
Naruto: Night Owl

A person got transmigrated into the world of Ninjas. See how he just live in this world filled with threats left and right. But, he's a lazy guy. Find out how he will be doing by reading this. . Update schedule: 6 Chapter per week.

KotaroBokutoAce · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Volume I: Beginning Chapter 5: Graduation

It's been a year since I got reincarnated into this world. Many things have passed this year like Shikamaru started to talk single words, the rumours about Naruto have started to surface, I met Inoichi and Choza and their wives, plus their kids Ino and Choji, and to top it off Nara's taijutsu genius title has been bestowed on me by the teachers.

Well, thanks to that there has been one kidnapping attempt on me by the root ninjas, no doubt about it. But, uncle was able to fend off them, after that incident he gave me the shadow clone jutsu and told me to send it to the academy from now on as I had more chakra than an ordinary genin.

Thanks to that, now I don't go to the academy and roam around the streets of Konoha looking like a civilian and get some information from the merchants and the ninjas who are on off duty. 

Another thing is the rumours about the Uchiha controlling the Nine Tails a year ago. Thanks to that the villagers have started to fear Uchiha clan members and also the council of Hokage has been doing what they could to suppress Uchihas as much as possible. It hasn't reached the point of a coup, but I'm sure it will in the coming years.

Well, I'm still in a dilemma if I should save the Uchiha clan as a whole or just leave it to fate. 

Now, I'm on my way to the academy to take part in the graduation exam with Itachi. The teachers recommended both of us to take the exam as we were the best in the class. 

As I reached the academy I was met with Hana, Izumi and Itachi. Seeing me, Izumi and Hana said "Congratulations on becoming a genin."

Smiling at them I said, "But haven't graduated yet."

"That's not a problem. You will surely pass the exam just like Itachi." Izumi said. 

Nodding at her I said "Well then, thanks. I think it's time for the exam so we will be leaving." 

"All the best." Hana and Izumi wished us, so waving at them I dragged Itachi with me towards the exam hall. 

Reaching the exam hall, we saw two teachers. Smiling at them we went and sat down at the assigned seat. As we sat down one of the teachers said "Your exam is simple. There are three parts to your exam. 

Part 1 is a written exam, you will have two hours to complete it.

Part 2 is to perform the basis Ninjutsu and any C rank jutsu you know. 

Part 3 is sparring with one of us to determine your combat ability, you can use Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and Genjutsu. 

Alright, I hope that was clear. Now let's begin the first part of the exam."

Saying that he gave us a question paper with a blank sheet for answering. 

After half an hour both of us finished it with ease. Seeing this the teacher said, "Okay, with that finished let's do part 2 of the exam."

The first one to perform was me, so I did the three basic Ninjutsu and then did a D rank Genjutsu of Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique.

After coming out of the Genjutsu he looked at me and said "All right. Now we will have spar, first, one to give up or go out of the bounds will lose the spar got it?"


Then we did the seal of confrontation and started the fight. I didn't wait for him to react as I started attacking him aggressively and only used Taijutsu. A couple of seconds later the other teacher who was the referee said "Bokuto Nara wins!"

This is because my opponent was out of bounds while he tried to block my kicks and punches. After the match ended we did the seal of reconciliation and went to our respective seats.

After my exam was Itachi and he also cleared the graduation exam with flying colours. 

As we were done the teacher said "You're now genin of Konoha. Your genin team will be announced in two days. So take that time to rest."

"Yes sir." After that, we picked our forehead protector, and both of us took the same colour black. He wore it as a headband and I wore it on my left arm.

Taking that, we left the academy and waited for Izumi and Hana. After the academy ended we four went to the Dango shop to celebrate our graduation. 


In an office we can see an old man with skin lighter, his hair is grey, his face is gaunter, and he has the wrinkles and liver spots of old age, sitting in his chair while watching the graduation exam of Itachi and Bokuto through the crystal ball by using the jutsu named Telescope Technique.

As he was watching it, the door opened and a man who appeared as a frail, old man, was walking with a cane. He had black, shaggy hair, his right eye was bandaged and an x-shaped scar on his chin ever since his youth. He wore a white shirt, with a black or dark grey robe over the top of it covering from his feet, to just over his right shoulder. The robe conceals his right arm which was bandaged and covered with three large golden braces.

As the man who entered saw the old man sitting in his chair and watching the graduation exam he had a sour expression. Sensing the man who entered, the man watching the graduation exam said "Danzo, if you're here for the same reason as to why you came a month ago, you can return now, I won't allow it."

"And why are you hell-bent on not letting the Nara kid be in Root."

"We've been over this. He won't be joining as a member of Root after his graduation."

"And I'm asking you what secret does that kid hold, that is making you disagree with me?"

Sighing, Hiruzen looked away from the crystal ball and looked at Danzo and said "I'm not obliged to reveal every secret of mine, as I am the Hokage of Konoha village. Not you Danzo, you should remember that."

"Hmph." Snorting Danzo sat opposite Hiruzen and watched as Itachi and Bokuto passed the graduation exam with flying colours.

Seeing this Danzo said "Then I would like to recommend Itachi Uchiha into the Anbu squad after he became a chunin."

"I thought that you hated the Uchihas?"

"You won't allow me to get the Nara kid into the Root, and I'm sure that you won't allow me to take Itachi as a Root member, fearing I would harm him as he's an Uchiha. So the next best thing is to make him an Anbu member under your command."

"Mmmmm.... that's wise advice. I'll consider it. Also, for your information, after Bokuto becomes a chunin, he'll be given a choice to be appointed as an Anbu member under my command or to be a regular chunin who will become a Jonin after five years of service."

Danzo just raised an eyebrow at that and said "Very well."

After saying that Danzo left the place. As soon as he left Hiruzen thought to himself with a smile donning on his old wrinkly face 'I'm doing everything I can to stop him from getting in the hands of Danzo. You will have to repay it.'




<Chapter 5 End>