
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 85

"Rin, you are so powerful, you can defeat such a strong enemy!" As soon as Rin was coming back, Obito rushed over to congratulate her, but this was obviously an exaggeration.

"I didn't do that good..., the opponent was just a medical ninja." Rin felt embarrassed. She knew very well that Yashamaru was not strong and the reason why she was able to defeat him in such an quick and efficient manner was partly because of the unexpected use of Poison Mist Jutsu, and even more importantly, it was because of Takeshi's help.

"Meow~" Takeshi called, then looked up at Obito, sneering in his heart - 'the opponent was just a weakling, but by your words he has become a "strong enemy"? This is not the way to brown nosing. Atleast make it believable.'

Guy stood aside and smiled, but it was obvious that he was still a little disappointed. Among the his team who took the exam, he was the only one who failed.

Fortunately, there was no shame in losing to one of his friends, especially Obito since he helped Obito get stronger by igniting his Flame of Youth!

"Let's watch the battle first." Rin said softly, and Obito had no choice but to give up and stop racking his brain to think about ways on how to praise her further.

At the arena were Genin from Amegakure Village and Sunagakure Village. They were only one or two years older than them, and they fought back and forth with determination.

Takeshi felt sleepy after watching it for a while. Because of Sasori, he was used to high-intensity fighting in this Chunin Exam, but he was not interested in these novice level battles.

Watching them fight is a waste of time. 'Since I have the time, why not do abit of shopping on system store and figure out how to spend the points I have.'

Overall, Takeshi spent thousand points for gacha draws, but after fighting with Sasori, he got back more than the points he spent and now he has more than four thousand points on hand in total.

For buying those high-end ninjutsu, four thousand points are not enough. The kekkei genkai is basically unaffordable, and the products imported from the Non-Naruto worlds are far more expensive than the local ones in the Naruto world, and the price-performance ratio is ridiculously low, they aren't worth the price quoted.

Unless it can be drawn in Gacha, it will not be considered for the time being and gacha itself is a luck based game, with his luck he isn't quite sure... After a quick glance, he had no clue for the time being on what to do with points.

'Forget it, let's buy some luxury cat food first. ' Takeshi glanced at his belly. The Sasori had almost ripped out the small chunk of his body in their fight, one of the benefits of that fight is that the accumulated natural energy in his body is already digested. 

Now he can eat another portion of Luxury Cat Food. A thousand points are gone, but it is definitely worth the points.

Looking through the shop, he didn't find anything worth buying at the moment. No... the Eight Inner Gates, he can buy the Eight Inner Gates! Takeshi's eyes lit up and he immediately looked for it in the physical techniques and skills section.

After considering it for sometime, he felt that his goal was clear. Eight Inner Gates - Gate of Opening only costs one thousand points. 

The only problem is that it requires a certain physical level to be unlocked, and currently it is still locked out as gray. Along with there are also:

Superhuman Strength: Increases the user's strength.

Shunpo (flash steps): Allows the user to move at high speeds. (From Bleach)

Rokushiki: A set of six martial arts techniques used by the Marines. (From One Piece)

When Takeshi saw the amount of points required, and then looked at his mere four-digit balance, he suddenly felt that he was still quite poor. 

(E/N: For those wondering why he doesn't just save up to get those Bleach and One Piece techniques, it is because of how costly, it would take him months to be able to buy them, they are and Bleach techniques would be energy costly.)

Then with renewed determination a sentence came to his mind - Will of Fire shall prevail! Obito and Guy and my future victims, thank you for your noble sacrifice!

He immediately became energetic and looked around to figure out targets that could help him earn points, but it seemed that only Obito and Guy were more reliable... Forget it, not at the moment, they still need to rest and recover. Obito and Guy had not fully recovered from their injuries from their Youthful fight.

Even if he was a demon cat, he had to atleast give his comrades some break and he couldn't pick on them every day.

Let's get some sleep for now. He jumped down and laid on the medical kit that Rin had put aside. Rin looked back and saw that the little black cat had gone back to sleep and stopped paying attention.

Then Takeshi quietly took out the luxury cat food and ate it quickly. It's a familiar taste, and it still feels like drinking up a small bottle of high proof Alcohol in one gulp... It burns on the way down! After couple minutes, he fell asleep.

The Chunin Exams were still going on, but there were not many ninjas who had reached the third stage and with the mess Sasori left for them. 

Ebizo and Orochimaru didn't care about the genin battles happening below and continued chatting with each other.

Of course, Elite Jonins like them don't chat without purpose. Their main goal is to discuss what to do about Sasori.

If it were Jiraiya, he might be a little softer and ask Sunagakure Village to pay a slightly smaller price as compensation but Orochimaru is in charge, so... They would be needed to compensate with a bunch of supplies that the Land of Wind itself lacks, as well as gold and ores etc. So they will need to import them then send it to Konoha...

It is no exaggeration to say that the this snake really can digest anything. Orochimaru's attitude is very firm. 

If Ebizo doesn't agree, he will fight, or he will hand over the Sasori to Konoha. There is no third option.

Ebizo responded that he would discuss it with the village but the matter could only be delayed temporarily.

What happened after that had nothing to do with Rin and her team. The three of them are just Genin, and regardless of the current situation, they will follow whatever orders are given to them. The three of them are not qualified to decide on this matter.

After the exam, they embarked on the journey back to the village. Takeshi is sleeping again. However, apart from Guy being abit fussy for becoming the Baggage handler, Rin and Obito have completely gotten used to it.

Obito even thinks that Takeshi is more adorable and cute when he is sleeping as compared to when he is awake. At least he is not being naughty. But then again, all cats in the world are the same.

They are cute when they are asleep, but when they are awake, they are more troublesome than the other pets. 'It's just that I can't beat this one in front of me.' Obito sighed mentally.

Fortunately, he didn't need to carry the sleeping cat on this trip, as Guy volunteered to take care of him. If it were Kakashi here instead... The one carrying would've been Obito.

There were barely any changes in the Konoha while they were participating in the Chunin exam. When they came back, the specific decision on who would be promoted had not yet been made. 

Minato was gone out on a mission and their team was temporarily created for this exam anyways, so Guy went back home early.

He wants to go back to help his teammates and continue doing missions with them. Guy was strong enough to be at the Chunin level, but lacking in other aspects.

However, Guy was very happy as Duy taught him a very important technique that night. Eight Inner Gates! Rin and Obito were not slacking off either. 

Obito was learning Uchiha clan's ninjutsu and swordsmanship, while insisting on practicing his Taijutsu that Guy taught him, while Rin went back to the Konoha Hospital to further practice and learn.

Takeshi slept the whole time and didn't wake up until the evening of the third day. Compared with before, the time he needs to sleep after each luxury cat food is getting shorter over time. 

This proves that his body is more used to and adapting to natural energy than before and its absorption speed is also much faster.

He just needs to keep eating it and maybe some day in future he would need to take just a nap after eating it. Due to sleeping, he missed the Nohara family's celebration.

The another advantage of the storage space of system is that as long as it is not the food that has not been removed from storage before, it will be in the best eating condition when it is removed.

Such as Luffy's Giant Meat. It was as hot as a freshly cooked meal, so Takeshi hid in the woods next to his house and ate it secretly until only the bones were left. It was quite delicious, definitely not a waste of points.

Then he tasted the dried fish from Uzumaki Village. The taste was indeed different. After all, the fishes available at Konoha were river fishes and the fishes he got from system was sea fishes. Other than that, there seemed to be no other differences.

Just as he was about to try catnip again, the scent of a familiar person appeared. He ran out immediately and saw Rin walking along with Kabuto, talking and laughing as she walked home along the village road.

'My masseuse!' "Meow~" he rushed up and jumped on the roof of the house to greet them.

"Kabuto, he's my ninja cat, his name is Takeshi." Rin pointed at Takeshi. "Hello Takeshi." Kabuto bowed slightly, as if he had never seen Takeshi before. This scheming brat! Some people (and beasts) are really fated to be unique.

Kabuto, for example, knew how to disguise his expressions and mannerisms quite well despite his tender age, making it quite difficult for others to see that he had actually known this black cat for a long time.

This is Kami's gift for mankind. Of course, dealing with him is not easy task. You never know when you would be next on the chopping block as his victim, so it's best to stay at a distance.


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