
Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system

In his previous life on Earth, He reached the top. He had it all and more, but he was not satisfied at all. Sadly, no matter how much influence and money he had, he couldn't fight the cycle of life. He never stopped trying to fight fate, if there was a chance to live longer he wouldn't mind sacrificing all life in the world, but alas, his time ran out. [Greatly inspired by "All Existence" please check it out] [I DO NOT own picture if the creator wants me to change picture I will.] [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Constructive criticisms, suggestions and feedbacks are appreciated.] [This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material 'Naruto', created by Masashi Kishimoto and its anime adaptations. Please support the official release and know that I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series. The only things I own are the original characters and the altered storyline.]

SilverSerpent · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Orochimaru attacks

After Ren finished the rush against Neji Genma went to check on Neji because he didn't move for a few seconds and declared Ren as the winner of the round. Since Ren knew that nothing would change in the match between Sasuke and Gaara he didn't focus on the fight but instead made sure that he had the maximum amount of chakra he could have and that his body was in peak condition, in case he had to fight someone during the invasion. The main points of the fight went exactly as Ren remembered and once Sasuke used the Chidori against Gaara he sensed the evil chakra from Shukaku. Then right as that happened Ren saw white feathers falling all around him and so he made a genjutsu kai and saw tons of people around him asleep and all the feathers gone.

'I guess it is the time that the invasion starts.' - Ren

Now that Ren was out of the genjutsu he saw tons of ninja fighting each other and that the disguised Orochimaru was holding the Third Hokage by the neck. Then Ren saw Orochimaru stop disguising himself and a barrier going up around the Third Hokage and Orochimaru, Ren knew that he wasn't strong enough to interfere in this battle and decided to use transformation jutsu to kill some sound ninja and get tons of points. After Ren fought around five-sound ninjas he was able to get 20,000 points. Now that Ren had 20,580 points he decided that he didn't need to fight any more sound ninja right now.

Once Ren defeated those sound ninjas and secretly absorbed their whole body, he saw that the Third Hokage was using the reaper death seal on Orochimaru, so he decided that he should go into the forest because Gaara would go into his Shukaku form soon. After running in the forest for almost a minute Ren sensed the same ominous chakra that happened when Shukaku's hand attacked Sasuke in the chunin exam.

'It must be the time when Gaara gets possessed by Shukaku.' - Ren

Now that Ren knew that Gaara and Sasuke were probably fighting right now, he knew that he could go slow because only the fight with Naruto and Gaara may go bad. After all, Ren beat Naruto in the chunin exams. After jogging for around thirty seconds Ren felt that the ominous chakra was only getting stronger and he thought that Gaara may be fighting Naruto right now. Then when Ren was almost right beside the ominous chakra he saw a big puff of smoke appear and then he saw Shukaku and Gamabunta.

'I guess Naruto is strong enough to handle this on his own, but just in case I will make a blood clone to help if anything goes out of control and to secretly get some blood from Naruto and Gaara.' - Ren

What Ren did instead of watching Gaara and Naruto fight was going back to where Orochimaru and the Third Hokage were fighting and once the battle ended, he made All Existence teleport any small amounts of leftover blood or flesh. Just in case Ren also made All Existence make him less detectable so that no one notices him and doing all of this cost Ren 4,500 points so now he had a total of 16,080 points. Even though Ren knew that he couldn't absorb the blood and flesh he could still try to study Orochimaru's blood and flesh so that he could understand how Orochimaru modified his body to make it more snake-like.

After getting some of the blood and flesh Ren went back to the orphanage and continued to study the chakra network, then once it got late he went to sleep. *Time skip to the morning* Since everyone had found out that the Third Hokage died everyone had to wear black clothes and early in the morning everyone went to the Third Hokage's funeral. At the funeral, the elders of the village gave a speech about how the will of fire will continue on and never burn out. Then everyone put a white flower on the grave and walked away.

After the funeral, Ren and his team couldn't go on any missions because there was no Hokage so they were just meant to do training with Kurenai until there is a new Hokage. Ren decided that he would just go along with the training and not sneak out of the village because he knew that Tsunade would come to the village in a little over a week.

*Time skip*

The week and a few days were helpful for Ren, but the progress he made would have been greatly increased if he left the village. In the first few days of training, Ren was able to affect tenketsu without seeing the chakra network, so he decided to begin training on another rank 2 path and decided to focus on the darkness path. The main reason Ren decided to focus on the darkness path was that it would increase his agility, chakra, and his dark chakra. When Ren was training in the darkness path he noticed that since lots of people were grieving because of family members and the Third Hokage dying during the invasion the progress he made with the darkness path was greatly increased, and now Ren was almost at rank 2 with the darkness path even though it had only been a little bit of time.

Now that Tsunade was back in the village Shikamaru and Ren were officially a chunin and now their team was celebrating, the reason they were the only ones who were made chunins was because no one else showed the leadership capabilities of a chunin. Since Ren knew that Shikamaru was celebrating becoming a chunin, he knew that today would be the day when Sasuke leaves the village.

Should I have had him directly fight Gaara? Also in the future he will definitely do things more directly and not in secret.

If you guys find any problems or anything you would like me to add in the future then comment it.

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