
Naruto: Otaku's Knowledge

A dedicated doctor and fervent otaku finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into the bustling world of Naruto as a civilian. Armed with medical prowess and an encyclopedic knowledge of the anime, manga and other stuff. let's see what our MC is about yo show us. Warning : 1. The MC won't be op for a long time. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years (so if u want an op mc right from the word go, this one ain't for you) 2. No harem (probably no romance either) 3. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, orphan and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Genin. 4. MC is a careful person, he won't put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. What to expect : 1. Smart and consistent MC  2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating the plot to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs.  5. Plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). 6. It will be a very slight AU. To make make mc stronger Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters (except the original characters I create).The image used in the cover isn't mine and belongs to Nawaf - n4i if you want to remove drop a comment. PS : It's my first fanfic, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this fanfic progresses forward.

Akagami_Yami · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Water Style Jutsus & Early Graduation

Two months elapsed, and Yuto's appetite had him consuming an extensive meal. He could observe his belly, once swollen from eating, gradually returning to its normal state. The sensation made him think of being on steroids, amplifying his physique.

Considering the situation, Yuto pondered, 'Even though it's not the complete Seimei Kikan technique, this component holds value for recovery, healing, and disguise. I must invest more time into honing it, as the digestion process of 5 to 8 seconds needs acceleration—akin to Luffy's instant digestion. And I should assess if it can augment my chakra reserve.'

Following half a year's effort, Yuto managed to execute the Flickering Light Jutsu without the need for hand seals. For lightning manipulation, only a single hand seal remained necessary. His electric resistance training also made positive strides, enabling him to endure minor shocks. Among the D-rank jutsu, techniques like Burst and Current Transfer could be performed without hand seals. The lightning transformation took one seal, while the others demanded two hand seals for execution.

In the realm of kenjutsu, Yuto now wielded the First Form: Thunderclap and Flash with confidence. However, the Sixfold form remained constrained to a once-a-day utilization, demanding subsequent. He also tried to cut a stone like Tanjiro did which he found in the forest but could not cut it, so he made this a goal for the graduation exam.

Months of relentless physical training, rigorous meditation, and constant Ninjutsu practice propelled Yuto's chakra growth remarkably. His chakra capacity escalated by around 25%, allowing him the capacity to create two shadow clones if desired. However, both will barely have any chakra to do anything.

Diving into Fuinjutsu through shadow clone learning, Yuto mastered several foundational seals—Storage, Seal, Cool, Hard, Soft, Shock, and Wet. These seals incorporated elemental symbols, although the symbol count was significantly lower compared to storage seals, reflecting their rudimentary nature. Heat seals generated warmth within a room, while the Cool seal absorbed ambient heat to cool the environment. The Shock seal produced a mild electric shock, harmlessly manageable for Yuto. Hard seals hardened objects, while Soft seals softened them. The Wet seal harnessed atmospheric moisture, rendering surfaces damp upon application. All these seals required inscription onto a paper tag, followed by activation on a surface.

While elemental seals demanded aptitude in respective elements, Yuto could use these fundamental seals despite not mastering fire, water, or lightning attributes. It took him approximately four and a half months to acquaint himself with these seals.

The third year under Takashi's tutelage emphasized core ninja skills such as stealth, espionage, taijutsu, and the Three Body Technique.

Amid this passage of time, one week preceding the final exams, Takashi dropped significant news. Yuto mused, 'Although it isn't akin to war, the number of shinobi is lower than the tasks at hand. So they are trying to increase the number of shinobis who can graduate early.'

Takashi's announcement echoed, "If any of you wish to attempt the graduation exam, please inform me within the next three days."

By the day's conclusion, Takashi found himself regretting the timing of the announcement. He sighed, 'I should have shared this after our lectures. Everyone's attention seemed elsewhere today.'

After going home, Yuto thought hard about it. On analyzing, he concluded, 'There's still a lot more for me to learn. Right now my lightning jutsus, basic jutsus, shadow clones, body flicker, shuriken throwing and Taijutsu have progressed to the level that I'm satisfied with.

But I still have to learn water release jutsus. And also need to work on sword skills and Genjutsu. As for Fuinjutsu, though it has been coming along well, I still haven't started on the intermediate-level seals which are available in section D of the library. And there's also Rasengan still left to master.

As the Graduation exam drew near, a total of seven students decided to take on the challenge. Kito, Nobu, Teru, Akira, a civilian kid, and the representatives from the Aburame and clans all stepped up to attempt this graduation exam. Yuto couldn't help but notice a hint of disappointment in Genki's expression regarding his choice to forgo the Graduation exam. However, a sense of relief washed over Yuto as he observed that Takashi refrained from initiating any discussion about the matter, keeping their interactions undisturbed.

Set against the backdrop of the 3rd-year exam, the regular evaluations proceeded as expected. This time around, the examination featured a few additional components that were carefully tailored to align with the skills and techniques that Takashi had imparted over the year. He also added ninjutsu as it was crucial for graduating ninjas.

A week elapsed, the graduation exam was conducted. For the students in all the graduate classes and those who attempted early graduation, the exam was very similar to normal exams. Only, it was more comprehensive.

The main addition to the exam was a 50-point exam that provided students with various scenarios that they would face and asked what they would do in those scenarios.

In Taijutsu, Kito and Akira stood out, while Teru and Nobu exhibited average performance.

In Ninjutsu, Teru, Akira, and Nobu's mastery demonstrated their Genin calibre. They flawlessly executed the Three Body Techniques.

Once all the tests were done, the teachers carefully looked at how everyone did. In Yuto's class, only Teru, Akira, and Nobu showed they were good enough to become Genins. Teru, who was good at fighting without weapons, got the top position in their class.

In the group that was one year ahead, 11 students were able to graduate and become Genins. And in the senior group, a big number of 28 students were able to graduate as well.

But Yuto didn't know about all this. As the summer break started, he went right back to his tough Ninjutsu training. He was happy with how well he was doing with lightning techniques. He felt ready to start learning water techniques. So, he went to the library to find books that could help him get better at using water skills. After selecting the jutus he made a list:

E rank:

Underwater Breathing Technique

Water Release: Oil Clone

Water Release: Bubble

D rank:

Water Release: Bubble Beam

Water Shield Technique

Water Pellet

Water Release: Water Clone

Water Release: Water Shuriken

Water Puddle Technique

Water Sword

After making the list, Yuto began reading the scroll:

Underwater Breathing Technique: A fairly simple water manipulation jutsu, this technique provides the ability to breathe underwater for a maximum of 30 minutes. This ability doesn't require the use of hand seals.

Water Release: Oil clone: It creates a whole bunch of clones, which won't disappear like normal illusion clones when they're hit. The hit will only go right through them.

Water Release: Bubble: The user of this technique forces bubbles to form and form around the area of the user to block visibility. The height and width of this bubbly mess depends on how much chakra the user puts into the jutsu with a greater amount of chakra creating a larger area of effect. In addition, the dampness of the bubbles soaks into clothing for anyone who ventures into the area of effect and therefore may lead to damp clothing which limits manoeuvrability.

Water Release: Bubble Beam: The user will start with a few hand seals before being able to release a stream of bubbles from his mouth. These bubbles will shoot at good speed towards the target and will explode upon contact causing them to flinch. A skilled Suiton user can make the bursting of those bubbles rather painful.

Water Shield Technique: An average-sized shield that forms on the user's arm and can be used to receive most of the damage from another D-rank technique. The strength of the shield increases as the user's rank increases.

Water Pellet: It is a bullet that impacts the enemy at high speed and it is roughly about the size of a basketball.

Water Release: Water Clone: This is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin can interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out attacks on its target. Also, elemental clones can think, but only on a rudimentary level. When this clone disperses, it reverts into a splash of water.

Water Release: Water Shuriken: Through the use of water manipulation, the user can create multiple small shuriken comprised of water and launch them towards the target.

Water Puddle Technique: A technique that allows the user to fuse with water, even in water as shallow as a puddle. By doing so, the user can take advantage of their hidden presence and launch a surprise attack on their target. The user slips into the water at their base speed.

Water Sword: Creates a sharp sword made of solid water in the user's hand. As the user's control improves, he can manipulate the shape and size he/she wants the sword to have, from a tiny dagger to a massive decapitator sword. Academy Level: The sword can be up to the size of a wakizashi, and is fragile, breaking under the pressure of weapon strikes against it.

Genin Level: The sword can be up to the size of a katana, and is now as strong as a normal, metal blade.

Chuunin Level: The sword can be up to the size of a nodachi, and now cuts with the edge of a finely crafted blade. It can no longer be destroyed by any genin-level fire ninjutsu.

Jounin Level: The sword can be up to the size of a cleaver, and is now incredibly durable and lethal. Advanced Chuunin level fire Ninjutsu is required to harm the blade, and defensively the blade can disperse up to genin-level fire techniques.

After analyzing the jutsus, Yuto concluded, "These jutsu are useful though one significant problem is that lot of jutsu require a water source to carry out the jutsu.

Oil clone is what we saw during the Chunin arc it can be used to create an opening and I can mix it with a water clone I will have hundreds of thousands of clones to distract the opponents.

Bubble technique can help me mix it with Bubble Beam which has an AoE effect and can help me keep the enemy at bay.

Water puddle is also useful which was shown during Naruto during wave mission.

Water Sword is also pretty good but to use it I have to at least Genin level. It can also help me if my sword snaps during the battle'

The following day, Yuto returned to the academy. Takashi's cheerful demeanour indicated forthcoming news. He declared, "From our class, three students successfully passed the graduation exam and became Genins. As you all pursue ninja life, remember to focus on your weaknesses and strive for improvement." After announcing Takashi discussed the importance of "Will of Fire" in ninja life. Yuto mused, 'So, only three made it through. As for Nobu, he probably joined ANBU Root. A pity, though; may he have a longer life, just not crossing my path.'