
Naruto: Reincarnated as Sasuke and Dominate Elemental Nation

A guy died and given the option to chose his re-birth by god. He choose to become Sasuke in Naruto-verse. He got his memory of previous life at the night of Uchiha massacre. With his knowledge of naruto-world he embarks the journey of getting powerful and get revenge on everyone involve in his family's death. He become the most powerful person ever lived and unites the whole elemental nation, crushing everyone who stands in his way.

akhtar_007 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs


Itachi and Sasuke reached the Uchiha clan hideout.

ITACHI: "You have awakened those cursed eyes haven't you?"

Killing Danzo was no easy feat, Itachi knew how cautious that guy was, so he figured that Sasuke must have awakened mangekyou sharingan.

SASUKE: "Yeah, it happened the night you took everything away from me."

ITACHI: "You killed Danzo and two elders while Orochimaru killed third Hokage. Everything happened same day, were you colluding with Orochimaru?"

SASUKE: "You think I am like you? You are a psychopath who killed innocent on the name of peace. People like you collude with other psychopaths, not me. I just came across the information about Orochimaru's plan and took advantage of it.

Do you want to know something interesting, Danzo knew about Orochimaru's plan. He wanted third Hokage out of his way of becoming the Hokage so he let Orochimaru attack the village. He was keeping close watch on the fight between Hokage and Orochimaru. Poor bastard, died before even knowing the conclusion of that fight.

I have the means to stop Orochimaru but I also wanted that piece of shit Hokage to die so I did nothing. Just like how Hokage did nothing to resolve the issue between village and Uchiha clan, I did nothing to stop Orochimaru. This is call karma, sooner or later it will catch up to you."

ITACHI: "Now what Sasuke, who are you going to go against next?"

Itachi's last concern was Sasuke going against village for vengeance. He also was concern about 'Madara' manipulating Sasuke after his death but Sasuke already know the truth so situation changed.

SASUKE: "You are pretty much it. After killing you, avenging the clan is over. I will kill that guy who helped you that night, but not to avenge Uchiha clan, I will kill him for what he did to fourth Hokage and aunt Kushina."

While Itachi felt relieved that Sasuke would not go against village, Sasuke took out few seals and putting it on walls and floors.

ITACHI: "What are you doing?"

SASUKE: "I hate people spying on me. These are barrier seal and perimeter seal, it would stop anyone from probing what is happening inside. I hate for those white things to spy on our fight. I don't want them to get information about my skills."

ITACHI: "You know about white zetsu?"

SASUKE: "You would be surprised by the number of them spying in leaf village."

Itachi sighed, he hoped that Sasuke grew strong enough to protect himself, and when that day comes he was prepared to die by his hand. It is just that he didn't expect that day to be today. Sasuke killing Danzo was enough proof that he was strong enough.

ITACHI: "I know it is meaningless now but for what it worth, I am sorry Sasuke."

SASUKE: "You are right, it is meaningless."

ITACHI: "I tried Sasuke, I tried everything. I couldn't stop the coup. If Uchiha clan and village fought each other, Uchiha clan would have been destroyed and village would have been weakened. This would lead to fourth ninja war. Uchiha clan would have been destroyed in any case. I didn't know what else to do."

SASUKE: "You could have done plenty of things.Did it ever occur to you that the Uchiha clan was not the real problem? Father never wanted to revolt against the village, if Hokage had negotiated with him, and compromise to few of his demands, then he would have convince the radical faction of Uchiha clan to drop the idea of coup.

When Shusui wanted to use Kotoamatsukami on father, what happened? Danzo ambush him before he can do that. At that point of time, did it occur to you that it was Danzo who didn't want the peace between Uchiha clan and village? Danzo would never have allowed negotiation between village and clan, and third Hokage being a pathetic man let Danzo do whatever he wanted.

Do you know when I killed Danzo, not only he was using Shisui's eye, but he also have his right hand made of Hashirama Senju's cell with ten sharingans embedded in it. He harvested the sharingans from dead body of Uchiha clan members. It was Orochimaru who made that arm for him.

You didn't know what to do, how about not going psychotic and killing hundreds of innocents. Does the children of our clan were at fault? How about civilians, were they also planning to revolt. How about just killing the elders and members of main force of Uchiha clan, who were planning the coup? How about killing Danzo and his root, and members of Uchiha clan who were hell bent to revolt? With them dead father could have convince other that Uchiha clan is not strong enough, and with Danzo gone, no one would be left to scheme against Uchiha clan. Third Hokage wanted peace so he would have negotiated with Uchiha clan, and without Danzo in the council, they could have agreed upon favourable conditions for both Uchiha clan and Leaf Village.

It is all meaningless now Itachi, you are going to die now."

Itachi was at loss of words, was there really any other options? He have been bearing the sin of killing his clan for a long time, there wasn't a moment in the past four years when he was not tormented by the guilt. He always thought that he did everything he can, and it was the only way to protect Sasuke and the Village, but now Sasuke's words made him think about the situation once again.

He could have only gone for Uchiha police force and elders, with the power of Uchiha clan gone, they would be force to abandon the thought of rebelling. It was not a long time solution since Danzo would still scheme against Uchiha clan and the children of clan would grow up with hate and struggle between clan and village would continue but maybe Sasuke would have manage things a lot better than him. If he had bought more time for Sasuke to grow up, maybe his little brother would have found a way for Uchiha and Konoha to co-exist.

SASUKE: "There is no point in this meaningless conversation, lets fight."

Sasuke took out his Katana and plunged it in the floor, he then move in the direction of Itachi. Itachi understood that his brother wants to start their fight with pure taijutsu. Both of them engage in a hand to hand combat. Both of them were using Uchiha clan taijutsu. Itachi was one of the best Uchiha style taijutsu fighter. Very few in the clan were able to go toe to toe with him when it comes to their clan's taijutsu. But to his surprise, Sasuke was almost as good as him and Sasuke being Guy's student and Itachi suffering from disease, Sasuke was stronger than Itachi in physical strength, even though he was only twelve years old.

They haven't use anything other than taijutsu yet, and since Sasuke was overpowering him so he jump back and threw few shurikens at Sasuke, and Sasuke responded the same way. Shurikens collided and cancel each other followed by both Sasuke and Itachi making hand sign and throwing great fireball jutsu which cancel each other just like the shurikens.

ITACHI: "You have become strong Sasuke."

SASUKE: "I am student of strongest taijutsu fighter in the world. I haven't even opened a single gate of the eight gates technique yet. You haven't even seen ten percent of my strength."

ITACHI: "Then lets get serious."

Both brother awakened their mangekyou, Sasuke casted one of his most powerful genjutsu with his mangekyou on Itachi, when Itachi was immobilized he hit him with a rasengan. But Itachi turn into bunch of crows, Sasuke was already in Itachi's genjutsu.