
Naruto: Reincarnated as Sasuke and Dominate Elemental Nation

A guy died and given the option to chose his re-birth by god. He choose to become Sasuke in Naruto-verse. He got his memory of previous life at the night of Uchiha massacre. With his knowledge of naruto-world he embarks the journey of getting powerful and get revenge on everyone involve in his family's death. He become the most powerful person ever lived and unites the whole elemental nation, crushing everyone who stands in his way.

akhtar_007 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


SASUKE: "I practice genjutsu a lot, no Jonin in village can last more than few seconds against me because of my genjutsu. I thought I reached your level but it seems like I was too naïve."

Sasuke opened fourth gate, he knew that opening the gates put a lot of stress and pain on body as well as chakra flow becomes very turbulent. To counter genjutsu, ninja usually disturb their chakra flow or inflict some pain to their body, so this technique is default counter to genjutsu. Might Guy develop a style of fighting by watching opponent's legs, it was for countering Kakashi's Sharingan. While Rock Lee and Naruto practice this style to fight him, he didn't bother since he is the one with sharingan and not just normal one but mangekyou sharingan.

ITACHI: "Intresting, your technique directly counters genjutsu. Okay then allow me to show you the true strength of mangekyou sharingan."

Sasuke knew that Itachi would use Tsukuyomi on him, so he prepared himself to resist it. He was not confident that with only fourth gate he would be able to resist tsukuyomi, if he had reached seventh gate then it would be different story.

Like Sasuke had guessed, Itachi did use tsukuyomi and Sasuke found himself in the middle of nowhere, bound on a cross post with Itachi in front of him holding a sword. He was caught in the tsukuyomi. Sasuke used best of his ability to resist and finally manage to break the tsukuyomi.

SASUKE: "If you are going to let me break tsukuyomi so easily then why even bother casting it on me. You are heavily underestimating me Itachi, you are holding back during the entire fight, but know this, even if you don't hold back I can defeat you, let me show you my true strength.

Hey Kurama lets show him."

With that Sasuke turn on 'nine tails mode', and also activated Susano. Next moment Sasuke turn into bright orange nine tails fox covered in blue color perfect Susano with a giant sword in his hands. This was first time Sasuke summoned perfect susano for a fight. Previously, he only summoned the hand, it was enough to scare Zabuza and kill Danzo.

Itachi was amazed, he opened his mouth but no words come out. The Sasuke in front of him was strong enough to flatten entire leaf village and only person strong enough to stop him would be first Hokage.

ITACHI: "I..I thought Naruto was the jinchuriki, how did you manage to get a tailed beast?"

SASUKE: "Fourth Hokage sealed only half of kyubi with Naruto and the other half was sealed together with him. I don't know if you can tell but I am also an expert when it comes to fuinjutsu, I freed yin-half of kyubi and become its jinchuriki."

ITACHI: "You should be careful, Akatsuki are going after the tailed beast. If they found out about you, they will come after you."

Itachi also summoned susano, although it was not as big as Sasuke's, it was still impressive. Both brother fought in this form and Itachi was constantly pushed back. With Kurama's chakra, Sasuke can keep going on but Itachi was reaching his limit. He was repeatedly taking damage and running out of chakra. Finally Itachi fall down, Susano he summoned vanished, both of his eyes were bleeding and he also took some internal damage. He was lying on the ground with heavy panting, Sasuke released Susano as well as nine tails mode. He took his katana out of ground and walk towards Itachi.

ITACHI: "cough…..cough…..you are right Sasuke, you are stronger than me, I am no match for you. You should be careful about mangekyou sharingan. More you use it, faster you will lose sight in your eyes. If you transplant my eyes you can gain eternal mangekyou sharingan, then you won't have to worry about that."

Sasuke already knew that but he didn't stop Itachi, he hated Itachi for what he did but he also has his childhood memories of loving brother. When he killed Danzo, it was very satisfying but now that he was about to kill Itachi, it was leaving him with bad taste.

Itachi took out Shisui's eye and totsuka blade.

ITACHI: "Take them, Shisui trusted his eye with me, it may be useful with you. Since I am the last person on your list, I guess your revenge is over. I hope you protect the leaf village."

SASUKE: "I don't have much affection for village, but if I saw someone threatening innocent people, it doesn't matter if it is Konoha or any other village, I will fight them."

ITACHI: "I am sorry Sasuke, I thought I did everything I could but maybe I should have put more effort. I should have tried to buy more time for you to grow up. You might be able to solve the issue between village and our clan. You could have done what I and shisui fail to do. I am sorry about mother."

SASUKE: "Goodbye Itachi."

Sasuke plunged his sword through Itachi's heart. After that he sat down near Itachi's corpse, he was feeling many complicated emotions. He wanted to kill Itachi for a long time, but he wasn't feeling happy or relieved. When he killed Danzo he was very happy and satisfied, but after killing Itachi he felt empty. After sometime he stood up, he took Itachi's eyes and placed them in a glass container filled with some liquid and put it back in the storage scroll. He then placed Itachi's body in another storage scroll and decided to leave the place.

While Sasuke was fighting Itachi, Obito got the information from white zetsu and came to watch the two brothers fight, and possibly manipulate Sasuke after Itachi's death. When he reached there, another white zetsu who was following Sasuke and Itachi was there unable to cross the barrier. Obito smiled at the attempt to stop him with such barriers but to his surprise, barrier was also equip in blocking space time ninjutsu. If fourth Hokage had use this barrier during Naruto's birth, he would not have manage to release the kyubi, twelve years ago. This was a new barrier Kushina made while Sasuke assisted, especially to counter Obito. Only downside of this barrier was its durability, it could not hold a Kage rank ninja for more than 5 minutes.