
Naruto: Reborn With Useless Skills?

*Ahem* Please read the "tags" before you go about the story, Friend! Also the MC goes through a huge character development. The MC is like an insane dick at the start. But he grows. Now the synopsis: Surname Kaneko meaning Golden and Given name Mitsu meaning Light. Ahhh! Such a fitting name.... FITTING NAME MY ASS... But the name holds weight in the land of fire. Hmmm. Why? Well because, it's the name of the Fucking Fire Daimyo aka Otou-chan, my daddy dearest. Huhuhuhu... Yesh! You have guessed it! I was reborn as the fricking prince of fire. It's great right? RIGHT? WROOOOOOONG!!!!!!! Because the idiotic daimyos, don't let their dumb kids learn ninjutsu.... But worry not, yours truly, was lucky to be born as the third prince. Damn! I didn't know the fat lady had 3 children already, no wonder she was... You know what! I will stop right there. I don't want my fate to be the same as that Tora. *shudder* But the biggest issue here is, after I was run over by Scooty-Chan... Yeah! You heard me, Scooty-Chan. Coz, her elder cousin Truck-Kun, was too busy running over some fat NEET, she had to come and give me a ride... and a ride she gave... *Tears* I even got the worst reincarnating official... more like an assistant... Here, I have read about the awesome powers reincarnators get when they reincarnate. While yours truly was stuck with a pussy who can't even authorize a freakin Sharingan.... Well, you know what! It doesn't matter. Just see how I freaking kick ass with the worst list of skills. https://discord.gg/mtQutXpjky ___________________ Note: The name of the FF is a parody itself. And yes, the skills the MC gets are useless on their own. But using the parody of a certain Novel it became something else! Note: The cover and any images in the future are and will be drawn by me. So these belong to me. ___________________ Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of it's characters only my OC's and the change of plot

LuminouShadow · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Before the Quarterfinals!

Edited by: Lazy_Cat#6384


Chapter 99: Before the Quarterfinals!

Jutsu of the day:

<Determination to Prove yourself No Jutsu> and <Getting Reward from Mitsu Kun no Jutsu>

Courtesy of Rock Lee and Hinata Hime.


Continued from Chapter 98



"Winner of the sixth match… By forfeit… Hyuga Neji… Akimichi Choji seems to have evacuated the premises in a rush."

After the winner was announced, no noise was heard. The prior event utterly confused the whole audience.

"Wh-what just happened?" Asked someone in the stands.

"I don't know…"

Similar conversations were occurring everywhere, including with the dignitaries and other Ninjas.

"Choza… Do you know what happened? And what pill was that?" Asked Shikaku.

Choza looked embarrassed, but he answered, "I think Choji used… his trump card… It's called <CLMSY Pill>… it is a different variant of <Red Chili pill>."

"Are you out of your mind? Did you give that to Choji? Are you trying to kill him? And what's with that name?" Inoichi almost shouted.

The Ino-Shika-Cho alliance knew of the Three Colored pills of Akimichi. Yes, each pill gave a tremendous boost to the Akimichi, but they were also poisons.

Choza shook his head, "Of course not. That's why I said it was a different variant, that Choji and Mitsu-sama had invented. It's full name is...<Come Let Me Smack You Pill>...

It increases physical prowess by ten times while boiling and burning the Yang Chakra and Fat. But he assured me that it didn't poison the user. We also tested it with medical Ninjas present."

"That's actually impressive. It's basically a lower-powered <Three Colored Pill> but without the consequences… Or does it have some side effect… I don't know… Maybe something that made Choji wear a gas mask and run?" Shikaku raised a brow at his friend.

Choza looked extremely embarrassed. He coughed on his hand, before replying in a small voice, "It… it causes… extreme gas release from whoever takes it…"

Shikaku and Inoichi looked baffled.

"It can't be THAT bad… Right?" Inoichi asked a bit afraid of the answer.

"Without the gas mask… One would faint from the smell… It's close to a chemical weapon." Choza answered, not looking his friends in the eyes.

Shikaku and Inoichi could only look at their friend in incredulity.

On the Kage box,

"That was… Interesting…" said Rasa not knowing what to add.

"Was that a new pill of the Akimichi?" Onoki asked.

"Apparently… So, what do you think of the fight?" Tsunade asked.

"Neither are ready to be Chunin. Both are lacking in mindset." A answered directly.

The other Kage's agreed.

"The Hyuga boy is a genius though… Tsk… Two Hyuga prodigies in one generation? If he gets that stick out of his bottom, he will be a good Ninja." said Onoki.

Tsunade could only agree.


"For the seventh match, will Uzumaki Naruto and Hamasaki come down to the arena?" Fuse announced.

And soon a Blonde boy wearing a black unzipped jacket with orange trimming, a mesh under armor shirt and a black ANBU pants jumped down holding a Bo (Bo staff) in his hand.

It was of course Naruto.

On the other side stood Hamasaki, wearing a deep blue jacket with his messy black hair.

"Uzumaki? Is there really an Uzumaki alive? But he has blonde hair." Asked A.

Onoki frowned, "He looks like… No… It can't be… But the similarities… No probably a fan." He muttered to himself.

But it didn't go unnoticed by the other Kage or their guards.

'Well… I wonder how long it will take them to realize…' Tsunade could only chuckle in her thoughts, 'Hope you know what you are doing Mitsu…'

The match soon started, with both Genin entering a weapons duel.

Hamasaki was closer to Chojuro's level than the other Genin, so Naruto wasn't having as good a time as Sasuke had.

The Kiri Genin was indeed worthy of joining this exam, as his weapon handling was fluid and his mastery over <Water Release: Water Bullet> was commendable.

But, this Naruto wasn't the canon idiot after all.

Naruto countered Hamasaki with his speed and ingenious trapping skill, which only improved with his <Shadow Clone Jutsu>.

In the end, Hamasaki was overwhelmed by Naruto's five clone combo Taijutsu that he developed with Sarutobi Hiruzen, where he used his Bo and clones to attack in coordination.

The fight itself was engaging and enjoyable, with the crowd cheering for both fighters. But Naruto was just better than Hamasaki.

It ended when Hamasaki thought there were only 5 clones, and a sixth one came and disrupted the rhythm, which knocked the Kiri Genin out.

"Winner of the Seventh Match, Uzumaki Naruto! And with this, the 1st round ends! Next will be the quarter-finals. The matches are as such,

1st Match- Hyuga Hinata vs Rock Lee

2nd Match- Temari vs Nara Shikamaru

3rd Match- Uchiha Sasuke vs Hyuga Neji

4th Match- Uzumaki Naruto vs Gaara

The matches will start at 2 PM. Now, there will be a lunch break. There are 2 cafeterias on the premises for civilian use. The dignitaries may follow the assigned guards to the lunch hall. Thank you."

With that announcement, everyone started moving to get lunch. There were still 2 hours before the quarter-finals started.

On the VIP box, Mitsu said goodbye to his father and his friend before he went to find Hinata in the stands.

When he arrived there, he could hear his friends pointing at someone.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Naruto shouted, almost comically, as he stared at a skinny boy wearing oversized armor holding a Bo Staff with a Morningstar on it.

"Yeah, who are you? And why do you have Choji's weapon? What did you do to him?" Ino gave the boy the stink eye.

On the other hand, Shikamaru was looking baffled as if, he couldn't comprehend what was going on.

Sasuke looked confused as well. And only Hinata was giggling on the side covering her mouth.

"Hinata! Why are you giggling? This boy could have done something to Choji!" Ino sounded exasperated.

"Umm… Guys… It's me." The skinny boy tried to talk only to be shut down by Ino.

"Shut it skinny! Where is our friend?" Ino glared.

To that Hinata laughed even more.

Ino was going to snap at her, only to be interrupted by a new group.

"EWWW! What the hell dude? Why do you smell like shit?" Kiba asked while holding his nose. Akamaru by his side was whimpering in discomfort as well.

While Sakura and Shino kept their distance.

The skinny boy looked even more embarrassed.

Mitsu chuckled as he didn't want his friend to suffer any longer. He flickered behind Hinata hugging her from behind, before addressing the group, "YO!"

"Mitsu-Kun" Ino exclaimed.

"Oh, Bossu! Look this skinny kid did something to Choji!" Naruto said in worry.

Hinata started laughing out loud this time, making Mitsu chuckle as well.

He chided his girlfriend, "Now, now my Hime. Don't laugh at our friends predicament. Now let's see..."

But before Mitsu could answer Naruto, Kiba added, "What do you mean did something to Choji? He is Choji! Though he stinks! Worse than Akamaru."

"Ruff! Ruff!" Akamaru barked indignantly.

But everyone else was having trouble processing what Kiba just said.

"""WHAT?!""" They all shouted at the same time.

"Hahahaha, yeah, that's our jolly ol' friend Choji alright! Hope your experience with the toilet wasn't too bad, my friend!" Mitsu chuckled.

"Ha Ha, very funny…" Skinny Choji said in a dry tone.

"Well, I did tell you to finish your fight fast when you use that pill, no? But honestly, I didn't think hitting you in the stomach would cause that kind of reaction… I mean, we tested that before and you were able to fight for 10 minutes straight before losing fat and chakra. So, what happened?" Mitsu asked intrigued.

"I really don't know… I mean, we only fought for less than 2 minutes… But, when he started using his palms… My insides started squirming…" Choji answered.

"Well, I can answer that." Hinata interjected with a smile.

Everyone turned to her.

"Well, when you ate that pill, your Chakra was almost boiling and it came outwards from your stomach as the core. But, when Neji-Niisan started hitting you there, your chakra went berserk. I believe that's what caused your… little problem. Hehehe." Hinata chuckled at the end, much to Choji's embarrassment and everyone's amusement.

"Well whatever, what's done is done. Let's have a nice meal now. Hina, Tsundere Uchiha, Furball, and Lazy boi still need to fight after." Mitsu said.

Everyone agreed, with only Sasuke groaning at his nickname.

In the infirmary,

Team Guy was having a conversation among themselves.

"I am sorry Guy sensei, I let anger take control of me." Tenten apologized.

"It's quite alright, my youthful disciple! But Young Shikamaru indeed played you like a fiddle. I hope now you understand that you need more training. But fret not! We all agreed that Young Shikamaru was indeed a true Chunin Level Ninja, and so you don't have to be ashamed of losing to him." Guy replied.

That didn't make Tenten feel better at all. It only meant that she wasn't at the infuriating boy's level.

"Guy sensei, what about Lee and Neji?" She asked.

To that Guy looked saddened.

"Well… There will be more chances for them in the future…"

"Is their condition that bad?" Tenten asked in worry.

"For Neji… He broke 5 ribs, and his collarbone has a fracture, as well as a few bones in his spine. He can't participate any longer. I am afraid, Neji's Chunin exam ends here…

As for Lee… He lost a lot of stamina due to the poison… He can barely move his muscles…"

"That won't stop Lee…" Tenten whispered.

"That won't stop Lee." Guy nodded.

"Will you let him fight?"


Guy stood there, silent for a while, but he decided to tell the truth.

"As a Superior? No. He is in no condition to fight someone of Hyuga Hinata's caliber. Honestly, even at his best with 4 gates opened, he would have no chance. But as a teacher? How can I not support my youthful student's dream?" He said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Sensei… Lee will appreciate your support." Tenten said.

Guy only nodded.

Unknown to both of them, Lee, who was supposed to be sleeping in his bed. Heard the whole conversation.

'I will not fail you, Guy-sensei!' He was resolute to fight in the next match and make sure to win.

"Hello, Madam Shijimi, I presume. My name is Terumi Mei, the Godaime Mizukage. Mitsu-Kun talked a lot about his wonderful mother when he was in Kiri." Mei greeted.

"Ohohoho! Did he now? Isn't he a wonderful boy?" Shijimi asked.

Mei chuckled and started to get acquainted with her 'boss's' mother. She rather liked Mitsu's family.

"Ohohoho, he sure knows how to make us worry that boy." Shijimi said as Mei finished her story of meeting Mitsu.

"He indeed does." Mei chuckled. She then noticed the 2 beautiful girls behind Madam Shijimi and saw similarities in their facial features, before it clicked to her.

"Ah, I didn't know you were a girl Haku-san. Mitsu-kun really knows how to hide important things… And you must be Yukina-san?" Mei asked.

The two Yuki's bowed before Haku replied, "Greetings Mizukage-sama. And indeed, my Master is quite forgetful. And this is my elder sister Yuki Yukina."

"It's nice to meet you, Mizukage-sama." Yukina bowed.

"These two are wonderful girls! They spoil me and my daughters so much. Hohohoho. Aren't they just precious?" Shijimi added.

"They indeed are, and I can see that they are quite happy being here." Mei added.

"Indeed they are." Came another voice from the side.

Mei couldn't really recognize her, but seeing her getup, she could tell that she was a Daimyo.

"Oh, forgive me Mizukage-dono, my name is Kazahana Koyuki, the Daimyo of the Land of Spring." The young woman introduced herself.

"Ah, Koyuki-dono, it's a pleasure to meet you. I heard a lot about you from Mitsu-Kun." Mei said with a smile.

"Oh? Good things I hope. And Mitsu-kun huh? Aren't you addressing my little brother a bit too informally?" Koyuki asked with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Oh, your little brother is he? He does call me Nee-san as well, that must make us sisters. Hahaha." Mei replied with a chuckle.

That annoyed Koyuki as she muttered under her breath, "Stupid brat adopting sisters everywhere…"

But unfortunately for her, everyone heard it, making them laugh, which in turn made Koyuki laugh with them. Mitsu's antics were amusing after all.

"Speaking of Mit-chan… Where is he? Many people want to meet him." asked Shijimi as she looked around.

It was Yukina that answered, "Madam, Master said he will spend lunch with Hinata-sama. He promised to meet the dignitaries for dinner."

"Sigh… That boy… Oh well, come on girls, there are many more people we need to greet!" Shijimi chuckled and pulled Mei and Koyuki with her to meet other guests, much to the Yuki sisters' amusement.

"Madam sure is friendly." Yukina said with a smile. "I am happy to work for this family. They are wonderful people."

"They really are…" Haku answered as the image of a golden-eyed boy came into her mind.

It was 2 PM, and everyone returned to their own seats after the lunch break.

The crowd was excited about the next fight.

As both Hinata and Lee had impressed them immensely. Whether they were Ninja or Civilian.

Ninjas were all sure that Hinata at the very least will become Chunin, as she had all the qualities needed.

Lee was very fast and showed incredible willpower and endurance, but he was still a bit lacking.

But, to the civilians both the Hyuga Princess and Rock Lee were amazing, and they wanted to see them more.

In the stands, Mitsu and Hinata were having a private conversation.

"Hime, I don't think Lee will be at his best during this fight. So, don't be disappointed." Mitsu tried to comfort her, which was unneeded.

"Hehehe, don't worry Mitsu-Kun, I won't be disappointed. I did want to fight him at his best. But, I know he was greatly injured. I hope he is okay. And I can always fight him some other time. We are both from Konoha after all." She smiled.

"Indeed, but yeah, that poison was worse than I thought… Well, it's more of Lee's fault for not even finding out that he was poisoned… Sigh… But I believe he will still fight, even though I heard that his stamina is completely wasted."

"It's alright. I will not underestimate him." Hinata said with determination which looked extremely cute to Mitsu, so he rewarded that with a soft kiss, making the girl go crimson.

"Mi-Mi-Mitsu K-kun… W-we are in pu-public!" Hinata tried her best to make a sentence.

Mitsu chuckled and leaned in making Hinata close her eyes in anticipation. Only to hear a whisper,

"Well, you better win if you want to continue this after." Mitsu said before flickering away, leaving behind a blushing Hinata who had a new fire in her eyes!

On the other side of the arena, Guy and Lee were having a conversation.

"Are you sure about this Lee?" Guy asked in concern.

"I am ready to fight sensei!" Lee looked determined.

Guy gritted his teeth.

"You took soldier pills?" He asked softly.

"I…I did."

"You really want to prove yourself today, don't you?" Guy asked with some concern.

"Y-yes… I have worked hard for this day… I will win this tournament." Lee said resolutely.

Guy sighed.

He stared into Lee's eyes for a full minute, judging his student's determination.

Seeing that Lee was indeed determined to go through with this, he finally sighed,

"I will allow you to open up to 4 gates. And I will give you 2 minutes in this fight… After that whether you have won or not, I will throw the towel. You understand?"

"I do sensei… Th-thank you." Lee replied with tears flowing down his face.

"No need to thank me, Lee… Be careful. And know that I am proud of you." Guy replied, before walking away, leaving behind a sobbing Lee.

The crowd was patiently waiting for the match to start. Fuse seeing that it was time jumped down to the arena and announced.

"For the first Quarter-Final Match, Hyuga Hinata and Rock Lee, please come down to the Arena."

With the announcement came a huge cheer, and with the cheer, the 2 hopeful Chunins came down to the Arena.

Hinata had a new type of fire in her eyes,

'Must win! No one will stand against my time with Mitsu-Kun!'

While on the other side Lee had a determined face,

'Must prove myself! Must make sensei, proud!'

Fuse could see the tension in the air and gulped, as he announced,

"Let the match, BEGIN!"


[To be continued]



[A/N: Hey there, beautiful people!

This chapter is already 3k words, so sorry for the cliffhanger. Welp next chapter, Hinata vs Lee

If you want to join the discord! The link is on the synopsis!]

100th chapter will have an illus!

LuminouShadowcreators' thoughts