
NARUTO : Naruto Adopted by the Aburame clan

This idea has been on my mind for a while, so I thought, what the hay why not give it a try. The story starts after the Kyubi attack and Naruto's future is up for grabs. A couple clan heads have offered to take the child each for there own reasons, not very noble reasons, but nonetheless, Naruto was wanted. The Hokage, fearing the select clans only wanted to use him as a weapon, decides to take matters into his own hands, and places the boy within a family that he feels will not mold Naruto into what they wanted. And this sets the foundation for my new story. Hope you will enjoy. I'm going to try and put a lot of hard work in this story. (I don't Own Naruto!)

GoudaGenji · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: First day

"Naruto slow down, there is no point in rushing. Class will start at eight o'clock no matter how early we arrive." Shino stated in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry Shino it's just I can't help it. We've been training for this forever, and I'm excited about seeing Hinata again." Naruto replied loudly.

Shino raised his eyebrow "The Hyuga girl we met months ago." He questioned somewhat curiously.

"Yep that's the one" Naruto says happily.

"Why such an interest in seeing her again?" Shina says cutting in on the boys' conversation.

"Cause she's the only friend I have outside the clan." Naruto answered simply.

"Is that so, I thought it might have been for another reason."

"Another reason, like what?" Naruto questions with a puzzled look on his face.

"Nothing you need concern yourself with."

Naruto was about to press the matter further until he noticed the academy building in the distance. "Yes there it is" Naruto says while picking up his speed.

Shino simply shook his head and continued to walk at the same pace while Naruto sprinted ahead. A moment later Shina and Shino arrived at the academy building about a minute after Naruto.

When they got there they saw Naruto staring at a sheet of paper posted on the door.

"What exactly are you looking at Naruto?" Shina says while adjusting her shades.

"It's the class schedule, and it looks like me and Shino are in the same class." Naruto answered while still looking over the paper.

"And your friend?"

"Let me see" Naruto scanned over the paper with his index finger. "Hagane, Haruno, Hyuga ah here it is Hyuga Hinata room 402, yep she's in the same class as me and Shino!"

"Room 402 you say? Well then let's get going so that I may meet with your teacher." Shina advised.

Shino and Naruto nodded and followed their mother into the building. Once they arrived in the classroom they weren't surprised to see they were the only students present. Considering they were forty minutes early thanks to Naruto.

There were two men in the classroom talking to each other but turned around once they heard the door open.

"Ah looks like we have our first students" a man with tan skin and sporting a ponytail says warmly. "Hello my name is Iruka Umino and this here is my assistant Mizuki."

All three Aburame's give a slight bow my name is Shina Aburame, and these two are my sons."

"Naruto Aburame" Naruto says a bit more calmly then most would have expected.

"Shino Aburame" Shino says well exactly how you would expect him to say it.

Mizuki looked over his clipboard making sure they were in the right classroom. "Seems you two are a bit early" you're welcome to explore the facility until class starts."

Naruto looked to Shina for the okay, and she gave him a nod to signal her approval. "Come on let's go Shino" Naruto says barely able to control his excitement.

Shino would have preferred to just sit and wait in the classroom, but decided getting into an argument with Naruto wasn't worth it. So he subjected to following Naruto out of the room, leaving Shina to talk with there two teachers.

"So Aburame-san did you wish to speak with us about something." Iruka says the moment Naruto and Shino were out of site.

Shina removed her glasses and Iruka and Mizuki shrunk under her piercing gaze. "Yes I would I'm sure you two have recognized who Naruto is by now. And I would like to discuss some matters pertaining to him."

"Iruka and Mizuki simply nodded and listened to what Shina had to say.


Naruto and Shino were standing before a building directory, trying to decide where to go.

"So Naruto where should we visit first? The library, historical room, wildlife studies?" Shino says while eyeing the directory critically.

"No way we have all that at home." Naruto stated bluntly. "Let's go to the Ninja hall of fame, I want to see all the cool ninja that came from this school."

"Fine that could prove beneficial I suppose."

A few minutes later Naruto and Shino found themselves in a room full of hundreds of pictures and bios on various ninja.

Naruto realized he was quickly growing bored .looking at a bunch of pictures with Ninja that had graduated years ago wasn't as entertaining as he would have liked. He was about to suggest they leave until he spotted one that caught his eye.

"Hey Shino check this one out." Naruto says signaling for Shino to come have a look. "This guy right here graduated only five years ago it says."

Uchiha Itachi


Heir to the Uchiha clan

Born june 9th

Graduated at age eight

Highest rank ANBU captain

Uchiha Itachi since his first and only year during the academy revealed astounding talent. He was a well rounded student showing equal talent in Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu. His strategic, and weapons use also were far above normal.

"Quite a résumé" Shino says adjusting his glasses while staring at the picture.

"Yeah this guy looks like the real deal. I mean just look at how serious he looks. I feel sorry for any enemy ninja that has to fight with this guy."


Naruto then spotted another picture that caught his interest. "Whoa check this one out Shino, this guy kind of looks like me, it says."

Namikaze Minato (Deceased)


Head to the Namikaze clan

Born January 25th

Graduated at age twelve

Highest rank Kage

Namikaze Minato was one if not the most brilliant ninja to ever derive from the academy. He expelled formidable talent in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu but prevailed mostly in Ninjutsu. Minato's talent became obvious in his first year attending the Academy. Minato had been offered the opportunity to graduate his first year, but decided to stay and graduate at the traditional time.

Naruto nodded his head approvingly. "Kage so that means he was a Hokage?"

Shino quirked his eyebrow. "Do you really not know who that is? For that would be insulting to his memory."

Naruto put his hand to his chin and scrunched his face signifying his thinking face. He tried hard but kept drawing blanks. "Sorry but I have no idea who this is."

"It's the fourth Hokage" a rather lazy sounding voice says from the entrance.

Naruto and Shino both turn around and were greeted with the sight of two boys. One was holding a bag of chips in his hand while the other had his hands in his pockets with a look of boredom on his face.

"Wait a minute haven't I seen you guys before?" Naruto says while pointing an accusing finger at the two boys.

"Well nice to see you haven't completely forgotten us" the boy holding the bag of chips says.

"So I have seen you before, but I can't remember where."

"That's not very polite we recognized you two even with the trench coats on." The tired looking boy says.

"We've met them at Ichirau ramen stand" Shino interjected. "The day you were admitted into the hospital" he added.

"Oh yeah now I remember, you're that kid I had an eating contest with. What were your names again?"

"He's Shikamaru Nara, and that's Choji Akimichi." Shino answered for the two boys.

"Wow Shino I'm surprised you remembered their names."

Shino sighed. "That's because I make an effort to remember those who have introduced themselves to me. Why you ask for I will not hurt the feelings to whom that have called out to me."

"I guess I didn't think of it that way, hey uh Shikamaru Choji sorry about forgetting your names." Naruto says apologetically.

"It's no problem" Choji says through a mouth full of chips.

"This whole situations ah drag, but to more pressing matters like getting to class on time." Shikamaru says while pointing to a clock on the far wall.

"Seven minutes should be more then enough time to make it to class." Shino says while heading for the exit.

"Wait up Shino" Naruto says catching up with Shino

"Shikamaru we should probably just walk with them." Choji advised his lazy friend.

"Yeah since were all first year students our class is probably in the same direction as theirs anyway. Hey Naruto Shino wait up."

"So Shikamaru what class you and Choji in?" Naruto questioned.

"That paper at the entrance said room 402, so I guess that's it." Shikamaru replied dryly.

Naruto grinned. "That's awesome you Shino Choji and me are all in the same class."

Shikamaru let out a sigh "troublesome" he whispered.

Naruto quirked his eyebrow. "You say something Shikamaru?"

"Just that I hope our class isn't full of troublesome people."

"I guess you're about to find out right now cause there's the classroom up there."

The four boys enter the classroom and are greeted by numerous stares well more like Naruto and Shino. The students found it weird to see two kids dressed in trench coats with collars that reached practically too their noses. And the dark sunglasses they were sporting only added more to the students' curiosity.

"Hey uh Shino Naruto good you're on time why don't you and your friends go find a seat." Iruka says obviously nervous.

"Yeah sit anywhere you'd like" Mizuki says equally nervous as Iruka.

Naruto scanned over all the students, and noted a pink haired girl that looked kind of cute. But he dismissed the thought as soon as he spotted Hinata sitting in the top row starring at him with a blush on her face. And as luck would have it there were two empty seats next to her.

"Hey Shino Hinata's in the top row, let's go sit up there." Naruto whispered to Shino.

Shino simply nodded and followed Naruto to the top row. While Shikamaru and Choji sat in the second row next to each other.

"Hey Hinata long time no see, you remember Shino don't' you?" Naruto says while taking the seat to Hinata's left while Shino took the seat to her right.

"Y-yes I r-remember h-how have you t-two been?" Hinata asked softly.

"Pretty good, just did a whole bunch of training, what about you?"

"I'm fine mostly I just t-trained w-with f-father."

"Alright students' class has officially started, so I'd like all of you to silence the chatter." Iruka called out loudly to the class room.

All the students did what they were told.

"Thank you, now first off I would like to start by introducing myself. My name is Iruka Umino but you will call me Iruka-sensei is that understood."

"Yes Iruka-sensei" the students' spoke in unison.

"Very good now that you've met me I would like you to meet my assistant."

"Hello students my name is Mizuki but you are to call me Mizuki-sensei is that clear?"

"Yes Mizuki-sensei" all the students once again say.

"Ok I'll be taking roll call now, and when I call your name I would like you to say a little something about yourself." Iruka says while looking over his clipboard.

"First up Aburame Naruto."

Naruto stood up and every kid turned to face the trench coat wearing mystery. He spoke and a loud clear voice

"As you've already heard my name is Naruto Aburame. I come from the Aburame clan and we specialize in insect taming. As for a little about myself I like eating ramen, training, my clan and friends." Naruto says before sitting back in his seat.

"Very good Naruto, next is Aburame Shino. Shino stood up and gave his speech in a noticeably quitter voice then Naruto.

"You've already heard my name and Naruto explained our clan so there is no point in repeating those things. As for about myself I enjoy observing insects, training with my partners and spending time with my clan members."

Iruka nodded. "Alright thank you Shino and next we have." The roll call went on like this until each student had gone.

"Now that we've got that out of the way I would like to talk about how this class will work. First of all your ninja studies will span the time of four years. And yes Mizuki and I will remain your teachers for those four years. The class will be broken down into five parts written portion, Ninjutsu portion, Genjutsu portion, Taijutsu portion, and physical fitness portion."

"At the end of those four years you all will be required to take the gradation exam on those five subjects. If you pass you will be rewarded with a head band and will officially be known as a ninja of the hidden leaf village any questions?"

No one raised there hands.

"Perfect, now that all the formalities are out of the way I need to assess your skill levels. I'll take you out side in a minute to do so, but first I need to know if any of you already know any jutsu; raise your hand if you do."

Five students did so.

"Wow five this year, alright you five come down here to the front of the classroom." The five students proceed to the front of the class and lined up. "So we have Naruto, Shino, Hinata, Shikamaru, and Sasuke. How about you go first Shikamaru?"

"Man this is such a drag." Shikamaru says as he positions himself in front of Iruka. Shikamaru made a hand seal and shouted "Shadow possession Jutsu!" Shikamaru's shadow stretched until it connected with Iruka's. Iruka suddenly felt paralyzed he couldn't move his own body.

"So this is the Nara clans famous Shadow Paralysis Jutsu. Well done Shikamaru and thank you for the demonstration. But if it's not too much trouble you think you could release me now."

"Sure" Shikamaru then releases his hand sign ending his jutsu.

Iruka marked a few things on his clipboard then proceeded to the next student. "Ok Hinata you're up next."

Hinata timidly walked up in front of Iruka, and made a hand sign. "Byakugan!" She cried. The veins around Hinata's eyes became vividly clear to everyone giving her a rather bizarre appearance.

Each student seemed to have had a different reaction to what they had seen. There were cries of eww, cool, gross, whoa, and awesome." Though mostly were sounds or comments of disgust.

"Good job Hinata I take it you've been learning your family's style of Taijutsu."

"Y-yes I've been learning it since I a-activated my B-byakugan."

"Since there's no real safe way for me to gauge how proficient you are in the gentle fist art I'll just have to assume." Iruka says while jotting down a few things on his clipboard.

"You're up next Shino."

Shino took his place in front of Iruka and extended his arms in front of him. Shino's insects began to flood out of his sleeves and gather in front of him."

The students' reactions towards Shino's display were similar to Hinata's Byakugan reaction; except there were a lot more cries of eww!

A few seconds after Shino's insects had gathered into a shapeless mass they began to take form. Soon standing before the class was an exact clone of Shino."

"Wow Shino this insect clone of yours is flawless." Iruka noted approvingly.

Shino's reply was to disperse his insect clone and walk back to his spot in the line up.

"Thank you for the demonstration Shino. How about you go next Sasuke?"

"Hn I should warn you. It would be wise for me to do my demonstration out side." Sasuke replied coolly.

Iruka nodded. "That's not a problem, ok class follow me outside."

A few minutes later the entire class found themselves in one of the many training fields of the academy.

"Alright Sasuke you dragged us out here so show us what you can do." Mizuki says.

Sasuke walked a few yards ahead of the class and ran through some hand signs. "Fire style Great fireball Jutsu!" A giant fireball erupted from Sasuke's mouth dazzling the crowd.

What ever girl in the class that wasn't already attracted to Sasuke quickly jumped ship. Even Mizuki found himself more then impressed. The average Uchiha usually didn't learn that Jutsu until their fourth year during the academy."

Iruka was in a similar fix as Mizuki. He knew to expect great things from Sasuke considering who his brother was. But an eight year old mastering any fire Jutsu let alone one as powerful as the great fire ball Jutsu was anything short of genius."

"Excellent work Sasuke" Iruka says while marking his clipboard.

Sasuke smirked at the complement and proceeded to the sidelines to join the other students.

"Alright Naruto you're the last one, show me what you can do."

"Mizuki smirked as he watched Naruto walk towards Iruka. 'Okay nine tailed brat let's see what you're made of.' Mizuki thought while eyeing Naruto carefully.

Naruto cracked his knuckles as he headed for the clearing next to Iruka. He stood there for a moment then made a hand sign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" The clearing was instantly covered in what had to be about fifty blond haired clones of Naruto."

"Impressive Naruto I've never seen anyone make so many clones before." Iruka was about to mark something on his clipboard but stopped when something dawned on him. "Naruto did you say Shadow clones?"

Naruto could barely control the huge grin threatening to engulf his face.

"That's impossible" Mizuki cut in. "There are chunin who can't even use the Shadow Clone Jutsu let alone make fifty of them. Mizuki pulled out a kunai and whipped it at one of the Naruto clones to test his theory. To his greatest surprise the kunai impaled the clone and caused it to burst into smoke.

Mizuki was struck speechless, he had never heard of an eight year old mastering a Jutsu that required such a huge amount of chakra.

"I'm not done yet" the Naruto clones shouted in unison. They each extended there arms in a similar fashion as Shino and thousands of insects began to poor from the Naruto clones sleeves. Succeeding in completely grossing out the on lookers. The masses of insects then proceeded to transform into Naruto clones. A few seconds latter the training field was littered with twice as many Naruto's.

"Each student present then had to locate their jaws on the ground. They hadn't seen their parents do something like this let alone someone their on age.

Sasuke was inwardly fuming .He thought for sure he would be the best in his class. But this Aburame boy maybe equal or even stronger then he. 'I'm an Uchiha were supposed to be the best father won't accept nothing less then the best.'

Iruka took a moment to find his voice. "Well Naruto that was some show you put on for us. I can honestly say I wasn't expecting to find this many first years with so much talent."

"Thanks Iruka-sensei" Naruto says while dispersing all of his clones; then walking over to join Hinata and Shino with the other students.

"T-that was m-marvelous N-Naruto-kun." Hinata says meekly.

"Thanks Hinata I've been working on that move for awhile now I'm just glad I perfected it before school started."

"I thought mother told us, and when I say us I mean you no showboating." Shino scolded.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head bashfully. "I guess I kind of forgot, so that's why you only revealed one of your jutsu."

Shino nodded. "That is correct."

Iruka cleared his throat to gain the attention of all his students. "Alright class since were already outside we will be starting your skill assessment test. Follow me to the training course."

(Training Course)

Four minutes later the students were standing in front of what appeared to be some form of an obstacle course.

"Listen up everyone for me to gauge your skills I'll need you to complete this obstacle course. First you will sprint across the one hundred meter balance beam. Pick up the fifty pound anvil and carry it sixty yards to the one hundred foot rope climb. When you make it to the top there will be a quiz you must complete before you move on. Once you complete that you are to take the slide down into the pool and swim five laps. Once finished you're to solider craw through the ropes over there." Iruka says while pointing to each station on the obstacle course as he explained it.

"After that you're to climb up the one hundred and twenty foot cargo net, and then take the monkey bars to the next platform. Slide down the pole and sprint to the finish line. And that's it."

"Wait you can't honestly expect us to be able to complete this course where only first years." A random student asked.

"Of course not you're free to throw in the towel at any point. This is just how I will get a feel for your balance, speed, strength, intelligence, and endurance." I will have you go two at a time so I want you to form two lines."

Once the students had formed the lines Mizuki pulled out a stop watch. "Okay you two are you ready?" Mizuki asked.

The two students give a nervous nod.

"Alright then on your mark get set go!"

The two students both take off towards the balance beams and appear to be making good time. They both make it through the balance beam but found themselves in trouble when they got to the rope climb. One of the boys makes it to the top while the other suffered some painful rope burn from sliding back down. But it wasn't long before the other student had to give up on his second lap in the pool.

Next up in line were to girls one with pink hair and the other with blond they both managed to make it to the pool but gave up on there fourth lap.

The day went on like this with most kids either failing at the rope climb or swimming pool. A few brave souls managed to make it to the cargo net but that's as far as they got.

A boy by the name of Kiba Inuzuka stunned the class by making it to the monkey bars but had fallen into the safety net half way across them.

Hinata had managed to best every girl by making it to the cargo net but didn't have the endurance to make it to the top.

Shikamaru and Choji both threw in the towel before even attempting to climb the one hundred foot rope.

Shino had been the first to fully complete the course shocking not only the students but Iruka and Mizuki as well. There initial shock was only doubled when Sasuke and Naruto completed the course with astounding times. With Sasuke only thirteen seconds and Naruto eleven seconds short of the record time.

Sasuke was truly pissed after Naruto had completed the course and bested his time. He had accepted that Naruto knew a more advanced Jutsu. But he thought for sure he would be faster and stronger then Naruto, but was proven wrong during the obstacle course. There was only one thing left now and that was who the better fighter was.

"Alright class listen up I'm afraid that's all we have time for today. We will resume class the same time tomorrow get plenty of rest because I know your muscles will be aching tonight. But before I dismiss you does anyone have any questions?"

"Yeah how come you didn't test us on our fighting abilities?" Sasuke says in an irritated voice."

"I was saving that for tomorrow. I first needed to see your physical abilities before I placed you in your sparing groups. That way I won't pit anyone against an opponent that would completely outclass them." Iruka answered.

"Makes since I guess" Sasuke says before shooting Naruto a cynical smirk.

Naruto noticed the smirk, but decided it would be more Aburame like of him to simply not acknowledge it. So he adjusted his glasses and turned his back to Sasuke.

Sasuke was infuriated 'how dare he turn his back on me. You'll pay for this tomorrow Aburame' Sasuke thought to himself.