
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Conviction or Folly?

Edited by: Lazy_Cat#6384

** Happy Hundred! **


Chapter 100: Conviction or Folly?

Jutsu of the day:

<Eight Trigrams: Restraining Sphere>

Courtesy of Hina-Hime.


[Previously on NaRUS?]


"For the first Quarter-Final Match, Hyuga Hinata and Rock Lee, please come down to the Arena."

With the announcement came a huge cheer, and with the cheer came down 2 hopeful Chunins.

Hinata had a new type of fire in her eyes,

'Must win! No one will stand against my time with Mitsu-Kun!'

While on the other side Lee had a determined face,

'Must prove myself! Must make sensei proud!'

Fuse could see the tension in the air and gulped, as he announced,

"Let the match, BEGIN!"


Continued from Chapter 99



In the arena, under the shade provided by the great tree, stood the two contenders.

Both having something to gain from this battle.

Hinata's eyes were clear and focused on her opponent, unwavering, untamed and prepared.

Lee's eyes were in a frown as they burned with the fire of determination. He was ready to prove himself. Prove that his hard work mattered.

Neither of them moved even after a minute had passed since the match began. Both eyeing the other, gauging their opponent's strength and weaknesses.

It was not a battle in the most traditional sense. No, it was a battle of will and patience. Both knew that the first to falter will be at a disadvantage.

But, alas, Lee was at a disadvantage. He was fighting against time.

The soldier pills had restored his stamina, but he knew that the effect won't last for very long. And the backlash… The backlash will surely send him to the hospital.

Lee gritted his teeth, lowering his stance he readied himself.

Hinata didn't even flinch. She kept staring at Lee with her clear eyes as if a predator was peering at its prey.

An odd silence descended between them and the world. Time itself seemed to have come to a slow.

No one knew what set it off. But at a moment's notice.

Lee was gone.

*Thud* *Block*

Lee without his weights was high Chunin to almost Jonin level in speed. It's a testament to his hard work and training. It has always served him… till now.

As he looked at the girl in disbelief, as she easily blocked his kick as if it was nothing…

And his respect for the girl simply grew…

Lee was many things, and he was also a gentleman, who believed that women were to be protected as they were precious.

But he wouldn't insult someone as strong as Hyuga Hinata, by telling her that he didn't want to hurt her because she was a girl. Ney, that would be the greatest of insults to a fine warrior as herself.

So, he was determined from the start to give it his all.

He needed to give it his all.

A lot of people were watching.

His Kage was watching, his teammates were watching, his friend was watching, his crush was watching, his sensei was watching, THE WORLD WAS WATCHING!

He wasn't going to disappoint them. ANY OF THEM.


With a shout, Lee pivoted his used leg to maneuver in midair to try an <Axe Kick> directly down on his opponent's head.

But, Hyuga Hinata was no normal opponent. Lee watched in amazement and horror as the Hyuga Heiress gently redirected his foot, completely dissipating his dynamic energy as his kick hit the ground, and he found a gentle palm on his chest.

"<Gentle Fist: Force Palm>"

And he was launched back tens of meters as he did his best to regain balance and get his footing.

He lost in that exchange…

He utterly lost…

His opponent… was much, much faster and more experienced than his rival…

He simply couldn't comprehend how on earth that was even possible.

Lee had known of his rival, Hyuga Neji's prodigious cousin. But even then he heard that the cousin had never beaten his rival in any form.

But this…

'She is beyond anything Neji can do without his Byakugan…' Lee thought.

He stared back at his opponent, who looked to be right in her element. She stood tall and straight, without even her <Byakugan> activated.

A Hyuga that can fight at this level without their prized eyes…

Others would find this ridiculous. And yet here he was witnessing the feat.

Taking a deep breath, he readied himself for another attack, only to be interrupted by his opponent as she spoke in a melodious voice,

"Please stop holding back, Lee-san. If you really think you can even make me work without giving it your best, then you are insulting me and yourself. Come, I am ready to receive whatever you shall throw at me." Hinata spoke in a calm tone.

Lee smiled at that. It wasn't a happy smile… A self-deprecating one.

He had been so stupid… He actually had hoped to have a proper fight against the Hyuga Heiress without using his gates, even when his Sensei told him specifically that he couldn't beat her even at his best with four gates.

But he wasn't one to give up.

He stood up straight.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath as his inner energy boiled. A new pressure came off of him as he shouted,

"<Gate of Opening>, open!"

With this, his brain's limiters were removed.

"<Gate of Healing>, open!"

His physical strength was increased and his body empowered.

"<Gate of Life>, OPEN!" He shouted this time, gritting his teeth.

His blood flow was increased, causing his skin to turn red as he felt the pain in his skin.


His speed and power were increased to his current physical limit as his muscle tissues started getting teared off. The pain must have been unimaginable, but Lee's will power helped him power through.

He didn't give up then, he wasn't going to give up now.

On the other side, Hinata frowned her brows as she opened her eyes.


And she could see how Lee was punishing himself for power.

'What a perverse technique… He will be hospitalized no matter what. I better end this fast, least I injure him more.' Hinata thought as she took her new stance.

<Gentle Fist: Restraining fist>

A style she developed with the help of Mitsu and Shizune, as she learned more about medical Ninjutsu.

A way to beat someone down, without causing them actual pain. By relaxing the muscles and making them heavier with each blow, till the opponent can no longer even move their muscle.

She was fascinated by the human body, and how her gentle fist can be used in ways other than to hurt or kill.

And as she watched her opponent complete his technique, she moved.

Usually, she wouldn't have let her opponent finish a Jutsu. Certainly not such a strong Jutsu. As her boyfriend had taught her.

'Always hit them while they are transforming.'

But this wasn't a life and death battle, but an exam, where they were supposed to show their skill, and she was also here to gain experience. She wanted to see how strong the mythical eight gates were.

And she suddenly had to turn in her axis and raise a fist, as she blocked a kick out of nowhere.

'What speed… I can only react due to Byakugan…'

And a super speed battle started.

Lee kept moving around as he attacked with inhuman speed, a speed most Chunin couldn't even perceive while Hinata blocked them with her own attacks.

She could only do so because she had trained for this kind of speed and had the aid of her eyes, but it was by no means easy.

Her hands were stinging when she wasn't able to properly deflect Lee's attacks, but she was holding her own.

She did what she was taught, she made herself smaller and made sure her blind point was protected at all times as she enhanced herself with her chakra.

The battle raged on, as both were getting used to the speed as the fight started going both ways, as Hinata started to get a few taps in, making Lee winch.

There was silence in the galleries, especially the Kage box.

"That kid actually could go that fast? That's insane." Onoki said while choking.

"He may not be able to mold chakra… But look at him go." Mei added.

"Am I the only one who is watching the brilliance of the Hyuga girl? Grr…" A said in annoyance.

He was further annoyed because this was the same girl he tried to kidnap all those years ago… And look at her now.

"She is indeed wonderful, and look at her calmness even against a speed she had no business facing. She is even starting to get used to the speed." Onoki continued.

"She has been trained by the best." Tsunade smirked, as she was very happy with her new disciple. She was everything Tsunade could have ever wished for.

'And she will be a monster of her own right after she learns everything from me. You choose them well Mitsu…' Tsunade smirked.

In the stands,

The rookies were baffled by the fight.

"Since when did Hinata get THAT strong?" Ino asked in disbelief.

Naruto scratched his cheek as he felt a shiver, "Well… Bossu did give her special training… And she was always stronger than us…"

"I know… But this is ridiculous! I can barely see that bushy brow guy… And she is keeping up with a slight smile even." Ino complained.

The others nodded.

'They can see that guy?' Sakura was surprised. Because she could only see Lee when he would attack, and only for a brief moment.

"Hn. That guy is very fast. I can clearly see him only with my Sharingan… I have copied his movements… They are good." Sasuke said from the side.

"Oi, you technique stealing bastard! Have you no shame?" Kiba grunted from the side.

But Sasuke ignored him.

But it was then Ino asked, "Hey Kiba, didn't you fight that guy in the forest?"

Kiba grunted and frowned, "Yeah… he was bad business… he was extremely fast without this technique of his. But I could keep up with Akamaru's help. And with a few Ninjutsu here and there, he was easy picking.

But if he used this technique in the forest… I would be dead in a second…

We were evenly matched, I dare say I was even a bit better than him with only his weights off. But then the Tenten girl captured Sakura and demanded we let surrender… Shino was also exhausted, so we gave up then."

Sakura felt shame as she heard her teammate talk about that. But she added nothing.

"Wha! Onee-sama is so strong! But that bushy guy is fast. I can't keep up!" Hanabi scrunched her nose, and Hiashi only grunted in answer.

"Is that Hinata-sama's self-made style? Will she contribute it to the clan?" One of the elders asked.

Hiashi didn't grace them with an answer.

'Bunch of greedy bastards…'

Back in the arena, the fight was intense. Hinata started hitting more while being able to deflect most of Lee's attacks while blocking the other, much to the boy's chagrin.

He was feeling extreme pain in many of his muscles, while some felt very relaxed.

His opponent wasn't blocking his tanketsu's as it was almost impossible against him, but instead she was making his muscles relax.

His left hand felt a few kilograms heavier, and he could barely keep up the speed he was going at.

He already knew… He had lost… He couldn't even get a single hit in even with his four gates opened…

'Sensei was right…'

He could also feel his stamina dwindling… and knew that there wasn't much he could do…

'But I am not going to give up!'

Lee took distance from Hinata, much to the girl's confusion as he started calling forth his inner energy.


Came a shout from the stands as Guy shouted at the top of his lungs.

But Lee was already too far gone.


'THIS IS MY CONVICTION!' Lee shouted in his head, no sound entered his skull.

Lee's muscles were visibly tearing as his power and speed was further increased, that made even Hinata frown in worry.

She wasn't worried about herself. No, she was worried about her opponent. He was in the end a comrade, a leaf ninja. And she knew she had to end it now, or she risked her opponent grave injury or worse… death.

Hinata released a massive amount of chakra from her tanketsu's, the visible blue chakra raged like a storm released from her body, and even the Kage's looked in awe.

Instead of Neji's spiral or dome-shaped chakra, Hinata's came in the form of long scarfs of translucent chakra as it spiraled around her, keeping her as the epicenter.

[A/N: You know the gig boys and girls. paragraph comment for illustration or comment section for mobile users.]


The sound barrier shattered loudly as Lee arrived near Hinata to strike, in a last-ditch attempt at winning.

Only for the tendrils of Hinata's chakra to gently guide him off the path.

Wrapping around him gently, immobilizing him, and slowly seeping into his muscles, making them relaxed.

Slowly all the tendrils surrounded Lee as they wrapped him in a mummy, as Hinata slowly walked towards her wrapped opponent as she panted.

She lifted her index and middle finger as she touched Lee's forehead with a soft touch.

<Gentle Touch: Sleep>

Making the mummy turn limp.

She sighed. As the tendrils of chakra were released and revealed an unconscious Lee on the ground.

Hinata took in his pulse and frowned as she shouted,

"He is okay, but he needs medical attention ASAP!"

That seemed to have woken the whole stadium up, as a green figure blurred next to her.

He gently scooped up his student and hugged him protectively, before he bowed to Hinata as he said,

"Thank you for detaining him instead of attacking… You may have saved his life." Guy said solemnly.

To which Hinata nodded and smiled softly, "As an aspiring Medical Ninja, it's my duty."

She then looked at Lee once more with a minute frown as she thought, 'Is going over one's limit without care conviction... or is it folly?' She shook her head at the pitiful state of her opponent.

Everyone heard her in the quiet stadium.

No one knew who started it, but someone stood up and started clapping, and that set off a chain motion as one by one everyone joined in.


Fuse made his presence known as the noise died down.

"Winner of the first Quarter Finals. Hyuga Hinata."

And that broke the dam, as everyone shouted and cheered for the prodigious and gentle Hyuga.

"Aspiring medical Ninja?" Onoki raised a brow at Tsunade.

Who smirked and stated, "I only accept the best student."

Everyone understood what she meant, and they gulped knowing in a few years, Konoha will have another Senju Tsunade in Hyuga Hinata… And they all knew that the girl they were watching might very well surpass her…

Hinata arrived at the stand as her friends congratulated her.

It was the hyper Naruto who asked her the question everyone was thinking of.

"Hinata-chan! What was that Jutsu you used to make Bushy Brows into a mummy?"

Hinata chuckled and said, "Oh! It's a technique I derived from our family's revolving heaven. I named it <Eight Trigrams: Restraining Sphere>."

Everyone oh'ed and ah'ed at the revelation.

Hinata started going towards the exit, when Ino stopped her, "Where are you going Hinata? You won't watch Shikamaru's Match?"

Hinata blushed, looking like a child who got caught stealing cookies from the jar.

She replied while joining her index fingers in embarrassment.

"Ummm… I am going to get my reward." She sounded embarrassed, yet hopeful.

The guys didn't get it, other than Shikamaru, who had a knowing look.

But the girls looked scandalized.

Ino wanted to say something, but restrained herself. While Sakura was blushing, day dreaming in her head.

Hinata quickly escaped from her friends with a red face as she went to the spot her boyfriend had promised her.

And as she thought he was there smiling at her.

"Congratulations, Hime."

Her smile was the brightest thing under the sun as she jumped on her beloved to get her reward. Her hard-won long, cherished and sweet kiss.




[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

Sorry about the late upload. I had a family outing yesterday.

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

Jinchuriki x Jinchuriki coming up.

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts