
Naruto : Mizuki Reborn

Scientist reborn as Mizuki. A genius mind takes the potential of the first villain to it's limits. Anit-hero mc Image is not mine, if it's yours and want me to take it down, let me know. I do not own Naruto, or any of the related characters. Naruto is created by and owned by their respective owners. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of Naruto belong to it's owner.

ImagineMaker · Anime & Comics
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100 Chs

Medical sheets

" How can I help you! "

Mizuki wasn't taken aback by a greeting this good from the girl at the reception, infact he expected it, getting a safe job like this was a blessing, you cannot not be happy

" I would like a copy of medical scrolls please, the latest sets "

The girl in question took a look at Mizuki, out of instinct she checked his arms and torso out.

' Muscular.. '

She quickly shook her head internally and apologized at a moment's notice, she messed up, he was a Ninja, he was sure to notice.

" S-Sorry I- I was just wondering if you were hurt, since you know.. Generally young Ninja's like you don't come for these scrolls, unless they are heavily injured but still decide to contribute to their team in other ways, of course! I am not saying you are weak or should be hurt! I just.. "

Realising she was rambling on, she once again made a full bow instead

" I am so sorry! "

Mizuki chuckled which changed into full blown laughter causing a few eyes to dart towards them.

' So embarrassing! '

The receptionist blushed with shame, as she faced the now smiling man she heard something she didn't think she was ready for

" You are cute "

Don't say that with a straight face! She almost yelled out loud, she blushed yet again, but this time it was for another reason

" S-Sir please don't tease me like that.. It's too embarrassing "

The girl said while she pretended to be upset.

' She wears her emotions on her face, either an excellent kunoichi, a master of deception, or a horrible one transferred to desk job due to her family connections.. '

Donning pleasant smile, Mizuki tilted his head forward ever so slightly and said in a hushed tone, it was a psychological trick to provide a sense of immersion and secrecy.

" Your name.. Miss? "

' Close.. he looks so.. handsome '

" My.. my name's Lumi.. no last name.. "

Flashing a bright smile Mizuki gave his own

" My name's Mizuki! Nice to meet you! Say, after your shift's over, how about we get something to eat? Treat's on me! "

While the girl was a blushing mess, Mizuki's thoughts ran quick

' No last name? Heh, hiding in plain sight of an orphan? In such a case getting a job this simple shouldn't be practically possible for her, not unless she had a friend in higher place ready to help her, and that would be helping her while putting a family member of their's in danger, these jobs are scarce in quantity after all, few friends would choose the friend over a family member.. unless she herself becomes family of the friend, if it was adoption, she would have a last name, if it was a set marriage, she wouldn't be coming on to me in public like that.. which leaves me with one option. '

" I-I.. I will be glad... "

A shy smile topped with a I am looking forward to it appearance, that's what Mizuki would describe the current Lumi as.

' A spy.. anbu or root? Matters not , either way she's going to be one more 'breakthrough' point to me for the higher ups.. sigh the things I do to simply stay alive.. '