
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs


Chapter 57 Whis: I have to wake Lord Beerus!

You must know that they are working hard, and Gohan has also been exploited by the old Supreme Kai.

There is absolutely no way to fight Majin Buu like this.

Of course, the main reason was that Vegeta was too turbulent in front of him and was directly absorbed by Majin Buu, so I couldn't restrain Majin Buu.

Unexpectedly, it was easily solved by Qin Yu.

"Qin Yu, thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, the earth would be destroyed this time."

Son Goku sincerely thanked Qin Yu this time.

You must know that he was completely exhausted just now.

There is simply no way to deal with Majin Buu, and Supreme Kai can't be very busy with them.

"I'm also a human being on the earth? And the 18th is still on the earth, so naturally I won't let the earth be threatened."

Qin Yu smiled and said to Son Goku.


Son Goku smiled, and did not continue to say thank you.


And at this time in the Supreme Kai world.

The old Supreme Kai seemed to be frightened in some way, and his body was trembling constantly.

"Ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

East Supreme Kai Asing looked at the old Supreme Kai with a terrified look, and asked.

Majin Buu was clearly dealt with just now, why does he still look so scared?

No, it should be more scared than when Majin Buu appeared.

"Yes, Mr. Supreme Kai, hasn't Majin Buu been dealt with by that Qin Yu?"

"Why do you look so scared?"

Jabbit on the side also asked.

"You two fools, didn't you feel it at all just now?"

The old Supreme Kai glanced at Dong Supreme Kai and Jiebitt, and asked.

"What? What do you feel?"

The two of them looked dumbfounded.

They didn't feel anything, the only feeling was that Qin Yu was really strong.

The strength completely surpasses Goku.

Lian Yuangu Majin Buu was quickly killed by him.

"It's really two idiots, that Saiyan named Qin Yu, the ability to kill Majin Buu just now should be "destruction"!"

"Don't you know at all?"

The old Supreme Kai hated iron and steel.

How can they not feel such obvious damage?

"Destruction? What is that?"

"But it is indeed very powerful to be able to kill Majin Buu in a second."

Dong Supreme Kai said with some confusion.

But he has never heard of destroying this ability?

"Cut, how did you stupid become Supreme Kai?"

"Haven't the previous bastards Supreme Kai tell you?"

Old Supreme Kai yelled.

As a Supreme Kai, you don't even know about destruction?

"I'm really sorry, my ancestors, I really don't know, and I haven't heard of other Supreme Kai."

Dong Supreme Kai Asin lowered his head awkwardly and said.

"Destruction! That is the exclusive ability of Gods of Destruction, possessing the terrifying power that can destroy the entire universe."

"This ability can only be mastered by Lord Gods of Destruction Beerus, but why does a Saiyan master this ability?"

The old Supreme Kai explained while wondering.

He also couldn't figure out that a Saiyan actually mastered the destructive energy, which was a huge threat to the entire universe.

"Gods of Destruction? Lord Beerus?"

East Supreme Kai, Asin and Jiebitt are still dumbfounded.

These two names are even more strange...

The old Supreme Kai could only explain it word by word to the two of them.


And Qin Yu's destructive energy was not only discovered by the old Supreme Kai, but also by Whis in the world of Gods of Destruction.

"It's incredible, that Qin Yu has the destructive energy? Where did he come from?"

Whis was also puzzled.

Seventh, Universe should only be able to master the destructive energy, and it should only be the talent of Beerus!

Now even a human has mastered this ability.

"It seems that this matter must be told to Lord Beerus!"

Whis looked at Beerus who was still sleeping, and said to himself.

You know that there are such powerful humans in the universe, but it's like an uncontrollable time bomb.


And at this time on the earth.

After Qin Yu killed Majin Buu, Son Goku also collected seven Dragon Balls again, resurrecting all the earthlings killed by Majin Buu.

In Qin Yu's villa, Broly has woke up.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Qin Yu looked at Broly who opened his eyes and said with a smile.

The moment Broly opened her eyes, she stood up awkwardly and looked at Qin Yu warily.

"You...who are you?"

"Where is this place? Where is my father?"

Broly stared at Qin Yu and asked three times in a row.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Qin Yu."

"This is the earth, as for your father..."

"The planet exploded while we were fighting, and I'm sorry for not being able to save him."

Qin Yu said to Broly sincerely.

Of course, this is a polite remark, if he wants Paragas, it's no problem at all.

But Qin Yu didn't want to save him.

First, the guy was not good to Broly, but used Broly as a tool to avenge the Vegeta father and son.

I don't like this very much!

Second, if he is brought to Earth, if he directs Broly to make trouble, it will still be a little troublesome.

Third, the purebred Saiyan has aggressive cells in his bones. It is a bit more honest that the guy is trapped on the planet Wampa, but when he arrives on the earth, it is estimated that he will cause trouble again.

So it's better to just let him stay in hell, that place is also suitable for him.

"My father... is dead!"

Broly clenched her fists tightly, her eyes seemed to start to become violent.

"Broly! Calm down."

"Your father is dead. You can't come back from death. You need a good life, understand?"

Qin Yu put a hand on Broly's shoulder and said to Broly with a serious face.

Looking at Qin Yu's gaze, Broly seemed to feel a sense of danger.

The violent breath instantly calmed down. *

Chapter 58 Broly: Master Qin Yu (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)


Broly's heavy breathing was evened out little by little, and her violent expression returned to normal little by little!

"Well, you will be my brother from now on, and I will never treat you badly by staying with me!"

Qin Yu patted Broly on the shoulder and said seriously.

Broly raised her head and looked at Qin Yu for ten seconds before nodding.

He felt something in Qin Yu's body that made him very jealous.

Something that made him afraid to resist Qin Yu...

"Okay, I'll take you to the bath first, and then have something to eat."

"At that time, I will teach you how to control the super game transformation."

Qin Yu smiled and said to Broly.

Broly's heart is very simple, so he wants to win Broly.

A pure-hearted, loyal, and strong person is not easy to find.

Now that I found it, I can't miss him...

After all, in the future, I don't want to be trampled under the feet by those high gods all the time.

You can erase yourself casually, and it feels very bad that your destiny is in control of others.

Especially after he has the strength, with that kind of talent and ability, he is more eager to change all of this.


Broly nodded, and then followed Qin Yu.

In the next half day, Qin Yu took Broly and ate almost the entire Western Capital.

The two ate nearly ten million things.

You must know that Son Goku spent 480,000 yuan on a meal when he was a child, and he ate all of the old turtle's championship bonus, and Broly, this guy is simply the reincarnation of a starving ghost!

A meal was devoured and swept several restaurants directly.

Of course, as Saiyan, his appetite is quite amazing.

So two people eat 10 million things, it's not that much!

And obviously, the food on the earth is much more delicious than those giant spider legs on Wampa planet.

When the two returned home, it was already night.


Early the next morning, Qin Yu woke up Broly early.

Then the two walked into the gravity room!

He needs to train Broly.

Although Broly has a strong talent and very strong power, he does not know how to use it now!

If he keeps fighting like this, meeting a well-matched opponent may leave him exhausted to death.

So I must teach him to learn to control his sanity while transforming.

"Broly, from today I will guide you in your practice."

"Although you have incomparable power, you still can't control it now, so the two of us will spend here for some time."

Qin Yu said to Broly with a serious face.

"Yes, Master Qin Yu."

Broly nodded quickly and said to Qin Yu.

That face of honesty is a bit cute.

Maybe it was because Qin Yu took him to a full meal yesterday, maybe because Qin Yu was the second person he had direct contact with besides Paragas! So Broly has no complaints about Qin Yu now!


"Um...you seem to be much older than me!"

"But the expert is a teacher, my strength is stronger than you, so I will take advantage of you!"

Qin Yu thought for a while and said.

I am only in my twenties now, plus the days when I was in the Spiritual Time House, I was just 30 years old.

And now Broly is in her early forties!

But since he taught him, he called Master and felt it himself.

"Okay, let's start now!"

"From now on, you need to control your breath a little bit. Remember to keep your sanity! If you lose your sanity, I will stun you immediately."

Qin Yu said seriously, Broly also nodded seriously.

After a day of training, Broly was knocked out twenty times.

But Qin Yu is not discouraged, after all, it is impossible to control his anger and sanity in one day!

After all, Broly is a special bloodline.


Time passed by day by day, and two months of time passed by in a flash.

On this day, Vegeta came to Qin Yu's villa.

"Vegeta, what are you doing?"

Qin Yu and Broly just came out of the gravity room to practice, and they saw Vegeta.

"He is the Saiyan Broly?"

Vegeta looked at Broly and asked.

Obviously, his eyes are a little bad.

No way, Vegeta seems to be hostile to other Saiyans.

Especially... Saiyan who is better than him.

"Yes, it's my half apprentice!"

Qin Yu patted Broly on the shoulder and said.

And Broly's gaze looking at Vegeta was also very unfriendly, gritting his teeth tightly, as if Vegeta was his enemy.

However, Qin Yu also understands that after all, Paragas has been instilling in Broly the idea of ​​revenge on the Vegeta father and son for forty years.

That kind of thinking has long been ingrained.

"Is Mr. Qin Yu's apprentice? It seems to hate me a little bit."

"What? Need to compete?"

Vegeta raised the corner of his mouth and said to Broly defiantly.

Since I am Qin Yu's apprentice, I guess my strength is not too bad, right?

It just so happens that you can fight a good fight yourself.


Hearing Vegeta's provocation, Broly's breath suddenly began to rise, grinning glaringly at Vegeta, her black hair dancing with the wind.

"Calm down Broly, what you want to fight is opportunity, and now you can't control your strength perfectly."

Qin Yu glanced at Broly and said lightly.

As soon as Qin Yu's body and mind fell, Broly immediately returned to normal.

Obviously, the results of this month are still very obvious.

"And you, there's something to say, nothing to get out of..."

Qin Yu said impatiently at Vegeta.

If this guy just came to provoke him, he wouldn't mind giving him a ride.


Hearing Qin Yu's unceremonious words, Vegeta gritted his teeth, but dared not speak.

ps: It's been a long time since I asked for a monthly ticket for flowers and an evaluation ticket. I didn't have a monthly ticket recently, and the evaluation ticket was only 1,000. It's really too difficult. It's already a hundred thousand words. Everyone has tickets and flowers in hand. Please help. Vote some!

It is really difficult to hit the street author. One or two flowers and one or two evaluation votes are also great support and motivation for the author. Thank you everyone! *