
Naruto: Paws and Whiskers

In the hidden village of Konoha, After waking up in body an ordinary cat named Takeshi, he finds himself bound to a strange new reality – "Bully System" after a strange transmigration. Suddenly, his peaceful life takes an unexpected turn as he discovers that embracing his mischievous side is the key to gaining incredible abilities. Join Takeshi on his unconventional journey as he bonks ninja dogs, has fun smacking toads, and even goes on adventures that inadvertently boost Konoha's economy, all while becoming the village's most unique feline spectacle. For supporting us and reading chapters in advance ( upto 50 Chapters) please visit (remove space) https://www.pat reon.com/8Ashes8 your support in whatever form would help us continue dedicating time and effort to this project and future projects. disclaimers: This work of fiction is based on Naruto universe created by Masashi Kishimoto, it is intellectual property of his and Shueisha, all rights reserved. This fanfiction is created for entertainment purposes only. Readers are encouraged to support Official Naruto series. Oc-Author: Maishen zang jiecao MTL name: Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

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117 Chs

Chapter 58

As a person and a cat jumped up and down, they occasionally caused some soup to spill. The two Jonin, Minato and Guy, swiftly dodged the splashes, sighing helplessly.

Minato asked, "So, what's the situation with you guys? Did you complete the mission?"

Guy's Sensei reluctantly revealed the truth: "Nevermind that, we came to catch the cat, but by the time we arrived, someone else had already completed the mission." Minato was aware of Furukawa's true abilities. As a Special Jonin in Konoha, Furukawa was one of the few ninjas in the village specializing in Konoha's Fuinjutsu (Sealing arts).

Takeshi sneaked around, listening in on the conversation, and almost burst into laughter. Was this done by Nono? No, it was most likely Kabuto who did it.

Nono knew that her identity was sensitive, so she couldn't compete with the ninjas of Konoha for missions in such a big way.

Ignorance truly is bliss! Takeshi finished eating the small fish in his mouth, then stopped, glanced at Genma who was chasing after him, and jumped down next to Obito with a "swish".

Genma squatted on a tree and gave up chasing for the time being, realizing he was not as fast as the cat.

"Meow~ we are the real Genin team," Takeshi held his head high. Although he didn't curse anyone or say anything derogatory to others, Ebisu and Genma felt annoyed hearing it.

'What does it mean that you are the real Genin team? What's so great about you!' Ebisu pushed up his glasses, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.

However, not far away, he saw Kakashi, who was perfunctory with Guy, and the cat who was guarding Rin.

Fortunately, there was also Obito, who was easier to compare against, he thought to himself.

"Takeshi, don't be like this. Although we have been on the battlefield, the gap between us and them is not that big. Catching cats is really difficult without your help," Obito quickly scolded to smooth things over, but the whole place became even quieter.

"We have been on the battlefield..."

"We have been on..." It breaks their heart. Ebisu and Genma silently returned to the pot, picking up vegetables and eating. This team didn't have good people, so they still stopped talking to anyone.

Takeshi glanced at the system and suddenly felt extremely happy. A wave of more than three hundred points. Although it's not a lot, it's very difficult to get this amount from Genin.

Otherwise, normal Genin would only have more than a hundred... 'Thank you for your hard work.' The little black cat apologized secretly, but on the surface, he went over to eat and drink without being polite at all.

At first, Genma wanted to make a sneak attack, but after being stabbed by Needle Jizo, he gave up the intention of making another sneak attack.

To not fight nor argue further. After eating and drinking, the two teams set off on their own roads.

However, when Guy and the other three learned from their Sensei about the mission that Minato and his team might take on this time, they all became even more sour.

How come people who graduate from the same class can go to the front line and go to the border, but they are even being sent for the task of catching cats? Can't blame them for being upset.

Takeshi's team is probably in a unique situation. After all, who would have thought that a Special Jonin would be pushed out by his colleagues and have nowhere to go, and could only come back to train and go on missions with a bunch of Genin. Isn't this just retired Anbu bullying people in the city?

(E/N: Yes Furukawa was in Anbu)

'Besides, what did they expect with their Sensei Minato being so strong... 'Takeshi was lying on the medical box, thinking wildly in his mind.

They were still some distance away from the border, and he planned to conserve his energy to wait for the enemy. Of course, this is his own statement, and Obito and Kakashi are completely dismissive of him.

At this point, the two are on a rare united front. After all, he was not Rin who was carrying the medical kit, but the two of them...

It was already a day later when they arrived at the border area near Kumogakure Village. Nothing happened during this period, but Takeshi made no effort to run all the way, and he was carried along the way. Taking a look at the mountains and rivers of the Land of Fire.

The scenery is quite good, but the key is that Obito's resentment will add some points from time to time, which is great.

After walking for who knows how long, they finally reached the designated Valley. Minato stopped and looked around.

Kakashi introduced in a low voice: "This is the border between us and the Land of Iron. Beyond that is the Land of Iron."

There is no direct connection between the Land of Fire and the Kumogakure borders, so this is considered a border area. "Then our patrol is to..."

"Look for traces and pay attention to possible enemies." After Minato finished speaking, he made a "disperse" gesture, which meant that everyone spread out and searched, but for safety reasons, everyone must not be too far apart.

"Yes!" Obito returned the medical kit to Rin, and then the three of them dispersed instantly, leaving only Minato alone.

As a Jonin, Minato was certainly not kept idle. His mission was to rescue three people and be responsible for their retrieval.

During this mission, he may encounter enemy ninjas. And the reason why Konoha sent it as an A-level mission was because someone in this area found traces of Kumo ninja activities.

Takeshi followed Rin. The search work cannot be done haphazardly. Black Cat didn't attend the class, so he doesn't understand it very well, but Rin is a top student and has learned relevant knowledge from textbooks.

Therefore, after taking Takeshi for a while, she began to search in a circle with Minato as the center to avoid the Sensei being unable to rescue them in time when the battle broke out.

However, there was one person in the team who, like Takeshi, was an out-and-out unlucky... After a while, a slight scream came from the distance.

"Ah! Help!!"

"It's Obito, Takeshi..." Rin immediately recognized the owner of the voice and quickly rushed to Obito's side to support him. She knew Takeshi was faster, so she let him go first.

Without any instructions, the little black cat had disappeared into the forest - Rin has Summoning jutsu , and she can use it to summon him back if she encounters danger, but Obito may have really encountered an enemy there.

On the way, he saw Kakashi. This fellow summoned Pakkun. The silly dog didn't run very fast in the forest. It wasn't long before Takeshi caught up with him, so... Kakashi sent Pakkun back and followed Takeshi directly.

Not long after, they saw Obito sitting on a tree, panting in fear, and lying on the ground was a man who looked like a Konoha Chunin stationed at the border of the Land of Fire.

He is... When Takeshi smelled the familiar smell, he suddenly stood there, worried and moving forward little by little.

Rin's father! "Meow~" Takeshi turned around and was about to go find Rin, but saw a flash of light, and Minato came back with Rin. "He's still alive, please help!"


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