
Naruto : Pure Blood

This is the story of a boy who gets transmigrated into the body of Naruto when he is on the trip with Jiraiya, the boy gets the chance to meet the god and get some wishes. after meeting the god the boy wishes to be bloodline purification and Gojo's six eyes what to expect -Smart MC -Check -mastering all elements -check -creating flashy jutsus- check -creating kekkei genkai -check -no hiding his true strength -check -lovable characters -check -yandere girlfriend(Hinata)-check -small harem (4-5 members)- check -incest -check -time travel -check -R18 scenes(after 100 chapters) -check - bullying the weak -check -not evil not so good MC -check -killing Danzo in cold blood- check -- -naive mc- not check -trying to help everyone -not check -pushover-not check ----------- the story is slightly slow-paced at the beginning, but after chapter 70 it picks up the pace this will be fun just read it. I know you have read many MLT stories on this site, so just shut off some of your brain cells and read the story, there may be some grammatical mistakes so turn your mind on autocorrect mode and enjoy the story. and no one is allowed to call the romance cringe, I know some of you will find it cringe so bear with it. the story will not be as canon there will be major changes in the story and characters.

Devils_hand · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

chapter 31

Chapter 31

It was morning, Naruto stood up from his bed, take a shower, and made some breakfast, some fried eggs with milk and rice, he dressed nicely, as usual, in a black high-collared jacket with red rings on its sleeve and a white t-shirt under it, black pants with a white bandage warped around his left thigh make it more on edge of good looking, he ruffled his hairs and exited the house, and soon he reached training ground 43, it was his personal training ground he had asked Tsunade for it.

As he reached, Hinata was waiting for him, he looked at her with a smile.

"Good morning hinata-chan," he speaks to her.

"Good morning Naruto-kun" she replied with a smile, her shy personality in front of him starting to fade away.

"I am just a clone, if you have some questions regarding the training in the gentle fist you can ask me, the original is training in the Hyuga compound," Hinata's clone said to him.

"Oh… so my darling is working hard," he came near him, "No I don't have any questions about gentle fist, you don't have to worry about me," he speaks to her in her ears.

Her cheeks became red, and with a puff of smoke, she vanished, Naruto slightly laughed he liked teasing her. He mused for a while thinking about her.

He dispersed all of his thoughts, created a shadow clone, and looked at him, "you know what to do," he said to the clone, the clone nodded and vanished from there, this was the clone for team konohamru, they have to do some mission and he was not going to waste his time for this types of work.

Naruto created four more clones, all of them have chakra equivalent to a tailed beast, he himself and the four clones stood in different places, everyone had a leaf in their hand, and beside them, a bag of leaves was on the ground.

Original Naruto had a leaf in his finger, he channeled his water chakra in it, he had to soak this leaf completely, and others had to do the same thing, one had to burn, crumble, cut in half, and harden like a rock, these were the first step for the natural transformation of chakra.

Naruto took out the leaf and after trying for some time he was able to soak the leaf completely like when paper dripped in the water.

This time when he channel his water chakra into another leaf, he activated his six eyes, "it's time to understand the water element, what's it molecular structure, how their atoms connected to each other, what is the configuration of the molecules," Naruto said to himself, and his eyes slightly glow.

When he poured his water chakra into the leaf, he could see the molecular structure of the water element, how they are formed from his chakra, At every step he saw it clearly, how the atoms connected to each other, how are they so flexible, and how could they be molded in whichever the shape you wanted.

Naruto saw everything about the water element, and he knows how the atoms are connected with other, and how his chakra converts into the water element, he knows everything about it.

The rotations of electrons around the nucleus, the orbital configuration, the one atom of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen, the way they connected, he knows all of the inner workings of the water element.

He closed his eyes, and understand in his mind, he pointed his finger upwards, and soon a drop of water appeared on his fingertip.

Naruto didn't know how much time he had observed the inner working of the water element, and when he looked around he found that it was still morning, no it was the next day's morning, he had observed and understood the molecular structure of water for continuously 24 hours, but there was no tiredness or anything, but he was more excited.

He open his palm and a ball of water appeared in his hand, "it's time to fully master the water element to its perfection," Naruto spoke to himself, crossed his finger, and created 100 clones behind him, " you practice the water element to its perfection" Naruto speaks to all of them.

Naruto looked at his 4 clones who were comprehending and understanding the fire, wind, earth, and lightning, elements. all of them had a cocky grin on their faces when they looked at Naruto.

They all extended their middle finger to him, on the first clone's fingertip, a fire lit up, on the finger of the second clone a streak of lightning caracal, one of the others, a small stone appeared on his fingertip and for the last one a leaf was floating on his finger, indicating he was controlling the wind element. Naruto looked at his clones unbothered by their behavior, he had a satisfied look on his face, they all created 100 clones behind each other, and the clones knew what to do.

Naruto knew it will take him months, to fully master each and every element to its fullest.

He had some theory like when you are able to perfectly master wind element and had near to 100% control over it, you can extract the wind from a specific area and make that area vacuum, and if you are able to create a vacuum in a large scale all the living beings in that area will be burst open, if they hadn't countermeasure to the vacuum or their body's are not strong enough, it was his theory, maybe there are higher uses of wind element than this that he didn't know.

And for the water element, you can compress thousands of tons of water in a single drop, he didn't even want to know to think how much it devastate the ground if it hit the ground.

As for the lightning, if you had near to 100% control over this element you can summon the natural lightning from the skies as you wish.

And for the earth element, the highest form of the earth release is gravity control, like third tsuchikage you can fly in the sky but he also didn't have full control over the earth element, he can not control or use gravity as he wishes, he could only change the gravity around his body and lift himself in the air.

As for the fire, you can burn everything, and no one will be able to extinguish your flames.

Naruto was sure that he would be able to control all the elements, he knows there is no one who can control the elements 100%, this was an ideal situation, we just can imagine, many shinobi in their entire life not be able to control 20% of their elements. Nauto knows there was no 100% in chemistry, only 99.999%.

But Naruto was sure with six eyes he will be able to master all the elements to the highest degree that no one had mastered until now, he was sure that it will take years to master all the elements above 90% but he will master them, that was sure.

And for creating the kekkei genkai, the fusion of two elements, he had to master his elements above 50% then he will be able to create a kekkei genkai, and the perfect fusion of two or three elements was powerful much more powerful than a single element.

Naruto was sure he and Hinata would be able to create the perfect fusion of their element, and able to create their kekkei genkai.

Naruto looked at all of his clones and nodded to them, indirectly saying 'practice well," he exited the training ground and entered the forest of death, found an empty ground, and created 500 more clones, he could create 1000s of clones so creating 500 more was no big deal, he entered his gentle fist stance.

All the clones grin at him and entered KCM (Kurama chakra mode), and the onslaught being, Naruto only using his gentle fist.

Cuts appear, and they heal. Rasengan slammed into his body, and some chakra chains suppressed his chakra, overall the one-side beating started again, naruot only use his gentle fist and no other moves, and slowly he was improving, and this continue for 3 and half hours, relatively less time from yesterday.

He lay on the ground, he was gaining experience from both sides, the clones used so many tactics to attack him, and he improvised his practice in the gentle fist.

And soon the evening descended and it was time for him to do the one-side beating, team Konohamaru came to his current location, the clone had told them not to go to the training ground 43, and soon the three genins lay on the ground with broken bones and cut all over their body, naruto healed them as a responsible teacher.

This continued for many months, his clones were training in elemental transformation and he was practicing his gentle fist, and one of his clones was doing his mission with his team.

This went on....and soon 5 months passed.

AN~ tell me how you like the chapter in the comments.

I had some questions for you guys tell me...

what time do you read my chapters so I could upload them at the right time? or the time I upload is right?

should I upload daily or two chapters together after daybreak?

And after reading the chapter you can comment on the chapter the more comment you will do it will motivate me to write more chapters.

and give me some power stones man....]



two chapters today... enjoy...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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