
Naruto: reborn as in Ōtsutsuki

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 55 The gap between the clouds, the shock of Son Goku!

"Wh...what? What's the matter?"

Since Majin Buu's punch did not cause any harm to Qin Yu, and Qin Yu's body was as solid as a rock, motionless.

Both Son Goku and Majin Buu cried out in surprise.

Obviously there is no way to believe it!

Especially Son Goku, he is very aware of the horror of Majin Buu.

You need to know that this guy's original strength is not weaker than his own, Super Saiyan III's form.

And after absorbing Piccolo, Vegeta and Gohan, his strength is even more unfathomable.

I didn't expect to behave so badly in front of Qin Yu.

"What's wrong? Aren't you very strong?"

"Don't tell me, this is what you call a powerful force."

Qin Yu grabbed Majin Buu's fist and said with a sneer.

Maybe Majin Buu is testing his own strength, maybe he thinks he can kill himself with one punch.

So you didn't go all out, did you?

"No... impossible."

"Absolutely impossible!"

Majin Buu's head shook like a wave!

I don't believe what happened before me at all!

If he hadn't absorbed Piccolo, Son Gohan and Vegeta.

Now he will definitely become angry!

But after absorbing the three, his IQ naturally increased.

So reason told him that the guy in front of him was very strong, very strong.

"It's a waste, it's really disappointing!"

Qin Yu looked at Majin Buu with a look of horror, shook his head, and then shook it hard.

Majin Buu's body directly penetrated the Temple of Heaven and fell to the earth like a falling meteorite.


The moment Majin Buu's body hit the ground, a huge pit of thousands of feet was directly smashed into the ground, and the dust flew up instantly.


"Wow Ka Ka, you guy, it's too strong to be too strong!"

Son Goku swallowed hard and calmed his shock.

Then he said to Qin Yu.

What he said was the truth, Qin Yu's strength far exceeded his imagination.

He originally thought that Qin Yu's strength would be better than Super Saiyan III's own, but he would definitely not have too much!

But now it seems that the gap between the two is like a huge difference.

"Ok... so awesome!"

Even the number 18 on the side was very shocked.

He also knows that Qin Yu is particularly strong, but he doesn't know how strong Qin Yu is!

This is also the reason why she was worried before!

But now it seems that her worries are completely unnecessary.

"Okay, let's go down and have fun with Majin Buu!"

Qin Yu said to No. 18, and then took No. 18's hand and jumped down.

Son Goku quickly followed.

He is very curious, how can Qin Yu solve Majin Buu, who has such a strong recovery ability?

Qin Yu's body was suspended in mid-air, while Majin Buu's body had just crawled out of the huge pit.

Some bruises appeared on the body.

The facial features are ferocious, and the eyes are burning with raging flames.

"Damn... damn bastard, I will never forgive you!"

Majin Buu pierced my fist, blood vessels all over my body bulged.

Unexpectedly, I absorbed Son Gohan, the strongest on earth, and was so humiliated by this guy.

I will never forgive him!

And I want to absorb him too, if this happens, I will really become the strongest in the universe...

"Huh! Things that are beyond your capacity, come on!"

Qin Yu beckoned to Majin Buu with a calm face, motioning for him to attack.

"Arrogant, get me down!"

Majin Buu kicked the ground with his right foot, and the huge crater on the ground was directly exaggerated hundreds of times.

The body turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Qin Yu.

Last time he only used 60% of his power, but this time, he is doing his best.

"Give me down!"

Seeing Majin Buu flying towards him, Qin Yu also blasted out with a punch.


The moment the two fists met, a terrifying impact instantly spread.

Son Goku on the side was directly knocked out.

And number 18, standing behind Qin Yu, did not feel any shock waves at all!

The moment the two fists touched, Majin Buu's entire arm disappeared and turned into a pink mud.

Even the body changed its shape and fell back to the ground again.

"Too...too strong, Majin Buu is like a child in front of Qin Yu!"

Son Goku was extremely shocked. The gap between Majin Buu and Qin Yu seemed to be greater than the gap between himself and Majin Buu.

You know, Qin Yu hasn't made any super game transformation yet!

If he could also become Super Saiyan, or even Super Saiyan III, what kind of perversion would it be?

It's hard to imagine...

Qin Yu's position in his mind suddenly became much taller.

"Damn bastard, ah..."

"I must kill you!"

Majin Buu's arm quickly recovered, as if he had completely lost his sanity, roaring frantically.

You must know that this kind of blow is very huge for him.

A few minutes ago, he thought he was number one in the universe.

And now, he was so humiliated.

This huge contrast makes him unbearable!

call out...

This time, Majin Buu's body disappeared again.

When he appeared, he was behind Qin Yu and punched Qin Yu in the back of the head.

It's just that his fist hasn't landed on the back of Qin Yu's head, and Qin Yu's right elbow has landed on his waist.

Majin Buu flew out again!


Qin Yu turned his head, raised his right hand, a faint voice fell, and the energy ball instantly condensed in his palm.

It blasted directly at Majin Buu.


The energy ball hit Majin Buu's body and exploded.

He was directly blasted into a bunch of fan meat the size of a fingernail

Chapter 56 Destruction! Destroy Majin Buu (seeking flowers for evaluation votes)

"It's useless, this kind of attack has no effect on Majin Buu at all."

Son Goku shook his head and said to Qin Yu.

Although Qin Yu's strength is very strong, if there is no way to kill Majin Buu completely, he won't be able to win in the end.

Just after Son Goku's voice fell, the little pink meat froth began to squirm.

Soon they began to converge in one direction.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Majin Buu has fully condensed again.

"It's useless, what if you are better than me? You can't kill me at all."

After recovering, Majin Buu looked at Qin Yu with a grimace and said.


"Then I want to see, can you keep recovering?"

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth raised, revealing a wicked smile.

Then an energy ball condensed in the palm again.



The energy ball exploded again, and Majin Buu's body became fleshy again.

Majin Buu once again condenses and reshapes...

Destroyed again...


In a full minute, Majin Buu was destroyed more than twenty times.

Although Majin Buu has been able to regenerate at this time, it is clear that his recovery speed is getting slower and slower.

And his anger has dropped a lot.

"I said it all, it's useless."

"You bastard can't kill me at all, don't daydream..."

Majin Buu said to Qin Yu with an evil smile on his face.

Although he said so, he was very clear in his heart that he was destroyed again and again, and restored again and again.

His recovery ability has been continuously weakening, and his qi has also dropped a lot.

"Although Majin Buu has a strong mouth, he must have felt it himself, his breath has dropped a lot, and his recovery speed has also slowed down!"

"In other words, Qin Yu's method is effective..."

"This guy is really smart!"

Son Goku naturally felt the change in Majin Buu.

The rapid decline in his breath made him completely ineligible to compete with Qin Yu.

"Am I daydreaming?"

"Don't deceive yourself Majin Buu, you should know the changes in your own body best."

"If you are the original Buu, maybe I really can't kill you, but now you have absorbed the people of Son Gohan and Vegeta, so you also have a human weakness."

"Your resilience is not so strong anymore!"

"I think in ten minutes, you will be completely killed by me!"

Qin Yu said to the default existence with a smile on his face.

And Qin Yu's words are like a knife, directly inserted into Majin Buu's heart.

What Qin Yu said is absolutely correct.

After absorbing Vegeta and Son Gohan, his strength has indeed been enhanced.

But at the same time, his recovery ability is far inferior to the original form.

The strength of this bastard in front of him is far stronger than himself, and if this continues, he might really die in his hands.

"But... Damn it, I finally absorbed Son Gohan and Vegeta."

"Am I going to vomit them all out?"

Majin Buu was very entangled and was in a dilemma.

Asking him to spit out Son Gohan and Vegeta is naturally 10,000 reluctance.

But the current situation is that if you don't vomit them out, you may face the risk of being killed.

"Damn it, it looks like you can only save your life now."

"Then look for a chance to swallow that bastard directly!"

"That bastard's strength far surpasses Son Gohan, it's the best choice."

Majin Buu turned his gaze, and thought secretly in his heart.

After all, Fusion has represented the three intelligence groups in Dragon Ball, so Majin Buu's IQ is naturally very high.

Thinking of this, Majin Buu no longer hesitated.

The body suddenly doubled.


A white mist emerged from the stomata on the top of the head, and then a few pupa-like objects flew out of the stomata on the top of Majin Buu's head.

"Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo?"

Son Goku glanced at the three of them, flashed his body quickly, and took them down.

And Fat Buu was directly ignored by Son Goku and fell to the ground.

Then he glanced at Qin Yu.


Is this the purpose of Qin Yu?

After getting the three of Son Gohan directly out of their bodies, Majin Buu's body began to shrink.

Soon he became as petite as Frieza.


He kept hammering his chest, making a weird cry in his mouth.

Then his body flashed and blasted directly towards Qin Yu.


Qin Yu took Majin Buu's fist easily.

A sly smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he faintly said to Majin Buu: "I lied to you just now."

"Even if it becomes the original form and the regeneration ability becomes stronger, I can make you disappear completely in an instant."

"It's a pity, you probably don't have any reason now, otherwise you might be very angry."


Majin Buu didn't seem to understand what Qin Yu said, but was caught with his fist. Majin Buu was like a mad rat, making weird noises and struggling frantically.


Qin Yu's cold voice fell, and Majin Buu's fists instantly turned into purple spots.

Soon it spread to the body...


The screams echoed in the sky, and within a second, Majin Buu's body disappeared completely.

And even Majin Buu's qi disappeared without a trace.

"Oh...what's the joke? Majin Buu was killed so easily?"

Son Goku was completely confused.

Qin Yu's ability seemed to completely surpass his imagination