
Naruto: Power-Hungry

What happens when a power-hungry mafia boss that likes to play with people emotions is reborn in the world of Naruto? He is Cold and Ruthless but still has a place in his heart that will be occupied by someone. °°Disclaimers°° -English is not my first language, sorry if I make grammatical mistakes. I hope you enjoy the story. I am a new author. So I don't know if this is good. -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Kyle_Simmons · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

#14 Experiments(1)

Right now, I am I the mission hall of the Anbu, and I decided that for my first mission, I will pick something not to difficult.

The mission that I took said that I have to patrol the north borders for five days in a row without returning to Konoha.

I went to the desk and said that I was accepting this mission, I had everything already ready, so I just set off.

The first thing I did was to search for a cave; I found one after an hour of searching,

I went inside and put some seals: a sound barrier, a seal that makes it seems like the cave wasn't there, and a Chakra concealing seal.

After that I tried to sense if there was some village nearby, I didn't perceive anything in 5 kilometers, so I expanded my sensing to 10 kilometers and sensed a lot of civilian chakra levels,

I always keep my sensing not full power because If I go over 5 kilometers, it becomes a little inaccurate.

After I arrived at the village I decided that I will capture three people, after waiting for a moment I decided my preys, I disappeared inside the village took the people I wanted and rushed back to the cave,

I put them down; they were knocked out; I captured a woman, a man, and a child.

First, I sealed their limbs and then their mouth.

I have made five shadow clones and have left them with four days to try some things while I patrolled the borders.

I have just dispelled the clones, and I needed a moment to adjust to all the new knowledge.

First thing I learned put a civilian child under Gengutsu and I use my maximum spiritual energy to will for him to suicide he will do it,

but to make it work with an adult,

I need to continue doing the same thing I did with the child for a long time; to make it work on a Shinobi, I Would have to improve this Jutsu.

I named this technique "Yin Release: Orders," it's not a Genjutsu because Genjutsus can't affect reality, I didn't discover anything else, but this is what I was researching the most.

This progress is good enough for only four days, the other thing my clones did was to study every part of the human body,

I already knew how a human body is made because its the firs requirement to learn Medical Ninjutsu and Become An Anbu, but this was the first time I opened a body and inspected it.

After I finished with my experiments I went in the cave and cleaned all my traces and put some explosive seals then when I got out I made them explode and destroy the cave, today was my last day, so I was returning to Konoha.

I knocked on the door and heard Sarutobi say, "come in."

"Hokage-Sama, I am here to report that I didn't see anything suspicious while I was patrolling the borders.

"Oh Jin, it's you, well it's good that there wasn't anything suspicious, ok thanks for the report now you can go."

"Hokage-Sama actually, I have a request, but I don't know if it's appropriate to say it."

"It's ok, Jin, you can say it."

"Well actually Hokage-Sama, I would like to see the Scroll of Seals and pick one Jutsu; obviously, I won't take it for free; I have an A-Rank technique that I developed, and I want to exchange it."

Sarutobi seemed shocked that I developed an A-Rank technique.