
Naruto: My Harem Academia

This fanfic takes place in My Hero Academia world where Naruto is Transmigrated into and he finds there are two types of people Hero and Villain. But every system is corrupted and this was no different, since any person with powers wanted to be a Hero, not for being the right thing, but for fame, money, recognition, a true hero never expected anything in return, he only did what he believed correct, everything was wrong, children from a young age only want to be like the heroes they admire, only to change in the future and see for their own goals. So what will Naruto do here, will he change the society itself but to do that he has to choose his path and that leads him to two choices.... Villain or hero or will he create a path of his own ? Warning:- Those who are light hearted person please do not read this as there will be dark scenes in the fanfic so please better be prepared before reading the work. UPDATE TIME will be half an hour after server reset. Update schedule will be 1 day per Chapter and there will be bonus chapter as well but they will be according to the Goal. #Goal 300 PS( POWER STONE): 1 BONUS CHAPTER 600 PS : 2 BONUS CHAPTER 1000 PS : 4 BONUS CHAPTER ALSO Advance Chapters will be uploaded on PATREON account so if you want to read them then support me on Patreon. PATREON:- https://www.patreon.com/Skythe Disclaimer:- This is a TL work done by me.

Skythe · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
125 Chs


Growling at the shinobi's words, the girl raised her right arm to attack again, only for her arm to be caught by Naruto's iron grip. In a burst of speed, he was next to her. He narrowed his eyes and attempted to encase his opponent's arm with a layer of ice, but he effortlessly shattered it. Before she could attempt to use her powers again, a powerful blow struck her in the stomach, causing her to gasp for breath and fall to her knees.

"So much wasted potential... you have the chance to be the best, but you refuse to take it..." Naruto remained stoic as he watched the girl kneeling before him. She continued to tremble, and it seemed that she might lose consciousness at any moment from overexerting her quirk. "You have the possibility to warm up your body with your left side and put up a little more fight..."

"No..." Naruto raised an eyebrow at the interruption of the red and white-haired teenager who slowly stood up. "I won't use that... I won't use it." She raised her right arm, preparing to attack again, but nothing came out.

"I thought you were smart. You're at your limit. If you continue straining your body at these low temperatures to create ice, it will only make you faint. And if you're not attended to... well, I'll leave flowers on your grave." Naruto crossed his arms, his boredom evident. "I made a promise to a friend, so give up now, and you can walk or be carried out on a stretcher. You decide." Naruto's response was met with the teenager's fist striking his face, but this weak blow didn't even move him.

In the stands, a serious Midoriya rubbed his chin while watching how his 'Sensei' didn't even dodge Todoroki's blows. "It's useless. The strength of a normal person can't affect him. It's like hitting a bank safe with a piece of wood." Several students listened with concern to the class nerd's words and saw Todoroki's futile attempts to hit the shinobi, having to agree with him.

"Midoriya-san is right," Momo spoke up this time, her gaze filled with concern for the ongoing fight. "Naruto-san possesses a strength and resistance that could be considered superhuman. It must be due to his peculiar power. Physics-wise, this factor sets him apart from others. We've witnessed how only extremely powerful attacks affect him, ones that would kill a regular person. The cannonball shot at him, Bakugo-san's explosions, the Nomu's blows – these extreme attacks are the only ones that affect him, and it's uncertain whether you can defeat him." Momo's explanation left many students contemplating this newfound information.

"Is there any way to beat him?" inquired the blonde teenager with a tail, seated behind Izuku, who shook his head.

"Long-distance attacks would be difficult to land because we know Naruto's speed is unmatched. I even doubt that firearms would work. Medium-distance attacks like Todoroki's have also proven ineffective. And when it comes to melee body attacks... perhaps only All Might could contend with Naruto in that aspect. Even with his skill in bladed weapons, we know he's a natural swordsman," Deku stated confidently as he recorded the information from his 'Sensei' in his notebook.

"In short, none of them stand a chance," Yaoyorozu concluded, aware that Naruto was on a whole different level. This transcended Quirks, and even if Naruto didn't have his physical prowess and quirks, his combat abilities were seemingly insurmountable. Yet, a more distressing question nagged at the back of her mind as she gazed at the blonde. "Is that what draws the attention of professional heroes and authorities? The fear of your capabilities... so much power and yet, how isolated you must feel... Naruto-kun?" She pondered this silently, her eyes filled with empathy for Naruto's plight.

Returning to the battlefield, we saw Naruto didn't bother to evade Todoroki's strikes. Todoroki could no longer use his right side; his arm was nearly frozen. "That's enough," Naruto grabbed the girl's left fist, squeezing it before flinging her forcefully to the side. The red-and-white-haired girl tumbled and reached the edge of the platform. She struggled to her feet.

"…" Clenching her fists, Shiori felt her father's gaze from the stands. She turned to find Endeavor on the second level of the stadium, arms crossed. She felt powerless. Was her father right?

"If I had given up…" Shiori's eyes widened in surprise as she saw Naruto slowly approaching her. "You can't win. And it's not just because I'm physically stronger. It's because you're giving up. Yaoyorozu and Midoriya put their all into their battles, but you're refusing to. All because of the hatred you harbor for your father."

"Shut up…" Clenching her fists, Shiori adopted a more somber expression, but it didn't affect the shinobi in the slightest.

"And you're supposed to be a heroine? How can you be one if you hate a part of yourself? Whether you like it or not, girl, that left side is now a part of you. Your inability to embrace a power that is yours now merely reflects how insignificant, weak, and pitiful you are." Naruto's harsh words prompted the audience to shout against him once more, but neither of the two teenagers paid any heed to the commotion.

[ If you want to read advance Chapters then go to Pat reon. I have already uploaded till chapter 80 there.

PAT REON I'D:- Skythe ]