
Naruto: Otaku's Knowledge

A dedicated doctor and fervent otaku finds himself unexpectedly transmigrated into the bustling world of Naruto as a civilian. Armed with medical prowess and an encyclopedic knowledge of the anime, manga and other stuff. let's see what our MC is about yo show us. Warning : 1. The MC won't be op for a long time. All his power would be gained via hard work and training over years (so if u want an op mc right from the word go, this one ain't for you) 2. No harem (probably no romance either) 3. The story will start slow. Quite a few of initial chapters will be around training, orphan and academy life, instead of directly becoming a Genin. 4. MC is a careful person, he won't put his life at risk unless there is no other choice. What to expect : 1. Smart and consistent MC  2. Lots of training 3. MC manipulating the plot to his advantage 4. A lot of original arcs.  5. Plot will mostly stay the same (at least till Shippuden), but I won't repeat any scenes/dialogues that took place in the manga (as I'm assuming you've already read it). 6. It will be a very slight AU. To make make mc stronger Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters (except the original characters I create).The image used in the cover isn't mine and belongs to Nawaf - n4i if you want to remove drop a comment. PS : It's my first fanfic, I'm hoping it turns out good. All reviews and constructive criticisms are welcome. Grammar and English should be fine, but I'm not sure how good the dialogues and scenarios will be. Hopefully I'll improve as this fanfic progresses forward.

Akagami_Yami · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Timeskip-Graduation Exam

Two years later, at the Ninja Academy in the Hidden Leaf Village:

Takashi grinned as he looked over the list of students eager to attempt early graduation. He couldn't help but think, "It seems they've gathered the courage to take the exam after last year's incident. Many who intended to graduate early ended up delaying due to that. Looks like Yuto is also giving the exam a shot."

Yuto sat down after finishing his meal and was amazed at how quickly he felt energized. He thought, "No matter how many times I've experienced it, the feeling of instant digestion is still magical. I can see why Luffy enjoys eating so much. Although, I'm still working on controlling all my muscles perfectly."

Yuto's POV:

As I prepare to embark on my ninja journey tomorrow, I can't help but wonder who my partner will be. Last year, I contemplated graduating, but the news of Akira Senju's death during a mission left me uneasy. Because of that, I chose to spend an extra year honing all of my techniques.

No matter how many times I reflect on it, Akira's death still feels strange. I can't shake the feeling that Danzo might have been involved somehow. Though if he was responsible, it would take time for him to eliminate a member of the Senju clan, unless he wants to raise suspicions among others. Yet, I find myself in a position where I'm powerless to act. I don't possess enough strength, and I certainly don't want to become a pawn in his experiments.

Let's take a moment to consider the skills I've acquired. The day after tomorrow, I'll be facing the test to become a full-fledged ninja. My goal is to secure a high rank, preferably the top spot. This will ensure I have skilled teammates and an experienced Jonin sensei. To achieve that, I need to excel in the test and secure the first position. I'm eager to find out who my partner will be.

To begin with, my physical prowess has seen significant improvement over these years. I've reached a point where I can comfortably train under a 50% gravity seal, effectively simulating the sensation of carrying a weight of 500 kg on each limb. This level of physical development mirrors what Lee demonstrated during the Chunin exams.

Moreover, my proficiency in taijutsu has experienced remarkable growth. I attribute this progress to engaging in battles with my shadow clones. These encounters have not only enhanced my combat instincts but also facilitated the refinement of my strategic thinking and various other combat-related skills.

I've made significant improvements to my Ninjutsu skills, particularly in lightning and water style techniques. For instance, I've enhanced jutsus like the Lightning Clone, Burst Technique, Current Transfer Technique, Lightning Transformation Technique, Lightning Release: Mark of Jolts, Lightning Release: Static Force, Lightning Release: Guiding Bolt, and Lightning Release: Thunderclaw. Previously, these jutsus required multiple hand seals to perform, but I've streamlined them to just one hand seal, just like Haku's did.

For more complex jutsus with higher ranks, there might still be some difficulty involved. It's worth noting that one-handed seal techniques are feasible for low rank jutsus, except for certain exceptions like the Rasengan, which is known for its no-seal requirement.

While the Library restricted access to C rank jutsus, So I searched my father's belongings and found a C rank jutsu Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang. I dedicated time to mastering this technique, and now I can activate it with just a single hand seal. On the other hand, my water style jutsus, which include Water Release: Oil Clone, Water Release: Bubble, Water Release: Bubble Beam, Water Shield Technique, Water Pellet, Water Clone, Water Release: Water Shuriken, Water Puddle Technique, and Water Sword, also require a single hand seal for activation. However, it's activation process is a bit slower compared to the lightning style jutsus because of using two hands instead of one.

Finally, I've reached a level of proficiency where I can perform the A rank technique Rasengan, albeit only twice due to the high chakra cost. This leaves me with enough chakra to execute 3-4 D rank jutsus in battles.

My skills in Kenjutsu have improved significantly. I can now cut through stone with a technique similar to Tanjiro's, although cutting through metal remains a challenge that I'm working towards. In the Thunder Breathing style, I've mastered several techniques, including the First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, which is swift and powerful, the Sixfold technique which performed five times, and the Eightfold technique that can be executed once during a day.

I've also developed a method of concentrated breathing through experimentation, similar to Tanjiro's Total Concentration Breathing. While I'm not yet at the stage where I can maintain this concentration constantly, I can use it while using techniques only. However, achieving that continuous level of concentration will likely take me a few more months of practice.

My Observation Haki has improved, extending its range to 2 kilometers. Regarding my chakra sensing ability, I've dropped it after it reached 100 meters while in passive state and 500 meters while concentrating though it might have increased during the training.

At first, Fuinjutsu seemed a bit dull, but as I progressed from basic seals to more intricate ones, it became fascinating. I mainly focused on defensive seals since I lacked solid self-protection methods. Opting to master Fuinjutsu rather than diving into learning Earth style was more manageable and advantageous, as practicing seals also enhanced my overall skills.

I learned various seals, each serving a specific purpose. The Chakra Draining Seal, for example, can gradually drain an opponent's chakra, although it takes time. The Sealing Art: Binding Chains is designed to bind Genin-level shinobi, immobilizing them. Another seal, the Sealing Art: Hindrance, disrupts an opponent's chakra flow.

I also practiced the Finger Engraving Seal, which requires precise chakra control to write on surfaces using my finger. This not only served as a training exercise but also used in writing messages and seals.

Lastly, I delved into the Enclosing Technique taught at the academy. This seal is employed to seal away weapons or even ninjutsu, as demonstrated by Kisame. I adapted this technique to store my single C-rank jutsu within paper tags, though these had a one-week time limit. Alternatively, I could store them in scrolls with a longer time limit of one month. While I might not be as adept as Tenten in using paper tags, they remain efficient and can catch enemies off guard.

Three days later, at the Ninja Academy:

After completing the written test, Yuto reflected, "The paper wasn't difficult; it felt like high school-level questions. It's quite astonishing to see kids this age tackling such questions. I'm confident about acing the written exams, but I must also excel in the practical test scheduled for tomorrow."

The following day, Takashi instructed the students to line up based on their roll numbers. Each student would then be called to demonstrate the three fundamental ninjutsu.

When Yuto's turn arrived, he entered the room to find Takashi seated with some papers in hand. Takashi instructed him to perform the required jutsus.

Yuto's began demonstrating by transforming into a classmate. He then skillfully created three identical clones of himself before cleverly substituting himself with a log. He intentionally used only two hand seals for each jutsu to avoid raising suspicion, especially when he faces his Jonin sensei. Impressed by Yuto's performance, Takashi remarked with a smile, "Yuto, your execution was exceptional. You not only flawlessly executed all the jutsu but also minimized the number of hand seals. Keep up the excellent work; your dedication will surely lead you to become a remarkable shinobi."

Grateful for the praise, Yuto responded, "Thank you, sensei! Your hard work and guidance have made learning so much easier for me." With those words, Yuto left the room.

Observing Yuto's departure, Takashi thought, 'Now, that's what I call a great student. He's not only humble but also composed and collected.'

The following day, the results were revealed: out of the 22 students who attempted early graduation, 15 successfully passed. Among them, Yuto secured the top rank in his class. All the students who qualified for graduation were gathered in a single room.

Observing the number of students present, Yuto thought to himself, 'Around 45 students have passed in total. There's still the Genin test ahead, and it's uncertain how many will succeed.'

A few minutes later, Takashi entered the room along with two other teachers. They announced, "We will now reveal the teams that will be placed under the guidance of a Jonin instructor. Please show respect during this announcement."

The teams were announced, and Yuto found himself in Team 3 along with Kazuya, Yuki Hyuga, and Kosuke Hatake. Their assigned Jonin sensei would be Takao Hatake. After the team announcements, the teachers departed, advising, "Your Jonin sensei will be with you shortly, so please remain seated."

Yuto pondered on his team's composition, realizing it was a mix of assault and search-and-destroy roles. Their team consisted mainly of close-range fighters, while Yuto's versatility allowed him to alternate between short and long-range combat due to his Ninjutsu skills. He appreciated the absence of any Uchiha clan members in his team, as tensions between the clan and the village were escalating, potentially leading to tragic events.

Yuto felt relieved that there were no Uchiha clan members in his team. The escalating tensions between the village and the Uchiha clan the Uchiha massacre is not far. Yuto was aware that he didn't possess the strength to prevent such a catastrophic event. Or if he were discovered by Danzo and subjected to Yamanaka's mind-reading abilities, the consequences could be disastrous, potentially making the world even more chaotic. Despite his limitations, Yuto carried a deep sense of responsibility, vowing to bear the guilt of those who might be lost and ensuring that the responsible individuals would face justice. With newfound determination, Yuto's eyes reflected his commitment to this cause.

After a few minutes, Takao entered the room and instructed, "Team 3, follow me to the training ground." Yuto and his teammates stood up and followed their sensei, Takao, towards the training grounds with a newfound determination in Yuto's eyes.

Sorry for the delay it took time to decide teammates and other stuff. And thanku for your comment and power stones. Enjoy reading!!!

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