
Naruto psycho 100

Zenryo · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Naruto psycho 100 chapter 4: lands of waves part 1

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto or

Mob psycho 100

Talking: "Mob"

Thinking: 'mob'

Progress bar: mobs progress: **%

Inside of a forest in the hidden leaf village were team seven out on their latest D ran mission, the three genin surrounded their target as they hid behind the trees, meanwhile Kakashi was observing the three from a distance using a two way radio to communicate with his squad.

Kakashi: "What is the distance to the target?"

Sasuke: "about five meters, I'm ready."

Yakumo: "So am I."

Mob: "Me as well."

Kakashi: "alright then GO!"

As Kakashi said this all three of the genin immediately jumped out of their hiding spots towards their target as they made their attempt at catching it.

Yakumo: "GOT IT!"

Kakashi: "Ribbon on the left ear... Are you sure this is Tora?"

Sasuke: "Yeah, we're sure."

Kakashi: "Good, lost pet Tora mission complete."

A few minutes later at mission assignment room

Fire lords wife: "Oh my cute little Tora, I was so worried."

Team 7, Kakashi, Hiruzen and Iruka watched as the wife of the fire countries lord squashed her cat in her arms.

Mob: 'that poor cat.'

Yakumo: 'hah that's what you get for scratching me.'

Hiruzen: "Now team 7, your next duty is... Hmm... Babysitting an elders grandson, shopping in the neighboring village, and help with the potato digging.

Yakumo: "Oh come on give us a better mission already."

Sasuke: 'I agree.'

Kakashi: ''sigh', I knew this was going to happen eventually.'

Iruka: "Quiet brat! You are just a rookie! Everyone starts off with the simple duties and works their way up."

Yakumo: "but we keep getting these lame missions."

Kakashi: "quiet."

Hiruzen: "Yakumo, it appears that I have to explain to you what these duties are about, everyday  the village receives numerous requests, from babysitting to assassination, each request is written out on these lists (gestures to the paper scattered on his desk) and divided into A,B,C and D rank based on difficulty. The village is also divided based on skill: starting with me to jonins, chuunins and genins. Handed out by us at the top to ninja's based on their abilities. And if the duty is completed successfully we receive payment from the client, you guys just became genin so D rank missions are perfect for you."

Hiruzen looked up to see the four of them completely ignoring him.

Hiruzen: "HEY LISTEN!"

Kakashi: "I...I apologize lord third."

Kyūbi: 'I remember back when Kushina was a Genin, I always hated listening to this old man's lectures.'

Mob: "Excuse me lord third."

Hiruzen: "Mob? Now this is rare, speak up."

Mob gathered his courage up as he said.

Mob: "I would also like a higher ranked mission."

Sasuke looked at Mob in surprise.

Sasuke: 'this is new, he almost never says what's on his mind.'

Sasuke wasn't the only surprised one as Hiruzen looked at Mob with a hint of surprise before sighing.

Hiruzen: "Well if you really want one that bad I suppose I can give you a C rank mission. It's a protection mission of a certain individual."

Both Mob and Yakumo's faces lit up while Sasuke simply looked away and Kakashi just continued reading his novel.

Hiruzen: "alright, you can come in now."

Tazuna: "What's this? They're just a couple of brats, my name is Tazuna, I'm a master I must return to my home country to finish working on a bridge and I expect you to protect me."

And so, after everything is sorted out they all met at the entrance to the village after packing all of their gear.

Mob looked around smiling at the scenery.

Kyūbi: "What are you so happy about?"

Mob: "Well this is the first time I've ever been outside of the village, I can't wait to tell everyone about it."

Kyūbi sighed before disappearing back into Mobs seal.

Kakashi: "alright lets go."

Yakumo: "Hey Tazuna sir."

Tazuna: "what?"

Yakumo: "You're from the wave country right?"

Tazuna: "what about it?"

Yakumo: "Kakashi sensei, do they have ninja in that country to?"

Kakashi: "no, not in the wave country, but in other countries the culture and customs may be different but there are hidden villages and ninja. To the many countries of the continent the existence of a ninja village means military power. This is how they hold and maintain advantages over each other. But it's not that the villages rule the countries, they merely stand equally with the countries government. A small island country like the land of waves doesn't receive much interference from larger countries and may not need a ninja village, within the ninja villages the leaf, cloud, sand, mist and stone are the most powerful and are called the five great ninja nations and are the only villages whose leader receives the name Kage. The five kage are: hokage, mizukage, raikage, kazekage and tsuchikage, they reign over the thousands of ninja in the world."

Yakumo: 'That old geezer is that important? Yeah right.'

Kakashi: "You guys just doubted lord third didn't you."

All three of them immediately straightened up.

Kakashi: "well anyway, there's no need to worry, there won't be any ninja combat in a C rank mission."

Yakumo: "(disappointedly)really?"

Kakashi: "really ha ha ha ha ha."

Tazuna looked down causing Sasuke to become suspicious of him.

As they continued walking they soon come across a puddle, Yakumo looks towards the puddle suspiciously.

Yakumo: 'looks like a genjutsu.'

However before she could react couple of ninja suddenly jumped out of a puddle in the ground and immediately wrapped their chains around Kakashi.

demon brother: "one down."

suddenly the two demon brothers used their chains to split Kakashi into several pieces shocking everyone there.

Mob: "Kakashi sensei."

Mobs progress: 90%

The two demon brother's suddenly appeared behind Mob ready to strike him down.

Demon brother: "two down."

However before they have the chance to strike Mob, Sasuke quickly jumps in pinning their gauntlets and them to a nearby tree with his kunai.

Demon brother: "damnit, I'm stuck."

Mob: 'what should I do? Should I use my powers.'

As Mob tries to decide his next course of action Sasuke leaps in between the two and throws them in opposite directions.

After this one of them decides to rush the bridge builder while the other goes for Mob.

As the demon brother is about to strike Mob raises his hand making a barrier to block off the demon brothers attack.

Meanwhile the other demon brother makes his way towards Tazuna.

Yakumo and Sasuke were about to move in to take him down when Kakashi suddenly appears and takes down both demon brothers with ease.

Mob: 'oh good, I thought he died.'

Yakumo: 'thought so.'

Sasuke: 'show off.'

Tazuna: 'phew, we're safe.'

Kakashi: "sorry for not helping sooner Mob."

Mob: "It's alright."

Kakashi: "Yakumo, Sasuke, good work."

Mob: 'Wow, brother sure is amazing, he was able to fight his first real battle and he wasn't even scared, he looks like nothing even happened, he's as cool as ever.'

Meanwhile Kyūbi was gagging at Mob praises towards his brother.

Sasuke: "Hey, you alright?"

Mob: "Yeah I'm fine, you were really cool brother."

Sasuke looked away embarrassed by Mob's praises.

Kakashi: "Tazuna."

Tazuna: "y-yeah?"

Kakashi: "I need to talk to you. These ninja are chūnin from the hidden mist, they are ninja's known to keep fighting no matter what."

Demon brother: "How did you know."

Kakashi: "on a rainy day like this when it hasn't rained in days, a water puddle shouldn't exist."

Tazuna: "If you knew that then why did you let the brats fight."

Kakashi: "If I wanted to I could have killed these two instantly but... There was something I needed to find out, who they were after.

Tazuna: "What do you mean?"

Kakashi: "I mean were they after us or you? We were never told that there were ninja's after you, our mission was simply to protect you from thieves and gangs. This has now become at least a B rank mission, this was supposed to be simple protection until you finished the bridge. If it was known that ninja's were after you this would be an expensive B rank mission, I'm sure you have your reasons but it causes problems when you lie about the mission details. We are now operating outside of our duties."

Tazuna: "alright I'll talk. You're right this mission is most likely outside of your duties, a dangerous man is after my life."

Kakashi: "dangerous man? Who?"

Tazuna: "you've probably heard his name at least once before, the wealthy shipping magnate Gatou."

Kakashi: "Huh? Gatou... From the Gatou company? He's said to be one of the wealthiest people in the world."

Tazuna: "yes, officially he runs a large shipping company, but secretly he sells drugs and other illegal items using ninja's and gang members to take over businesses and countries, he's a very nasty man. It was about a year ago when he set his eyes the land of waves, through money and violence he quickly took control of the countries shipping industry. Gatou now has a monopoly on all business traffic in this country, the only thing he has to fear now is completion of the bridge."

Yakumo: "I see and so since you're building the bridge that means you're in the way."

Sasuke: "so, those ninja's were hired by Gatou."

Mob: 'huh? What's going on? I don't get it.'

Kyūbi facepalms at Mobs cluelessness.

Kakashi: "But I don't understand, if you knew ninja's could come after you then why did you hide that fact when you hired us?"

Tazuna: "Our country is poor, even the feudal lord has no money, of course we don't have much money either, not enough for an expensive B rank mission., well if you quit the mission now I will definitely be killed but... DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!! IF I DIE MY CUTE 10 YEAR OLD GRANDSON WILL JUST CRY FOR A FEW DAYS, OH YEAH AND MY DAUGHTER WILL LIVE A SAD LIFE HATING LEAF VILLAGE NINJA'S FOREVER. BUT IT WON'T BE YOUR FAULT NOT AT ALL."

Kakashi: "Well I guess we have no choice. We will protect you, at least until you get back to your country."

Tazuna: 'I win'


Yakumo: "what a thick mist, I can barely see ahead."

Rower: "We should see the bridge soon. The wave country is at the base of the bridge."

Soon the bridge came into view causing Mob to gaze in wonder.

Mob: 'wow it's huge.'

Rower: "we'll be there soon, Tazuna it looks like we've avoided detection so far but just in case we'll take the route that has vegetation. It will make it harder for the enemy to spot us."

Tazuna: "thanks."

They soon arrive on land and get off.

Mob: 'wow.'

Rower: "this is it for me. Goodbye and good luck."

Tazuna: "Yeah, thank you so much. Okay you four, get me home safely."

Kakashi: "yes, yes. 'If we get attacked again it will surely be by jōnin, sigh.'"


As they continue towards the land of waves they are stalked by Zabuza of the hidden mist.

Zabuza: 'I see, no wonder the demon brothers didn't stand a chance, the hidden leaf's copy ninja Kakashi Hatake.'

Kakashi soon hears a rustling in the bushes nearby.

Kakashi: "everyone get down!"

Kakashi quickly tackles Mob to the ground as a massive sword flies over his head.

Kakashi: "well well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi of the hidden mist, everybody get back, this ones on a whole other level."

Zabuza: "You must be sharingan Kakashi, sorry but the old man is mine."

Sasuke: 'Sharingan?'

Kakashi: "surround and protect Tazuna, don't enter the fight. Zabuza first fight me."

Kakashi lifts his headband revealing his sharingan.

Mob: 'It looks just like big brother Itatchi's'.

Zabuza: "ah, I already get to see the famous sharingan in action, I'm honored."

Yakumo: "sharingan, isn't that the Uchiha clan's dōjutsu?"

Sasuke: "yeah, it's said to have the ability to read and defeat all types of ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu. But that's not the only ability the sharingan has."

Zabuza: "That's right, what's even scarier is, that it allows you to copy your opponents techniques once you see them, back when I was a member of the hidden mists assassin team, I kept a handbook, it included information about you, it said the man whose copied over a thousand jutsu copy ninja Kakashi."

Yakumo: 'first the old man and now our sensei, I had no idea they were such a big deal.'

Sasuke: 'what's going on? The sharingan is a special physical condition that only appears in a select few members of the Uchiha clan, could he be?"

Zabuza: "now let's end the talking, I have to kill that old man. But it would appear that I have to beat you first Kakashi."

Zabuza suddenly disappeared then reappeared standing on the lake.

Yakumo: 'water walking.'

Kakashi: 'he's releasing a large amount of chakra.'

Zabuza: "Hidden mist jutsu."

Zabuza suddenly vanished into a large mist.

Kakashi: "He'll come after me first, Zabuza Momochi, as a member of the hidden mist he was known as an expert in silent killing, you don't even notice until you're already dead, I can't use the sharingan perfectly, you guys should be careful."

Mob: 'the mists getting thicker

Zabuza: "8 choices: live, lungs, spine, clavicle vein, neck vein, brain, kidneys, heart which one should I go after?"

As Kakashi stared into the mist he held his hands ready to use a jutsu.

Sasuke: 'what an intense bloodlust, it feels like I'll be killed if I make a single move, the air feels so heavy, it's driving be crazy, this is what it feels like to see two jonins face each other down, it feels like my life is being squeezed, I can't take it I'd almost rather die now and get it over with."

Kakashi: "Sasuke... don't worry, I'll protect you guys even if it kills me I won't let my comrades die, trust me."

Zabuza: "we'll see about that."

Zabuza suddenly appears in between the three of them ready to cut them all down, however Kakashi quickly intervenes stabbing him from behind only for him to turn into water and reveal another Zabuza behind him as he swung at Kakashi only for Kakashi to turn into water.

Zabuza: 'A water clone? How? Did he copy my jutsu even in the mist?'

Kakashi appeared behind Zabuza with a kunai to his throat.

Kakashi: "Don't move. It's over"

Mob looked at Kakashi in admiration.

Mob: 'he's so cool.'

Kyūbi: 'whatever, I could beat him with ease even in this state.'

Zabuza: "HEHEHE It's over you say? You don't get it, it's impossible for you to beat me with your monkey-like imitations. But that was impressive, when you make that little speech, you had already copied my water clone jutsu, you had your clone say those words to attract my attention while the real you stayed in the mist and watched, nice plan but."

Suddenly another Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi as the one in front of him turned into water revealing itself to be another clone.

Zabuza once again swung at Kakashi, however Kakashi managed to duck underneath just narrowly avoiding his death, meanwhile Zabuza's blade pierces the ground however Zabuza simply uses the sword as leverage to kick Kakashi sending him flying back into the water.

Zabuza: 'Now!'

Zabuza: "Water prison jutsu."

And with that Kakashi became trapped in a water prison.

Zabuza: "I'll deal with you later, after I finish off your students."

Zabuza: 'Water clone jutsu.'

And with that another water clone was made.

Zabuza clone: "HEHEHE wearing those headbands and calling yourselves ninja, when you have survived numerous brushes with death you can call yourself a ninja, or when you're good enough to be listed in my bingo book, then you may call yourself a ninja, you aren't ninja's."

Suddenly Zabuza vanished once again and immediately went after mob thinking him to be the weakest link.

However as Zabuza closed in on him a nd swung his sword at him he found his attack blocked by some sort of barrier.

Zabuza: "Nani?"

Mobs progress: 95%

Mob: "Why are you doing this?"

Zabuza: "huh? what are you talking about brat."

Suddenly a blue aura covered Mob as he said. "Why are you using your abilities to hurt other people."

With that the water clone was immediately destroyed by a blast of psychic energy.

Mob: 'I know I shouldn't use my powers on other people, but thankfully that was just a clone so it should be alright.'

Zabuza: "Well, well, well this is quite a surprise. It would seem as though at least one of you is pretty tough. 'What the hell is up with this kid? Is this some sort of Kekkei Genkai? He looks so week and unassuming, but he blocked my attack with ease and even destroyed my water clone.'"

Mob: "You didn't answer my question?"

Zabuza: "What are you talking about kid? I'm a ninja, this is my job, I was hired to kill that old man and you're in my way."

Sasuke: 'it's been so long since I last saw brother use his powers, I almost forgot what it felt like.'

Kyūbi: 'so he's finally gonna make a move.'

Kakashi: "Mob, Sasuke, Yakumo don't fight him! Take Tazuna and run! You have no chance of winning! So long as he's keeping me trapped in this prison he can't move! His water clones can't travel too far away from his real body! Just run away now!"

Mob: "I don't want to hurt you."

Zabuza: "Huh? What did you say you little punk?"

Mob: "I said I don't want to hurt, you so can you please just let our sensei go and leave? You don't have to do this, we can settle this without fighting."

Zabuza: "HAHAHAHAHA, what the hell are you talking about? You think you can hurt me, you're just a brat, don't get so cocky, I'm a Jōnin I have power greater than you can imagine."

Mob: "Just because you have power, doesn't mean you're special or above anyone and it doesn't give you the right to hurt other either."

Zabuza: "are you serious kid? I'm a ninja, it's my job to hurt others."

Mob: "no it's not."

Zabuza: "Huh?"

Mob: "A ninja's job isn't to hurt other's, it's to protect other's, fighting might be involved but only when it's absolutely necessary to protect someone else and you shouldn't use your powers with the intention of hurting others." Mob quotes his masters words.

Zabuza: "You brat, how dare you lecture me about what a ninja's job is, you think you're a real ninja, you're just a cocky naïve brat."

Zabuza immediately creates several water clones who hide in the mist ready to attack Mob.

Zabuza: "You may have been able to take down one of my clones but can you take on this many."

And with that all of the clones closed in each of them aiming for one of Mobs vital points.

Sasuke: 'damnit, I can't let them hurt Mob, but I can't get all of them on time.'

Yakumo: 'I've got to help him, but what can I do, Genjutsu won't work in this situation.'

However to everyone's disbelief every attack is blocked by Mobs barrier and after this Mob simply blasts each of them with a wave of psychic energy causing them to explode.

Yakumo, Kakashi, Tazuna and Zabuza looked at Mob in shock.

Yakumo/Kakashi/Zabuza/Tazuna: 'What the hell just happened?'

Sasuke: 'I guess I should have suspected as much from Shige, brothers powers are as amazing as always.'

Tazuna: 'I thought this brat was just the weak link, who would have thought he'd turn out to be so strong.'

Zabuza: 'damnit, what the hell am I supposed to do? I can't fight him myself while I have this water prison up and I can't drop the prison, I can handle Kakashi or this brat but not both at the same time and I can't rely on my clones to deal with him, after all he's already proven that they're useless against him, all I'd be doing is wasting more chakra. Maybe I should call in Haku.'

However as Zabuza was thinking Sasuke took the opportunity to throw a kunai at Zabuza which he dodged however he suddenly found himself cut by several kunai which he didn't see.

Zabuza: 'what the? Genjutsu?"

Zabuza looked at the genin and spot Yakumo who had just used genjutsu to conceal several kunai using Sasuke as a distraction to use the genjutsu.

Due to the cuts from Yakumo's kunai Zabuza let go of the water prison freeing Kakashi.

Zabuza: "It would appear as though that girl is quite skilled when it comes to genjutsu, I couldn't detect those shuriken at all until they already hit me, still she's too soft, she should have gone for the kill."

Kakashi: "Say what you will Zabuza, but I'm now free from your water prison and let me tell you I don't fall for the same trick twice. So what are you gonna do?"

The two immediately jumped away from one another and began weaving hand signs.

Kakashi/Zabuza: "Water dragon jutsu!!"

With that two water dragons suddenly appeared, one in front of Kakashi, the other in front of Zabuza and afterwards they each clash leading to a big explosion.

Sasuke: "So many seals, and in seconds, he copied them all perfectly."

Mob, Sasuke and Yakumo starred at Kakashi in amazement, meanwhile Kyūbi is just staring off boredly as the two had their little fight.

As the water cleared it revealed Kakashi blocking Zabuza's sword.

Zabuza: 'weird, what's going on?'

The two jumped away from each other and began circling each other in perfect sync before stopping and making the same hand sign at the same time.

Zabuza: 'My movements, he's completely.'

Kakashi: "reading them."

Zabuza: 'what? Did he read my mind.'

Zabuza stared into Kakashi's sharingan.

Zabuza: 'damn that.'

Kakashi: "freaky eye is pissing me off! Right?"

Zabuza: "Heh, all you're doing is copying me."

Kakashi: "You can't beat me you monkey bastard."

Zabuza's eyes widened before his shock quickly turned to anger as he yelled. Zabuza: "Damn You!! I'll Make It So You Can Never Open That Mouth Again!!"

Suddenly both of them made the same hand sign, however.

Zabuza: "is that me?"

Zabuza suddenly saw a blurry image of himself standing behind Kakashi making the same movements as him.

Zabuza: 'That's not possible!! Is this one of his genjutsu.'

Kakashi: 'Water explosion jutsu!!'

Zabuza: "What? Impossible. 'he used the jutsu I was going to use before I could even use it, I can't keep up.'"

Water splashed all over the three genin and Tazuna all of which had to shield their faces to prevent it from getting in their eyes.

Meanwhile Zabuza found kunai launched into his arms and legs.

Kakashi: "It's over."

Zabuza: "How, can you see the future."

Kakashi: "Yeah and you're about to die."

Kakashi was about to finish off Zabuza when two senbon suddenly pierced his neck shocking everyone there.

Haku: "You're right, he's dead."

Mob looked up to see a masked boy who appeared to be the one to have "killed" Zabuza.

Kakashi went over to check on Zabuza checking his pulse.

Kakashi: 'He's dead.'

Haku: "thank you very much. I've been looking for a chance to kill Zabuza for a long time."

Kakashi: "That mask, you're a hidden mist hunter Nin."

Haku: "Very impressive you are correct."

Mob: "hunter nin?"

Haku: "Yes my duty is to hunt down rogue Nin's, I'm a member of the hidden mists hunter Nin squad."

Kakashi: 'from his voice and height, he's not much older than Mob, and yet he's a hunter Nin. He's not a normal kid.'

Mob: "Why'd you do that?"

Haku: "huh?"

Mob: "Why'd you have to kill him?"

Kakashi walked up to Mob and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Kakashi: "Listen Mob, I understand that you don't like hurting other's or see people hurt each other, however there are times where things like this are necessary, if you want to be a ninja then you have to understand that."

Mob simply looked down. Mob: "I get what you're saying, but I don't want to hurt others, not if I can help it."

Although Nobody could see his face Haku looked at Mob in understanding knowing what it was like to not want to take a life before disappearing and reappearing next to Zabuza's body crouched down.

Haku: "Your battle is over now. And I must dispose of the body since it seems to be a body with many secrets. Farewell."

And with that Haku disappeared.

Kyūbi: 'so should I tell him that Zabuza's not really dead? Nah this is fine.'

Kakashi lowered his headband once again concealing his sharingan eye.

Kakashi: "well, now we have to get Tazuna back home, let's go."

Tazuna: "Yeah you guys can stay at my place to relax for a while, I'll have my daughter make you something to eat."

As soon as Tazuna finished talking Kakashi passed out.

Mob: "Huh? What's going on? Kakashi sensei sir!"

Kakashi: 'my body won't move, I used the sharingan too much.'

Later back at Tazuna's house

Tsunami: "Are you alright sensei."

Tsunami was a 29 year old woman and also the daughter of the bridgebuilder.

Kakashi: "Yeah I just can't move for a weak or so."

Yakumo: "I realize that the sharingan is incredible but, if it puts so much stress on you then maybe you shouldn't use it."

Tazuna: "Well at least we defeated that jōnin, we shouldn't have anymore trouble for a while."

Yakumo: "So who do you think that masked kid was?"

Kakashi: "Well based on the mask he was wearing, I'd say he was a member of the hidden Mist special hunter Nin team, they are also known as the corpse processing team, their job is to completely dispose of a body leaving no trace behind. A ninja's body has many secrets of the village's ninjutsu hidden within it, information on different chakra types, herbs and other things that will reveal things about the village, for example if I died then the secrets of the sharingan may be revealed. If you aren't careful there's the chance that the enemy could steal your jutsu. A ninja's body can reveal important information. So by killing and disposing of the rogue Nins, the hunter Nins prevent the information from getting out. They are specialists who guard their villages secrets, no sound, no smell that's a ninja's end."

Yakumo: "So that must mean that Zabuza's been disposed of as well."

Meanwhile out in the forest

Haku grabbed out a knife as he looked over Zabuza's body.

Haku: "First I'll cut the mouth cloth, drain some blood and..."

Zabuza: "That's alright, I'll do it myself."

Haku: "Oh so you've already come back to life."

Zabuza: "Damnit, you sure are rough Haku."

Zabuza pulls the senbon out of his neck.

Haku: "You really shouldn't be so rough, if you keep pulling them out like that then you really will die."

Zabuza: "How long are you gonna keep wearing that stupid mask."

Haku: "It reminds me of the old days. Plus it was useful for this act."

Haku took his mask off and said.

Haku: "If I hadn't saved you then you definitely would've been killed."

Zabuza: "Did you have to aim for my neck? You could have aimed for a safer acupuncture point, you're annoying as always."

Haku: "You're right, I just didn't want to scar your beautiful body. Besides, the neck doesn't have much muscle so it's easier to hit the acupuncture point there. You shouldn't be able to move much for about a week, but knowing you you'll probably be back on your feet in a few days."

Zabuza: "You're so clever and yet innocent at the same time, that's what I like about you."

Haku: "well I'm just a kid, what did you expect. Look, the mist has cleared, next time, will you be alright?"

Zabuza: "Next time, I'll beat the sharingan."

Back at Tazuna's house

Kakashi suddenly woke up with a shout startling everyone in the room.

Tsunami: "Oh Kakashi sensei, you're awake."

Kakashi: 'What's this feeling? Zabuza's dead and yet, it feels like I'm missing something.'

To be continued