin-"

At that moment, Kagami Uchiha's onyx eyes, who was quietly listening to what Shikazu has to say, glittered with sudden understanding, his analytical mind's gears processing Shikazu's insights. The Hokage seemed to also slowly understand what Shikazu was trying to imply, but the former of the two was the one who first put forward their speculation, interjecting Danzō from speaking.

"They already are prepared." Kagami spoke. "Is that it?"

Shikazu inclined his head, confirming Kagami and Hiruzen from their deduction on what the Nara had postulated enacting the former to suck cold breath while the latter frowned in concern.

Akio Inuzuka, the Inuzuka clan's patriarch, impatiently tapped his finger on the table, scratching it as a result of his sharpened nails. "Care to share what you guys meant by that? Or are you just gonna leave us not knowing what's happening."

Shikazu sighed tiredly, he lazily gazed at Kagami. "Troublesome... you go explain it to them Uchiha patriarch since it seemed like you already know." He leaned back and rested his back softly on the comforts of his chair, not wanting to speak any more than necessary.

'Lazy ass.' Kagami's mouth twitched, but he knew his friend well so he saved him from the 'troublesome' chore of filling in the others.

As Kagami continued to elaborate on their shared insight, the room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the revelation that was about to unfold. His words were measured, each sentence carrying weight and gravity.

"I think what Shikazu is trying to say to us is that - all of the information we received so far seems too coincidental. If Kumo is really planning something then they must do it under our and the other village's radar. Kumo's council, if all of them are not stupid then they surely wouldn't expose themselves like this, yet such large movements were made, making it more problematic to jump to conclusions. However, if we delve deeper into their motives, a more nuanced picture emerges."

Kagami lifted a finger to emphasize his point, his gaze sweeping across the attentive faces before him. "One, they know we are watching, and they may want us to believe that their intentions are straightforward without hazy screens." He paused and then lifted another finger. "Two, given the circumstances of the primary treaty and the weight of their obligations, it would be unwise for Kumogakure to openly provoke a conflict without preparations. The more blatant their actions, the more likely it is that they wish for us to see a facade, distracting us from their true objectives. Which means..."

Pausing for a moment, Kagami's voice grew even more somber. "Thus, it is precisely this context that prompts us to consider a different perspective. Kumogakure's apparent recklessness may, in fact, be a carefully constructed facade. By drawing our attention to their conspicuous actions, they may intend to divert us from their true objectives."

He allowed his words to linger, the weight of their implications hanging in the air. The room remained silent, the minds of those present racing to grasp the full scope of what Kagami was suggesting.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, his expression an intricate dance of contemplation, leaned forward once more, his fingers forming an intricate mesh. "In essence." he interjected, his voice measured and thoughtful, "What Shikazu and Kagami are articulating is that Kumogakure's current actions, while seemingly overt, might be a deliberate smokescreen. Their true intentions could be shrouded beneath a facade of conspicuousness."

Danzō Shimura's eyes narrowed as he absorbed this interpretation, a flicker of realization crossing his features as well as the others present. "In other words, they are aware that we are watching them. By engaging in such overt activities, they may be manipulating our perception, leading us to believe that we have an accurate understanding of their motives."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, his wise gaze moving between Kagami and Shikazu, nodded slowly. "So, the question that remains is: What is it that they truly seek to achieve? What lies beneath this calculated display?"

The room stirred with renewed energy as the implications of their deductions settled in. The clan leaders exchanged knowing glances, the puzzle pieces beginning to fit together in a new and intriguing way. Each member of the assembly recognized the need for careful consideration and a measured response.

Kagami's eyes remained fixed on Hiruzen. "Hokage-sama, we must approach this situation with the utmost caution. While Kumogakure's actions are designed to catch our attention, their actual goals remain concealed. We cannot afford to be caught off guard, and we must remain vigilant in our efforts to decipher their true intentions."

Hiruzen leaned back in his seat, his expression a blend of contemplation and resolve. "You are both correct. We must tread carefully and avoid falling into their intended trap. Our priority is to gather more information, to uncover the veiled purpose behind their actions. I will task our spies with increasing their efforts to infiltrate Kumogakure further and gather more comprehensive intelligence."

Amidst the tense atmosphere of the council chamber, Kagami Uchiha's onyx eyes glinted with a newfound determination. As the discussion unfolded about Kumogakure's cryptic movements, a thought had begun to crystallize in his mind – a thought that he believed could provide them with a unique advantage in their pursuit of the truth which would benefit the village as a whole and at the same time, somewhat quell some of a certain brother of his from his disatisfactions.

'This is my chance.' Kagami thoughtfully thought.

"Hokage-sama," Kagami spoke up, his voice steady and resonant, drawing the attention of the gathered clan leaders. "Considering the delicate nature of this situation and the need for a precise understanding of Kumogakure's intentions, I propose that we leverage the unique abilities of our Uchiha clansmen who have awakened the Sharingan."

Heads whipped to turn towards Kagami, a mixture of curiosity and interest playing across the faces of those present with a few carrying vigilance. Kagami's reputation as both the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and the head of Konoha's police force had earned him the respect of his peers, and his insights carried weight, but the shadow his clan's ancestor left behind is hard to cover nonetheless... they still decided to hear what he wanted to say, Danzō especially was eyeing sharply at Kagami like a hawk.

"The Sharingan's abilities could provide us with a crucial edge," Kagami continued, his voice taking on a more resolute tone. "By sending Uchiha clansmen who have honed their Sharingan to a proficient level, we could potentially navigate through Kumogakure's defenses, gather information more effectively, and uncover their true motives."

Homura Mitokado, one of Hiruzen's trusted advisers, raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "But, Kagami-san, we must also acknowledge that Kumogakure is not unaware of the capabilities of the Sharingan. If they are indeed orchestrating a façade, they might be prepared to counteract such abilities."

Kagami's lips curled into a faint smile, his eyes reflecting the resolve that burned within him. "Indeed, Homura-san. That is precisely why our approach must be strategic and calculated. We will not rely solely on the Sharingan's prowess. Instead, we will couple its abilities with meticulous planning, coordination, and the insights of our other fellow konoha-nin who specialize in intelligence gathering, espionage and infiltration."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the council chamber, and Hiruzen's expression remained thoughtful as he absorbed Kagami's proposal. The potential advantages of deploying those with the Sharingan on a mission of espionage were evident, yet the risks were equally significant. Kagami knew that this plan required careful consideration and a well-thought-out approach which is why he also wanted to include the other shinobi from the other clans, to make it seem like the Uchiha clan's stand would be with the people, not among themselves to construct authority through such significant mission.

Hachirō Hyūga, the patriarch of the Hyūga clan, leaned forward, his pale eyes sharp with interest. "So, you are suggesting a collaborative effort between the Sharingan and the Byakugan?"

"Along with the Nara, Yamanaka, Kurama, Ōtomo, Aburame, and Inuzuka clans?"

Kagami nodded, his gaze meeting Hachirō's. "Exactly. The combined skills of the Sharingan and the Byakugan, guided by the expertise of our fellow clan leaders' people, will allow us to penetrate Kumogakure's defenses and uncover their true intentions much smoothly."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, his expression contemplative, finally spoke. "Kagami-san, your proposal carries weight. While the risks are evident, the potential rewards are equally significant. However, we must proceed with caution. We will select a small, elite team of Uchiha clansmen, those who have honed their Sharingan to a level of mastery, and pair them with members of other clans with complementary abilities. Together, they will undertake this dangerous mission with the utmost discretion and diligence."

As the council members absorbed Hiruzen's decision, Kagami's shoulders squared with determination. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, but he was resolute in his belief that this collaborative endeavor could provide them with the breakthrough they needed, being in the dark from Kumo is getting them unsettled and that's not a good thing coming from what their past history with that village was. With the collective strength of Konoha's clans and the powerful potential of the Sharingan and Byakugan, they would venture into the shadows to uncover the truth that lay concealed within Kumogakure's enigmatic actions.

As the meeting drew to a close, each member of the assembly departed with a renewed determination. The shadow of uncertainty loomed over Kumogakure's actions, but Konoha's resolve to safeguard its village and its people burned brighter than ever. With a shared understanding and a united front, they would navigate the intricacies of diplomacy, espionage, and strategy to uncover the truth and ensure the safety and stability of their world.

'I hope you can see this brother, not everything and not everyone in Konoha are people we should dominate, but we should trust to lean on together from the problems looming over it.' Kagami was one of the last to leave, so he had witnessed the faces of every single one of his fellow people when they left.

He sensed a gaze from somewhere and he looked over to see his former teammate - Danzō Shimura, eyeing him.

"What do you want, Danzō." Kagami broke the silence between them with a deep and even tone.