
Chapter 2

Waking up the next day I felt refreshed. So all that wasn't a dream huh. Well I can only move on, looking through the memories of this body I am a bit disappointed.

I am an orphan, just left at the front door apparently. Well whoever left me at least gave me a name, I am now known as Aizen Kunaka. Not a bad name if I do say so myself, and I am 7 years old. Thank god I don't have to go through being a baby, seems my body was on auto pilot.

Because of this I showed little emotion and never spoke, the other children were weirded out by this which is why I'm here.

The matron placed me in this small room away from the others. Now that I have an understanding of my situation I can plan for the future. I should start the academy in a year but I don't want to be idle.

With that in mind I will practice chakra control and go to the hospital to find Tsunade and somehow convince her to train me. I need to learn a cloning jutsu and have it attend class while I study and better myself.

I was a doctor in my last life and I feel I could do some real good here. Besides, you do what makes you comfortable right? And there's no way in hell i'm throwing all that time and knowledge away. Before that I should try speaking with the old one inside me, I close my eyes and try to enter my mind.

I'm on a beach, the sky is cloudy with thunderstorms booming and the place is dark and somber. Like a battle of the gods is taking place in the clouds above, I can feel every bolt of thunder as it strikes, it shakes my very core with it's might. Before me is an endless ocean, the sand under my feet is black, littered all over the shore are bones of the dead.

What a depressing place, at that moment the waves begin to stir. From the ocean a colossal figure slowly rose, it was the most intimidating thing I've ever seen.

It was about the size of the other tailed beasts and had a humanoid body. From the neck down, it had a muscular physique with dark emerald green skin that looked slick like it was covered in a thin coating of mucus.

All over it's torso, arms, and tentacles there were cyan colored circles in varying sizes that glowed which stood out against his dark skin. From it's shoulder blades two pairs of scythe like appendages that reminds one of a preying mantis. There were ten long and thick tentacles that stay submerged under water.

On each of the huge tentacles there were razor like teeth along the edges that gave you the impression once you were wrapped up you would never escape intact.

His head was a different matter. It was literally an octopus but with a large amount of tentacles as a sort of beard. He had large eyes with black sclera and glowing cyan colored iris with rectangular pupils.

He was terrifying, his head made me think of the Lovecraftian monsters that I used to read about. The creature lowered it's head and I could see my reflection in it's eyes. What I saw surprised me, my eyes mirrored that of the creature.

This must be the idetsugan, I like the way it looks. "Master, you have finally awakened. I have waited for our meeting, what is your will?" His voice was deep and grating, each word he spoke made you feel your ribs were vibrating.

"I am pleased to meet you, do you have a name?" I asked the colossal creature. "I do not master, I would be honored if you would bestow this lowly one a name" he says.

After a minute of thinking I had a name, "I name you Karthos, now explain to me your power and how it can help me" I said. "I have heard and accept this name master. I have tremendous physical power with absolute control over water. Also I am highly poisonous and can generate any and all poisons.

I can lend you my chakra to use as you will, you would also share my control over the water but unfortunately this makes you unable to use the other elements. I am sorry master, my power had left no room for the other basic elements to take root.

As we are connected you are immune to genjutsu, though with your dojutsu it makes this negligible. When you have a certain level of mastery you will be able to summon my dark young.

They are weaker versions of myself, my children. The only way to summon them is to make an area into your domain. This area will be connected to this place and they will swim towards the surface awaiting your command."

Great, that's all I can say. I am a bit disappointed about not being able to use the other elements, but I just have to find a way to compensate for that. "Now tell me about my idetsugan" I commanded. "Your idetsugan functions similarly to a byakugan but without a blind spot.

It can differentiate chakra signatures, as long as it's active you cannot be snuck up on making you an excellent sensor. Finally, the only jutsu your eyes give you is an unbreakable genjutsu.

Once a target is caught they can never escape if you so desire. This also allows you to read the minds of others and communicate with them mentally. That is all master." Well I like what it can do, with this I would make a perfect medical nin/sensor.

"I will be leaving now but before I do tell me, can others detect you?" "No master, I am of the deep, I can completely extinguish my presence and even camouflage into any surrounding. If you wish I can give you this power making you untraceable, however this only works in the water."

Interesting , that's pretty neat. Only being useful in water is a bit annoying but I can make due. "What if it's raining?" I ask. "That would also work master." Sweet, I can make this work.

I leave my mind and have a huge smile on my face. Things are looking good. For the next week I spent my time doing chakra control exercises and going to the library to study what I could about the world. My chakra control is amazing, it seems so easy and requires little effort.

I have a slightly larger chakra pool than your average 7 year old but the older I get the bigger the capacity. I decided it was time to go to the hospital to meet Tsunade, I'm so excited. She is the personification of an excellent doctor.

I plan to have her take me as an apprentice and follow her during the war. I want to participate in the battles and make a name for myself.

Making my way to the hospital I speak to the receptionist. "Hello miss, would you mind directing me to lady Tsunade?" I ask and she looks at me with a smile. "Are you in any danger? Do you have an appointment? Lady Tsunade is a very important person and can't waist time for unnecessary things."

What an annoying lady, she really knew how to make you feel unimportant. "I have none of those things, however I still wish to speak with her. I will wait until she is available" I say to the unpleasant woman.

Taking a seat I pull out a book and begin reading, I notice the receptionist send someone to inform Tsunade of my presence.

I arrived early in the morning and it was already past noon with no sign of her. Maybe she is in surgery at the moment, I still remember when I would have to perform 10 hour operations, good times.

Many people looked my way wondering why some kid was here alone but I paid them no mind. The receptionist came towards me with a tray of food, "here eat this, it should hold you over until lady Tsunade is available".

I smiled and thanked her for her kindness, I guess she's not so bad. Well you know what they say about first impressions.

After eating the food it took another 2 hours until I heard a voice I only heard through a TV screen. "I heard you been waiting all day kid, what do you want with me?"

Before me stood Tsunade, one of the legendary sanin. Well she doesn't have that title yet but she will, she looks beautiful, and well, like a younger version than what was shown on the show. She had blonde hair and brown eyes, even at this age she had a huge chest.

I cleared my throat, "hello, my name is Aizen Kunaka, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

Bigbabycreators' thoughts