
Naruto : Mizuki Reborn

Scientist reborn as Mizuki. A genius mind takes the potential of the first villain to it's limits. Anit-hero mc Image is not mine, if it's yours and want me to take it down, let me know. I do not own Naruto, or any of the related characters. Naruto is created by and owned by their respective owners. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of Naruto belong to it's owner.

ImagineMaker · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Restaurant is war

" Sorry to keep you waiting..! "

Lumi bowed as she apologized to Mizuki.

Closing the scroll in his hand with a twist, Mizuki looked up from his seat in the waiting area, still wearing a pleasant smile on his face.

" No problem, I was just familiarising myself with the updated information, they really added stuff since I last saw something like this "

Giving a smile of her own luna asked cheerfully

" Last? I haven't seen Mizuki san around here, I didn't work here for long but I had visited the place often in hopes of seeing Tsunade sama sometime "

Lumi was putting her tongue out, as she cutely said

" I had always looked forward to being as good a kunoichi as Tsunade sama, but I wasn't talented.. "

Flashing a plan worked successfully look she continued

" I figured if I can't be a medical Ninja, working here was the next best thing! So I signed up and got the job! At least in this way I have a chance of meeting Tsunade sama sometime. Hehehe "

She laughed in a merry way, Mizuki would truly have been fooled and would have considered her a shy yet energetic girl if he didn't have knowledge on how the internal quotas of such jobs worked, one doesn't simply apply for it and get the opportunity and wanting to ' Meet Tsunade ' is a terrible reason to be hired, after all everyone wants to meet Tsunade, for one reason or the other.

Either way Mizuki decided to go along with it, they both wanted something from the other, he wanted her to be the breakthrough opportunity for higher ups to him, someone who he accidentally slipped information to, while she most likely had reasons of her own, she had accepted the date far too quickly, likely she needed to make sure he isn't up to something suspicious, after all, information this detailed isn't something a regular Ninja bothers himself with, only someone truly trying to be a medical Ninja would bother to pay attention to such details, Ninja's energy is after all limited. And he clearly didn't fall into aspiring medical ninja category.

After all if someone had time to go through all this data, they might as well learn a new technique or two and get promoted to higher ranks faster, security comes first, then extra unneeded knowledge.

He smiled and kept talking to the over energetic girl as they made their way to the barbecue restaurant, all the while Mizuki was making sure he didn't end up losing more than he was prepared to.

' After all, I am likely dealing with a seasoned Kunoichi here, one slip up is all it'll take for her to notice loopholes, I have to be careful, this is war, a psychological one, I can't afford to lose it '

Mizuki Let go a mental sigh as he got prepared and calmed himself down for the upcoming 'date'

' How nice would it be if this was an actual date instead of a battle of wits.. at least I would get to relax for a while longer, hah, not like thinking she's actually interested in me or this truly is a simple date will get me anything but a ticket straight to pureland '

Mizuki finished his pondering as he stopped stopped infront of their destination

" Yakiniku Q, we are here. "

Said Mizuki as Lumi gave a shy smile. Holding her hand Mizuki started to lead her in.

" Let's go! "

Lumi followed behind with a shy yet happy smile.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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