

"I wish you luck, Midoriya-san," the dark-haired teenager offered her best wishes to the green-haired boy as she settled beside Uraraka and the other girls to watch the fight. Returning to the arena, we saw Deku begin to flex his arms and legs. Several onlookers were puzzled when the shinobi remained standing, seemingly waiting for his opponent to finish warming up.

Once Deku completed his warm-up routine, he jumped slightly and took a deep breath. "I know better than anyone that in this tournament, no one can beat you..." This statement caused some discomfort, particularly to Shiori and Katsuki. Nevertheless, the green-haired boy wore a defiant smile. "Even though my hands are shaking, as are my legs, and I'm afraid of losing this match... I can't help but feel excited." After one final deep breath, Midoriya bent his knees and brought his arms to his sides, clenching his fists.

"I hope you'll give me some fun, Midoriya. Don't disappoint me," were Naruto's deep words as he crossed his arms and lazily observed his opponent, who responded with an even broader smile.

"No lo are… Sensei."

"Sensei?!" Disbelief rang out from several quarters, most notably from Class-A students, and even All Might himself was astonished at his successor's words.

"Midoriya's gone to the dark side!" Mineta's panicked cry was overly dramatic, reflecting his anxiety about having another person like Uzumaki in the same class.

"Deku-kun, this is no time for jokes!" Uraraka's voice joined the chorus of incredulity, along with Iida, who couldn't fathom what he was hearing.

"Young Midoriya, what are you saying?!" Toshinori's question came from his seat in the box with other professional heroes, who remained skeptical about Midoriya's statement.

"Did you hear that?! Contestant Midoriya just called contestant Uzumaki Sensei! I didn't expect this!" Present Mic's comment was met with murmurs from the spectators who frowned upon the idea of a boy like Midoriya being a student of the ruthless shinobi.

"I've already told you not to call me that," Naruto sighed, tired of the whispers and shouts from the crowd. He turned his attention back to the green-haired boy. "I merely offered some advice, a basic guide for a basic fighting style, and, of course, some bruises and other blows. It was just a way to pass the time. It has no importance to me..."

"But it does to me," Midoriya interjected, never losing his smile. "I would be lying if I said you weren't one of the first people to try to train me, if not the very first... I want to prove that you didn't waste your time helping me!" With that final proclamation, something extraordinary occurred. All Might's heart leaped to his throat as green rays began to emanate from the freckled teenager, who experienced a slight increase in muscle mass. As he stamped his foot hard, the ground beneath him cracked.

"…" Naruto raised an eyebrow as he observed the boy give a cry of effort, causing the lightning around him to stabilize, and his skin gained a faint glow.

"5%!" With that shout, Deku was prepared to face his opponent, who still stood with his arms crossed. A smile crossed the boy's face as he reminisced about how he reached this state.


It had been only a few hours since Izuku had crossed paths with Uzumaki on the beach after training. Due to the green-haired teenager's persistence, the shinobi had offered advice and even agreed to train him. Now they found themselves in a forested area near the city.

"This place will do," Naruto commented, being the first to stop and looking around curiously. It appeared to be a suitable location with sturdy, towering trees. He turned his attention to the somewhat nervous green-haired boy who was uncertain about being here. "Don't worry, Midoriya. If I had intended to harm you, I would have done it far from town," he remarked with a touch of humor, though his analytical expression betrayed his true intent.

"No, it's not that! It's just..." Izuku began, scratching his cheek in hesitation, "How are you going to help me with my issue?" This time, he adopted a more serious tone, determined not to let this unique opportunity pass by. Having someone like Uzumaki Naruto offer to help him was an incredible chance to address his perpetual shyness and insecurity.

"I have an idea," Naruto replied, adopting a meditative posture as he sat on the grass. The green-haired boy mimicked his posture, sitting a few meters away. "But first, I want to ask you a question: why do you seek power? What's your goal?" The shinobi's direct gaze caught Izuku off guard; he wasn't expecting such questions.

"I... I want to be a hero," Izuku began, lowering his gaze to look at his clenched fists. Unbeknownst to him, Naruto's expression shifted to one of disappointment, as if he had anticipated a different answer. However, Midoriya continued with unwavering determination. "I want to save people, defend the weak, and I... I want to save them all with a smile." The teenager spoke resolutely, showing no signs of doubt.

"What if you can't save them all?" Naruto's question cast a somber pall over the atmosphere. The Uzumaki's expression grew graver as he continued, "You have a long journey ahead, and that path will be strewn with corpses—people you couldn't save. Can you bear that? Failing again and again, losing friends, losing family?" Each word illuminated Midoriya's doubts and fears, revealing the harsh realities he might face. "You will have enemies who not only seek to harm you physically; they're after something deeper, something that will never cease to hurt."

"Oka-chan…" was all that escaped Deku's quivering lips.

"Yes... When you chose to enter this world of heroes and villains, you exposed not only yourself but also the people you love," Naruto sighed, giving the boy a few minutes to process everything. He wasn't surprised when Deku stood up.

"This was a mistake; I have to go," Deku's fear was palpable. What if the villain who attacked them at the rescue station was after his mother? There were records, and maybe they could find the names of the students, potentially endangering their relatives. He was on the verge of a panic attack.

But before he could leave, the shinobi spoke once more.

"I can unlock your potential beyond your imagination; you could even surpass All Might. However, you must reconsider your ideals, child, or it will all be in vain. The choice is yours." The cards were on the table, awaiting Izuku's decision. Training under the Uzumaki's guidance could lead to incredible power, but it meant altering his deeply held beliefs. Alternatively, he could remain at UA, risking stagnation.

"I…" Frowning, Deku glanced at his clenched fists and then at the blue-eyed blonde. "You said that one's values and ideals define them…" Gritting his teeth, determination shone brightly in his eyes, confronting the Uzumaki's cold gaze as he continued, "If I have to change who I am for your training and strength, I'd rather stay true to myself and grow in my own way!" He declared without hesitation and with unwavering determination. A brief silence hung between the two boys, who locked eyes defiantly. "Becoming a hero... that's my dream," he concluded, turning to walk away from Naruto, who remained seated.

"Becoming Hokage is my dream..."

"…" Naruto smiled weakly as he rose to his feet. "You've got guts, kid, I'll give you that." Midoriya halted, looking back at the shinobi. Naruto approached his side and continued, "I hope you won't disappoint me. Tomorrow, 4 AM, right here. Don't eat breakfast, or you might end up vomiting," he advised before walking away from Izuku, who blinked in confusion at the unusual instruction. However, snapping out of his surprise, he nodded enthusiastically.

"No, I won't let you down! And thank you for this opportunity!" Deku shouted with gratitude as he watched the shinobi departing.

"You won't be thanking me tomorrow..."

End of flashback

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