
Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system

In his previous life on Earth, He reached the top. He had it all and more, but he was not satisfied at all. Sadly, no matter how much influence and money he had, he couldn't fight the cycle of life. He never stopped trying to fight fate, if there was a chance to live longer he wouldn't mind sacrificing all life in the world, but alas, his time ran out. [Greatly inspired by "All Existence" please check it out] [I DO NOT own picture if the creator wants me to change picture I will.] [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Constructive criticisms, suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.] [This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material 'Naruto', created by Masashi Kishimoto and its anime adaptations. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series. The only things I own are the original characters and the altered storyline.]

SilverSerpent · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Sasuke retrieval

Ren decided that he would go to sleep and then he would help in retrieving Sasuke when Naruto comes up to him and asks for some help. Now that it was morning Ren went out for a walk in the village and waited till Naruto and Shikamaru came up to him. After waiting around for almost an hour Ren saw Naruto and Shikamaru come up to him, and then they asked him if he wanted to join them in retrieving Sasuke because he ran away from the village. Ren agreed with this and then was told to wait at the village gate.

After waiting around a few minutes Ren, Kiba, Shikamaru, Naruto, Choji, and Neji were all at the gate. The positions that Shikamaru gave everyone were the same as in the manga, but this time around Ren would be a spearhead alongside Kiba and Ren would detect how many people were with Sasuke, Ren would also become the team leader if something happened to Shikamaru. After traveling in the forest for a little bit Kiba picked up the smell of blood and Ren told him that he detected a group of around four people fighting. After going past many traps Neji activated his byakugan and told everyone that he found the people Sasuke was with.

So they snuck to where Neji said they were, and they couldn't find Sasuke but thought he would be in a barrel with many seals on it. Then as they were thinking of what to do next, multiple shurikens with explosion seals were sent near them and they all tried to run away from it. When everyone was trying to run away, Kidomaru got them with his strings and pulled them in front of the sound four. After this Kiba set up a smokescreen and Shikamaru uses shadow possession jutsu on all of them, but shurikens hit Shikamaru from the back and he stopped the jutsu.

Now that the jutsu was over Jirobo used earth dome prison jutsu on them and they were all in a barrier of dirt now. Kiba tried to attack the dirt but it regenerated the damage Kiba caused almost instantly. Neji used the byakugan to try to see outside of the wall and realized that their chakra was being absorbed. Then Shikamaru told Kiba to attack the wall again and Neji to activate the byakugan as that happened. This happened and Neji told everyone he found the area where the chakra was weak in the dome. So Choji used expansion jutsu and attacked that spot, and now they broke out of the dome.

Now that they were out of the dome they realized that only Jirobo was here and everyone else ran ahead. Then Choji takes a food pill and says he will handle Jirobo, so everyone else goes to chase after the other members of the sound four. Then they catch up to the sound four, but Kidomaru stops them from going any farther. So Neji says that he will stay behind and handle Kidomaru. After this Kidomaru tries to send webs to stop them, but Neji cuts through all the webs and they continue on.

(AN: I am done with explaining what happened in the manga, just read it if you don't know. Now all canon things will be brief) Once they were near the sound four they fought for a little bit then Kiba and Sakon and Ukon fell into a ravine. They get the barrel with Sasuke in it, and then Kimimaro appears and takes back the barrel. After this Shikamaru stops Tayuya and Naruto and Ren go to stop Kimimaro. Naruto gets enraged from Kimimaro stealing Sasuke and uses some of the nine tails chakra to make tons of clones. The clones couldn't handle Kimimaro's bones and almost all were gone now. Then Sasuke came out of the barrel and started to run away, then Lee jumped out of the trees and said he would handle Kimimaro and Naruto should run after Sasuke.

"No Lee I can handle him, why don't you go help Shikamaru deal with that flute girl." - Ren

Lee listened to what Ren said and went to go help Shikamaru defeat Tayuya. Then Naruto began to run after Sasuke.

"Now that we are alone I can unleash my full power." - Ren

After Ren said this he activated his ketsuryūgan and blood boiling jutsu. Ren also extended his nails and made his vampire claws.

'It seems that my vampire claws are just a weaker version than his kekkei Genkai.' - Ren

Now that Ren had unleashed almost all his trump cards, he rushed forward at Kimimaro and he also made a small cut on his hand and sent blood blades toward Kimimaro when he was approaching. These blood blades were dodged by Kimimaro with lots of difficulties. Once Kimimaro finished dodging the blood blades Ren was right in front of Kimimaro and he began to make small cuts on Kimimaro's body and was moving the fastest he could. Since Ren's speed was slightly faster than Kimimaro's he couldn't hit Ren with his bones.

After fighting for a few minutes Ren started to get tired but because of his isnae vitality, his stamina kept on restoring. Ren's body was also in much better quality than Kimimaro because he had only been cut slightly by the bones, while Kimimaro had hundreds of small cuts all over his body, but they were just shallow and no blood came out because of Kimimaro's bone armor. Kimimaro knew he couldn't win the battle like this and activated the first stage of his curse mark. With the curse mark now activated, Kimimaro was way faster than Ren and some of his bones hit Ren's left arm directly.

"I guess I need to do this to win the fight" - Ren

Immediately after Ren said this he focused his chakra in his brain and Ren opened both the gate of opening and healing at once.