
NARUTO : Naruto Adopted by the Aburame clan

This idea has been on my mind for a while, so I thought, what the hay why not give it a try. The story starts after the Kyubi attack and Naruto's future is up for grabs. A couple clan heads have offered to take the child each for there own reasons, not very noble reasons, but nonetheless, Naruto was wanted. The Hokage, fearing the select clans only wanted to use him as a weapon, decides to take matters into his own hands, and places the boy within a family that he feels will not mold Naruto into what they wanted. And this sets the foundation for my new story. Hope you will enjoy. I'm going to try and put a lot of hard work in this story. (I don't Own Naruto!)

GoudaGenji · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Disrespect

"H-Hinata y-your eyes" Naruto stuttered out.

Hinata didn't even need to question him. She knew exactly what he was talking about. Her vision was completely different than a moment ago, every thing now appeared white. She also could see everything around her it was completely bizarre. Being a Hyuga she had known plenty about the Byakugan, how it worked what it was like, but experiencing it for herself was over whelming.

"Hey Hinata what's it like I mean how does everything look?" Naruto asked while staring at Hinata curiously.

Hinata focused her sight on Naruto and was shocked at how he now looked. Naruto now appeared transparent, she could see directly into his body. She marveled at the numerous blue cords running through him; also the thousands of insects in his body became vividly clear. "I-I can s-see everything around m-me, a-also I can s-see your insects a-and chakra s-system."

"Chakra system, were have I heard that before? Oh yeah doesn't your family's fighting style have something to do with the Chakra system?"

Hinata was about to answer Naruto's question but she was cut off by a stern voice.

Young boy what ever reason are you sitting on my daughters' bed?" Hiashi Hyuga says from the door.

Naruto and Hinata both whirl around to face the man.

Naruto hastily stood up from the bed. "Oh uh sorry I was just helping her out with something."

Hiashi was about to say more but stopped when he noticed Hinata's eyes "I see you have finally activated your Byakugan." Hiashi states more as an insult than a complement.

Hinata deactivated her Byakugan then lowered her head in shame; she had expected no hoped her father would be proud. "Y-yes f-father it h-happened just a m-moment ago."

Hiashi narrowed his eyes on his daughter. "Well it seems that you're not a complete failure after all." He states bluntly.

Naruto suddenly felt his muscles tense he didn't like the way Hiashi was speaking to Hinata. He thought it would be better to hold his tongue, but it wasn't in his nature to do so.

"Hey don't you think you could at least pretend to be proud of her?" Naruto challenged Hiashi.

"Quiet boy this matter dose not concern you." Hiashi countered.

Naruto glared at Hiashi. "The hell it does Hinata's a friend of mine, and no one treats my friends like that. I don't give a damn who they are and that includes you."

Hinata was speechless she couldn't thank Naruto enough for helping her activate her Byakugan. But now he was standing up to her father on her behalf.

Hiashi was also struck speechless, no one had ever spoken to him like this and he didn't like it. Hiashi's voice soon came back and he used it. "How dare you raise your voice to me you insolent little brat, do you have any idea who you are speaking too?"

Naruto shrugged. "I think I might have an idea. Hiashi Hyuga head of the world renowned Hyuga clan famed for there use of the Byakugan. Is that about right?" Naruto says in a sarcastic manner.

Hiashi narrowed his eye brows and sparked a little killer intent, causing Hinata to tremble, but Naruto held his ground. "If you know who I am then why aren't you showing me the proper respect I deserve?"

"I am showing you the proper respect you deserve and that's none." Naruto spat venomously.

Hiashi had had enough his Byakugan seemed to have activated on its own accord. "My patience grows thin, so I suggest you learn some manners and quickly." Hiashi says in an icy tone.

Naruto felt a bit nervous when he heard Hiashi's cold tone. But he started something and he was going to finish it. Naruto opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by a knock on the door.

Hiashi's and Naruto both looked to door and watched as Shibi, Shina, and Shino strolled in.

"Hello Naruto and….. Hiashi what reason do we owe this rather….. unexpected visit?" Shina says not trying to sound polite to Hiashi in the slightest.

"My business here concerns my daughter whom is vacating this room with your son. "

Shina simply raises an eye brow then shifts her hidden gaze to Hinata. She noted Naruto was standing strangely close to Hinata's bed, and now thought she knew the reason Hiashi's Byakugan was active. After a moment of just looking at Hinata she walked passed Hiashi towards Naruto and Hinata with Shino close behind.

Shina's vacancy allowed Shibi to walk over and stand next to Hiashi. Which Hiashi didn't like in the slightest he could hear the buzzing coming from Shibi and started to feel uneasy. Shibi turned his head slightly and adjusted his glasses to make it obvious he was staring at Hiashi. Hiashi heeded Shibi's silent threat and deactivated his Byakugan, and just stood there silently. Shibi now satisfied joined Shina and Shino to talk with Naruto.

Now Hiashi may have been the head of the Hyuga clan; but getting into a confrontation with an Aburame let alone the head Aburame wasn't a good idea. If not for the Hyuga out numbering the Aburame three to one there would be no question as to which clan was stronger.

"Hey mom, Dad, Shino nice of you to visit me." Naruto says thankful they arrived in time to end his battle with Hiashi.

"Yes and we come with good news, what good news you ask? A nurse has informed us you are healing faster than expected and should be ready to leave by this time tomorrow." Shino states dryly.

Naruto's face lit up. "Really that's awesome I can finally get back to training, and no more hospital food."

"We're glad you're pleased, now are you going to introduce us to your roommate? For that would be the polite thing to do." Shibi says sounding more like he read that from a book as opposed to real life experience.

"Oh yeah sorry, this is Hinata um Hinata these are my parents and brother."

"It's uh v-very nice to m-meet y-you" Hinata says even more nervous with her father watching.

"As we you" was Shina's simple reply.

Hiashi's eyebrow twitched he hated taking the back seat to anyone, and taking it to his own daughter is where he would draw the line. So he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Forgive me for intruding but I have other business to attend to. So if you do not mind I would like to have a word with my daughter in private."

Hinata's stomach lurched when she heard this; a private conversation with her father was bad news.

Shina stared at Hiashi making him feel even more unsettled. "We will retire to the hallway but Naruto stays. For it would be against hospital rules for him to leave his room without consent from a nurse or doctor. Naruto staying won't be a problem will it?"

Hiashi was fuming on the inside he had had enough with the disrespect these Aburame's were showing him. "Yes it would be a problem; I have matters to discuss that can not be heard in mixed company."

Shina adjusted her glasses. "That's unfortunate, but I will not have my son break the rules."

Hiashi narrowed his eyebrows. "Fine it matters not, Hinata we will discuss this when you're released tomorrow." After that Hiashi stormed out of the room.

"Good riddance" Naruto whispers under his breath, but Hinata managed to hear it.

"I'm s-sorry for t-the w-way my f-father t-treated you N-Naruto-kun."

Shina raised her eyebrow when she heard Hinata attach kun to Naruto's name, but didn't bother to question it.

"Hey you don't have to apologize for what your father did."

"Oh s-sorry."

"Naruto, I'm afraid our visit must come to an end. I've been assigned another mission and need to prepare for it." Shibi interjected.

Naruto nodded his understanding. "What about you mom, Shino?"

"I apologize Naruto, but today is physical training day. I think I was generous enough to allow Shino a brief visit."

"Aw man physical training day and I gotta miss it, you're so lucky Shino." Naruto pouted.

"I think that's a matter of opinions" Shino says bitterly.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Shino. But feeling bitter about it won't make the training any easier."

"Yes I suppose you're right, fair well Naruto and nice meeting you Hinata."

"Uh n-nice m-meeting you too, I m-mean a-all of y-you."

"It was a pleasure meeting you Hinata, and I'll see you tomorrow Naruto." Shina says with a small smile.

"Good bye miss Hyuga, Naruto" was Shibi's short reply.

"See yah later and mom how about we have another physical training session the day after tomorrow." Naruto questioned with a hopeful expression.

"I'll think about it." Shina answered simply.

Shino was mentally cursing Naruto for bringing up such a horrific idea.

"And Shino I'll do double the training to make it fair." Naruto added.

"I'll hold you to that" Shino says as he walks out the door Shibi and Shina close behind.

"Man I can't wait for physical training" Naruto says with a huge grin.

"N-Naruto-kun what's p-physical t-training day?" Hinata asked curiously.

"It's when we devote an entire day to physical workouts. We start the day off with a ten mile run, then we cool down with a mile and a half worth of swimming. After that there's hand walking for five hundred yards. Then for five hours we do push ups, sit ups, squats, high knees, jumping jacks, pull ups, pelvic lifts, dead lifts, lats, leg raises I could go on. Then we rest for an hour, and once that hour is up we sprint for a full mile. Then to wrap that all up we finish the day sparing with each other with weights on. I know it must sound like a lot, but it's really fun."

"A-and y-you p-plan to do d-double that?" Hinata asked obviously astounded with the work load.

Naruto nodded. "Yeah it's going to be tough but I think I can do it. Hey maybe you can join us."

Hinata started pressing her fingers together. "Well uh you see I d-don't know if f-father would a-approve."

"Yeah I didn't think of that, well just forget I asked."

"I'm really sorry, I w-would have l-liked to t-train w-with you." Hinata added softly.

"Well maybe we can train together when we join the academy. You are joining the academy right?" Naruto questioned with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Y-yes I originally wasn't s-suppose, to b-but f-father thought it w-would b-benefit me m-more t-to enroll there."

"Well what ever reason I'm glad you're joining, who knows maybe we will get put in the same class?"

"I w-would like t-that."

"Yeah me too."

After that the two just made small talk. They talked about their clans, training, other clans, jutsu's, famous ninja, pretty much anything that popped into their heads. Their remaining time in the hospital was spent like this until they finally had to part ways the next day.

Naruto was surprised to find he was sad when Hiashi had shown up to retrieve Hinata. He knew he would be seeing her in a few months when the academy started but months sounded to long for his liking. Hinata had become a good friend to Naruto in such a short amount of time and it irked him to know he wouldn't see her for months.

Unbeknown to Naruto Hinata felt the same way if not even more so then Naruto. Naruto had become her first real friend; and was the only one besides her deceased mother who didn't think she was a failure.

Once Hinata had gone Naruto impatiently waited to be released. About three hours after Hinata had left a nurse showed up to give Naruto the ok to leave.

Naruto was greeted by Shino on his way out. "Yo Shino, so where's mother I thought for sure she would have come to take me home."

"Mother is out on a mission, so I came to escort you home." Shino replied.

"Escort me; you make me sound like a little kid." Naruto grumbled indignantly.

Shino just ignored Naruto's statement, and continued to walk.

"So uh Shino how'd the training go yesterday?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." Shino says resisting the urge to rub his soar muscles.

"Haha sounds like mother must have worked you pretty hard."

"That would be an understatement." Shino replied some what irritated.

"Yeah I bet it wasn't as nearly as bad as the hospital food I had to eat. Speaking of which I'm starving what do you say we get some ramen?"

Shino simply looked at his brother dumbfounded. "Naruto haven't you learned anything from this experience?"

Naruto shrugged. "Yeah I hate hospital food!"

Shino just sighed, and followed the now sprinting Naruto to the ramen stand.