
Naruto: Revised Prophecy

In the aftermath of the First Great Ninja War, a new era emerges in the Hidden Leaf Village. Amidst the shattered remnants of conflict, a child named Kajirama Uchiha is born, destined to bear the weight of his ancestry as the reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki, the legendary rival of Ashura Senju. Raised in a village struggling to rebuild and redefine its future, Kajirama must navigate the complexities of his heritage and come to terms with his fate. As the heir to the powerful Uchiha clan, he possesses extraordinary potential, and had expectations bore upon him and the others even before they were born. Unbeknownst to Kajirama, he is not alone in this new era. Unfolding events reveal that a rival reincarnate is also born, a Senju descendant bearing the soul of Ashura. As their destinies intertwine, the echoes of ancient enmity threaten to ignite once more, putting the fragile peace of the Hidden Leaf Village at risk. As Kajirama and his friends grow and train together, they must confront not only their own personal ambitions and emotions but also the legacy of their clans. With each decision they make, they find themselves shaping the future of the village, for better or worse. Amidst political intrigue, rogue shinobi, and ancient secrets resurfacing, Kajirama is faced with a daunting path to decide - to break the cycle of hatred and forge a new path of unity and understanding. or continue on the legacy of his ancestors before him, the Curse of Hatred With guidance from his mentors and the support of his friends, he strives to uphold the true meaning of the Will of Fire, along with the will of his clan. ... Author's words: Apologize in advance, but this don't have harem, it does have romance and R-18 contents though it wouldn't be one of the main focuses of the fanfic. This fanfiction focuses more on what would happen if Kajirama Uchiha, the succeeding reincarnation of Indra Otsutsuki would be born with variables and other changes added/omitted to balance the world setting in the universe of the Naruto series. This idea came to me when it was mentioned that Nawaki Senju apparently was Ashura Otsutsuki's reincarnation that died prematurely by enemy-nin. This is one of the main reasons why I started on this timeline since Nawaki's existence itself is tantamount on taking advantage of loopholes for entertainment purposes. For readers, expect the word count of: four-to-ten, or more, thousands of words. English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse grammatical errors you may found written in, but be a sport and do me a favor by commenting on it so my attention would be alerted to fix the mistake I made. For now, the release of chapters would be: one chapters per week. (I like to cook with a peace of mind and not be rushed cause of schedule. I may sometimes deliver more than one, but it depends since I take serious scrutiny on the context of each chapter.) It might be slow compared to other fanfiction you see out here in the site, but it pays back with quality and quantity in each chapter release, either in context for entertainment or the plot and other original elements that I came up with to add-in within the fanfiction. Discord: Patreon:

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Amagi Izuno and Choshin Akimichi

Ryōma couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as he saw his son, Fugaku, being defeated. He had hoped that Fugaku would prove something. But Kagami's son had displayed remarkable skill, and Ryōma couldn't deny the potential he saw in him.

As if he sensed his brother's gaze at him, Ryōma opened his mouth to speak. "You have trained your son well, patriarch. He clearly fully knew how to use your variation of our clan's Taijutsu style perfectly. He will grow up well as a fine shinobi of this village like you. It seems like Fugaku needed much more training than what I have him gone through so that our clan can stand as is."

"I can say the same to Fugaku as well, he clearly had the talent to become an outstanding shinobi. Kajirama needs to put much more focus in his training, he might be doing well with the Taijutsu style I imparted, but that means nothing if his focus is going towards something else." Kagami sensed an underlying meaning within his brother's tone. "Your son and my son should hang out some more, maybe they could be friends."

"Patriarch, if I may." Ryōma replied with a deep serious look on his face. "Rather than be a friend, my Fugaku will grow up to be a fine rival for your son instead."

'You're even implicating our children for this, brother...' Kagami sighed, his ever smiling and calm face held an exhausted expression. 'Just how low do you trust our village?'

"Strength and power are important, Ryōma," Kagami replied, choosing his words carefully. "But the formation of bonds and relationships between the people in our clan and in our village as a whole is also crucial. It's what has kept Konoha together through the darkest times. It's a belief that we should protect and nurture."

Ryōma's expression hardened slightly, and he averted his gaze to look at his son. "That belief is a romanticized notion, patriarch. It's what makes us weaker in the eyes of the majority, look at what that brought us as the facts laid bare: Uchihas stuck in menial work, only going out the border's of Konoha whenever the council saw fit to use us. That's why we should be bold and assert our authority, not be tied down by sentimentality."

"I understand your perspective." Kagami took a deep breath and calmly spoke. "But it's not about weakness. It's about unity and compassion. That's what sets us apart from other villages."

Ryōma sighed, his disappointment still evident. "We can agree to disagree on this matter, patriarch. But I want both of our sons to become rivals, not friends. Competition will make them stronger."

"Our sons will find their own paths," Kagami said firmly. "And do I hope they become strong shinobi? Certainly, yes. But I also want them to know compassion. We can't lose sight of what truly matters in the pursuit of power."

Ryōma's frustration boiled beneath the surface, but he managed a strained smile. "I suppose we'll see what the future holds for them."

"Hn" Kagami sighed. "They have bright futures ahead, no matter the differences in our beliefs."

"Fugaku, let's go." Ryōma called out to his son before walking off towards the gate to leave. Showing no intentions to not train his son for today, as he had other plans after seeing the children's spar.

Kagami watched on as his brother left along with his son, who was painfully walking behind his father with a slightly ragged breathing.

Kajirama and Kasumi returned to their father's side as the spectating Uchiha clansmen dispersed to continue what they were doing. Seeing the spar between the patriarch and elder's son got the other children to be diligent on their own practice.

Kagami patted Kajirama on his head, a smile on his face. "You did well, Kajirama. I'm proud of how well you clearly executed the basics I've taught you."

Kasumi bouned over with excitement still evident in her eyes, seemingly not dying down. "Right, right. You were so cool Kaji-niisan, you were like *swoosh* and ended it with a *swoosh*."

Kajirama flashed a grin as he rubbed his nose embarassingly. "Thanks, Kasu. It was my first spar with someone using the Taijutsu you taught me father, I'm glad I didn't disappoint. Fugaku is tough, but I managed to hold my own."

Kagami hummed and said. "Indeed. But, you did well by taking advantage of a variable, I didn't know you had that in you since I haven't allowed you to spar with anyone before this."

"What's a variable?" Kasumi naively tilted her head with her round plump face.

"Something that tend to react in a certain way. Your niisan took advantage of how Fugaku acted in their sparring match: his arrogance and temper. Ain't that right, Kajirama?" Kagami dutifully filled his daughter's lack of knowledge.

Kajirama nodded. "It's something that I learned in a book that I constantly read about."

"Let me guess, the 'Art of War' that was written by my sensei." Kagami said.

"Yes." Kajirama affirmed. "It stated in there that 'If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If kage and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected'." Kajirama recited, he continued. "Some of the context might be irrelevant, however I noticed immediately even before the spar started that Fugaku's temperment is a variable I can take advantage to find an opening in his defense eventually, which I put to the test, and it paid."

"Arghh..." Kasumi clunched the hair on her head in agonizing pain, whining. "My head hurts hearing that Kaji-niisan! I can't understand at all! Are you sure we're speaking the same language?"

Kajirama chuckled and then pinched her sister's nose habitually. "I don't seem to doubt you not understanding it Kasu. Don't think too much about it,"

"Oi!" Kasumi slapped her brother's hand away from her face. "Dad, niisan is doing it again!"

Kagami and Kajirama laughed. The latter turned his attention towards his son and nodded proudly. "That statement is helpful in regards to how you view and react to certain circumstances. Just make sure to keep that book where it was placed originally in our library, I know that you've been using it but know that it isn't solely yours, the elders in our clan has been looking for it."

"I will, father." Kajirama nodded. He was planning to return it this week anyway since the academy would about to start, he was just looking to read it once more... or two times more? He mused.

"Now then. Let's get in with your training, shall we?"

"Hn/Yes~" Both his children agreed with opposite reactions. Kagami smiled at that.


For the past two hours as the sun's hue slowly made itself-at-home over the Uchiha's training grounds, Kagami took his two children, Kajirama and Kasumi, for their training session. Kajirama was eager and determined, Kagami made his son focused on learning the art of shurikenjutsu, Kagami continued on where they left off on their prior training.

With as much precision and control the six-year old could, he practiced throwing shurikens towards moving targets that Kagami prepared onsite, honing his aim and technique.

Kajirama was already very proficient on hitting targets that were stationary, way past the stage of being acceptable. So, Kagami had his son aim at targets that were eccentrically in motion. With each hit on one of the many targets triggering another that would be placed on a different spot from the initial ones, keeping Kagami moving in the field on his mini-feet.

Kagami's intentions for this is, to improve Kajirama's accuracy - since dealing with moving targets challenges one's ability to predict and lead the target, improving accuracy when shooting at dynamic objects, and mimicking real-life situations where targets are not stationary helps a shinboi become more effective in various actual missions and scenarios, at the same time constantly adjusting to new target positions enhances reflexes and reaction time, allowing an individual to respond swiftly to changing situations.

This method of training is a training plan that isn't limited to just these - as it provides adaptability in various environments, develop excellent tracking skills as they follow moving targets with their eyes and adjust their aim accordingly enchancing awareness, and repetitive practice on moving targets ingrains muscle memory, making it easier for a shinobi to shoot accurately in dynamic situations without overthinking.

Looking at his son frantically throwing at the targets he made personally, Kagami noticed that Kajirama was being too... unhinged. Let's not even examine if he hit a bullseye or not, some of the thrown kunai and shuriken are not even balanced properly to stab itself firmly on the wooden targeted object, sounding out offbeat noises since either the butt of the kunai or body of the shuriken would be the impacting end when it met with the targets.

This type of training would take his son sometime to properly get used to.

Well, that's why it's called training, particular development and improvements on mental and physical faculty needs certain practices to achieve. And, it would take time, training always takes time and hardwork to slowly and steadily gain results. It's about drive too.

Kajirama's source of drive was inspired by his father's reputation in the village and the fate of him being the heir to the seat of patriarch in their clan. The child realizes that detail as soon as he knew his status within the clan from the politeness and kindness he received from the other clansmen in the compund, and kami be damned as he wants to make his clan proud no matter what and be deserving of their faith.

When Kagami considered his son have had achieved great progress with this method of training then they would move back to stationary targets but with a little twist in regards to how he'd attack targets and add acrobatic maneuvers which would be beneficial to honing coordination and agility which was a must to a Uchiha shinobi.

Meanwhile, Kasumi, his mischievous and playful daughter, worked on her Uchiha taijutsu. Kagami patiently taught her the stances and movements, trying to capture her attention and instill discipline. Despite her initial reluctance, Kasumi began to show willingness and focused in her training, albiet with much effort from her father, who was already running out of good things to say to keep her focus on training and not anything else like causing trouble.

Kagami sighed. Both are siblings, yet one seems to be the opposite of the other. Kajirama is diciplined and humble, showing noticeable maturity for his age and knowledge while the younger one is quite the handful to take care of... Luckily, his wife was there to take care of that since she's the only one who would be able to keeping Kasumi diciplined between them.

Kagami can't do that job, just one look from his daughter whenever she would have that teary-puppy look on her eyes melts his heart and couldn't bring himself to be disciplinarian like his wife, on the other hand his wife has the heart of steel, immune to such acts, fitting for the job to administer order!

Ehem! Kagami coughed, he's thinking excessively again.

Anyways, he conclude that's enough training for today.

So he looked at his children and clapped his hands. "That's enough. As always, remember what you learned today-"

"-since it will help you further improve." Kasumi interjected as she flopped on the ground with a heave. "We know, we know, you keep saying that gazillions of times already."

Kajirama stopped what he was doing and then stood beside his exhausted little sister. "Father, can I hang out with Amagi and Choshin today?"

Kagami nodded, his son needed the relaxation after training. "Sure, clean yourself up first though brat. You reek of sweat and dirt. Make sure to come back before dinner or else you'll get an earful from your mother."

Kajirama nodded. He thought. 'Unlike Kasu, I know better you know...'

With that, he left the training grounds not before picking up the kunai and shuriken he used and placed it on the rack for future members to use. They may not be good as new, but they are still useable enough for training, moreover, just because their clan's resources are abundant, it's still limited when one consider the cost and maintenance of such stuff. They can't always replace used ones with new ones after all, there's a limit to that just the expenses of doing so would be daunting.

"Bye Kasu, see you before dinner."

With that, Kajirama was gone.

"Dad, can I also go play with my friends?"

"No, sorry Kasumi since your mother needs you at the supermarket remember? I'll accompany you there on my way to a meeting."

"Tch." Kasumi was pissed so she kicked a pebbled with her foot, hitting one unfortunate Uchiha kid from afar as a result.

Kagami sighed.


Kajirama dashed off towards the Forest Park, excitement coursing through his veins. As he approached the park, the landscape transformed from the bustling streets to lush greenery. The Forest Park was a sprawling expanse of trees, clearings, and winding paths, a natural oasis nestled within the heart of the village. The park held an air of fresh tranquility, a place where villagers sought respite from the daily hustle and bustle.

Kajirama's heart raced with anticipation as he caught sight of his two friends. Amagi Izuno, with her striking white hair and optimistic smiling expression, was tossing some flat oval-shaped marbles on her hands with anticipation. Choshin Akimichi, his rotund figure and clan markings on his cheeks a testament to his clan's name, stood nearby, quietly sitting nearby Amagi with his eyes that appear to be closed all the time.

These are Kajirama's friends.

Amagi and Choshin saw their approaching Uchiha friend, the one that they were waiting all this time. They waived their hands at him.

Approaching them with a grin, Kajirama called out, "Hey, Amagi! Choshin! Ready to have some fun?" He sat down with them on the small cleating.

Amagi paused her practice, a bright smile spreading across her face. "You bet! I've been looking forward to this."

Choshin chuckled, giving Kajirama a hearty high five. "Do you want to have dinner with us Kajirama? My mom's going to prepare delicious barbeque tonight. Oh, Amagi agreed after getting permission from her parents."

"I can't." Kajirama shook his head. "I already made promised to have dinner together with my family, maybe next time."

As they conversed, Kajirama couldn't help but take in the beauty of the Forest Park. Towering trees provided ample shade, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. Sunlight filtered through the branches, dappling the ground with patches of light and shadow. The air was scented with the earthy aroma of nature, a calming fragrance that eased the mind.

Rumors had circulated throughout the village, hinting at the park's origin. Some whispered that Hashirama Senju, the revered Shodai Hokage, had used his legendary Wood Release kekkei genkai to shape the landscape itself. It was said that his connection to nature had imbued the park with an energy that resonated with the very essence of life.

"So..." Kajirama looked at both bis friends. "What game are we gonna play this time?"

"Let's play ohajiki!" Little Amagi exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"Yeah! I brought my favorite ones today." Choshin added, reaching into his pocket to reveal his treasured ohajiki.

"I knew it." Kajirama smiled already expecting this to be the game their gonna play, it was their favorite game as it was the trend this days for children their age, he reached out inside his own pocket to take out his own marbles he prepared beforehand.

The children began to scatter the ohajiki across the circle they were sitting on, creating an array of colors and patterns. The aim of the game was simple – using a larger marble called the 'shooter', they had to flick it at the smaller ohajiki to knock them out of the circle.

"Who wants to go first?" Choshin asked, looking around at his friends.

"I will!" Shouted Amagi, eager to show off her skills. She carefully positioned her shooter between her fingers and then with a quick flick, sent it hurtling towards the center of the circle.

Her aim was true, and one of the ohajiki was knocked out. Her friends let out a groan each, but praised nonetheless at Amagi's skills.

The game continued, and the children took turns showing off their flicking prowess.

Kajirama aimed with precision, while Choshin relied on sheer force. They laughed, shouted, and playfully teased one another with each turn.

"Watch this!" Kajirama exclaimed as he prepared to take his turn. He held his shooter high above his head, like a master archer drawing back a bow. With a flourish, he released his shot, and it landed right on target, scattering several ohajiki in one go.

"Wow, Kajirama! That was amazing!" Choshin praised, clapping his hands.

As the game progressed, the circle of ohajiki grew smaller, and the competition intensified. The children's laughter and excitement filled the air, creating a joyous atmosphere.

The elderly folks whom were playing shoji nearby watched the children playing with their warm gazes, loving the scene of the children's activity.

"Oh no, I only have one ohajiki left!" Amagi exclaimed, her brow furrowed in concentration.

"Don't worry, Amagi. You can do it!" Choshin encouraged.

Amagi took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She carefully positioned her shooter and focused all her energy on the remaining ohajiki. With a flick of her wrist, she sent her shooter flying, and the last ohajiki danced out of the circle.

"I did it! I did it!" Amagi cheered, jumping up and down with glee.

The game eventually came to an end, and the children gathered their ohajiki, counting their wins and losses. It didn't matter who won the most; what mattered was the joy of playing together, sharing laughter and fun.

They decided to go elsewhere after their game.

So currently, they are now buying some sweets on a nearby popular sweets shop located on Konoha's Tea Avenue - Amaguriama. Kajirama got some mame-daifuku for himself to enjoy, while his friends Choshin and Amagi got dango and manjū respectively.

[Amaguriama: Sweet Chestnut Sweetness.]

Although, Choshin had got a dozen times more of what they both ordered and some chips to go along with what he was eating.

"This place is the best! I can't believe something small as this can be this delicious." Choshin exclaimed between bites of his snack, using both of his hands to toss some dango into his mouth, pausing to munch and swallow. Occassionally, going for the chips he bought too.

Amagi and Kajirama did not fuss over their friend's lack of eating manners, over the times they hang out, they came to know that Choshin is just that... a beast when it came to food.

"You really love this place, huh?" Amagi giggled, to which Choshin nodded in approval. She added. "Even more that Yakiniku Q you were talking about before all the time?"

"Of course not!" Choshin shouted and his fat face bubbled and shook when he did so, mustering the most serious expression on his face he could put out with his immature face as if the topic is of extreme sensitivity to him. "Nothing beats barbeque. Amaguriama is great, would be within my top three of choice and is my favorite treats at best, Yakiniku Q is unbeatable, I can't believe you guys haven't tried their food yet."

"Can't disagree with Choshin, the sweets here is really great." Kajirama nodded and took another bite of his snack.

As they were munching on their snacks, Kajirama suddenly remembered something.

Between bites of delicious confections, Kajirama couldn't contain his enthusiasm any longer to divulge it to his friends. "Hey, you guys, guess what I found out this morning?"

Amagi and Choshin looked at him with curious expressions, their interest piqued. "What is it, Kajirama?" Amagi asked, her eyes shining.

A grin spread across Kajirama's face as he shared the exciting news. "We're going to be classmates at the Shinobi Academy! My father told me this morning!"

Amagi's eyes widened in surprise, and a delighted smile broke out on her face. "No way! That's amazing!"

Choshin's face lit up with excitement as well. "Seriously? We're all going to learn how to be shinobi together?"

Kajirama nodded enthusiastically. "Yep! Apparently, one of father's subordinates is a teacher there and we came to know of it from her in advance. Anyways, we'll be learning jutsu, training, and everything! It's going to be so much fun!"

Choshin's boisterous sharp childish laughter echoed through the air as he rubbed his hands together in glee. "And don't forget about sparring and training under some of the best teachers in the village! Oh, oh! And all of the snacks mom would prepare for me too, haha!"

The idea of sharing this experience with their closest friends made the term a week ahead seem even more promising.

"I'm looking forward to what we are gonna learn." Amagi wondered outloud.

"Me too."

"Me three."

As they delved into animated discussions about their shared future, the treats before them seemed to symbolize not only their favorite indulgences but also the sweetness of their friendship and the exciting journey that lay ahead. The vibrant colors of the pastries mirrored the colorful dreams and aspirations they held in their hearts.

As the afternoon sunlight cast a warm and inviting glow over the scene, Kajirama, Izuno, and Choshin basked in the joy of the moment. Amid the tantalizing aroma of sweets and the cheerful ambiance of Amaguriama, their bond grew even stronger, cemented by the news that they would embark on the path of becoming shinobi together.

With laughter and conversation flowing freely, they lost track of time, immersing themselves in the thrill of sharing their dreams and expectations for their attendance in the Shinobi Academy. The excitement was infectious, and their youthful enthusiasm echoed through the air on the surroundings, leaving an indelible mark on the quaint food place that had witnessed this cherished moment of the trio.


[Author's words.]

So that's a wrap for chapter 2, I hope this didn't disappoint.

Anyways, so Amagi and Choshin... let me talk about these two for a bit to give you better understanding of what and where they came from.

Amagi Izuno is someone in canon, in the Boruto series to be exact. She's part of the Izuno clan that are not so famously known, nonetheless is a very interesting clan in my opinion, it is not very overpowered to boot.

I'm not gonna spoil much on what her role in the fanfiction would be but she's definitely one of the main characters that I am heavily invested in.

Choshin Akimichi on the other hand, isn't a character from the anime, either in one of the movies or cannon. He's a character I made up, he's Torifu Akimichi's son, so you can visualize what he would look like, but I would be dropping the image in my discord if you want to better see what I visualize his looks to be as a 6 years old.

His character is a mixture of Amagi and Kajirama and a bit more, you'll find out eventually since character development is one of the main crux of this fanfiction.


I want to remind the readers once again that this is a very long fanfiction and the contents are there not without their purpose.

Anyways, that's it for this week.

Ja ne, until next time, BrokenLies.