
Naruto: Power-Hungry

What happens when a power-hungry mafia boss that likes to play with people emotions is reborn in the world of Naruto? He is Cold and Ruthless but still has a place in his heart that will be occupied by someone. °°Disclaimers°° -English is not my first language, sorry if I make grammatical mistakes. I hope you enjoy the story. I am a new author. So I don't know if this is good. -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Kyle_Simmons · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

#13 First Mission(2)

When I looked at the Jounin, I saw that he was smirking even after I killed his teammate,

it seems that he is the type of person that likes to toy with their prey because he could have already killed Rabbit be isn't doing it.

I will have to be prudent because if he is this confident, he must have some trump cards, while I was thinking he moved and did some hand signs to use

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique"

to block the Ninjutsu I used "Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall" behind the wall I made a Shadow Clone, when the wall got destroyed I made a combined Jutsu with my clone

"Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet" "Wind Release: Great Breakthrough"

I Made some explosive seals on my clone Body, and I jumped back.

The Jounin made "Water Release: Water Formation Wall" and made a wall that almost stopped my combined Jutsu.

Still, I managed to do him some damage; my clone is in a Taijutsu battle with the Jounin, I saw that there was water on the ground remaining from the water wall,

so I used "Chidori Current" and managed to stun the Jounin, I immediately made a hand sign and said, "Katsu" all the seals on my clone's body exploded.

However, I still sensed some Chakra in the Smoke, so I used "Chidori Sharp Spear" and managed to kill the Jounin finally.

I went toward Rabbit, but he was already dead, it seems like he died from blood loss.

I could sense the other battles going on on one side there was only a weak Chakra signal,

and on the other, the struggle was still going on, so I rushed there and I when I arrived I saw Owl battling a Chunin in a Taijutsu battle,

so I used "Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death" on the Chunin, and this allowed Owl to slit his throat with a Kunai.

I healed him using the Mystical Palm and gave him a soldier pill.

"The leader and Cat are dead; we need to go back and report to the Hokage."

"Ok, let's go I have already recovered."

We rushed towards Konoha, and then went straight to the Hokage office,

I knocked on the door and heard, "come in."

We went in and made a full report about, I changed some things like That Rabbit Injured the Jonin a lot and I only delivered the final blow,

I don't need them to know that I am an eight years old Jounin.

After the report, I asked the Hokage if we could talk, Owl left us, and the Hokage asked: "What did you want to talk about Jin?"

"Hokage-Sama, I wanted to ask if you could give me permission to do solo missions."

He looked me in the eyes and said: "Why do you want to do solo missions, they are dangerous, and you never worked in a team except for today."

I put on a sad expression and modified my Chakra flow to match the flow I saw people had when they were distressed and said: "Hokage-Sama, I don't want to re-experience the feeling of losing a teammate because I am still too weak to protect them.

Sarutobi thought about it for a moment and replied: "Ok, I give you the permission of taking solo missions."

"Ok, you can go now."

"Thanks, Hokage-Sama."

Finally, I can start some of my plans.